View Full Version : Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition

Amp Mangum
12-06-15, 07:16
RICHMOND, Va. (AP) -- Liberty University President Jerry Falwell Jr. urged students, staff and faculty at his Christian school to get a permit to carry a concealed weapon on campus to counter any copycat attack like the deadly rampage in California just days ago.


12-06-15, 09:17
Christians must defend against islam, history repeats itself again.

12-06-15, 09:48
“It just blows my mind when I see the president of the United States say that the answer to circumstances like that is more gun control,” JF. Jr.

... and yet tonight that is exactly what he is going to do. Loretta Lynch said as much this morning on the Chuck Todd show.

12-06-15, 10:03
The panic will start again if it hasn't already Monday. I've not found any reports on this yet but on Fox news during the end of an interview this AM with Maria Bartiromo it was brought up that they (assuming the admin) want to block the entry of Christian refugees.

12-06-15, 10:13
The panic will start again if it hasn't already Monday. I've not found any reports on this yet but on Fox news during the end of an interview this AM with Maria Bartiromo it was brought up that they (assuming the admin) want to block the entry of Christian refugees.

The panic has already started. Yesterday the LGS I frequent was literally crazy with people. NIC's checks taking 45 minutes, if you could even get through.

I was going to start a separate thread, but you know exactly what he will be talking about tonight and after he does it he needs to be impeached.

12-06-15, 11:02
The panic has already started. Yesterday the LGS I frequent was literally crazy with people. NIC's checks taking 45 minutes, if you could even get through.

I was going to start a separate thread, but you know exactly what he will be talking about tonight and after he does it he needs to be impeached.

And nothing will continue to happen. The somnolent masses will continue to eat up the shit that is put out by the media. I can't even stand to watch that liar speak any more- I'll read the transcript online tomorrow morning.

12-06-15, 11:16
More Americans had their backgrounds checked purchasing guns on Black Friday than ** any day on record,** according to data released by the FBI this week. The National Instant Criminal Background Check System processed 185,345 requests on Nov. 27 2015. It seems that whenever he opens his pie hole - gun sales go through the roof !!! IMHO, if any new laws or executive actions would get passed, they will not stop or slow down people wanting to kill other people. They will only be punishing the law abiding for the deeds of a few and only be treating the symptoms and not the causes.

12-06-15, 11:17
The panic has already started. Yesterday the LGS I frequent was literally crazy with people. NIC's checks taking 45 minutes, if you could even get through.

I was going to start a separate thread, but you know exactly what he will be talking about tonight and after he does it he needs to be impeached.

Honestly, part of it is the holidays and probably also hunting season has a lot to do with that. I see a major increase in sales every year from about November to early January. However, this does add another dynamic and is responsible for increasing an already big gun buying time. Back in 2012 and 2013, we would literally be five people deep per salesman, and if people couldn't buy a gun that was on Obama's chopping block, they'd simply buy anything that went "bang". The resounding "NO" that was given to gun control 2 years ago I think has and will continue to quiet a lot of worries about a ban.

That said, if these reports about Christian refugees are true, then that could cause major unrest here. That shows just that he is deliberately trying to support Islamic extremism.

12-06-15, 11:34
I know nothing of the messenger, but I sure like the message!

12-06-15, 12:03
If you want to know how rabid these people are.....

today.. this rabid ***** said of the latest Muslim terror attack...... "if that indeed what it was"
http://www.eleanorclift.com/ She was stuttering and sputtering so badly that I don't know how she finished here fabrications.

Oh... and BTW... Chuck Todd floated out the new term..... they are not going to take our guns now.....

They are going to regulate "weapons of war"...

Anti-Leftist need to stop using terms such as

Shooting Incident
Assault Weapon
Weapon of War

We need to start using the terms
Murder,, Islamic terror murder, etc..
Semi-automatic rifle

Every time an Anti-Liberal uses their fabricated terms we are playing deeper into their intended goal.

12-06-15, 12:25
Honestly, part of it is the holidays and probably also hunting season has a lot to do with that. I see a major increase in sales every year from about November to early January. However, this does add another dynamic and is responsible for increasing an already big gun buying time. Back in 2012 and 2013, we would literally be five people deep per salesman, and if people couldn't buy a gun that was on Obama's chopping block, they'd simply buy anything that went "bang". The resounding "NO" that was given to gun control 2 years ago I think has and will continue to quiet a lot of worries about a ban.

That said, if these reports about Christian refugees are true, then that could cause major unrest here. That shows just that he is deliberately trying to support Islamic extremism.

Good perspective that I don't have not working in the industry.

12-06-15, 12:28
They are going to regulate "weapons of war"...

Oh no they aren't.

12-06-15, 12:35
LOL, well ok,,, that is what they are going to say they want/need to do.

12-06-15, 12:41
Oh sure they will say that, but they won't get away with it.

12-06-15, 12:43
Here it is... This is mind of the Liberal. This is most clear and perfect example of the insanity of the Liberal mind I think I have ever seen.

If you don't want to watch the whole show... just watch Eleanor Clift from 3:30... Now imagine 40% of our nation that thinks like that.

It has to be a disease.

12-06-15, 13:41
They are going to regulate "weapons of war"...

Then what's the NFA for?

12-06-15, 15:09
If you want to know how rabid these people are.....

today.. this rabid ***** said of the latest Muslim terror attack...... "if that indeed what it was"
http://www.eleanorclift.com/ She was stuttering and sputtering so badly that I don't know how she finished here fabrications.

Oh... and BTW... Chuck Todd floated out the new term..... they are not going to take our guns now.....

They are going to regulate "weapons of war"...

Anti-Leftist need to stop using terms such as

Shooting Incident
Assault Weapon
Weapon of War

We need to start using the terms
Murder,, Islamic terror murder, etc..
Semi-automatic rifle

Every time an Anti-Liberal uses their fabricated terms we are playing deeper into their intended goal.

You soooo left out the big ones:
Lamenting all the "GUN VIOLENCE" and calling every incident involving any form of fire-arms and non-BLM victim...."MASS SHOOTING", occurring at a rate of one per day for more than a year, then moving on to "why anyone would need such a high capacity rifle is beyond me"......
It used to anger me. So I engaged in discussions
Then it annoyed me. Becuase there was no acceptance of reason.
Now they are just plain BORING me.
Utterly completely boring me to death.
And I really think that is their end-game.
Spouting a lot of ideocratic nonsense ignoring facts and reason, and as such annoying and boring us to death.

12-07-15, 03:11
More Americans had their backgrounds checked purchasing guns on Black Friday than ** any day on record,** according to data released by the FBI this week. The National Instant Criminal Background Check System processed 185,345 requests on Nov. 27 2015. It seems that whenever he opens his pie hole - gun sales go through the roof !!!

Once again, Barry has sold more firearms in the US than any other person and or cause. That speaks volumes as to the level of distrust the people have in their benevolent Federal government. I would say that we as a nation are more politically divided now than in 1861.

IMHO, if any new laws or executive actions would get passed, they will not stop or slow down people wanting to kill other people. They will only be punishing the law abiding for the deeds of a few and only be treating the symptoms and not the causes.

They know this, gun control has never been about public safety it's always been about disarmament. The Federal government do not enforce it's own immigration laws, or it's laws concerning marijuana in states like CA and CO. Let them make a hundred million armed Americans felons over night with the mere stroke of a pen. Insert Thomas Jefferson's liberty tree quote here . . .

12-07-15, 03:16
They are going to regulate "weapons of war"...

Got to love the language.

A rock on the ground is a weapon of war, a wooden twig from a tree sharpened to a point is a weapon of war, a shepherd boy's sling was a weapon of war, rotting corpses thrown over the walls of besieged cities were weapons of war, smooth bore muskets were weapons of war . . .

Bubba FAL
12-07-15, 17:54
And in what insane world does it make sense to impose the same laws that did nothing to stop the perps in San Berdoo upon the rest of the country? These people are so retarded in their thinking! It's like a bunch of bleating sheep running in circles, crying "wolf!" Criminals, terrorists, et al, do not care about laws, you pathetic moron liberals!

We should be educating and training to defend ourselves so that the next time Tactical Achmed straps on his custom tailored vest, he gets double-tapped in the head before he can utter the words "aloha snackbar".

12-08-15, 13:39
Did I read this morning that 100 million + firearms have been sold since he became POTUS? Amazing......

12-08-15, 15:53
Christians must defend against islam, history repeats itself again.


History has it the other way around...

12-08-15, 16:00

History has it the other way around...

How's that?

Islamic invasions of Europe began four hundred and forty seven years before the first Crusade in 1096.

12-08-15, 18:59
Did I read this morning that 100 million + firearms have been sold since he became POTUS? Amazing......

20 Mil this year so that sounds about right.... Maybe light.