View Full Version : CNN on Poland

12-08-15, 07:01
It is really amazing, what one can learn about his own country watching CNN. It is like living in parallel universe. And guy sounds actually concerned. Amazing!

What in the World: Poland's dangerous turn (http://edition.cnn.com/videos/tv/2015/12/07/exp-gps-1206-witw-poland.cnn)

ETA: Summary: CNN seem to be very concerned that democratically elected Polish govt, that refuses to give up national interests to "do gooders" demand, as well as try to undo harmful legal experiments of previous govt (among other things changing law on Constitutional Court). Actually while there is some resemblance to events in Poland, this report is one, huge lie.

12-08-15, 07:37
hahahaahahaah agree about the alternate universe I cant believe what is happening and what people think see and believe etc.... :)

It is really amazing, what one can learn about his own country watching CNN. It is like living in parallel universe. And guy sounds actually concerned. Amazing!


12-08-15, 07:46
It is really amazing, what one can learn about his own country watching CNN. It is like living in parallel universe. And guy sounds actually concerned. Amazing!


12-08-15, 07:54

Text: Is one of America's main allies marking "in the direction of a dictatorship"? Fareed takes a look at Poland's recent turn towards authoritarianism.

12-08-15, 07:55

Liberal boo hooing over not taking in jihadis nor any shit

12-08-15, 07:57
I was recently twice in Poland.
Great people, great vodka, almost ok gun laws.
I'm looking forward to my next trip.

From Tapatalk

12-08-15, 08:44
Next time we go for a beer! :)

One hint - CNN host (the concerned one) is colleague and friend of Anne Applebaun (both work for Washington Post). She is wife of Radoslaw Sikorski, former MFA of Poland from Civic Platform (liberal left) party who from full power went down about 20% support. Actually he went out office earlier because of scandals and abuse of power. Now they (I mean him and his wife) moved to USA and use all their contacts to attack Poland and current riling party (that is in power for less than a month).

It is not like new guys are bunch of nice guys. I would much prefer one of libertarian parties in power. They are to much stateists and a bit socialists (while on the other hand socially conservative). But they won elections fair and square and now try to undo some very ugly things that their predecessors did when they realised they will loose power.

Example: imagine Democrats learn that they will loose completely in Congress and they already did loose POTUS a month ago. They use majority to change law about SCOTUS in way that all judges are appointed by them, plus they give SCOTUS power to remove POTUS from office on whim. This is what happened in Poland reporting Constitutional Court. This screaming is about new ruling party trying to contain situation, by reverting law to previous state and having 1/3rd of judges appointed. Yes, 1/3rd - this is "dictatorship".

BTW How funny that now CNN names Poland "one of America's main allies". We do not much feel like one. I mean, we really are uneasy about what is going on just past our eastern border, but all US does is PR and politelly agree with Angela Merkel when she says that she do not want NATO (read: US) troops in Poland cause this would make Russia sad.

12-08-15, 17:30
CNN rarely understands or accurately reports what is happening in this country, I'm amazed one of them could actually find Poland.

12-08-15, 20:38
its not about not taking in terrorists :) IMHO you just have to watch it to get it :)

12-09-15, 15:05
I was recently twice in Poland.
Great people, great vodka, almost ok gun laws.
I'm looking forward to my next trip.

From Tapatalk

I love Poland. It's been awhile since I have been there, but the last time I was there I had an amazing time.

Thank you Olga. :dance3:

12-09-15, 15:15
Example: imagine Democrats learn that they will loose completely in Congress and they already did loose POTUS a month ago. They use majority to change law about SCOTUS in way that all judges are appointed by them, plus they give SCOTUS power to remove POTUS from office on whim. This is what happened in Poland reporting Constitutional Court. This screaming is about new ruling party trying to contain situation, by reverting law to previous state and having 1/3rd of judges appointed. Yes, 1/3rd - this is "dictatorship".

That couldn't happen in the US - Congress doesn't have power to change the Constitution so changing SCOTUS is beyond their reach. But I take your point.

12-09-15, 19:12
CNN rarely understands or accurately reports what is happening in this country, I'm amazed one of them could actually find Poland.


Sure, Poland's just north of Switzerland!


12-09-15, 19:33
Poland is trending toward a dictatorship? I think CNN could find stories like that closer to home.

Big A
12-09-15, 19:41

Sure, Poland's just north of Switzerland!


12-10-15, 02:11

Sure, Poland's just north of Switzerland!


They got Poland part all right. It is such insignificant, pocket state like Switzerland they do not much care about ;)

BTW Once on vacation in Crete I met guys from Swiss (high level manager from big company) who absolutely seriously asked me if Poland is on of Lands of Germany. But his wife gave him hard look on that, and said that Poland is a country, but how can we leave with polar bears roaming a streets. This probably is dangerous.

12-10-15, 04:00
Aah, yes, Poland is getting a taste of the CNN treatment that Serbia was so unfortunate to have received in the 90's.

See country not taking crap from Muslims.
Smear said country as Nazis.
Fabricate and exagerrate.
Ignore facts that go against narrative.
Enjoy self-anointed moral status.

But I digress.

12-10-15, 04:19
You are right. While I can't name Serbia as knight on white horse for everything that happened in ex-Yugoslavia, time to do something about it was while things were in motion. Going against Serbia when it was under attack by organized terrorist organisations and giving part of Serbian homeland basically to immigrants was worse than a crime. It was a mistake.

BTW I've been to War Museum in Belgrade and strongly advice anyone who travel there to visit it. Not only modern part. Going trough it chronologically gives very good perspective on why things happened in '90s the way they happened.

12-10-15, 09:17
Example: imagine Democrats learn that they will loose completely in Congress and they already did loose POTUS a month ago. They use majority to change law about SCOTUS in way that all judges are appointed by them, plus they give SCOTUS power to remove POTUS from office on whim. This is what happened in Poland reporting Constitutional Court. This screaming is about new ruling party trying to contain situation, by reverting law to previous state and having 1/3rd of judges appointed. Yes, 1/3rd - this is "dictatorship".

That's pretty terrifying!

12-10-15, 10:18
CNN and the rest of big media also used to get the Swedish health care system all wrong in it's reporting.

I have cousins that live in Sweden and they used to laugh, when I'd send them articles in the US media, that praised their system. The Swedes I knew were baffled at why America would want their health care system. No wonder they think we are stupid! LOL

No surprise CNN got Poland's situation all wrong.