View Full Version : Want To Find Out If You Are Even Slightly Racist...?

12-20-15, 17:05
One question test.

1. Do you feel sorry for Ethan Couch?

If yes, you are probably a racist.

If instead you are outraged that the little shit could directly cause the deaths of 4 people and only get 10 years probation, and then when it looked like he could do real jail time because he violated that probation and seems to have skipped the country with mommy then congratulations, you are probably NOT a racist.


So how exactly did he manage 10 years probation on a drunk driving charge that resulted in the deaths of four people including a 12 year old kid?

Well it seems he was raised so affluently that he honestly could not comprehend actions and consequences like a regular person. In short Mommy made sure he got everything he ever wanted, and if he ever ****ed up, Mommy made sure he wasn't held accountable because he was "special."


Here's hoping he is caught and both he and mommy do LIFE in prison and that they both receive the "special" attention they deserve.

12-20-15, 17:12
The Local Sherrif went bat crap crazy when he learned of the sentance and predicted this would happen.
Aparently he was caught on tape playing Beer Pong.
Yeah he needs to burn.

12-20-15, 17:28
Crazy story. A face that only a mother could love ;)

12-20-15, 17:30
He looks like he'll become a child molester

12-20-15, 17:32
That little shit probably has a whole mantel full of participation trophies...

12-20-15, 18:21
racist ? I would say if you believe we should be able to have a white channel or white college fund or have a white town etc.. you are just like everyone else who are OK with the black channel or China town etc....

now does that make everyone racist or not ?

agree though the kid should get his

I had a buddy who was a good friend who I slowly moved away from them abruptly as he started to get worse
his family is in the 100 millions kinda money

he started to drink to much (slowly moved away) then drive and drink including boats ! and his boats would go over 100 MPH so death kinda accidents when I quit hanging out with him
about 2-3 months when I was kinda done with him he killed his best bud by drinking and driving and he basically got away with it think he did serve about 6 months in a min security thing and that was about it
he basically missed a turn at 100MPH +

if this was one of us we would get away but at the same time lots of other thugs who drink and drive seem to get off with things and other thugs seem to have records of like 20 40 or more arrests and they are still back out ?
strike 3 and you are dead !

12-20-15, 20:05
They should look for evidence of collusion and freeze all assets if they do. Get the Bureau in on it and they might find some foreign accounts to go after too. Hard to stay hidden if you aren't capitalized. And obviously this nitwit isn't terribly smart (though his lawyers appear to be).

12-20-15, 20:20
What does any of this have to do with race?

12-20-15, 20:41
Many problems with this whole case for sure but those boys partied harder than anything I've ever witnessed at that young age.

12-20-15, 20:46
What does any of this have to do with race?

I haven't figured that out yet either.

12-20-15, 20:55
I haven't figured that out yet either.

Click-bait maybe?

How many people did from alcohol every year? Where is the outcry to ban "assult drinks".

I do agree this guy sounds like a regular piece of crap. I feel bad for the families of the victims. No justice. At all.

12-20-15, 21:04
One question test.

1. Do you feel sorry for Ethan Couch?

If yes, you are probably a racist.


You're not usually one of our race-owned members...

What's your angle?

Dist. Expert 26
12-20-15, 21:15
I haven't figured that out yet either.

I'm glad I'm not the only one who's completely lost.

12-20-15, 22:00
I'm glad I'm not the only one who's completely lost.

It's part of the new style guide.

All GD threads must contain one of the following words or topics in the first 3 posts:


See how quick the computer monitor thread got locked when members weren't pushing Fear on each other?

Steyr was just making sure his thread met the new standards right out the gate.

12-20-15, 22:21
My guess is that is has something to do with people inserting race needlessly into conflicts and conversations that are about something else entirely.

12-20-15, 22:25
Aaaaaaand, that about covers it.