View Full Version : Merry Christmas

12-24-15, 22:00
Merry Christmas to all the souls on here.

Don't forget there is a reason for the season!

26 Inf
12-24-15, 22:43
Merry Christmas to all the souls on here.

Don't forget there is a reason for the season!

You to! Just back from a family gathering at my mom's, just about the only time I see my step-brothers and their families.

12-24-15, 22:47
Merry Christmas!

12-24-15, 23:04
Wishing all to have a blessed, & joyous day.
Nice meeting of folks & family today... I Started the day with getting a relieving treatment for gout of the foot.
Thanks to the Doc. & the nurse who gave me the shot in the rear end. & 30 pills.
Stepson is getting back to basics... off dope now and 12 step program. ♡ A lot of thanks & gratitude starting this Christmas Day.

12-24-15, 23:06

12-24-15, 23:57
Theses two are ready! It's 70 and flooding here in Georgia so Santa may have to trade in the sleigh for a bass boat. I hope everyone has a happy and safe Christmas.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD

12-24-15, 23:58
Merry Christmas M4C.net. May all of you have a joyous day!

12-24-15, 23:59
Merry Christmas everyone! I pray that you all get to enjoy the day with your Family if possible and remember the reason for the season and the ones who cannot be with their family during the holidays.

12-25-15, 01:27
Merry Christmas to you, 7.62.

And merry Christmas to all of the members here. One of the best communities out there, irrespective of subject matter.

12-25-15, 01:35
Merry Christmas to all!

12-25-15, 03:20
Merry Christmas!

12-25-15, 03:47
A very Merry Christmas to everyone here on the site. I'm doing my traditional "up at 4AM to wrap presents routine." Nothing quite like waiting until the last minute...


12-25-15, 04:17
Merry Christmas everyone. Pretty fdep up right now i feel like shit.... :bad:

12-25-15, 05:31
Merry Christmas from Afghanistan...

12-25-15, 05:47
Merry Christmas!

Thanks to everyone missing their families in the line of duty this year.
(Like you SIGguy229)

12-25-15, 06:24
Merry Christmas to all! http://forums.snapstream.com/vb/images/smilies/santa_smiley.gif

12-25-15, 08:12
Merry Christmas!

12-25-15, 08:49
From an Orthodox Jew, Merry Christmas to one and all.

May the day create life long memories of a happy time with your families.

Singlestack Wonder
12-25-15, 09:01
Wishing M4C Members a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

12-25-15, 09:15
Yeah Merry Christmas everybody.

Lets all meet at the ol' wooded bend and play army. Then lets go chuck snowballs at girls (but only the ones we like)

Mauser KAR98K
12-25-15, 09:51
Well, a Merry Christmas right back to yun's.

12-25-15, 09:59
I'm very thankful to have this site to learn about and discuss the AR15 and firearms. Hardly a day goes by where I don't learn something new.

It took me quite a while to find this place after I quit TOS, like a bad habit, because of the stupidity you too often see over there.

I hope everyone has a safe, enjoyable and relaxing holiday season.

12-25-15, 10:00
Yes, MERRY CHRISTMAS one and all!

The crackpots who call themselves 'progressives' can stick their holiday tree up their asses.

See, I have the Christmas spirit!

12-25-15, 10:48
Ho, ho, ho!

12-25-15, 10:55
Ho, ho, ho!

Now you have a Machine Gun?

12-25-15, 11:21
Now you have a Machine Gun?


Outlander Systems
12-25-15, 13:24
Merry Christmas you rotten sumbitches!!!!


12-25-15, 13:48

12-25-15, 15:00
Belated, but figured you guys might enjoy;


Twas the night before Christmas
And all through the compound, not a creature was stirring
Except five or six Operators on the roof…

The AKs were leaned by the walls with great care
In hopes that infidels would soon be there.
The insurgents were nestled all snug in their beds
While visions of IEDs danced in their heads

When out in the courtyard there arose such a clatter
The insurgents leaped to their feet to see what was the matter
Then through a side door there came a great blast
Blew over a table and threw up the mats.

The moon through barred windows cast pools on the floor
Is that movement or shadows just outside of the door?
Then what to wondering eyes should appear,
But a miniature cylinder, and a ringing in their ears.

It had been a great plan to capture St. Nick
No-one had expected these operators so quick
Just make a quick movie and off with his head
Not lay on a floor all filled up with lead.

More rapid than eagles they rushed through the door
They screamed and they shouted “Get down! On the floor!”
Through room after room their weaponlights flicked
Everyone in the house was in really deep shit.

Breached one final door and there did he sit
Once-jolly St Nick, bound by foot and by wrist
He wore a black sack tied over his head
and the front of his suit was all bloody and red.

They cut off his ropes and pulled of the sack
thinking their HVT might have been whacked.
St. Nick looked up and said with a laugh “Chill guys, I’m fine;
This blood ain’t all mine”.

They called for the chopper, commenced SSE
No intel left behind, not one little piece
“Five coming out” of the house with a rush,
Their ride was just landing in a cloud of thick dust.

Quick as a flash they dashed for the chopper
Smoked one last prick with an RPG launcher
With a heave and a shove St. Nick rolled through the door
And then they were off on a northerly course.

Sweet smoke of cigars as they flew out of sight
A whispered “Merry Christmas mother****ers;
Sleep with one eye open tonight”.

Alex V
12-25-15, 15:22

12-25-15, 16:13
Related, taken from RE Factor Tactical:


...my phone is struggling to copy it, anyone on a computer that can help me out?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Big A
12-25-15, 16:21
Related, taken from RE Factor Tactical:


...my phone is struggling to copy it, anyone on a computer that can help me out?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

T'was the night before Christmas, and all through the land,
no operations were stirring, not even for Taliban.
The 240's were loaded with tracer to bear,
in hopes that those savs would soon be there.
The Operators were nestled all snug in their beds,
while visions of slaying terrorists danced in their heads.
With First Sergeant and his coffee mug and the CO his cap,
Had just watched predator feed, in hopes of an attack.
When down in nearby Wadi came some distinct AK clatter,
The Operators sprang from their beds, to see what was the matter.
Running to the gun trucks, they flew like a flash.
They loaded their rifles and all prepared to smash.
The moon on the breast of the new fallen snow,
gave a luster of midday to an attack on the go.
When what to their wandering eyes did appear,
but Al Baghdadi and 12 more ISIS commanders coming up from the rear.
They climbed towards the FOB, nimble and quick.
The Operators prepared themselves for a joyful ol tick.
More rapid than camels the savages came,
Al Baghdadi hooted and hollered and sounded insane.
"Now Hasan, now Jamal, now Osama and Mohammed,
On Jehad, on Abdul, on Aziz and Al Ahmed.
To the top of the FOB, and over this wall!
Now blast blast away, blast away we will kill them all!"
But the Operators were ready, with 120mm in hand,
upon the enemy's head those mortars did land.
3-5 seconds their machine guns did flutter,
they ran without stopage, talking to one another.
The savs died one by one and began to take off,
a few of them exploded thanks to ol Carl Gustave.
But as the Operators ceased fire and were turning around,
up came Al Baghdadi with one courageous bound.
He was dressed all in rags, from his head to his foot,
and his clothes were all tarnished with ashes and soot.
Bundles of explosives he had slung on his back,
He looked like a martyr just opening his pack.
His eyes how they twinkled, his turban how scary!
His cheeks were like dried plums, all wrinkled and hairy.
His droll little mouth was drawn up like a hag,
the beard on his chin was scraggly and sad.
The stump of some hashish was held tight in his teeth,
and the smoke, it encircled his head like a wreath.
He had a broad face and a little round belly,
That shook when a coughed like a bowl full of jelly.
He was diseased and sad, an inbred old guy
The operators laughed, he was a sight for sore eyes.
A wink of his eye and a twist of his head,
was all that happened when that bullet knocked him dead.
He spoke not a word but laid there in mud,
He was no longer a threat, all covered in blood.
First Sergeant laid a finger on the side of his nose,
And giving a nod, the American flag rose.
He sprang to his gun truck, to his team gave a command,
they were done for the night, in the land of the sand.
The commander exclaimed as he disappeared out of sight,
"Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night."
To all the men and women serving this holiday season, thank you for your service and thank you for keeping us safe.

If you repost, please give credit to RE Factor Tactical!

Android FTW.

12-25-15, 17:11
Re-Factor FTW!
That was excellent,.

Mauser KAR98K
12-25-15, 17:42
199 years ago, America's first Special OP occured. December 25, 1776, The Battle of Trenton.

12-25-15, 22:31
Merry X-Mas, M4C!

12-26-15, 01:59

12-26-15, 02:18
Watched that last night. Funny how it holds up so well.

12-26-15, 02:31
New "old" member, merry christmas!

12-26-15, 02:31
Watched that last night. Funny how it holds up so well.

A buddy of mine who does photography on the side took this yesterday from his personal collection . . .


12-26-15, 10:28
Merry "late" Christmas to everyone! Happy Holidays and have a happy and prosperous New Year!

12-26-15, 12:00
Merry (belated) Christmas all!