View Full Version : islam promoted + Christianity censored = US public schools . . .

12-18-15, 03:31
Well it's that time of year, hope you all have your Obama approved "holiday tree" up!

Separation of church and state alive and well . . .

Parents in Augusta County Concerned About Islamic Indoctrination

Last week, ninth-grade-students at Riverheads High School were asked to copy the Shahada for a school assignment.

But after they found out what they translated, “There is no other God but Allah and Muhammad is his messenger.” Some students took issue.

Some students also put on a scarf part of the interactive lesson intended to teach about a religious article of clothing, the Hijab.

“When they asked me to dress up, I said no and the aide said okay, well the teacher pushed and pushed and pushed so I did it, and when she took a picture, I asked for it not to be in the yearbook and she said it was . . .

“These children were deceived when they were told it was calligraphy, this is not calligraphy, this is a language,” said Herndon.


Bible passages cut from ‘A Charlie Brown Christmas’ at Eastern Kentucky school

When students perform the play “A Charlie Brown Christmas” at W.R. Castle Elementary School in Johnson County on Thursday, the scene in which the character Linus quotes from the Bible is set to be deleted.

“As superintendent of Johnson County Schools, I recognize the significance of Christmas and the traditions and beliefs associated with this holiday. Over the past few days, there have been several rumors indicating that there would be no Christmas plays this year at our elementary schools. I want to clarify that all programs will go on as scheduled. In accordance with federal laws, our programs will follow appropriate regulations. The U.S. Supreme Court and the 6th Circuit are very clear that public school staff may not endorse any religion when acting in their official capacities and during school activities.


12-18-15, 03:43
Meanwhile: Football Coach Who Was Suspended After Refusing to Stop Praying on the Field Is Fighting Back in a Big Way (http://www.theblaze.com/stories/2015/12/15/defiant-football-coach-was-suspended-after-refusing-to-stop-praying-on-the-field-now-hes-fighting-back-in-a-big-way/)

12-18-15, 09:28
That's ok, NYC just sworn in a new Muslim judge with her hand on the Koran at the ceremony

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12-18-15, 09:48

Doc Safari
12-18-15, 09:57
People in this country are not prepared for what is coming.

12-18-15, 10:10
People in this country are not prepared for what is coming.

I am!

“Watch out that no one deceives you. 5 For many will come in my name, claiming, ‘I am the Messiah,’ and will deceive many. 6 You will hear of wars and rumors of wars, but see to it that you are not alarmed. Such things must happen, but the end is still to come. 7 Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines and earthquakes in various places. 8 All these are the beginning of birth pains.

9 “Then you will be handed over to be persecuted and put to death, and you will be hated by all nations because of me. 10 At that time many will turn away from the faith and will betray and hate each other, 11 and many false prophets will appear and deceive many people. 12 Because of the increase of wickedness, the love of most will grow cold, 13 but the one who stands firm to the end will be saved. 14 And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.

15 “So when you see standing in the holy place ‘the abomination that causes desolation,’[a] spoken of through the prophet Daniel—let the reader understand— 16 then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains. 17 Let no one on the housetop go down to take anything out of the house. 18 Let no one in the field go back to get their cloak. 19 How dreadful it will be in those days for pregnant women and nursing mothers! 20 Pray that your flight will not take place in winter or on the Sabbath. 21 For then there will be great distress, unequaled from the beginning of the world until now—and never to be equaled again.

Doc Safari
12-18-15, 10:27
I am!

“Watch out that no one deceives you. 5 For many will come in my name, claiming, ‘I am the Messiah,’ and will deceive many. 6 You will hear of wars and rumors of wars, but see to it that you are not alarmed. Such things must happen, but the end is still to come. 7 Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines and earthquakes in various places. 8 All these are the beginning of birth pains.

I believe we have been in this phase for many years, if not decades.

9 “Then you will be handed over to be persecuted and put to death, and you will be hated by all nations because of me. 10 At that time many will turn away from the faith and will betray and hate each other, 11 and many false prophets will appear and deceive many people. 12 Because of the increase of wickedness, the love of most will grow cold, 13 but the one who stands firm to the end will be saved. 14 And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.

I feel sorry for those people who think they are going to be raptured at the first sign of trouble. If you read this and absorb what it actually says, things will get so awful that there will be few Christians left to be raptured when and if it finally occurs. It also suggests it IS possible to lose your salvation, something a lot of churches don't teach.

15 “So when you see standing in the holy place ‘the abomination that causes desolation,’[a] spoken of through the prophet Daniel—let the reader understand— 16 then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains. 17 Let no one on the housetop go down to take anything out of the house. 18 Let no one in the field go back to get their cloak. 19 How dreadful it will be in those days for pregnant women and nursing mothers! 20 Pray that your flight will not take place in winter or on the Sabbath. 21 For then there will be great distress, unequaled from the beginning of the world until now—and never to be equaled again.

Most Christian scholars in the west believe the "Holy Place" will be a rebuilt Jewish temple, and it very well could be. Some in the east, or who have their theology based on more eastern Christian concepts, also believe it could be the Hagia Sophia in Constantinople. This was possibly THE Christian church on earth for many hundreds of years.

The Hagia Sophia was converted to a mosque, then a museum, but lately crosses that were originally part of the interior design have been mysteriously reappearing through the materials used to cover them up:


Strange and inexplicable event comes after the last appearance of winged angels. A paradox for those of us who do not possess the art of iconography is that the mosaics were covered with a thick layer of lime (about two fingers), as seen in this picture, in order to hide the Christian symbols. It is onto the lime cover that these crosses appeared.

And rightfully should the visitors wonder, since they are not painted later. Somehow they "seeped" from the wall up to the outer surface of plaster?

And why should only the crosses seep through and not the rest of the iconographic murals, which are also in a mosaic form (that would exclude a "random" impregnation, since the coated material is stone)? But even if they were frescoes covered with plaster, is a very strange fact that they are NOT visible to the naked eye, yet are captured in the camera lens! Then we have a paradox, perhaps it should be investigated ...

As far as whether the "Holy Place" might actually be the Hagia Sophia instead of a rebuilt Jewish temple, I offer the following article.

Here is an interesing prophecy, for those so inclined:

200 Years Ago, War Between Turkey and Russia Prophesied as Sign of Redemption - By Rivkah Lambert Adler -

"If the prophet speaks in the name of the Lord, and the thing does not occur and does not come about, that is the thing the Lord did not speak. The prophet has spoken it wantonly; you shall not be afraid of him." (Deuteronomy 18:22)

With tensions escalating between Russia and Turkey, many are wondering if the world is being witness to a divine act of messianic intervention.

Just before his death in 1797, an exceedingly well-respected Jewish sage known as the Vilna Gaon (the genius of Vilna) left his followers with a prophetic statement about two specific events that would happen just before the appearance of the Messiah.

After being held as "a closely guarded secret" for over 200 years, Rabbi Moshe Shternbuch, a great-grandson of the Vilna Gaon, shared the full prophecy publically for the first time in 2014. The text of the Vilna Gaon's prophecy was reported by Rabbi Lazer Brody, an American-born Hasidic rabbi and teacher from Ashdod, Israel in March, 2014.

"When you hear that the Russians have captured the city of Crimea, you should know that the times of the Messiah have started, that his steps are being heard. And when you hear that the Russians have reached the city of Constantinople, you should put on your Shabbat (Sabbath) clothes and don't take them off, because it means that the Messiah is about to come any minute."

In this prophecy, the Vilna Gaon mentioned two signs of the imminent arrival of the Messiah - Russia capturing Crimea and Russia invading the Turkish city of Constantinople (now Istanbul). The first prophecy was fulfilled in 2014 when Russia annexed the Ukrainian territory of Crimea.

Current tensions between Russia and Turkey, including Turkey shooting down a Russian fighter jet on November 24, are setting the stage for the second sign, the Russian invasion of Istanbul, to occur soon.

The prophecy of the Vilna Gaon is strengthened by the existence of a similar prophecy, this one from the Jewish sage known as the Ba'al Shem Tov, the founder of the Hasidic Judaism. Like the Vilna Gaon, the Ba'al Shem Tov lived in the 18th century.

The Kloisenberger Rebbe, a 20th century Hasidic rabbi, echoed the Vilna Gaon's second sign when he wrote "in the name of the Ba'al Shem Tov, when you see the Russian horse in Constantinople, a city in Turkey, you should know Moshiach (Messiah) is about to arrive."

According to the Kloisenberger Rebbe, in addition to the Russian military presence in the Turkish city of Istanbul, the Ba'al Shem Tov foretold another sign of the impending arrival of the Messiah - "the Russians will come, they will come and be together with the sons of Ishmael." That is, when the Russians join forces with the spiritual descendants of Ishmael, who today are identified as those of Islamic descent, it's another sign of the coming of the Messiah.

Militarily, Russia is already connected with its Shiite Muslim allies in Syria and Iran. As reported in Breaking Israel News, a 75-year-old prophecy connects Russia's unfolding role in Syria to Gog and Magog. Since late September of this year, Russia has become a central player in Syria, leading many to hypothesize that Putin is Gog and Russia is Magog.

The messianic alliance between Russia and the Shiite Muslims of Syria and Iran was deepened by a recent gesture of friendship off the battlefield. On November 23, Russian President Vladimir Putin gave a rare and valuable gift to Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei. Putin gave Khamenei one of five copies of the original handwritten Koran, the Muslim holy text that dates back to the 7th century.

12-18-15, 11:05
Hopefully these American children forced/tricked into learning Muslim bs get a full lesson of koran burning from dad after he hears what public schools are teaching his children.

12-18-15, 11:13
I would have had my kid draw a portrait of Mohammed.

Wouldn't most kids renderings end up looking like the ISIS flag?

Why not throw a rock in the middle of the gym and have the kids walk in circles around it.

I like the article a post that only 0.03% of muslims are terrorists- as if the ME would be in the mess if radicalism was a four sigma occurrence.

Put your kids in private schools and defund as much as you can the public schools. Money is the only thing these Progressives understand and respect.

12-18-15, 12:21
I would have had my kid draw a portrait of Mohammed.


THAT , and I would also have them remind the teacher and everyone in the class that mohammed was a pedophile. So the Islam is based on pedophilia, not peace.

12-18-15, 13:18
Around 9/11...in College I was a quasi-member of Freethought Society. It wasn't an atheist group or a devil worship group.

It was Freethought. Anyways we did religious dares where nothing was sacred. We personally purchased Korans and Bibles and burned them. We did soul challenges where you could sell your soul for whatever price was agreed upon(it ranged from a 6 pack of beer to ten dollars). Walked under ladders. Broke mirrors. Blasphemy Challenges.

Nothing was sacred. And it was consensual.
But making a kid scribble Tusken Raider script or wear that crap is lame.

I don't go to mosque ls and try to explain modern science so they shouldn't be in school teaching their backwards rituals.

12-18-15, 17:19
Schools Closed in Virginia District After Uproar Over Arabic Calligraphy Lesson

A central Virginia school district has canceled classes Friday after concerns over the "tone and content" of calls and emails received about a lesson in Arabic calligraphy.


The ****'n Superintendent and school board are maintaining that this was simply an exercise of calligraphy in a geography class. I'm am SO glad they have been flooded with phone calls and emails from parents in that school district and abroad concerning this outrage!

26 Inf
12-18-15, 17:26
Meanwhile: Football Coach Who Was Suspended After Refusing to Stop Praying on the Field Is Fighting Back in a Big Way (http://www.theblaze.com/stories/2015/12/15/defiant-football-coach-was-suspended-after-refusing-to-stop-praying-on-the-field-now-hes-fighting-back-in-a-big-way/)

He is absolute within his rights, they over reacted. Fortunately for the school district he doesn't sound like the kind of guy who will bleed them dry.

12-18-15, 17:27
Wouldn't most kids renderings end up looking like the ISIS flag?

Of course this is not being covered by the MSM and most people missed this. My wife had to message via FB some friends of ours who live in VA (he's a State Trooper) cause they have not even heard about this yet.

This is the shahada that the students were duped into copying . . .


Does it look to familiar to anyone???


"The emerald green flag of the prophet"

ISIS flags

12-18-15, 17:40
Schools Closed in Virginia District After Uproar Over Arabic Calligraphy Lesson


The ****'n Superintendent and school board are maintaining that this was simply an exercise of calligraphy in a geography class. I'm am SO glad they have been flooded with phone calls and emails from parents in that school district and abroad concerning this outrage!


Everyone involved should lose their jobs.

12-18-15, 20:00
Just reading Bill Lind's dystopian novel, "Victoria" earlier tonight... in a recovering Northern Confederation, circa 2020, the new back-to-basics government moves against the remaining Progressive educators, with the following words: "This mutilation of innocence in the service of death, the death of culture and the death of truth, deserves death."

Strong stuff--banishment would seem to suffice--but it does capture the flavor of what's being peddled under the guise of "education".

Private schooling.

12-19-15, 02:59
Just reading Bill Lind's dystopian novel, "Victoria" earlier tonight... in a recovering Northern Confederation, circa 2020, the new back-to-basics government moves against the remaining Progressive educators, with the following words: "This mutilation of innocence in the service of death, the death of culture and the death of truth, deserves death."

Strong stuff--banishment would seem to suffice--but it does capture the flavor of what's being peddled under the guise of "education".

I agree with the author's summations 110% and will add this novel to my list, thanks.

Once Western civilization falls, those who hastened it's demise are not going to like what rises from it's ashes.

Mauser KAR98K
12-19-15, 07:31
Don't suicide bombers say the Sahadah before they blow themselves up?

12-19-15, 08:51
We have now reached full Progressive LIBTARDNESS.

12-19-15, 14:23
Don't suicide bombers say the Sahadah before they blow themselves up?

No, they say "1000 virgin goats await me in paradise, praise be to god"- but they say it in there language which is Arabic.

12-19-15, 16:16
None of this is a accident regardless of what they sputter. There is some serious money spread around in the US to politicians, bureaucrats, media, educators
by CAIR and Moslem Brotherhood, affiliats, and others, America is for sale and many are willing to take their 30 pieces of silver.

12-20-15, 00:40
None of this is a accident regardless of what they sputter. There is some serious money spread around in the US to politicians, bureaucrats, media, educators
by CAIR and Moslem Brotherhood, affiliats, and others, America is for sale and many are willing to take their 30 pieces of silver.

Yup . . .

'Dark money' grows in politics even as states try to stop it

The Clinton Crime Family receives huge amounts of "campaign donations" via the House of Saud aka Wahhabists.

12-21-15, 03:39
Total coincidence. Nothing to see here. Move along peasant.

01-24-16, 03:10
Digging a little deeper into the matter I have found numerous incidents of islamic indoctrination of American public school children during 2015.

So many in fact I have abandoned my original plan to link individual stories from local news affiliates (as the MSM will not cover them) detailing these incidents so I'll simply post a single link citing multiple sources.

The way the Federally mandated curriculum is getting around the whole "Separation of Church & State" thing is they are concealing it within Common Core. Essentially islamic practices are being disguised as benign social studies and not religious, straight out of the Cultural Marxism playbook . . .

Islamic Indoctrination in American Schools (http://www.akdart.com/islam4.html)




01-24-16, 03:37
Digging a little deeper into the matter I have found numerous incidents of islamic indoctrination of American public school children during 2015.

So many in fact I have abandoned my original plan to link individual stories from local news affiliates (as the MSM will not cover them) detailing these incidents so I'll simply post a single link citing multiple sources.

The way the Federally mandated curriculum is getting around the whole "Separation of Church & State" thing is they are concealing it within Common Core. Essentially islamic practices are being disguised as benign social studies and not religious, straight out of the Cultural Marxism playbook . . .

Islamic Indoctrination in American Schools (http://www.akdart.com/islam4.html)

How long do you think this would last if they asked the little girls to go to another room to practice pray?

Islam. You are doing it wrong...

01-24-16, 03:42
How long do you think this would last if they asked the little girls to go to another room to practice pray?

Islam. You are doing it wrong...

How about force/trick islamic students in public schools to reenact a Catholic Mass and have all the female students remove their head coverings?

01-24-16, 08:00
These anecdotal instances do not a conspiracy make. While I don't personally agree with them, I don't think there is a Holy War brewing in the U.S.

Remain calm Christian soldiers.

01-24-16, 08:01
I'm not complaining.

The more little kids out there being indoctrinated to praying toward Mecca, the less tolerance we will have of Catholic immigrants from Mexico, LGBT drama stories, women's rights, abortions...

Seems like its win win.

01-24-16, 09:22
You know if they want to promote islam, lets just go all the way and support some radical islam.
I'm sure the Female Teachers, Staff and Administration wouldn't mind giving up their drivers licence, careers, their right to vote or go out in to the public without a male escort from their families. We can hide them under a burka and let their husbands administer some hands on training when they get out of line.
If that isn't enough to convince them the "religion of peace" has no place in the public school system, I have a pair of rusty dog toenail clippers so we could just do a little female mutilation just to keep it all really 12th century righteous for them.

Mauser KAR98K
01-24-16, 10:42
I will repost this again:


01-24-16, 11:52
I will repost this again:

Thanks for posting that, I found it very enlightening.

01-24-16, 13:48
I will repost this again:

For those that don't want to watch an hour and thirty eight minute video here is a seven minute one that nails it in a nut shell . . .


01-25-16, 14:50
I'm not complaining.

The more little kids out there being indoctrinated to praying toward Mecca, the less tolerance we will have of Catholic immigrants from Mexico, LGBT drama stories, women's rights, abortions...

Seems like its win win.

You know if they want to promote islam, lets just go all the way and support some radical islam.
I'm sure the Female Teachers, Staff and Administration wouldn't mind giving up their drivers licence, careers, their right to vote or go out in to the public without a male escort from their families. We can hide them under a burka and let their husbands administer some hands on training when they get out of line.
If that isn't enough to convince them the "religion of peace" has no place in the public school system, I have a pair of rusty dog toenail clippers so we could just do a little female mutilation just to keep it all really 12th century righteous for them.

The Left is totally hell-bent on bringing down the bogey man of the "extreme right/conservatives/crypto-fascists", etc. and has blinders on to the incompatibility of Islam with itself.
Islam is hell-bent on bringing down all non-Muslims, and will work with the Left, but they are very well aware that they will kill every Leftist pet group/cause once that aim is complete. GBLTQ will be beheaded and stoned to death in the streets, Progressive Jews too.

01-25-16, 14:50
double post

Mauser KAR98K
01-25-16, 16:06
The Left is totally hell-bent on bringing down the bogey man of the "extreme right/conservatives/crypto-fascists", etc. and has blinders on to the incompatibility of Islam with itself.
Islam is hell-bent on bringing down all non-Muslims, and will work with the Left, but they are very well aware that they will kill every Leftist pet group/cause once that aim is complete. GBLTQ will be beheaded and stoned to death in the streets, Progressive Jews too.

They would see the world burn just to rule the ashes.

01-25-16, 20:21
People in this country are not prepared for what is coming.

I have a good deal on gourmet popcorn, Im good to go.

01-25-16, 20:25
These anecdotal instances do not a conspiracy make. While I don't personally agree with them, I don't think there is a Holy War brewing in the U.S.

Remain calm Christian soldiers.

The real holy war already occurred, just go to church and look at the age demographic. Atheists probably make up close to half of the US population today.

01-25-16, 21:11
The real holy war already occurred, just go to church and look at the age demographic. Atheists probably make up close to half of the US population today.

I don't think the problem is the number of people who are atheist or agnostic in this country, I think the problem is the number of people who are NOT atheist or agnostic in middle eastern countries.

People aren't flying planes into building or blowing up large crowds of people because there is no god or might not be a god or because somebody drew of picture of Nietzsche.

What is most baffling to me however is the number of people in THIS country who were not religious and then converted to radical Islam. It's a bizarre rebellion of the over privileged to hate what gave them the reason to be that free in the first place. It's a lot like kids in the 60s becoming communists. They would NEVER go to Russia or China and attempt to live under a true communist system, but they sure as shit will try and screw up this country by advocating it become as communist as possible.

brushy bill
01-25-16, 22:17
For those that don't want to watch an hour and thirty eight minute video here is a seven minute one that nails it in a nut shell . . .


Brilliant post. Thanks. Funny how this type thinking is almost universally promulgated by a certain group whom we dare not name due to political correctness.

01-25-16, 23:02
For those that don't want to watch an hour and thirty eight minute video here is a seven minute one that nails it in a nut shell . . .


And ironically enough, in Russia today many of those "favorable" groups are actually outlawed.

01-26-16, 02:24
And ironically enough, in Russia today many of those "favorable" groups are actually outlawed.

Under Soviet doctrine those groups were never supposed to be excepted in Russian society, i.e. homosexuals, etc. It was all intended to be used against democratic Western enemy states. Kind of like how Marxist agents and doctrines flourished in Hollywood and academia and how the whole counter culture movement was hijacked and produced such awesome people like William Ayers, Bill and Hilary, Obama, etc. Essentially attack and destroy the foundation blocks to Western Society; the nuclear family, European heritage, etc.

01-26-16, 21:23
I don't think the problem is the number of people who are atheist or agnostic in this country, I think the problem is the number of people who are NOT atheist or agnostic in middle eastern countries.

People aren't flying planes into building or blowing up large crowds of people because there is no god or might not be a god or because somebody drew of picture of Nietzsche.

What is most baffling to me however is the number of people in THIS country who were not religious and then converted to radical Islam. It's a bizarre rebellion of the over privileged to hate what gave them the reason to be that free in the first place. It's a lot like kids in the 60s becoming communists. They would NEVER go to Russia or China and attempt to live under a true communist system, but they sure as shit will try and screw up this country by advocating it become as communist as possible.

To you or I, a holy war would be a war between two groups of people fighting over whos ficticious man in the sky is real. For a Christian, the holy war is the turning of believers into non-believers and sinners; it is spiritual, not physical. Christians are supposed to embrace persecution, therefore anything that any group does to them physically is warranted or justified because Christ said it would happen. I guess it depends on your perspective.

01-27-16, 04:40
I don't think the problem is the number of people who are atheist or agnostic in this country, I think the problem is the number of people who are NOT atheist or agnostic in middle eastern countries.

Man, I am conflicted on this one.
Straight up, I am a reluctant atheist. I don't think there is a God/Heaven/Hell, but I really wish that there was. It's just that the evidence suggests otherwise.
I don't think atheism, in and of itself is a bad thing, BUT I do think that there is both a psychological and genetic evolutionary advantage to belief in higher purpose/structure. When "secularism" spreads, people will fill that void with something. The danger is what rushes in to fill that void. Christianity has been made very uncool and mainstream culture is hostile to it, and not in the sexy bad-boy kind of way either. What has come to fill that void are: Communism/Socialism/Marxism, all out crazy environmentalism (oil is evil, worship of Gaia but cloaked in science speak), Islam (the current sexy bad-boy) among others.

For me, I guess I've filled that void with the belief in the rights of the individual, not sure what to label it is, a belief that there is good and evil (subjective, I know, and perhaps contradictory to what I said about there being no heaven and hell).
With the influence of Marxist educators, entertainers, bureaucrats at every level, and the general narrative, I think it's an uphill battle for people to wade through the Marxist/Progressive/Muslim muck to find anything else.

People aren't flying planes into building or blowing up large crowds of people because there is no god or might not be a god or because somebody drew of picture of Nietzsche.

That made me laugh. What are you, some kind of "Islamophobe" or something???

What is most baffling to me however is the number of people in THIS country who were not religious and then converted to radical Islam. It's a bizarre rebellion of the over privileged to hate what gave them the reason to be that free in the first place. It's a lot like kids in the 60s becoming communists. They would NEVER go to Russia or China and attempt to live under a true communist system, but they sure as shit will try and screw up this country by advocating it become as communist as possible.

That is both perplexing and troubling. It might have something to do with the void I mentioned earlier. It's my hypothesis, and I have no idea if there is any research into this, or if it's even possible to do such research.
People tend to do what is easy, and beneficial to themselves. It's not always conscious. Genes affect behavior. Low energy expenditure and urge to breed/survive are strong, and manifest themselves in strange ways.
They don't want to go to those countries because on some level they recognize the danger involved - it's safer here. But they "hate" it here because that makes them seem cool, rebellious, edgy, etc. which can in certain circumstances be beneficial for attracting mates/attention, so they do it.

The conversion to Islam, I think, also happens because Islam is very appealing to base desires. You are allowed and commanded in fact, to have sex with multiple women, by force if need be, kill anyone who disagrees and take slaves to do the hard work for you.
As a meme, it is terrifyingly brilliant.

01-27-16, 16:02
Man, I am conflicted on this one.
Straight up, I am a reluctant atheist. I don't think there is a God/Heaven/Hell, but I really wish that there was. It's just that the evidence suggests otherwise.
I don't think atheism, in and of itself is a bad thing, BUT I do think that there is both a psychological and genetic evolutionary advantage to belief in higher purpose/structure. When "secularism" spreads, people will fill that void with something. The danger is what rushes in to fill that void. Christianity has been made very uncool and mainstream culture is hostile to it, and not in the sexy bad-boy kind of way either. What has come to fill that void are: Communism/Socialism/Marxism, all out crazy environmentalism (oil is evil, worship of Gaia but cloaked in science speak), Islam (the current sexy bad-boy) among others.

Sure, we saw what Marxism did with the void. But does that mean we should all still be walking around thinking Zeus is pissed off every time there is a storm?

I wander back and forth between existentialism and deism trying hard to reject nihilism, I would love to think there is a creator, a purpose and a meaning to life and existence, even if we are of no real interest to the cosmic clock maker or a random byproduct of creation.

I would also love to believe there is something else after death, but really we have no way of knowing. But if there is something and when we get there if I find out that it really is Yahweh or Allah or something like that, I'm going to be pretty disappointed and may not wish to continue to exist for eternity.