View Full Version : 2,000 yutes cause KY mall to close

12-28-15, 09:00

Gee, any guess as to who the culprits were? Nah, can't make any assumptions now can we?

CCW everywhere you can if you've got the ability to do so and stay frosty. The cops flat-out said they were outnumbered and NO arrests were made.

disturbances involving up to 2,000 teens
Published December 27, 2015 Associated Press
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LOUISVILLE, Ky. – A suburban Louisville mall reopened Sunday with extra security, a day after closing early when roving bands of unruly teens caused a series of disturbances that required police to bring in reinforcements to quell the violence.

The night before, up to 2,000 teens created mayhem at Mall St. Matthews as the shopping center was filled with post-Christmas shoppers, police said.

Dozens of officers from four police agencies responded to numerous reports of fights, harassment of customers and store employees and other problems Saturday night that spread throughout the shopping center, said Officer Dennis McDonald, a spokesman for suburban St. Matthews police.

12-28-15, 10:27
Malls are a 'jungle' theses days, haven't been to one in a decade. Glad my favorite LGS is not located in one.

12-28-15, 10:55
I'm not sure why you don't just block the exits and interview the folks coming out, the winners get a ride in the wagon based on CC TV and attitude.
Hold them for 24 hours over the Holiday while you "Investigate" the footage and witnesses.

12-28-15, 11:42
Pepperball guns.

Outlander Systems
12-28-15, 11:48

Bubba FAL
12-28-15, 12:23
And the parents (oops, I mean Mamas) were nowhere to be found.

Any guesses as to what would have happened if a few of these 'yutes' were shot off of the grates by a concerned shop owner? That would have been (in my opinion) the appropriate response - and probably would have stopped further 'hijinks' - but the uproar from a certain 'community' would have been immense.

12-28-15, 12:56
And the parents (oops, I mean Mamas) were nowhere to be found.

Mama gave everybody five bucks and went to "The Club."

Crow Hunter
12-28-15, 13:06
This is such a problem with parents, I just don't understand. There is no way my parents would have EVER dropped me off somewhere and I was a very, very good kid. Heck, I was 16 before I went anywhere without supervision and I had a curfew and the rule that if I got in trouble with anything or anybody the car keys were gone. If I had kids, there would be no way I would do anything like this.

And this isn't anything new though. I used to work in a Mall when I was in college in the mid '90s and parents would routinely do this. Particularly certain groups of parents. Luckily for us, there was no instantaneous social media so coordination on this level would have been extremely difficult.

What is disgusting is that no one in the community is standing up and doing something about it. It is just considered "normal"....:mad:

12-28-15, 14:11
Read this earlier today on my news feed and found the lack of description of the "youths" to stand out. Quite an elephant in the room. But even just half-awake, it took all of 3 seconds to realize there's only one group that commonly mobs shopping malls in huge numbers and disrupts their business operations, especially when the news reports that they were "coordinating by social media."

A somewhat similar group, though claiming political purposes, disrupted Mall of America on Dec. 23...

I haven't found much reason to shop at malls since my early 20's and with these sorts of things, on top of the basic business obsolescence of the enclosed shopping mall concept, I see the era of US shopping malls coming to an end before long.

Outlander Systems
12-28-15, 14:20

Best Buy = Amazon's Showroom.

Read this earlier today on my news feed and found the lack of description of the "youths" to stand out. Quite an elephant in the room. But even just half-awake, it took all of 3 seconds to realize there's only one group that commonly mobs shopping malls in huge numbers and disrupts their business operations, especially when the news reports that they were "coordinating by social media."

A somewhat similar group, though claiming political purposes, disrupted Mall of America on Dec. 23...

I haven't found much reason to shop at malls since my early 20's and with these sorts of things, on top of the basic business obsolescence of the enclosed shopping mall concept, I see the era of US shopping malls coming to an end before long.

12-28-15, 14:28
no arrests nothing ?
they need to come up with a gun that can shoot RFID chips with a dye pack into punks like this :) so even if they dig it out they are tattooed with a certain color ink :) and make it like a shotgun so 10-20 or so of them go into the perp :)
then go around and arrest them over the next day or so
what would be good is put the mall on complete lock down and have guards at all the doors and arrest every single one coming out

while to far out for some folks :)
after caught and ID entered into a database :) and then deeply imbed a chip into them and have scanners at the doors of malls or other locations of ones choosing so whenever they enter a premise the alarm goes off you have a known criminal in the store ;) would be good if we can do a scifi thing and be able to flick a switch to incapacitate them to ;)

12-28-15, 15:39
Mall rats meets hood rats . . .

These "flash mob" riots are usually organized vie social media and Obama phones. Nothing new, every time this happens the owners of these malls grow a brain and implement policies where no one under the age of 18 can enter the property without being in the company of a parent or legal guardian or they just close up shop and relocate to a new geographic locale with a very different demographic. Yes, that's right punish all persons under the age of 18 because after all they can't single out the true culprits cause that would be "racist".

Recurring theme of this particular sub-culture, let society and law enforcement raise your little bundles of joy. God how they do come out of the wood work though if one of these precious angels have their "civil liberties" violated aka told no they can't do that.

2K rioters and to think their are those that question why we need standard capacity magazines or higher.

12-28-15, 15:49
2K rioters and to think their are those that question why we need standard capacity magazines or higher.

Because Glock doesn't offer a belt-fed version?

12-28-15, 15:53
Mall rats meets hood rats . . .

These "flash mob" riots are usually organized vie social media and Obama phones. Nothing new, every time this happens the owners of these malls grow a brain and implement policies where no one under the age of 18 can enter the property without being in the company of a parent or legal guardian or they just close up shop and relocate to a new geographic locale with a very different demographic. Yes, that's right punish all persons under the age of 18 because after all they can't single out the true culprits cause that would be "racist".

Recurring theme of this particular sub-culture, let society and law enforcement raise your little bundles of joy. God how they do come out of the wood work though if one of these precious angels have their "civil liberties" violated aka told no they can't do that.

2K rioters and to think their are those that question why we need standard capacity magazines or higher.

If one of the bastards had been shot by someone CCW'ing and trying to protect themselves or loved ones the outcry would be deafening.

The reason they want to ban high-caps and other scary stuff is because A) it makes the government nervous and B) more than likely they would be used against this type of miscreant.

Outlander Systems
12-28-15, 15:59
How much dindu did a dindu do if a dindu dindu nuffin?

12-28-15, 16:36
These kids were probably Amish or something.

12-28-15, 16:59
It is becoming America's Newest Christmas Tradition: Black Mob Violence at Malls.

In our area the majority of the MD county's have a no chase policy, therefore they are closing down DC's beltway: https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=VTbbgdHlBYE

Posted by a member in MD: The last time I called MSP for a group of these became the last time my public safety butt makes that call. The Barracks simply said, "Thanks; we will advise the other Barracks to be on the lookout for wrecks."

Betcha a few Texans with their 3/4 ton pickups with brush guards on the front could have and would have cleared the path pretty damn quick!

12-28-15, 17:16
In our area the majority of the MD county's have a no chase policy, therefore they are closing down DC's beltway: https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=VTbbgdHlBYE

Run'em over and put me on the jury.

Alex V
12-28-15, 18:40

12-28-15, 19:27
Some rather Draconian thoughts here. At 16 I had my own car and my own money, so buying something at the Mall wouldn't be crime. I'd say that you have 15 minutes to clear the Mall by the nearest exit, or you will be arrested for trespassing. Not moving towards an exit, you are cuffed and stuffed. I love seeing the LEOs with hands full of flex cuffs.

So they were just " 'KY Gellin' "

Police received reports of shots fired within and outside the mall, but investigators haven't confirmed those reports, McDonald said.

Amazing how anything else has all kinds of video from it, but here, with 200 kids and all kinds of mall cameras, there is nothing I can find.

My only hope is that ISIS sees this and uses these useful idiots to fill a public space.

I tell my 10 year old son that being an idiot, jack-ass is easy- that's why kids do it. Being awesome is hard work.

12-28-15, 19:59
In our area the majority of the MD county's have a no chase policy, therefore they are closing down DC's beltway

Posted by a member in MD: The last time I called MSP for a group of these became the last time my public safety butt makes that call. The Barracks simply said, "Thanks; we will advise the other Barracks to be on the lookout for wrecks."

Skip to 0:40 and watch about 30 seconds. Home boys kicking the crap out of LE cars running emergency. Tearing up front yards while PD tries to catch them. They don't give a **** and it's because everyone else lets them.


12-28-15, 20:15
Yeah and waffle one of these kids in a chase and corn rows in a moomoo will run in front of the cameras talking about how her son was just having some fun before he started going to college. David

12-28-15, 20:22
Skip to 0:40 and watch about 30 seconds. Home boys kicking the crap out of LE cars running emergency. Tearing up front yards while PD tries to catch them. They don't give a **** and it's because everyone else lets them.


Being the grumpy old Man that I am I think I could visit that park late some night or on an early morning walk with some lacing wire and lacing pliers and find some place to sit back and drink a big ol' Cup of Coffee and read the paper.

12-28-15, 20:37
Police do nothing in these situations for fear of inciting a riot in which the offenders' gala attitude will switch to extreme anger. Next some level of force is required and then more and more. Cameras roll. Indignant voices from China to Australia scream about police brutality used against minority teens. This bullshit holds us captive, and there is no solution other than close malls. And then they'll disrupt elsewhere.

Big A
12-28-15, 22:29
It's Australian for El Camino...


Best Buy = Amazon's Showroom.
This reminds me, I've gotta renew my prime account next month.

How much dindu did a dindu do if a dindu dindu nuffin?

12-29-15, 01:25
This is such a problem with parents, I just don't understand. There is no way my parents would have EVER dropped me off somewhere and I was a very, very good kid. Heck, I was 16 before I went anywhere without supervision and I had a curfew and the rule that if I got in trouble with anything or anybody the car keys were gone. If I had kids, there would be no way I would do anything like this.

Wow, that's interesting. You NEVER went anywhere unsupervised until you were 16? EVER???

I was walking home by myself in 3rd grade. Going to the mall by myself with friends in 5th grade.

I'm a tad sad I didn't get to go home to my parents (who are both still married) for this Christmas, but it was because we didn't want to stick our 3 year old (I'm married with a child) on a plane again. Rather we decided to let him run around unsupervised on the multi acre farm we live on.

When he's old enough, we'll let him hang out at the park, ALONE!

And we wont worry at all about it.

Parenting is different for every family. Your parents kept you close, my parents let me roam freely. Both of us seemed to avoid assaulting people randomly out of boredom.

Maybe the issue at hand here is bigger and more complex then a simple generalization.

12-29-15, 02:49
Where's Gecko45 and his posse of Mall Ninjas when you need them?

12-29-15, 02:50
Read this earlier today on my news feed and found the lack of description of the "youths" to stand out. Quite an elephant in the room. But even just half-awake, it took all of 3 seconds to realize there's only one group that commonly mobs shopping malls in huge numbers and disrupts their business operations, especially when the news reports that they were "coordinating by social media."

A somewhat similar group, though claiming political purposes, disrupted Mall of America on Dec. 23...

I haven't found much reason to shop at malls since my early 20's and with these sorts of things, on top of the basic business obsolescence of the enclosed shopping mall concept, I see the era of US shopping malls coming to an end before long.

Glad I was there in the heyday, with the mall was integral to social interaction and a fun, safe and enjoyable place to be. In the 1980s I probably stopped at the mall at least once a day, 5 days a week.

Of course that was when we paid for our music, magazines, books, snack food, clothes and most things that kids seem to get for free these days in some manner or another.

12-29-15, 03:09
I wish to reiterate that pepperball guns, bean bags, and PR 24s wouldn't have been a wrong answer.

After a few pissing, shitting, free bleeding, snotty nosed pumpkinnheadings; word would spread amongst those who got away.

But...we're civilized now because life matters or some hippie shit.

12-29-15, 04:19
"The Enforcement Droid series 209 is a self sufficient law enforcement robot, 209 is currently programmed for Urban Pacification . . .


12-29-15, 04:55
ED-209 for officer of the year

Mauser KAR98K
12-29-15, 05:49
"I'm...dreaming of an M...2-40."

Crow Hunter
12-29-15, 07:50
Wow, that's interesting. You NEVER went anywhere unsupervised until you were 16? EVER???

I was walking home by myself in 3rd grade. Going to the mall by myself with friends in 5th grade.

I'm a tad sad I didn't get to go home to my parents (who are both still married) for this Christmas, but it was because we didn't want to stick our 3 year old (I'm married with a child) on a plane again. Rather we decided to let him run around unsupervised on the multi acre farm we live on.

When he's old enough, we'll let him hang out at the park, ALONE!

And we wont worry at all about it.

Parenting is different for every family. Your parents kept you close, my parents let me roam freely. Both of us seemed to avoid assaulting people randomly out of boredom.

Maybe the issue at hand here is bigger and more complex then a simple generalization.

Not in a public place with strangers. I lived way out in the boonies so I couldn't walk anywhere (15 miles from the nearest small town that only had a gas station and an old timey hardware/grocery store). It was 25 miles from the nearest Wal-Mart. I went everywhere that I wanted in the woods by myself and in the local area but I never went to a mall or the movies or the skating rink or anywhere like that without an adult until I got my drivers license. As a matter of fact, a couple of times I went with a friend to the skating rink and when my parents found out that his mother had just dropped us off at the skating rink and left us and didn't show up until an hour after the rink closed (turned out she was having an affair and was ditching us to meet her boyfriend), I was no longer allowed to do that with this friend. He was still allowed to go with us when my parents took me.

Now they didn't hover over me and watch everything that I did. When we "went to town", I pretty much did whatever I wanted but I had to be at the rendezvous point at the specified time or I would be in trouble. I also knew that I wasn't just an anonymous kid that could "act a fool" without my parents finding out and beating the life out of me.

When I worked at the mall, I would start my shift at 9:00 on a Saturday morning and there would be kids there, under the age of 10, that were there ALL DAY. Their parents would just drop them off and leave them without a way for them to get home or even get into contact with someone if there was an emergency. This was a regular occurrence. My best friend worked at an arcade and basically became a surrogate father for some of these kids because he saw them and watched out for them all the time.

I can't fathom that. Of course I don't have kids and my wife can't have them (we tried for over 10 years) so to me, if I had a kid it would be like the most precious thing I could possibly have in my life so the thought of just leaving them to fend for themselves in a mall for 12 hours is maddening.

12-29-15, 08:48
I'm with Mac5.56. Was riding my bike to school in 4th grade, getting beat up by bullies (who died of a heroine overdose when he was 20. Because karma.) and going to the mall on the regular.

I went to the mall because there were girls and dark movie theaters at the mall. When you're in seventh grade that's pretty much as good as it gets.

My parents never had any idea where I was once I got my bicycle - it only got worse when I started driving. When I was in high school I would head to Miami and hang out with my Venezuelan friends in Hialeah. I never even told my parents where I was going, just that I was out for the day. My parents, like many of you, wouldn't have understood the significance of Hialeah if I had told them anyway. These days I won't go near the track without a G19 and 3 spare mags!

I think I turned out okay. I think it is a cultural thing - not "leaving your kids at the mall abandoned". Certainly 4000 parents didn't drop off 2000 kids at the mall simultaneously...

12-29-15, 09:17
Missed all that and agree. I was pretty free range.

Mind you I was strongly advised that I had best behave and stay out of trouble. If a policeman ever spoke to me in any interrogative manner, Which they never did, because why should they?, I was under strict orders to give name, DOB, and address and request they call my old man (pbuh) immediately. I was then to remain adroit, well mannered, and silent. Then I was to pray silently in the time remaining until he got there because most likely I was going to DIE.

As long as those conditions were understood and respected, it was "have fun kid, here's money, hold some back for a payphone, and be back before it gets too late".

But then again a good time for me was the arcade, movies, bike riding, food court, listening to records at a friend's house, or hanging out at a park.

There are certain segments of the population however that think it is okay to herd up and do dumb shit and are practically encouraged to do so by their....parent... in name only. Are actually told to be in a group and told don't get caught.

Then when you DO bring their little darling home they say "he 14. He grown. Why you bringing him to me? Dat's harrassment! So what if he took something from Wal mart?! Dey got mo' money than me. Sheeyit"(actual statement I was told).

So...there it is. If you have kids, do us a all a favor and raise em right.
That probably goes without saying in M4C but it felt good to verbalize.

12-29-15, 09:21
"he 14. He grown. Why you bringing him to me? Dat's harrassment! So what if he took something from Wal mart?! Dey got mo' money than me. Sheeyit"

Sig material.

12-29-15, 09:24
"he 14. He grown. Why you bringing him to me? Dat's harrassment! So what if he took something from Wal mart?! Dey got mo' money than me. Sheeyit"

Sig material.

No shit bro. That happened.
All I could do is say "sign here. His case worker will be in touch" and exfil before my urge to japslap some teeth out overpowered me.

12-29-15, 09:30
No shit bro. That happened.
All I could do is say "sign here. His case worker will be in touch" and exfil before my urge to japslap some teeth out overpowered me.

Believe me, you don't need to convince me that it happened. Been there, done that. I was on leave with a buddy who lived in south Philly. I've grew up near or in the hood my entire life (in FL) but that shit was on another level. Groups of people congregating around burning garbage cans. Just like the movies.

Anyway, my friend's cousin literally chased down a Chinese food delivery man with a baseball bat for his $0.16 change. When the chinese guy got away he promised "I pay you back next time".

His cousin replied "Ain't gonna be no next time motha****a!"

Assault - for sixteen cents.

12-29-15, 09:44
I grew up in the 60's and 70's.
I walked to school or rode my bike. If I had practice, I rode my bike or walked, gear dependent. My folks never came to a practice or drove me to one. My Mom would make sure I was out of the house during the summer break by 8:30 every morning. If we needed a drink we got it out of the water hose outside or someones Mom would put a pitcher of Kool Aid on the front porch with a dozen plastic cups.
I remember my Dad telling me "Don't shit on my door step." when I was 14 and I had no idea why he thought I would want to take a crap there.
I guess the morality, sense of self and independence they taught me served me well, never been in any trouble and by the time I caused any trouble, I was old enough and smart enough not to get caught.
These guys at the mall and on the motorbikes are just ghetto, spoiled trash with Mom's who know how to abuse the system.

Outlander Systems
12-29-15, 09:54
Worth every bit of 0:30 of your time:

Quote of the Millenium @ 1:35:


No shit bro. That happened.
All I could do is say "sign here. His case worker will be in touch" and exfil before my urge to japslap some teeth out overpowered me.

Big A
12-29-15, 09:56
Missed all that and agree. I was pretty free range.

Mind you I was strongly advised that I had best behave and stay out of trouble. If a policeman ever spoke to me in any interrogative manner, Which they never did, because why should they?, I was under strict orders to give name, DOB, and address and request they call my old man (pbuh) immediately. I was then to remain adroit, well mannered, and silent. Then I was to pray silently in the time remaining until he got there because most likely I was going to DIE.

As long as those conditions were understood and respected, it was "have fun kid, here's money, hold some back for a payphone, and be back before it gets too late".

But then again a good time for me was the arcade, movies, bike riding, food court, listening to records at a friend's house, or hanging out at a park.

There are certain segments of the population however that think it is okay to herd up and do dumb shit and are practically encouraged to do so by their....parent... in name only. Are actually told to be in a group and told don't get caught.

Then when you DO bring their little darling home they say "he 14. He grown. Why you bringing him to me? Dat's harrassment! So what if he took something from Wal mart?! Dey got mo' money than me. Sheeyit"(actual statement I was told).

So...there it is. If you have kids, do us a all a favor and raise em right.
That probably goes without saying in M4C but it felt good to verbalize.

My father was a C.O. Lt. He knew a large majority of the patrol officers in our area as they had at one time worked with him or for him. I knew that if I was to come home with the police he would tell them to take me to DDC (Juvie) and that I would be on my own, no private attorney, no bail, nothing. I always knew where the line was and not to cross it. Toed it several times, but never crossed it.

However he has always helped me when I've gotten my ass in a financial sling and for that I am truly blessed.


Those mama's are completely different once Bay Bay's kid is in front of a judge, but I'm relatively certain you already knew that.

12-29-15, 09:59
Worth every bit of 0:30 of your time:

All of her Family Reunions are conducted through Plexi Glass.

12-29-15, 10:09
The problem doesn't lie with there being 2 or 2000 unsupervised yutes. We were all unsupervised in out teen age years to some degree. Problem is that our parents taught us right from wrong and we had consequences for our actions at home as well as out in society. These kids are set loose with no parenting and no consequences for their actions. That is the fault of parents and society. Parents arent around to teach their kids anything, so they become thugs, just like any other pack of animals on the planet. Society then refuses to correct the problem. Instead society doubles down on stupid by rewarding bad parents with financial incentives to squirt out more thugs and not allowig Darwin to take its toll on the first batch of stupid out there.

12-29-15, 11:49
"I'm...dreaming if an M...2-40."

A Leica??? ;)

12-29-15, 12:23
My parents could drop me off unsupervised, because I knew if I got in trouble, my ass was gonna get fried when I got home.....THAT'S the difference now...

Mauser KAR98K
12-29-15, 12:39
A Leica??? ;)

Something...belt feed, easy barrel change.

Off to Google. Holy cow those are expensive.

12-29-15, 14:20
Something...belt feed, easy barrel change.

Off to Google. Holy cow those are expensive.

I'm thinking this...
