View Full Version : "GUN VIOLENCE" statistic shows we're WAY BETTER than most.

12-03-15, 14:37
Came across a graph in this article statistic regarding GUNVIOLENCE (https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/wonk/wp/2015/12/03/one-map-shows-why-americas-gun-violence-is-so-much-worse-than-anywhere-else/) (Can we ban the use of that word?)
Clearly its all about interpretation, and what we /they want to see. Give it some spin, and there we are. To many we're a violent blood thirsty bunch of gun obsessed savages.
Perhaps somewhat right on one small part. We DO like our fire arms.

Problem with that - way I see the graph in this article - it being linear - and all things being relative - we are sooooo much better or at least as good as most.
Based on that follow the thin green line. Courtesy of my wacom pen. This is MY interpretation.
(I sure would love to know who all those un-named places are above that little green line....)


12-03-15, 14:43

I like to show this to people who don't get it.


12-03-15, 14:45
And this:


Crow Hunter
12-03-15, 14:50
Plus it would be interesting to see how many of those countries are culturally homogenous and how many are cultural melting pots.

They also need to control for suicide, accidents and justifiable homicide.

Then reduce that data to rural, typical suburban, typical urban and ghetto areas.

I surmise that you will find that the typical rural, suburban and urban dweller has a better chance of winning the lottery than being shot as long as they don't go stupid places with stupid people and do stupid "stuff".

12-03-15, 14:51
I was just looking at this the other day. We have some of the safest guns in the world. Our gun deaths per gun are very low.

12-03-15, 14:57
My question is this: Why is the frequency of mass shootings so much higher under Obama?

Over-reporting due to his political agenda?

12-03-15, 15:26
My question is this: Why is the frequency of mass shootings so much higher under Obama?

Over-reporting due to his political agenda?

Crazy people enable crazy people like no other.

12-03-15, 16:57
I feel like I compiled that exact data set a few months ago.

Edit: nevermind, I compiled murders, not "gun-related" murders.

VIP3R 237
12-03-15, 17:25
My question is this: Why is the frequency of mass shootings so much higher under Obama?

Over-reporting due to his political agenda?

It's also how Mass Shootings are defined. According to the FBI a Mass Shooting is a shooting incident where 4 or more are murdered without a cool down period. CNN and the left have expanded the meaning to any shooting incident that has 4 or more injured and/or killed. So of the 353 'Mass Shootings' in 2015 only 41 fall under the FBI criteria.

12-03-15, 18:01
The disarmament agenda utilizes misinformation, disinformation, and fear. It's one giant PSYOP.

The facts and truth have never backed up the agenda. What they have going for them is that most people are completely ****ing stupid and will believe most anything they are told looped on a reapter aka the MSM.

12-03-15, 18:06
It's also how Mass Shootings are defined. According to the FBI a Mass Shooting is a shooting incident where 4 or more are murdered without a cool down period. CNN and the left have expanded the meaning to any shooting incident that has 4 or more injured and/or killed. So of the 353 'Mass Shootings' in 2015 only 41 fall under the FBI criteria.

Can't you give a link for that fbi number/list?

VIP3R 237
12-03-15, 18:21
Can't you give a link for that fbi number/list?

https://www.fbi.gov/stats-services/publications/serial-murder/serial-murder-1#two Section ii defines mass murder/shootings.

I then went through this list and counted how many meet the FBI definition.

12-03-15, 19:47
I see. So some say that people shot but not killed counts all the same but the FBI says 4 dead plus, counts?