View Full Version : 6 U.S. KIA in motorcycle VBIED

12-22-15, 19:46

Merry freaking Christmas huh? Damn, I hate to see that at ANY time of year, but this........:mad:

Reason I linked the CNN article (yeah, I know) is because it breaks down the U.S. personnel involved, most of them anyway. They were all USAF. This was in the vicinity of Bagram, our largest base over there. Is security in the vicinity the responsibility of the USAF Security Forces, i.e outside the bases? Thought this would be an Army mission (?). Not asking for OpSec violations but curious.

Also, from the guys familiar with relatively recent ops......will we turn up the heat in that particular area to get those involved or is it written off as the "cost of war"?

12-22-15, 21:20
RIP. God bless.

12-22-15, 23:47
Air base and some local area security fall under the purview of Air Force Security Forces and OSI. Not uncommon for my friends who were in Security Forces to leave the base and work the area.

12-23-15, 04:49
Air base and some local area security fall under the purview of Air Force Security Forces and OSI. Not uncommon for my friends who were in Security Forces to leave the base and work the area.

Gotcha, thanks. Did not know that.