View Full Version : The Felon in the White House

12-19-15, 20:33
The author of the below article alleges Obama personally participated in illegal Internet gambling, and he may be right. But this is no longer a nation of laws.

The occupant of the Oval Office gained his position through the commission of a felony. The evidence emphatically does not involve postings from "somebody's blog," or urban legends about Obama being a Muslim and/or having been born in Kenya. The evidence comes from Obama's own YouTube video, Web site, and campaign E-mails.

This Is the De Facto End of Obama's Presidency

The bottom line is as follows:

The occupant of the White House participated personally (as shown by his YouTube video) in dishonest as well as illegal Internet gambling to fund his campaign.
The fact that Mr. Obama was let off with a warning while ordinary people's lives were marred with felony records for similar conduct undermines our country's basic principle that nobody is above the law. "One law for Obama, another law for everybody else" is a talking point that cannot be repeated too often.

If this story circulates widely enough through social media, letters to the editor, talk radio, and so on, it could be the de facto end of Obama's Presidency, as well as a likely catastrophe for his party next November, even if Congress does not move to impeach. This will end the rest of his agendas because he will lack the basic credibility necessary to do anything.


brushy bill
12-19-15, 22:22
How does this affect his American Bar Association standing? I'm guessing zero about like it did for Clinton.

12-19-15, 22:27
Title of thread puts big smile on faces of many.:)

12-19-15, 23:11
The thing is, those we expect to start the process to impeach him are no less corrupt, dishonest or dirty.

12-19-15, 23:56
The thing is, those we expect to start the process to impeach him are no less corrupt, dishonest or dirty.


12-20-15, 00:34
Hardly the least of his crimes.

Impeachment would be a waste of time and tax payer dollars. It would be like impeaching Clinton for lying about a blow job, only less significant.

You could post pics of Obama doing bong hits in the Oval office while wearing an ISIS t shirt and it would still get 72% of the likes on facebook. We have a nation of retards who are heavily invested in their participation of "electing the first black President" and it would literally take irrefutable evidence of him being a pedophile to change anything.

12-20-15, 00:39
Hardly the least of his crimes.

Impeachment would be a waste of time and tax payer dollars. It would be like impeaching Clinton for lying about a blow job, only less significant.

You could post pics of Obama doing bong hits in the Oval office while wearing an ISIS t shirt and it would still get 72% of the likes on facebook. We have a nation of retards who are heavily invested in their participation of "electing the first black President" and it would literally take irrefutable evidence of him being a pedophile to change anything.

No, I think in all honestly, that even then, they would still support him. Evil knows no bounds.

12-20-15, 02:06
Barry could get caught practicing ritual sexual abuse and child sacrifice in the Oval Office and not a damn thing would be done about it.

Outlander Systems
12-20-15, 06:30
Don't you worry; he'll be in attendance for the real-life Eyes Wide Shut Parties, baby.

Barry could get caught practicing ritual sexual abuse and child sacrifice in the Oval Office and not a damn thing would be done about it.

Straight Shooter
12-20-15, 06:53
Barry could get caught practicing ritual sexual abuse and child sacrifice in the Oval Office and not a damn thing would be done about it.

MANY people are above the law...Obama..Hillary..Bill..too many to name. Once you accept that, youll sleep better.

12-20-15, 07:11
From the article;

If this story circulates widely enough through social media, letters to the editor, talk radio, and so on, it could be the de facto end of Obama's Presidency, as well as a likely catastrophe for his party next November, even if Congress does not move to impeach. This will end the rest of his agendas because he will lack the basic credibility necessary to do anything. He will give no executive orders that anybody respects, make no credible climate deals (read "deals to enrich special interests at the expense of the country's producers,") or indeed do much of anything else.

That is a reach that almost borders upon fantasy.
We've got a single year left and now you expect the RINO's to stand up and fight the way this guy has treated the Constitution, his Oath of Office and the Law?
We've got two parties and they are cutting the cake and dividing it among themselves at a party you haven't even been invited to.
Your righteous indignation means nothing to them, the law is only applied to those outside of the party.

12-20-15, 09:16
Wait, you guys are serious about this? Hahaha..... After everything he's done y'all expect this to be end game?

Sent from my XT1060 using Tapatalk

12-20-15, 14:43
How does this affect his American Bar Association stkanding? I'm guessing zero about like it did for Clinton.
Clinton was disbarred. However the other Clinton is an unindicted felon still

12-20-15, 17:15
Both had to know this was going on at the time, I'm amazed they didn't drop this bomb during her last run.

12-20-15, 18:10
None of this really matters. The current whitehaus inhabitant will finish his term despite the damage he has done to the country. The only ones to blame are the 51% of the populace that voted this pos into office twice. Will see what the next administration brings, given the idiocy of the American voters, my guess is that the hillbillaries will defile the whitehaus once again.

12-21-15, 04:07
I know for a fact that the Founding Fathers would have revolted about 200 times within just the last 7 years.