View Full Version : The godless Left

12-15-15, 13:16
Dana Loesch nails it.


12-15-15, 13:31

12-15-15, 13:51
It would almost be worth it for these commie bastards to get their way.

Purged on a whim. Moved into hovels. Shared misery.

Knew this one rich girl who was all Obama. She thinks Socialism is everyone getting a free car, a free nice house, free birth control, and free Internet.

And now I'm back at work in the ghetto and see a bunch of diseased, dirty, dope addled people living in brick project homes who do nothing all day but get high, get pregnant, drop litters of kids, and steal.

That's what socialism looks like.

12-15-15, 13:57
And now I'm back at work in the ghetto and see a bunch of diseased, dirty, dope addled people living in brick project homes who do nothing all day but get high, get pregnant, drop litters of kids, and steal.

That's what socialism looks like.

Don't forget the VA for medical care. I wish I could bottle the hood, even in my part of the world, to show some of those lib-tards the reality of what they want. The problem is none of the ideologue, white people pushing for this have actually spent time there. Then, when they do, those same people will just want to get the gov't more involved, with more programs and free sh!t.

I hope that makes sense, I'm off to day and started drinking early while I clean this place.

12-15-15, 14:03
I hope that makes sense, I'm off to day and started drinking early while I clean this place.

Makes perfect sense, brother

12-15-15, 14:21
Remember, everyone in the FSA is only there because some rich corporation "kept them down." Usually all in the name of profit, somehow.

These days you have enough people GUILTED into voting left because they feel bad for those that are getting benefits... Checking their privilege, and all that.

12-15-15, 14:24
"Evil sometimes seems good to a man whose mind a god leads to destruction".

12-15-15, 14:52
Go Dana. She is hot on so many levels.

12-15-15, 14:59
I wonder what her views of godless conservative libertarians are.

12-15-15, 15:00
I wonder what her views of godless conservative libertarians are.


Religion needs to stay out of politics.

12-15-15, 16:23
The NRA needs to stick to firearms issues and not just become an arm of the GOP.

12-15-15, 16:44

Religion needs to stay out of politics.

Exactly. Not everyone shares the same beliefs.

I really don't care what one believes as long as they keep it to themselves. Just don't try to make laws / policy based on those beliefs that will affect me and we'll be all good.

12-15-15, 21:18

Religion needs to stay out of politics.

I wonder what her views of godless conservative libertarians are.

The NRA needs to stick to firearms issues and not just become an arm of the GOP.

Exactly. Not everyone shares the same beliefs.

I really don't care what one believes as long as they keep it to themselves. Just don't try to make laws / policy based on those beliefs that will affect me and we'll be all good.

It is futile for you to deny or try to leave out the knowledge of the existence of our Creator. It is self-evident there is a Creator, and he deserves to be recognized, honored, and worshiped.

12-15-15, 21:25
It is futile for you to deny or try to leave out the knowledge of the existence of our Creator. It is self-evident there is a Creator, and he deserves to be recognized, honored, and worshiped.

If that's what you believe, go for it. I'm going to stick to what I believe and simply not be a dickhead to anyone. I don't need religion or faith in some superior being to do that.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

12-15-15, 21:37
It is futile for you to deny or try to leave out the knowledge of the existence of our Creator. It is self-evident there is a Creator, and he deserves to be recognized, honored, and worshiped.

But Amaterasu is a "she." And there is more physical evidence for Amaterasu than there is for Yahweh.

12-15-15, 21:55
But Amaterasu is a "she." And there is more physical evidence for Amaterasu than there is for Yahweh.

Bah! Wakan Tanka has no gender!

12-15-15, 22:08
It is futile for you to deny or try to leave out the knowledge of the existence of our Creator. It is self-evident there is a Creator, and he deserves to be recognized, honored, and worshiped.

Don't start man. This always goes nowhere.

12-15-15, 22:11
Don't start man. This always goes nowhere.

But it gets there so quickly! I think there's a violation of the theory of general relativity or support for quantum string theory in here, or something.

12-15-15, 22:17
never mind

12-15-15, 22:21

Religion needs to stay out of politics.


12-15-15, 22:28
I wonder what her views of godless conservative libertarians are.

Considering that agnostic/atheist conservative libertarians rarely, if ever, want to regulate and restrict peaceful practicing of religion, she probably doesn't care. Frank and respectful dialog is possible between two different sets of beliefs if one is not looking to forcefully change the other.

12-15-15, 22:28
Religion is what deters many from identifying with the Right.

12-15-15, 22:38
Religion is what deters many from identifying with the Right.

Yep. There are other things as well, but outside of the scope of this thread.

12-15-15, 23:29
The NRA needs to stick to firearms issues and not just become an arm of the GOP.

Way too late. Jumped off that particular paranoia ship about the time it hired John Bolton as captain for a day.

12-15-15, 23:49
Considering that agnostic/atheist conservative libertarians rarely, if ever, want to regulate and restrict peaceful practicing of religion, she probably doesn't care. Frank and respectful dialog is possible between two different sets of beliefs if one is not looking to forcefully change the other.

Hopefully. But as we've seen that isn't always the case.

12-16-15, 01:02
Yep. There are other things as well, but outside of the scope of this thread.

Agreed, if she had just said "left" instead of "godless left" the message would have resonated in more ears.

12-16-15, 01:28
Agreed, if she had just said "left" instead of "godless left" the message would have resonated in more ears.

Agreed. I was actually fine with her pointing out the hatred of those who "send prayers." While I don't particularly subscribe to the supernatural, I understand the meaning and intention of those who "send prayers" or "good wishes." I wonder if a native american offering a "healing prayer" would have been similarly attacked by the MSM, I doubt it. Would have been a better example of media hypocrisy and bias as well.

This is one of the things that prevents me from identifying as a conservative in the current political usage of the word. There is a contingent of the religious right that is every bit as insistent upon everyone accepting their values as the gay rights movement is. And in both cases, a group that I typically could otherwise not care about so long as their basic rights are respected, actually manages to polarize me to a point of opposition from time to time.

Granted it's nothing like Islam, I'm not aware of any actual attacks and buildings don't get burned down because somebody disrespected a bible. But I still tire of people insisting I accept the validity of their belief and the existence of their deity simply because they happen to believe so strongly. I also get tired of hearing about how I'm not saved, will be going to hell and desperately need to take corrective action now.

I figure if there really is a creator of everything, that knows everything, then that deity knows how I feel and if that deity wishes to be recognized, acknowledge or otherwise accepted by me it would be a painfully simple thing to accomplish. With scant fossil evidence I accept and believe in the past existence of many things. For a deity to establish bona fides would be a very simple task.

And if I can't get the very simple level of evidence required from some omnipotent deity than I must assume it's intentional and that means I'm just not invited. I also have a problem with the notion of a deity that created everyone simply for the express purpose of worshiping said deity. If there really was a creator of everything, I'd hope that creator wouldn't actually have an inferiority complex, that would be kind of disappointing.

And finally, without the level of evidence I need for "belief" I could never be anything more than a false believer anyway, and that actually buys me nothing. So anyone who insists I must believe in order to be saved, clearly doesn't understand how these things work or they must believe that Yahweh is easily fooled by words. Cause last time I checked, simply saying "I accept Jesus as my savior", without really believing Jesus exists, doesn't accomplish much.

12-16-15, 03:12
But Amaterasu is a "she." And there is more physical evidence for Amaterasu than there is for Yahweh.


Just sayin'.

12-16-15, 03:17
^^That's great!!

12-16-15, 03:38

Was a personal account in response to Steyr. It was read by who I intended it for. Would have been better suited as a PM.

12-16-15, 07:10
I think it was a powerful message but geared to one audience like others have said mostly the religious right which doesn't need any help being riled up. I think if they could have identified the Left as a government who thinks they are God it may have more appeal.

12-16-15, 09:30
I want to pitch in too with the sentiment that the Republicans lose more with religion than they gain.

Yeah, you get the bible belt, but you totally lose the West and the Northeast.

If Republicans as a whole were Pro-Choice, totally indifferent to non-issues (gays and their gay stuff), and quit parroting the absolutely failed talking points of the drug 'war'; We would arguably have a lot more free states.

Follow the money. A Conservative budget with financial accountability and no pork DESTROYS Tax and Spend.
There would be no Obamacare. Republicans always sound better at Tax Time than Democrats. Nobody disputes that.

Sure there are a lot of anti-gun people, but it's a right. With a stronger Republican base it would be relegated to pissed off soccer moms because at the end of the day more people are taxed than are shot.

We would have a stronger, functioning national defense.
Not a military guy, but look at how much money was pissed away on everybody getting camo that doesn't camo, or everyone getting different camo, or camo fashion shows. Like the whole Beret deal.

That's money that could've gone to functional modern uniforms for all branches and everyone is on the same page with money to spare for pay, weapons, and decent equipment. Important things.

Nobody discounts a strong defense/offense. Nobody ever got picked on for being too bad ass.

So with severe tax restructuring and closing a lot of offshore bullshit, business stays here, EPA is kept in check, tech and manufacturing gets born again hard in America and there is severe immigration reform.

If you have an education, a clean record, clean health, speak the language, and want to be American, no problem.

See....nobody really disputes this line of thinking.

But when you really make an issue out of religion and personal hang ups; you are GIVING the Dems votes.

If you let people have what they want they won't vote for tyrants to spite.

It's no skin of a Communists ass if two dudes get married; because he has their guns, control of their money, and their liberty.

But well meaning Republicans with overall good planning will lose the ship because somewhere, two dudes are getting it on and it's making the baby Jesus cry and they have to say and do stupid shit because of it.

And Libertarians can't do anything because they are leaving people alone because they want to be left alone.

12-16-15, 10:38
And Libertarians can't do anything because they are leaving people alone because they want to be left alone.

This is so sad, but true.

12-16-15, 14:44
That was my time and place. I don't wish anything bad on you but I hope you too have yours.

I already accept the unknown. There is a ton that we don't know and probably never can know.

But this situation, at least mine, really is first grade simple. I don't believe in Planet X until I see actual evidence of Planet X. I allow for the possibility that Planet X may exist given the lack of any evidence to definitely say it does not exist, but that same lack of evidence doesn't suggest it probably exists either.

And if there is an omnipotent creator of everything, he made me the way I am, and therefore KNOWS what I would need to accept the existence of such a being. Right now as close as I can get to religion is accepting the possibility of Deism but there really is no evidence for that either, only the lack of evidence which suggests it may be true.

I'd be a lot happier if I actually believed there was "something else" after death. It would be wonderful if I actually believed I'd see everyone I have ever deeply loved again because some of them died way too early and my life has never been the same. But right now there really isn't any actual evidence for such things. Really wish it were otherwise.

Alex V
12-16-15, 15:20
I have always thought this chick was hot, but when she gets all pissed off... the things I'd do to her, her mother would cry.

I want to pitch in too with the sentiment that the Republicans lose more with religion than they gain.

Yeah, you get the bible belt, but you totally lose the West and the Northeast.

You say a lot of wacky stuff, sir, but on this one, I could not agree more.

I am an atheist and as soon as a Rep. candidate starts talking about Jesus and pro-life/anti gay marriage I just mentally check out. Most young people don't care about fiscal policy because they have never had to pay a bill, as soon as they gear the Jesus talk they instantly switch and vote for a Dem. I like my 2nd Amendment right, so they way I see it they can keep their hands of my guns and I will let them get all the abortions they want.

Alex V
12-16-15, 15:22
I already accept the unknown. There is a ton that we don't know and probably never can know.

But this situation, at least mine, really is first grade simple. I don't believe in Planet X until I see actual evidence of Planet X. I allow for the possibility that Planet X may exist given the lack of any evidence to definitely say it does not exist, but that same lack of evidence doesn't suggest it probably exists either.

And if there is an omnipotent creator of everything, he made me the way I am, and therefore KNOWS what I would need to accept the existence of such a being. Right now as close as I can get to religion is accepting the possibility of Deism but there really is no evidence for that either, only the lack of evidence which suggests it may be true.

I'd be a lot happier if I actually believed there was "something else" after death. It would be wonderful if I actually believed I'd see everyone I have ever deeply loved again because some of them died way too early and my life has never been the same. But right now there really isn't any actual evidence for such things. Really wish it were otherwise.

Exactly how I feel.

12-16-15, 15:25
I'd be a lot happier if I actually believed there was "something else" after death. It would be wonderful if I actually believed I'd see everyone I have ever deeply loved again because some of them died way too early and my life has never been the same. But right now there really isn't any actual evidence for such things. Really wish it were otherwise.
My Mother has always been a very religious Woman. She probably spends 40+ hours a week either in services or working in some sort of job at her Church.
I see her two or three times a year and I was out to her house in October when She told me that her condition had gotten dramatically worse. She is receiving the best possible treatments for her illness, but at 75 and after raising seven kids, She has left her fate in Gods Hands and is very much at peace with that.
I don't know if I have that much faith in me.
We used to talk about politics and current events, it doesn't seem to even concern her anymore, She's pretty much let go of all of that now. She just wants to live the rest of her life and enjoy the things She's doing. No drama, no concerns, just enjoying living her faith.

Now I am going to guess that we all might be a bit better off if we could find that kind of peace in our lives. I'm also guessing that if you truly have that, you don't need to advertise it or exercise it in order to influence others about all things political.
True faith is available, it's all around you if you want it, it doesn't need a fan club or advertising.

12-16-15, 15:31
Don't forget, the religious right likes to ban things just as the lunatic left.

Doubt it?

Well...who do you think gave us prohibition?

Many on the religious right waive flags and talk about freedom, liberty and guns but would vote in a minute to ban certain books, movies, art displays or other things they deem "socially unacceptable." Many would vote to outlaw alcohol again and never legalize pot. No topless bars, no gambling...maybe no dancing, either.

Many of them are not unlike the imams when you get down to it.

12-16-15, 15:42
I'd be a lot happier if I actually believed there was "something else" after death. It would be wonderful if I actually believed I'd see everyone I have ever deeply loved again because some of them died way too early and my life has never been the same.

That strong desire is exactly the sentiment that led humans to create god in the first place. That, and ancient humanity's insufficient knowledge to explain the natural world around them.

12-16-15, 15:45
Many of them are not unlike the imams when you get down to it.

This. I call them Christian Taliban.
If you sincerely have a personal belief that affects no one else. You're good. Nobody should bother you for that.
You should be free to believe or disbelieve anything you want.

But...the Christian Taliban will support guns and so on....as long as you get a haircut, don't watch dirty movies, don't play violent video games, don't invent new curse words or have any kind of sex (unless it is your wedding night and guy on top).

So that part is bad. No orgies, no Oktoberfests, no rock music. Blah.

And lessay...maybe you believe in a god or something like it, but don't follow certain rituals and say magic words. Then they hound you about it.

They are literally as annoying as the out and proud bunch who thinks everyday is a Gay Pride parade. We get it. You're a homo. Anybody with a life doesn't care.

12-16-15, 16:17
They are often also hawkish on going to war as well.

Many have no problems killing tons of bystanders and non-combatants in bombings but if a poor minority woman, with no means to support or raise a child right wants to abort - well...

These are the things that turn me off about the evangelicals. Not all of them are like this...but enough to turn many liberty-minded folks away.

12-16-15, 16:37
I don't remember who said it first, Firefly or Steyr (I saw it in separate threads this morning), but it's true. People who truly believe in "live and let live" believe in it enough that they won't try too hard to get other people to do the same. Thus they never get elected nor do they get political traction. It's probably the majority view in America, but it's an extremely small minority in politics.

12-16-15, 17:17
This. I call them Christian Taliban.
If you sincerely have a personal belief that affects no one else. You're good. Nobody should bother you for that.
You should be free to believe or disbelieve anything you want.

But...the Christian Taliban will support guns and so on....as long as you get a haircut, don't watch dirty movies, don't play violent video games, don't invent new curse words or have any kind of sex (unless it is your wedding night and guy on top).

So that part is bad. No orgies, no Oktoberfests, no rock music. Blah.

And lessay...maybe you believe in a god or something like it, but don't follow certain rituals and say magic words. Then they hound you about it.

They are literally as annoying as the out and proud bunch who thinks everyday is a Gay Pride parade. We get it. You're a homo. Anybody with a life doesn't care.

And don't assume all Christians are pro gun. I know a few fringe elements that really believe that everyone who has killed somebody in war is going to hell. I've even met a few who don't believe self defense is justification to take a life. They really buy into the whole "Only god decides..." line.

12-16-15, 18:14
I remember this one Mack Bolan spinoff book about a dude named "Whispering Death" who claimed that he never killed anybody, only liberated souls.

I mean people who are going to Heaven are going to Heaven and same with Hell. I mean, God can sort them out.

Perhaps I shouldn't cite a Mack Bolan book as, like, a moral compass, but that's what I'm going to do.

26 Inf
12-16-15, 19:14
And don't assume all Christians are pro gun. I know a few fringe elements that really believe that everyone who has killed somebody in war is going to hell. I've even met a few who don't believe self defense is justification to take a life. They really buy into the whole "Only god decides..." line.

I don't think those are a few fringe elements - the Amish, Quakers and Brethren are totally pacifist peace churches, the Mennonites are also a 'peace' church but not all denominations are totally pacifist as they don't condemn self-defense.

12-16-15, 20:14
if she said the anti gun left :)

same thing its about the LEFT

most folks I know here I would imagine if I put up a nativity scene they would not demand I take it down if my kid on the football team wants to look up and thank God for the touch down I doubt they will want my kid kicked off the team !

same thing with wearing a gun shirt in school thees days or other things

its about the LEFT and one thing they hate

12-16-15, 20:15
The 2nd Amendment isn't just for "god fearing" people. We should be trying to make the Second Amendment the non-partisan civil rights issue that it is--not pandering to political parties who do nothing but further ensure it stays along party lines.

12-16-15, 20:46
I don't think those are a few fringe elements - the Amish, Quakers and Brethren are totally pacifist peace churches, the Mennonites are also a 'peace' church but not all denominations are totally pacifist as they don't condemn self-defense.

I'm pretty much just referencing our FL locals, and they are fringe in lots of ways.

12-16-15, 22:54
Dick Winters :) raised as a mennonite he mentioned about that in his book how he feels the upbringing helped him

12-17-15, 01:44
Exactly. Not everyone shares the same beliefs.

I really don't care what one believes as long as they keep it to themselves. Just don't try to make laws / policy based on those beliefs that will affect me and we'll be all good.

I don't speak for everyone but Christians are a torn people. The Christian faith acknowledges that sin is in everyone, and no one is perfect, but there's also a commission to go forth baptizing in the name of Christ, after all. The difference however is that even Christ Himself could not force people to come to Him, that would of course negate the concept of free will. Christians should humbly inform, and accept a brother or sister when they've decided to have that "come to Jesus" moment but even the New Testament says that the world will only become more evil with time. As a Christian I'd say you're partly right in the emboldened statement, but even laws regarding murder, robbery, rape, and other heinous crimes originated from the idea that there exists a universal "good" or "right" that says that a particular action is wrong or evil in and of itself.

12-17-15, 02:29
even laws regarding murder, robbery, rape, and other heinous crimes originated from the idea that there exists a universal "good" or "right" that says that a particular action is wrong or evil in and of itself.

I think it mostly comes down to: don't do things to people that you don't want done to you. If you're trying to make a law that applies equally to everyone and you don't want to be killed, you outlaw killing. If you don't want to be raped, you outlaw rape (unless you can separate the law based on gender, like a few cultures have done, such that raping a woman is ok but raping a man is not... see Islam). You don't want your hard work taken from you against your will, you outlaw theft. Etc.

Maybe it came from religion originally, but that religion predates Judaism by 1000 years and Christianity by 1500 years and it was also independently "invented" in places around the world at later times.

12-17-15, 04:15

Religion needs to stay out of politics.
Impossible. Governments are formed and laws are created according to our beliefs, the same beliefs that form our religions

12-17-15, 15:56
Impossible. Governments are formed and laws are created according to our beliefs, the same beliefs that form our religions

True. But we should keep in mind that many laws were formed from a belief in Zeus.

12-17-15, 16:21
I like Dana (a LOT, if you catch my drift!!) but she is wrong. The Left is not godless at all.
Actually quite the opposite. The Left has many gods.
Some change with the times - global cooling, global warming, climate change, the environment, "minorities", affirmative action, Obama, feminism, income equality, and above ALL else - themselves. If it wasn't for them and their moral righteousness, who would be the ones jetsetting across the planet to advocate for the lowering the carbon footprint of the peasants?

And don't assume all Christians are pro gun. I know a few fringe elements that really believe that everyone who has killed somebody in war is going to hell. I've even met a few who don't believe self defense is justification to take a life. They really buy into the whole "Only god decides..." line.

Yeah, I've ran into quite a few of these. Unsurprisingly, they vote Left, see Jesus as a Socialist (seriously), and are wards of the state in their mentality.

12-17-15, 16:25
Don't forget, the religious right likes to ban things just as the lunatic left.

Doubt it?

Well...who do you think gave us prohibition?

Many on the religious right waive flags and talk about freedom, liberty and guns but would vote in a minute to ban certain books, movies, art displays or other things they deem "socially unacceptable." Many would vote to outlaw alcohol again and never legalize pot. No topless bars, no gambling...maybe no dancing, either.

Many of them are not unlike the imams when you get down to it.

I don't think religious is synonymous with right.
There are plenty of left-wing, collectivists who subscribe to religion with a deity or deities.
As for the imam thing, I know of no Christian movements who can be even put in the same ballpark as Islam in terms of the extent of their imposing demands on others as to how to act, eat, drink, pray and obey.

12-17-15, 17:04
One does not have to be a Jew or a Christian in order to adhere to the Judeo-Christian ethic. It's the dominant morality in the western world and although its basis may have at one time been religious, it's now part of the fabric of our society whereas religion is not necessarily.

12-17-15, 17:39
One does not have to be a Jew or a Christian in order to adhere to the Judeo-Christian ethic. It's the dominant morality in the western world and although its basis may have at one time been religious, it's now part of the fabric of our society whereas religion is not necessarily.

Right on Point, Thank You!
The neat thing about America is you have the freedom to go to hell just as quickly as you like.
The fun part is keeping your mouth shut and your eyes open just to watch it happen.

12-17-15, 17:51
The neat thing about America is you have the freedom to go to hell just as quickly as you like.

And that might be worrisome to someone who actually believes that hell exists.

Big A
12-17-15, 19:53
And that might be worrisome to someone who actually believes that hell exists.
Of course hell exists, I work there...

12-17-15, 20:12
Of course hell exists, I work there...

"This ain't Hell, but I can see it from here" gets muttered dejectedly by me like everyday.

I like that one Grass Roots song "Live for Today"

12-17-15, 20:19
"This ain't Hell, but I can see it from here" gets muttered dejectedly by me like everyday.

I like that one Grass Roots song "Live for Today"

I like, "I'd tell you to go to Hell, but I work there and I don't want to see you every day."

12-17-15, 20:19
I wonder what her views of godless conservative libertarians are.

-that, right there.

12-17-15, 21:35
I like, "I'd tell you to go to Hell, but I work there and I don't want to see you every day."

And as I start another broadcast day; I happen upon an awesome line to start using.


12-17-15, 22:20
One does not have to be a Jew or a Christian in order to adhere to the Judeo-Christian ethic. It's the dominant morality in the western world and although its basis may have at one time been religious, it's now part of the fabric of our society whereas religion is not necessarily.

This is a very damn good point.
I would say that likewise, one does not have to be a "true" Muslim to adhere to Muslim ethics and attitudes towards Jews, women, Christians, etc. There are plenty of people who eat pork, drink, smoke and don't regularly attend mosque, yet totally hate the West, Jews and ally themselves with Islam despite not following it by the book.

12-18-15, 01:50
And that might be worrisome to someone who actually believes that hell exists.

If you study the original Hebrew religions, it's a real place. It's in Israel.


In Jewish Rabbinic literature, and Christian and Islamic scripture, Gehenna is a destination of the wicked.[2] This is different from the more neutral Sheol/Hades, the abode of the dead, although the King James Version of the Bible usually translates both with the Anglo-Saxon word Hell.

In the King James Version of the Bible, the term appears 13 times in 11 different verses as "Valley of Hinnom", "Valley of the son of Hinnom" or "Valley of the children of Hinnom."

12-18-15, 04:08

12-18-15, 07:02
I think that video kind of just says what's being said in the thread.

12-18-15, 11:46
True. But we should keep in mind that many laws were formed from a belief in Zeus.

...and many laws are formed from the belief there is no higher power.

The Constitution and the Bill of Rights prevent the State from forming a state religion or recognizing one religion over another, but doesn't limit our right to govern, be governed or pass laws based on what we believe to be right, or true. Nor does it absolve us from the responsibility of fighting for good governance and against bad laws, no matter how well meaning the belief system that push for them may be.

It's wrong to argue that laws must not be based on belief or religion. It's impossible to form a law that's not based on belief. Laws must be examined individually to determine constitutionality, fairness and consequences, regardless of the beliefs it's founded upon. That's not to say we cannot or should not look behind the curtain, far from it. In fact, it should be part of the debate. But all laws, good and bad, are formed from belief and how that belief should be applied. Saying religious beliefs should not influence lawmaking is as bad as saying it must