View Full Version : Paul Ryan Betrays America: $1.1 Trillion, 2,000 + page bill gives Obama all he wants

12-17-15, 18:29

I wish I knew how to transfer the Obama/Ryan pic from this article into this thread.
It's exactly what I expected of Ryan. With very few exceptions the R's are no different than the D's.

Once again, Balkanization already...

Straight Shooter
12-17-15, 18:35
Ive never seen nothing like it. TRAITORS from top to bottom and on both sides.
WE have GOT to do...something. SOMETHING. Im so fed up with this shiite.

12-17-15, 18:38
It's called "reaching across the aisle" and compromising with the other party, not betraying.

12-17-15, 18:39
Honestly guys, is anyone really suprised? Every politician is a snake in the grass. Believe it.

Sent from my LG-H900 using Tapatalk

Mauser KAR98K
12-17-15, 18:45
I thought Boehner left...

ETA: Ryan's face looks like he is having remorse from the anal sex he got from Michelle.

12-17-15, 18:50
Dems aren't exactly happy, either.

Outlander Systems
12-17-15, 19:10


I wish I knew how to transfer the Obama/Ryan pic from this article...

12-17-15, 19:12
It's called "reaching across the aisle" and compromising with the other party, not betraying.

Screw Ryan. I don't like his RINO ass and was 110% against him being Speaker. He is part of the new generation of Establishment Republicans, right along with Rubio. They can go to hell.

12-17-15, 19:15
Not surprising at all.

(1) Ryan’s Omnibus Fully Funds DACA

(2) Ryan’s Omnibus Funds Sanctuary Cities

(3) Ryan’s Omnibus Funds All Refugee Programs

(4) Ryan’s Omnibus Funds All of the Mideast Immigration Programs That Have Been Exploited by Terrorists in Recent Years

(5) Ryan’s Omnibus Funds Illegal Alien Resettlement

(6) Ryan’s Omnibus Funds the Release of Criminal Aliens

(7) Ryan’s Omnibus Quadruples H-2B Foreign Worker Visas

(8) Ryan’s Omnibus Funds Tax Credits for Illegal Aliens

(9) Ryan’s Omnibus Locks-In Huge Spending Increases

(10) Ryan’s Omnibus Fails to Allocate Funds to Complete the 700-Mile Double-Layer Border Fence That Congress Promised the American People

This will be a big bump for Trumpasaurus Rex and Cruise.

The party is completely fractured. Nobody knows who to hate more- Obama, or the Elites and their operatives.

This is the end of the GOP.

12-17-15, 19:29
Put it this way.....the Dems can put far-left, goofy-ass bitch Pelosi as Speaker and that's okay, but "we" have to put a RINO in there. WTF? Similar to how they can put Shitstain up for POTUS (twice) and now I hear rumblings of that term I absolutely loathe, "electability", coming into play for who we should nominate.

Yep, "they" control the narrative for sure.

Kev, for once I'll agree with you. We're screwed.

12-17-15, 19:46
A real all star line up regarding the players on this bill:

Pelosi, who negotiated the omnibus with Ryan, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) and Minority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.), said the provision lifting the 40-year ban on crude oil exports is "the biggest obstacle” as she pitches the compromise to wary Democrats.

But the oil provision, she added, allowed the Democrats to win major concessions from the Republicans on a long list of other issues, from the environment and labor protections to banking reforms and the Syrian refugee program.

"Republicans’ desperate thirst for lifting the oil export ban empowered Democrats to win significant concessions throughout the Omnibus, including ridding the bill of scores of deeply destructive poison pill riders," Pelosi wrote in a letter to Democratic colleagues Thursday night.

Pelosi on Wednesday had huddled separately with members of the Progressive Caucus and Tri-Caucus, which consists of black, Hispanic and Asian American Democrats. In both meetings, she got an earful, according to a number of attendees, and the criticisms continued at a Democratic Caucus meeting on Thursday morning.

Rep. Luis Gutierrez (D-Ill.) said he's opposing the omnibus because Republicans stripped out a Democratic proposal to help Puerto Rican leaders manage their debt crisis. He suggested Democratic negotiators didn't fight hard enough, and urged a reopening of the talks.

"I don't know if we negotiated from a position of power in this," he said. "And I, for one, am not going to go to Florida, and talk to 1 million Puerto Ricans in Florida, and tell them to vote Democrat if the Democrats can't stand up for the Puerto Ricans today."

Still, other top liberals are lining up behind the measure, providing cover to Democrats who had been reluctant to support it.

Reps. Rosa DeLauro (D-Conn.) and David Price (D-N.C.), two top appropriators, both announced Thursday on the House floor that they'll grudgingly back the deal. And Hoyer, the Democratic whip, also threw his weight behind the measure.

"I believe we can do better, especially when it comes to making investments in areas that grow our economy, such as infrastructure, research, innovation, higher education, and workforce development," Hoyer said.

"But I will support this omnibus, and I urge my colleagues to support this omnibus, because we must not let the perfect stand in the way of the practical and the appropriate."

12-17-15, 19:57

The other thing members should be taking away from this is:

The GOP caved and gave carte blanche to the Obamunists... and what did we get in return?

Obamacare repeal?
Big cuts to government?
Additional 2A Assurances?
Huge tax cuts?
Entitlement reform?

No... new markets for Oil Men.

12-17-15, 19:59
The other thing members should be taking away from this is:

The GOP caved and gave carte blanche to the Obamunists... and what did we get in return?

Obamacare repeal?
Big cuts to government?
Additional 2A Assurances?
Huge tax cuts?
Entitlement reform?

No... new markets for Oil Men.

Nothing's changed since the beginning of time.

12-17-15, 20:09
Well I certainly feel more free....

12-17-15, 21:20
This is why electing either a repub or makes no difference. Why would anyone expect change. Depower the parties by electing anything else.

12-17-15, 22:31
Tell me again why a working Congress is better than a do nothing Congress??? :mad:

12-18-15, 01:05
Oh hell I might as well post it for the hundredth time . . .

“The argument that the two parties should represent opposed ideals and policies, one, perhaps, of the Right and the other of the Left, is a foolish idea acceptable only to doctrinaire and academic thinkers. Instead, the two parties should be almost identical, so that the American people can ‘throw the rascals out’ at any election without leading to any profound or extensive shifts in policy” (Georgetown University Professor Carroll Quigley, Tragedy and Hope, 1966.)

12-18-15, 01:27
The other thing members should be taking away from this is:

The GOP caved and gave carte blanche to the Obamunists... and what did we get in return?

Obamacare repeal?
Big cuts to government?
Additional 2A Assurances?
Huge tax cuts?
Entitlement reform?

No... new markets for Oil Men.

Which actually just means higher prices for us. Maybe it helps our our strategic partners in case of an oil embargo, that is a secondary effect.

12-18-15, 01:38
I knew that guy was a piece of shit when he complained that he wouldn't accept the speaker job if it meant he had to travel and be away from his family. That right there should have told everyone, he doesn't care about anybody but himself.

He is what is wrong with the Republican party personified, he represents the true face of the GOP every bit as much as Pelosi represented the Democrats. Sickening.

Outlander Systems
12-18-15, 06:17
Saw this at WRSA and absolutely almost pissed myself laughing:


Limbaugh: GOP Just ****ed You: http://www.rushlimbaugh.com/daily/2015/12/17/gop_sells_america_down_the_river

You suckers still gonna show up and vote for someone other than Trump?

Oh hell I might as well post it for the hundredth time . . .

12-18-15, 06:36
Maybe it helps our our strategic partners in case of an oil embargo, that is a secondary effect.

Turkey already gets enough oil from ISIS, and Russia will hurt them by turning off natural gas.

The $trategic Partners being helped are the oil industry.

Now, who can we get embargoed so they can $ave the day by selling their oil to them?

12-18-15, 07:15
Well, looks like the oil guys are the winners on this one...lol.

So much for two party system. May as well be one party, eh comrades....... Da....... Da.......

12-18-15, 07:39
Politicians have been politicians since the beginning of politics, and they are not changing any time soon.

On the other hand, it probably doesn't matter much what the names are, or the parties, the system is so far screwed up it cannot be fixed, it can only collapse under its own weight.

12-18-15, 08:18
To say I am disgusted would be an understatement but I have to say I am not surprised either. We have no allies in Washington, the Republican party is no different than the Democratic party. At least the democrats tell you they want to screw you over, the Repubs pretend to agree with you and then bend you over when you aren't looking.

We are going to have to figure something out at some point. Although I am thinking the only meaningful solution will be one we don't really like. I just don't think there is any way to vote our way out of this.

12-18-15, 10:51
To say I am disgusted would be an understatement but I have to say I am not surprised either. We have no allies in Washington, the Republican party is no different than the Democratic party. At least the democrats tell you they want to screw you over, the Repubs pretend to agree with you and then bend you over when you aren't looking.

We are going to have to figure something out at some point. Although I am thinking the only meaningful solution will be one we don't really like. I just don't think there is any way to vote our way out of this.

There isn't. The left has completely subjugated the GOP. They've decided to do what they can for their paymasters and leave the rest of us to fend for ourselves. I'm not even sure what the point of voting is anymore. :(

12-18-15, 10:56
If they can do this time and again with a budget, what happens when they decide to sell out the 2nd Amendment?

12-18-15, 10:58
To say I am disgusted would be an understatement but I have to say I am not surprised either. We have no allies in Washington, the Republican party is no different than the Democratic party. At least the democrats tell you they want to screw you over, the Repubs pretend to agree with you and then bend you over when you aren't looking.

We are going to have to figure something out at some point. Although I am thinking the only meaningful solution will be one we don't really like. I just don't think there is any way to vote our way out of this.

There isn't.. The only thing left to do is to use the 2nd as it was intended. It won't be pretty, It won't be fun, and it's very possible it won't turn out well. Lots will get killed. But IMO in the near future, we're going to be given a choice, Either get on your knees, and start sucking, or Fight for your rights.. Your choice..

12-18-15, 11:10
If they can do this time and again with a budget, what happens when they decide to sell out the 2nd Amendment?

This is a test.

No immediate consequences will come from this, and when November rolls around they will throw the presidential election (as they have been doing) and rely on the partisan hate machine to hold on to their seats in Congress.

Doc Safari
12-18-15, 12:22
It's called "reaching across the aisle" and compromising with the other party, not betraying.

Correction: it's called "reaching across the aisle without the benefit of a reacharound." We just take it in the ass with no concessions, AGAIN.

EDITED TO ADD: This can only help Trump. All the other Republican candidates just took another layer of "guilt by association" over this.

12-18-15, 12:31
We just take it in the ass with no concessions, AGAIN.

Ending the 40-year ban on U.S. crude oil exports is a MAJOR concession.

It just benefits a select few people.

Some "very rich" guys are about to become truly "ultra rich."

If you are one of those guys- MONEY DANCE, HOMEY!

For the rest of us... WTF?

12-18-15, 12:34
There isn't. The left has completely cuckold the GOP. They've decided to do what they can for their paymasters and leave the rest of us to fend for ourselves. I'm not even sure what the point of voting is anymore. :(


Crow Hunter
12-18-15, 12:36
The other thing members should be taking away from this is:

The GOP caved and gave carte blanche to the Obamunists... and what did we get in return?

Obamacare repeal?
Big cuts to government?
Additional 2A Assurances?
Huge tax cuts?
Entitlement reform?

No... new markets for Oil Men.


Excellent comment and point.

Outlander Systems
12-18-15, 12:38
Also, nobody has brought up the CISA bullshit ramrodded through with this crap.



After more than a year of stalemate, Congress has used an unconventional procedural measure to bring a controversial cybersurveillance bill to the floor. Late last night, Speaker of the House Paul Ryan (R-WI) announced a 2,000-page omnibus budget bill, a last-minute compromise necessary to prevent a government shutdown. But while the bulk of the bill concerns taxes and spending, it contains a surprise 1,729 pages in: the full text of the controversial Cybersecurity Information Sharing Act of 2015, which passed the Senate in October.


Ending the 40-year ban on U.S. crude oil exports is a MAJOR concession.

It just benefits a select few people.

Some "very rich" guys are about to become truly "ultra rich."

If you are one of those guys- MONEY DANCE, HOMEY!

For the rest of us... WTF?

12-18-15, 12:41
In a surprise, the House overwhelmingly approved the measure in a 316-113 vote. The Senate later backed the bill 65-33, sending it to President Barack Obama, who is expected to sign it into law.

The lopsided House vote was a major victory for new Speaker Paul Ryan. He secured the votes of 150 Republicans -- a majority of the House GOP conference.


Also, nobody has brought up the CISA bullshit ramrodded through with this crap.

I believe that this omnibus will prove far more destructive to America than the Patriot Act.

Straight Shooter
12-18-15, 12:56
There isn't.. The only thing left to do is to use the 2nd as it was intended. It won't be pretty, It won't be fun, and it's very possible it won't turn out well. Lots will get killed. But IMO in the near future, we're going to be given a choice, Either get on your knees, and start sucking, or Fight for your rights.. Your choice..

Ive never seen nothing like it. TRAITORS from top to bottom and on both sides.
WE have GOT to do...something. SOMETHING. Im so fed up with this shiite.

12-18-15, 13:47
Ok, so we need to get thru this election cycle and do OUR BEST to NOT elect Hillary or Bernie.

After that it may be time for the Tea Party to consider forming it's own party...gives them 4 or 8 years to gain some steam....

12-18-15, 16:28
Ok, so we need to get thru this election cycle and do OUR BEST to NOT elect Hillary or Bernie.

After that it may be time for the Tea Party to consider forming it's own party...gives them 4 or 8 years to gain some steam....

The establishment Republicans sided with the democrats to pass this - what makes you think they won't side with Hillary in the next election? Boehner's wet dream was to get rid of his right flank, he said it in plenty of conferences. Point being - you won't get any power without the mushy middle.

12-18-15, 16:57
The establishment Republicans sided with the democrats to pass this - what makes you think they won't side with Hillary in the next election? Boehner's wet dream was to get rid of his right flank, he said it in plenty of conferences. Point being - you won't get any power without the mushy middle.

Screw the "mushy middle". I'm sick of pandering to them, i.e. McCain and Romney. Did us a lot of good didn't it? As I've said before, the libtards can run someone waaaayyyy to the left (Obama, Pelosi) but we have to run a milquetoast RINO? Naw, I ain't buyin' it.

If indeed this country is "center left" then perhaps the time has come to part ways, Balkanize, whatever. I never thought I'd find myself warming up to the idea but damned if it isn't seeming more and more like a legitimate option if some of us want to retain our values as we've known them. I don't like what we're becoming/have become. I'm beginning to view just about half of my "fellow countrymen" with animosity rather than seeing it as just a difference of opinion.

12-18-15, 20:20
Not sure what to say. I am an oilfield worker and I do not even like this. I have only been watching politics for about 10 years. It's always the same thing. The days of any contrast between politicians is long gone. Every last one of them would sell their grandmother for a cheap hooker.
Yet we still debate between us who is are better candidate, which always turns out bad. We keep electing dem and repubs expecting a change when they win. We should all know better by now. If we want to change America DO NOT elect either.
Even trump will be engrossed with power and fall prey to the same corruption as the others.

We are winning 1 fight while they are winning 10 battles in the war. It is an eternal war waged between gov(the state) and the individual. And we want to call this progress on our part ? What good will it do to have your guns when the gov has absolute control in all other ways. What we should have done is teach others about the constitution, not just "don't take our guns". The second amendment is about arms, not guns. Along with maintaining a projected force of power that can stand up to the fed govt. it baffles my mind that citizens have not removed the gov already, ffs it's been over 200 years.
Oh wait, there was a couple of very small ones that are NOT taught in school.

You are either with the people or with the gov, but not both. When are we going to have big enough balls to stand our ground ? Oh wait I almost forgot, just write your friendly neighborhood congressman and he will take care of you. Wake the **** up people. Can it be made any clearer that politicians don't give a rats ass about you. Oh wait, just remembered they need sheep with an IQ of 3 to vote for them. The next repub elected will stick it in your ass with no lube just like the last one while smiling and shaking your hand.

On the other hand....watching Nancy pelosi pole dance naked for me gets my vote at attention.

12-18-15, 21:09
Not sure what to say. I am an oilfield worker and I do not even like this. I have only been watching politics for about 10 years. It's always the same thing. The days of any contrast between politicians is long gone. Every last one of them would sell their grandmother for a cheap hooker.
Yet we still debate between us who is are better candidate, which always turns out bad. We keep electing dem and repubs expecting a change when they win. We should all know better by now. If we want to change America DO NOT elect either.
Even trump will be engrossed with power and fall prey to the same corruption as the others.

We are winning 1 fight while they are winning 10 battles in the war. It is an eternal war waged between gov(the state) and the individual. And we want to call this progress on our part ? What good will it do to have your guns when the gov has absolute control in all other ways. What we should have done is teach others about the constitution, not just "don't take our guns". The second amendment is about arms, not guns. Along with maintaining a projected force of power that can stand up to the fed govt. it baffles my mind that citizens have not removed the gov already, ffs it's been over 200 years.
Oh wait, there was a couple of very small ones that are NOT taught in school.

You are either with the people or with the gov, but not both. When are we going to have big enough balls to stand our ground ? Oh wait I almost forgot, just write your friendly neighborhood congressman and he will take care of you. Wake the **** up people. Can it be made any clearer that politicians don't give a rats ass about you. Oh wait, just remembered they need sheep with an IQ of 3 to vote for them. The next repub elected will stick it in your ass with no lube just like the last one while smiling and shaking your hand.

On the other hand....watching Nancy pelosi pole dance naked for me gets my vote at attention.

Dude, there's online porn. Anything but what you mentioned there! :bad:

Some things you can't un-see.......

12-18-15, 21:54
I'm sorry if it was too subtle, but the point is you've been out maneuvered by the corporatists- they've essentially copted the middle and the media. What is your plan? Get on late night TV and tell jokes about immigrants or transgendered? I think you'll have a hard time. As I said to my friend who writes... Err wrote speeches, "now I know how they felt in Moscow when they were reading Pravda..."

12-18-15, 21:54
Cruz flew back to DC for the vote and voted against it.

12-18-15, 22:35
There's something in the water here in butler county ohio. Boehner lives here, and Paul Ryan graduated from college here. The sheriff will not sign NFA paperwork for anybody, and yet I supposedly live in a conservative county on the outskirts of Cincinnati.

I know a lot on here don't like Trump, but he's ripping apart the establishment at the seams. And I LOVE IT!

12-18-15, 22:37
Rand Paul says stop the Paul Ryan Omnibus:


brushy bill
12-18-15, 23:55
Paul is a great friend to veterans:



I remember his betrayal then & did not expect any different now as speaker. RINO & Demoncrat....there is not a dime's worth of difference between them.

12-19-15, 06:49
I remember his betrayal then & did not expect any different now as speaker. RINO & Demoncrat....there is not a dime's worth of difference between them.

Exactly - in Europe it is referred to as a Center Right coalition. The middle of both parties join to govern and shut out the rest.

12-19-15, 07:14
Don't know why anybody here is surprised, or even so upset, considering it's business as usual.
I see sayings of " get through to the next election", which only means you hope your anal soreness is gone before the next sodomizing.
For decades now, we have been on the train to destruction. Elections only change who's driving, some drive a bit faster, some a bit slower. But trains don't change direction.
We are past a voting solution. Our forefathers shot people over much less, so it's established, America is pretty well neutered.
We the people will not stand up until the destruction (fundamental, not physical) is complete, and it may be too late then. Even if it's not, the job will be much dirtier than it would have been at any earlier time.
Those of us that see what's happening are going to be dragged along.

As for trump, he is too "perfect".
He was/is (?) a Clinton buddy.
I would lay odds he pulls a "perot", and backs out at the last minute, sealing the deal, making Hitlery our next prez.
Or, a contrived "emergency" will keep maobama here indefinitely.

Sent from my SGP612 using Tapatalk

12-19-15, 09:06
Cruz flew back to DC for the vote and voted against it.

There may be hope after all.

12-19-15, 15:25

12-19-15, 15:26

12-19-15, 17:13
Paul Ryan is the new Eric Cantor.

12-19-15, 19:21
Paul Ryan is the new Eric Cantor.

"Meet the new boss
Same as the old boss"

The Record Plant, W44th Street

12-20-15, 13:06
Why, time and time again, almost NOBODY reports the fact that the bill was given to the senate the day before the vote. If they're not writing these bills, who the **** is?

12-20-15, 13:20
Why, time and time again, almost NOBODY reports the fact that the bill was given to the senate the day before the vote. If they're not writing these bills, who the **** is?

Good question

12-20-15, 13:53
Or are they letting the Special Interest Groups and Lobbyists write them and they just sign off?

12-20-15, 16:29
Or are they letting the Special Interest Groups and Lobbyists write them and they just sign off?

The lobbyists write them up in accordance with instructions provided by the congressional aides. It's a blatantly corrupt system and the media WILL NOT talk about it. :(

12-20-15, 17:00
The lobbyists write them up in accordance with instructions provided by the congressional aides. It's a blatantly corrupt system and the media WILL NOT talk about it. :(

Now who would have thought that our elected officals would allow that to go on?
It's like we've elected Congressman Ted Baxter.

12-20-15, 21:12
The lobbyists write them up in accordance with instructions provided by the congressional aides.


The lobbyists write them first. Then they take them to the legislators (both sides) and try to get them either introduced as new legislation, attached to upcoming legislation, or... best case, attached to must-pass legislation like the budget.

12-21-15, 02:26
Why, time and time again, almost NOBODY reports the fact that the bill was given to the senate the day before the vote. If they're not writing these bills, who the **** is?

Who wrote the 10K+ page Affordable Healthcare Act, it sure as hell wasn't Barry.