View Full Version : You Won't Believe This: Obama actually signs bill with pro-gun provisions

Doc Safari
12-01-15, 09:53

The most significant of those provisions requires the secretary of defense establish a process to allow service members to carry firearms at military bases, reserve centers, and recruiting centers.

The act also prohibits the Environmental Protection Agency from banning lead-based ammunition under the Toxic Substances Control Act. The NRA praised the prohibition and said it would ensure “our military, hunters and sportsmen will have access to traditional ammunition at a reasonable cost.

It also expands the U.S. Army’s ability to sell its surplus firearms. The Army had been limited in which firearms they were allowed to sell to the public, which created a backlog of hundreds of thousands of M1911 pistols that were no longer in use but could not be destroyed under federal law. The resulting stockpile costs the Army an estimated $200,000 per year to maintain in storage. Under the law, the M1911 pistols may soon be auctioned off by the Civilian Marksmanship Program which uses the revenues from auctions of surplus military arms to fund its training initiatives.

I must have woke up in a parallel universe this morning.

12-01-15, 09:58
I'm sure there's a catch.

12-01-15, 10:16
I'm sure there's a catch.

That is what I was thinking.
If we got that, what do we have to give up ?

12-01-15, 10:23
SO you can now buy lead ammo in commifornia again?

Dist. Expert 26
12-01-15, 11:03
I'd be willing to bet he has absolutely no idea those provisions were in the bill, but who cares. We need to tack on pro-gun provisions to every piece of legislation we can, especially those dealing with leftist agendas (welfare, healthcare, etc). Maybe sneak a provision repealing the NFA into the next Medicare bill...

12-01-15, 12:08
I read somewhere the CMP was getting like 100,000 1911s. GI 1911s.

There must be some catch.

12-01-15, 13:39
The lube before the ramrod?

Wouldn't it be nice if Obama would simply go quietly into the night for 2016? Or will it only appear so as he laterals the ball to his SCOTUS?

Not going to turn it down but it sounds like political malware... too good to not have something hidden attached.

Doc Safari
12-01-15, 13:40
I think he just didn't read the bill. Probably would have interrupted his golf game.

12-01-15, 13:42
Too bad national reciprocity wasn't slipped in there.

Big A
12-01-15, 14:17
Doc, are you trying to create a December Fool's Day?

12-01-15, 14:32
Sounds like good news on the surface.

Forgive my skepticism, but why would Obamabinladen knowingly sign something like this? Either he didn't know what was in it, or there is something in it for him.

12-01-15, 14:46
Hes merely a walking and breathing Howdy Doody.

Doc Safari
12-01-15, 15:49
So, I ran across this by accident.


On November 12 CBS News reported that Obama has given a team of “White House lawyers” the job of finding a way that executive action can be used to expand background checks. And Breitbart News reported that part of what is being sought is an arbitrary threshold that can be set on private gun sales. Citizens who sell more than the allowable level will be forced to do background checks on every sale.

So, is that the other shoe dropping? Or is it more of the "really I am doing something" horseshit that he's been spouting since Day One?

12-01-15, 17:14
Actually......aside from Obullshitcare, he hasn't done a damn thing.

Gitmo is still open for business, the ME is actually WORSE, and everybody thinks he's not just a total wimp but incompetent.

ST6 killed Osama. But....it didn't change anything. In fact that picture of Obama watching the raid is disheartening because I have seen YouTube videos of prissy girls reacting to puppies getting dropkicked with more stones and stoicism than Obama.
Plus naked pictures of his mom are online. Like really.

In fact if he weren't president of my country, I would feel bad for him. You know like the way you feel when the fat kid craps himself in gym class trying to do a pull up. You want to laugh, but also feel kinda emo for him.

12-01-15, 17:51

On November 12 CBS News reported that Obama has given a team of “White House lawyers” the job of finding a way that executive action can be used to expand background checks. And Breitbart News reported that part of what is being sought is an arbitrary threshold that can be set on private gun sales. Citizens who sell more than the allowable level will be forced to do background checks on every sale.

Obama and the Democrat Party have been obsessed with expanding background checks since Adam Lanza attacked Sandy Hook Elementary on December 14, 2012. Yet it is interesting to note that expanded background checks would not have hindered that attack in the slightest, because Lanza stole the guns he used–he did not buy them.

Read the above and understand he has the Justice Department and the Supreme Court in his pocket.

12-01-15, 18:18
It's all about getting BCGs universal and then, when it doesn't work they will say that we need to know where all the guns are now so we can know if they were transferred illegally. There may be an intermediate step of collating all the 4473 data into a database, which they will then find to be insufficient which leads to registration.

Progressives play the long game and three-and-punt politics. Always moving the ball.

12-01-15, 18:50
It's all about getting BCGs universal and ...

Like between piston and DI or between the AR15 & AR10 platforms?


12-01-15, 18:58
But what is the main part of the bill about?

12-01-15, 19:31
Like between piston and DI or between the AR15 & AR10 platforms?



Personally, I am all for slipping a "poison pill" into everything the house and Senate can manage to pass...

Mr blasty
12-01-15, 19:44
But what is the main part of the bill about?

Finally!!! The right question!

Sent from my SM-G900T using Xparent BlueTapatalk 2

12-01-15, 20:06
Finally!!! The right question!

Sent from my SM-G900T using Xparent BlueTapatalk 2

So the pro-gun got this. What did the anti-gun get in return?

12-02-15, 00:27
Like between piston and DI or between the AR15 & AR10 platforms?


Guess who is dyslexic. ;)

12-02-15, 03:04
Actually......aside from Obullshitcare, he hasn't done a damn thing.

Gitmo is still open for business, the ME is actually WORSE, and everybody thinks he's not just a total wimp but incompetent.

But bro, now the gays can marry and everyone gets free health care! :jester:

Plus naked pictures of his mom are online. Like really.

For the connoisseur Barry's mother appeared in issue #3 of a BDSM rag called Bizarre Life, IIRC she also was "skyclad" in an Anton Lavey film though the name escapes at present.

12-02-15, 03:42
Maybe it would make sense if people took the time to read past the sound bites.

As I recall this was part of a DOD spending bill (NDAA). He essentially had to sign it, otherwise there would have been other issues.

The thing to allow service members to carry on base is a nothing piece of legislation since it has to be implemented at the base commander level as I can recall and they can easily castrate it with "commanders discretion".

12-02-15, 05:36
SO you can now buy lead ammo in commifornia again?

Federal vs state.