View Full Version : Backdoor to gun control

12-18-15, 19:52
Hawaii PD requires clearance from your medial|HMO plan that you can own guns. Per this video starting at 2:00, Kaiser Permanente won't approve.

scroll to 2:00 of video:

Forgot to add, forum in Hawaii on this issue

12-18-15, 20:18
Any lawsuits from gun owners or NRA in the works? How about ACLU? Seems pretty bold of Kaiser and Hawaii PD to do this. Did not read Hawaii forum yet so sorry if this is answered there.

12-18-15, 20:22
Any lawsuits from gun owners or NRA in the works? How about ACLU? Seems pretty bold of Kaiser and Hawaii PD to do this. Did not read Hawaii forum yet so sorry if this is answered there.

Cut & Paste from a post of the 9th of Dec:

Attention all you Kaiser members who have had some problems with HPD in obtaining firearms permits.

The same attorney that took on HDF's Chris Baker's case and the resident alien (Fotoudis) case, is looking for Kaiser members for a possible legal action. If you are a Kaiser member and have had any problems relating to obtaining a firearm permit, please given him a call to discuss your circumstances. He is particularly interested in the gentleman who was denied based on some diabetic counseling he received.

Here's the contact info:

Richard Holcomb
(808) 545-4040

12-19-15, 02:41
Scary stuff.

Hard won, first hand experience has shown me that laws only affect the law abiding.

Mortimer Miltote gets depressed. Recognizes his issue. Gets help. Comes out of it. Tries to buy legally. Now he can't own a weapon for personal defense.

Meanwhile Quadarrius Carter is a twice convicted felon and will get a gun somehow. The law will never affect him.
And if you come between him and his dope, or greed, or hell you 'disaspect' him; he murders you.

Yep. Solid work.

12-19-15, 02:53
This has been on the radar for awhile.

The Affordable Health Care Act has lots of dark spider webbed corners.

Remember everything that occurred during the Nazification of Germany was LEGAL.

12-19-15, 02:58
We are all criminals already. The law just hasn't been written yet.

I heartily encourage people to go read their state's lawbook. You'd be surprised how easy it is to screw someone over and likewise who is exempt from those same laws (think elected officials, judges, etc).

Plus how many new laws are felonies.

12-19-15, 03:17
“Did you really think we want those laws observed?" said Dr. Ferris. "We want them to be broken. You'd better get it straight that it's not a bunch of boy scouts you're up against... We're after power and we mean it... There's no way to rule innocent men. The only power any government has is the power to crack down on criminals. Well, when there aren't enough criminals one makes them. One declares so many things to be a crime that it becomes impossible for men to live without breaking laws. Who wants a nation of law-abiding citizens? What's there in that for anyone? But just pass the kind of laws that can neither be observed nor enforced or objectively interpreted – and you create a nation of law-breakers – and then you cash in on guilt. Now that's the system, Mr. Reardon, that's the game, and once you understand it, you'll be much easier to deal with.” ― Ayn Rand, Atlas Shrugged

You Commit Three Felonies a Day
Laws have become too vague and the concept of intent has disappeared.

12-19-15, 03:28
And people ask me why I moved away from Hawaii...

12-19-15, 10:36
Imagine how the left would go nuts if they did something like this to restrict access to abortion....

12-19-15, 15:53
Imagine how the left would go nuts if they did something like this to restrict access to abortion....

You kidding me? Don't we all recall people losing their sh!t when the laws in places were changed to having to get a parent to sign off on abortions for a minor.

This will have to fail in court. It simply must.

12-19-15, 17:00
I wonder if the healthcare companies look at it and think how in the heck can we sign off on someone having a gun. If someone does go off insert shooting people, is that opening them up to lawsuits.

12-19-15, 18:53
Posted to his video:

You arse, you deserve it! You don't mind 2 week waiting period, 10 rd mag limit, auto weapons. You are also for a doctors approval, you don't friggin deserve a gun

My $.02

12-19-15, 19:18
This will have to fail in court. It simply must.

Have you heard of John Roberts, by any chance?

12-19-15, 20:17
Posted to his video:

You arse, you deserve it! You don't mind 2 week waiting period, 10 rd mag limit, auto weapons. You are also for a doctors approval, you don't friggin deserve a gun

My $.02

This. Give me liberty or death!

12-19-15, 23:26
This. Give me liberty or death!

Give me liberty or give me year round good weather....

12-20-15, 01:26
Give me liberty or give me year round good weather....

God apparently loves Hawaii. Have you seen how many hurricanes this year have turned away at the last moment?!


12-20-15, 01:52
Give me liberty or give me year round good weather....
...in a tropical ghetto that depend upon government subsidies to support the locals.

12-20-15, 02:13
God apparently loves Hawaii. Have you seen how many hurricanes this year have turned away at the last moment?!


Perhaps it's just all the fallout from Fukushima or maybe they have perfected HAARP, you know cause Barry and the family have to spend their winter break there . . .

12-20-15, 05:39
...in a tropical ghetto that depend upon government subsidies to support the locals.

Sooooooo many people are unaware of this. They see Waikiki and North Shore and think wowwwww.

They never go to Waienae. Ever.

12-20-15, 06:18
hahahah yeah but Iniki hit us pretty hard :)

God apparently loves Hawaii. Have you seen how many hurricanes this year have turned away at the last moment?!
