View Full Version : Should I want to download Windows 10?

Doc Safari
12-11-15, 17:48
My computer keeps wanting me to upgrade to Windows 10. I've heard everything from rumors that doing so will make you pay an annual fee to keep it from then on, to rumors that every keystroke is stored in the Cloud by Microsoft. (I'm not sure I want all my purchases of gun-related stuff to be stored in some cloud even though dot-guv probably does it already).

What say you?

12-11-15, 18:43
I don't know...My computer does the same thing.. My wife has windows 8 on her computers, and I absolutely hate it.. I've heard the same as you about the fees, and cloud storage with windows 10... Right now, I'm thinking I'll keep what I have, and run it as long as I can. If my computer dies on me in the future, Well, I guess I'll be forced to "upgrade".........

12-11-15, 18:46
Here's a couple of the previous Win 10 threads.



12-11-15, 18:55
read up about the privacy issues ? and your new advertising unique ID number when you install IMHO that is not cool etc..

you can stop most of this or opt out with work but good to know that its reading your info like address book and emails and other things
again you can fix most of this but do you want to ? and is it worth it
IMHO totally personal question and I am a tech head and run OS X :)
my thought is unless you really need to pass for now ? :)



good old read from hackers news

Colt guy
12-11-15, 19:09
if you are running 7 I would not if you are 8.1 just as well go to 10

12-11-15, 19:10
upgraded 3 comps at the house to Windows 10 from Win 7, no issues

12-11-15, 19:21
Like everything, the only opinion that counts is your own. I dig windows 10, I disabled most of the tracking items in win 10 (not all cause some things just don't bother me). When you learn to use win 10, you will find it more intuitive than win 8, and win 7. Is it perfect, well is any version of windows? It has some nice features, and some things run better, and some will not run. My recommendation is to ask yourself do you feel compelled to learn something new, are you tempted by a fresh install, and new features, do you enjoy tweaking drivers and programs, are you comfortable disabling things in the registry, and do you truly believe that you aren't being tracked at a million different ways from Sunday, just because you use an older copy of windows? Ummm windows might not be tracking your habits, but everything else out there is. In this day and age, your best bet is to keep a small footprint, win 10 is good to go, if you are tech savvy enough to customize it to your needs.

12-11-15, 19:47
All of your online activity is tracked. Whether it's Microsoft, Google, the site you are visiting or the GOV. You can manage some of it to some extent but it would be safest to assume that someone or, more accurately, some software is watching.

I like 10. It's a nice blend of the best that 7 and 8 had to offer and then some. In my opinion, moving from 7 to 10 is less jarring then 7 to 8.

MS is shaking up their business model with 10, and MS is definitely pushing users to make the switch.

Most that I know that made the switch had no issue. I know 2 that did. If you decide to upgrade, back your stuff up to another storage. Something that every computer user should be doing regardless.

Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk

12-11-15, 19:55
The fact that it keeps pushing me to install it pisses me off! They told us not to do it yet at work because of some compatibility issues.

12-11-15, 20:45
If your device has a touchscreen, install 10. If it does not, feel free to stick with 7 for a while longer.

Personally, I like 10.

12-11-15, 20:50
Upgraded at work. Hate it. IE has no option to print selected text and Chrome has a retarded feature where the selected text is printed on the whole paper. So one sentence takes up the whole page. Other annoying shit

Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk

12-11-15, 21:09
Forced download at work, doesn't play well with other programs yet...wait

12-12-15, 06:29
The desk top at home has win7 and somehow win 10 was downloaded when I got home one day. It wanted to restart to finish and no one(my wife) knew how that happened? :rolleyes:

I wiped the drive and reinstalled 7... :D

Still have not tried it on any other computers yet.

12-12-15, 07:49
The desk top at home has win7 and somehow win 10 was downloaded when I got home one day. It wanted to restart to finish and no one(my wife) knew how that happened? :rolleyes:

If memory serves, at one point MS had the 10 upgrade set as a critical update, like security patches. So, if updates are not run regularly, Windows will automatically run them. It's when you get that pop up that says that updates have been applied and the computer needs to restart to finish them.

It ruffled quite a few feathers when they did this and I believe MS changed it after there were enough complaints and headlines.

Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk

12-12-15, 08:53
I have an old laptop running Windows 7. I "upgraded" to Windows 10 right after it came out. It was ok. My laptop has a blu-ray drive and I lost the ability to play a blu-ray disk in it. I guess Windows 10 didn't include any software to run a blu-ray drive. I ended up rolling back to Windows 7 and have been much happier.

Straight Shooter
12-12-15, 09:04
If its true from my reading...youll lose Windows Media Player. Im listening right now to some Classic Country, and Ive got about 2500 songs downloaded Ill lose, if Im reading it correctly. Screw that.

12-12-15, 13:48
He he, I'm still running Windows XP Pro... My wife calls me a dinosaur :)

12-12-15, 14:17
I have an old laptop running Windows 7. I "upgraded" to Windows 10 right after it came out. It was ok. My laptop has a blu-ray drive and I lost the ability to play a blu-ray disk in it. I guess Windows 10 didn't include any software to run a blu-ray drive. I ended up rolling back to Windows 7 and have been much happier.

If its true from my reading...youll lose Windows Media Player. Im listening right now to some Classic Country, and Ive got about 2500 songs downloaded Ill lose, if Im reading it correctly. Screw that.

Them there were the deal breakers for this guy.

12-12-15, 14:55
If your device has a touchscreen, install 10. If it does not, feel free to stick with 7 for a while longer.

Personally, I like 10.

This, pretty much.

12-12-15, 15:20
He he, I'm still running Windows XP Pro... My wife calls me a dinosaur :)

I am going to advise you to upgrade. Windows XP is no longer receiving security updates for any customers outside of government and certain enterprise customers which opens you up to some fairly concerning threats.