View Full Version : January 1st, 2016

12-29-15, 17:11
Just a heads up. (http://www.scpr.org/news/2015/12/28/56511/police-in-california-will-be-able-to-seize-guns-pr/)

Family members who believe a loved one poses a danger to themselves or others will be able to ask police to seek a temporary “gun violence” restraining order from a judge beginning Jan. 1. The order would allow police to seize the person’s guns for 21 days...

After three weeks, the person can challenge the judge’s decision.

“It’s a short duration and it allows for due process,” Moore said...

12-29-15, 17:18
Glad my family lives in another state.

12-29-15, 17:22
Well shit. I had no idea this abortion of a law was coming. One more reason I need to get out of this insanity they call a state.

12-29-15, 18:13
We already have it in WA. Pretty rarely used as they have to justify to the judge why it should be done. The one case I was involved in the guns went to a family member instead. CA is going to find a way to use this to get people adjudicated as mentally deficient and keep their guns. You know, for the safety of others and sh!t.

Mauser KAR98K
12-29-15, 19:13
Due process, anyone?

12-29-15, 20:15
Due process, anyone?

You can have it, just after your rights have been taken first. It's backwards to have your rights first then due process to determine if they should be taken, see. /sarcasm

Any judge that signs off on one of these has NO REGARD for the Constitution or rights of the people.

What's "reasonable grounds"? Is the judge going to consult a psych pro, or is it a matter of what the judge thinks when they look at a picture and hear a police report? If someone challenges and the judge finds the claims to be totally baseless, is there recourse for the panic-induced or malicious report in the first place?

I find the LA Assistant Chief calling it a " timeout" to be laughable. "Nanny-state" is an understatement.

12-29-15, 20:15
The comments below the article make some pretty good points:

"hawkeye22407 • 8 hours ago
So, this law was instituted in response to a particular situation - but this law would not have PREVENTED that situation from happening, as "deputies concluded Rodger, 22, was not a risk.". Just how much STUPIDER can Californians get?"

Or this one:
"I like Pie • 6 hours ago
So if a woman arms herself to protect against an abusive husband while awaiting divorce, he can just call the police to have her disarmed before he goes and beats her to death."

Its getting pretty bad out here. I think they are quickly approaching the breaking point of the general citizenry. Many of my LEO friends simply say they will not enforce things like this.

12-29-15, 22:24
Take away from a free man his god-given right to due process, and you deserve hot lead.

Why should we "go gentle into that good night?"

12-29-15, 22:50
My question is "who gets the lead" the politicians or the copper who comes to take them ?????

12-29-15, 22:52
My question is "who gets the lead" the politicians or the copper who comes to take them ?????

Do they both deserve it?

12-29-15, 23:55
Do they both deserve it?

Actually first on the list should be the "family member" who reported you. We need a similar law for people we suspect might be muslim terrorists. You simply report them, they automatically get arrested and have 21 days to prove they are not a threat in order to be released.

12-29-15, 23:57

First off, don't always count on 'cop friends' who say they won't enforce a law. They most certainly will. Why wouldn't they? Nobody is going to forfeit a paycheck or livelihood to make a political statement unless they can afford to. And if you're a police; you can't afford to.

Second, this illustrates the virtue of being a loner. This is not a coincidence. There is a social construct at hand to make everyone as interdependent, intersocialized, and interconnected as possible. Ever read 'The Crucible'? Sometimes mere accusation is more powerful than actual culpability. It's part of social outpeering and ostracism. You 'need' people even if you don't.
The entirety of DFACS and Human Resources is predicated on this.
Most Human Resources people I've ever met strike me as being more akin to a Communist Political Officer than actual problem solving social workers. This is no coincidence.

None of this surprises me. Gun owning, independent, prosperous people really doesn't benefit the government or its elected positions.

So, death by a thousand cuts.

Best thing to do is be very mindful of the company you keep. If you don't have a good relationship with your folks then just don't have anything to do with them.

12-30-15, 00:06
Meanwhile in Texas: Open carry begins.

12-30-15, 00:15
Meanwhile in Texas: Open carry begins.

With a permit....

12-30-15, 00:22
With a permit....

Probably the best way to start. There is a huge tard contingent in the OC crowd and some level of accountability and responsibility is probably for the best during the introductory period. Once open carry is common and accepted because people have demonstrated a responsible capacity, then work towards "no permit needed" open carry.

It shouldn't have to be that way, but that is probably the way it has to be. Wish it were otherwise.

12-30-15, 02:52
Second, this illustrates the virtue of being a loner. This is not a coincidence. There is a social construct at hand to make everyone as interdependent, intersocialized, and interconnected as possible. Ever read 'The Crucible'? Sometimes mere accusation is more powerful than actual culpability. It's part of social outpeering and ostracism. You 'need' people even if you don't.
The entirety of DFACS and Human Resources is predicated on this.
Most Human Resources people I've ever met strike me as being more akin to a Communist Political Officer than actual problem solving social workers. This is no coincidence.

None of this surprises me. Gun owning, independent, prosperous people really doesn't benefit the government or its elected positions.

So, death by a thousand cuts.

Best thing to do is be very mindful of the company you keep. If you don't have a good relationship with your folks then just don't have anything to do with them.

This is gospel . . .

12-30-15, 03:53
Most Human Resources people I've ever met strike me as being more akin to a Communist Political Officer than actual problem solving social workers. This is no coincidence.

Isn't that the truth... I have zero doubt that there are good ones out there, but most that I have dealt with have the "You're questioning the company, comrade?" kind of mentality on any issue. Doesn't matter the position you're in. A VP title, and my concerns were still met with disbelief that I would question the system...

12-30-15, 05:15

12-30-15, 07:54
With a permit....

Which is a good thing. IMO.

Alex V
12-30-15, 08:28

First off, don't always count on 'cop friends' who say they won't enforce a law. They most certainly will. Why wouldn't they? Nobody is going to forfeit a paycheck or livelihood to make a political statement unless they can afford to. And if you're a police; you can't afford to.

Second, this illustrates the virtue of being a loner. This is not a coincidence. There is a social construct at hand to make everyone as interdependent, intersocialized, and interconnected as possible. Ever read 'The Crucible'? Sometimes mere accusation is more powerful than actual culpability. It's part of social outpeering and ostracism. You 'need' people even if you don't.
The entirety of DFACS and Human Resources is predicated on this.
Most Human Resources people I've ever met strike me as being more akin to a Communist Political Officer than actual problem solving social workers. This is no coincidence.

None of this surprises me. Gun owning, independent, prosperous people really doesn't benefit the government or its elected positions.

So, death by a thousand cuts.

Best thing to do is be very mindful of the company you keep. If you don't have a good relationship with your folks then just don't have anything to do with them.

Or 1984. Jr Spies and Thought Police much?

Under the spreading chestnut tree I sold you and you sold me:
There lie they, and here lie we
Under the spreading chestnut tree.

12-30-15, 08:48
This is looney tunes. I hear a song in my head over and over- "sink California. Fall into the sea".

I'm so sick and ****ing tired of reading rubbish about "its okay for a government to permit you to excercise your rights" from the membership here.

Ya'll talk big about "rights" but are just happy with and in some cases WANT the government to turn our rights into mere permissions granted and denied at the behest of the state.

It's pathetic!

I'd love the chance for you guys who agree with watering down rights to have a discussion with the founders of this country and get bitch slapped by them.

The Second Amendment means nothing when the populace is not willing to excercise it without permission from the state.

Reading some of these comments literally made me sick to my stomach...

You're falling for one of the oldest dirtiest tricks in the book- acceptance of watering down ones rights or flat out taking them away for the false perception of "safety". It's retarded and you all are better than that.

Outlander Systems
12-30-15, 09:05

act in an excessively subservient manner.
"she didn't have to kowtow to a boss"
synonyms: grovel to, be obsequious to, be servile to, be sycophantic to, fawn over/on, cringe to, bow and scrape to, toady to, truckle to, abase oneself before, humble oneself to; More
kneel and touch the ground with the forehead in worship or submission as part of Chinese custom.
synonyms: prostrate oneself before, bow (down) to/ before, genuflect to/before, do/make obeisance to/before, fall on one's knees before, kneel before
"they kowtowed to the emperor"

“If you love wealth greater than liberty, the tranquility of servitude greater than the animating contest for freedom, go home from us in peace. We seek not your counsel, nor your arms. Crouch down and lick the hand that feeds you; May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen.”

― Samuel Adams

This is looney tunes. I hear a song in my head over and over- "sink California. Fall into the sea".

I'm so sick and ****ing tired of reading rubbish about "its okay for a government to permit you to excercise your rights" from the membership here.

Ya'll talk big about "rights" but are just happy with and in some cases WANT the government to turn our rights into mere permissions granted and denied at the behest of the state.

It's pathetic!

I'd love the chance for you guys who agree with watering down rights to have a discussion with the founders of this country and get bitch slapped by them.

The Second Amendment means nothing when the populace is not willing to excercise it without permission from the state.

Reading some of these comments literally made me sick to my stomach...

You're falling for one of the oldest dirtiest tricks in the book- acceptance of watering down ones rights or flat out taking them away for the false perception of "safety". It's retarded and you all are better than that.

Crow Hunter
12-30-15, 10:33
I also heard on a NPR report yesterday that they wanted to expand it to co-workers and friends....

That will go over really well. Talk about "Swatting"... What morons.

Actually, on second thought, I am okay with that with the caveat that anyone making an accusation that later proves to be malicious, then owes the accused a penalty of $250,000 fine and must serve 3 years in jail while those that prove to be unwarranted kneejerk reactions result in a $10,000/day compensation due to those the firearms were seized from to be paid by the State from their general obligations fund.

I bet that option would never be used.

12-30-15, 10:44
Meanwhile in Texas: Open carry begins.

It's been state law, without a permit, in Idaho since the early 1900s. Perfectly legal in Washington too. Silly Texas, coming to the party late.
I just wish my state had Constitutional Carry.

Back on topic. I'm not a fan of these laws. Anyone can, for almost any reason declare you a "threat" and have your weapons taken for up to 3 weeks. I'm sure there is an extension clause in there too.

12-30-15, 12:43
It must be in the water, cuz I swear Californians are retarded half the time. I would know, I have a lot of family from there.

They recalled the governor only to reelect him.... Idiots...

But what the hell, this law only tramples on the Second Amendment, Fourth Amendment, 5th amendment, 6th amendment, 7th amendment, and 8th amendment. Maybe the 9th also.

It's only 7 of the 10 in the Bill of rights...... Idiots....

I'm sure some leoz will enforce with glee. They always do. Got to make the mortgage ya know.

12-30-15, 19:11
We are the hollow men
We are the stuffed men
Leaning together
Headpiece filled with straw. Alas!
Our dried voices, when
We whisper together
Are quiet and meaningless
As wind in dry grass
Or rats' feet over broken glass
In our dry cellar

Shape without form, shade without colour,
Paralysed force, gesture without motion;

Those who have crossed
With direct eyes, to death's other Kingdom
Remember us-if at all-not as lost
Violent souls, but only
As the hollow men
The stuffed men...

This is the way the world ends
Not with a bang but a whimper.

TS Eliot

12-30-15, 19:14
We are the hollow men
We are the stuffed men
Leaning together
Headpiece filled with straw. Alas!
Our dried voices, when
We whisper together
Are quiet and meaningless
As wind in dry grass
Or rats' feet over broken glass
In our dry cellar

Shape without form, shade without colour,
Paralysed force, gesture without motion;

Those who have crossed
With direct eyes, to death's other Kingdom
Remember us-if at all-not as lost
Violent souls, but only
As the hollow men
The stuffed men...

This is the way the world ends
Not with a bang but a whimper.

TS Eliot

We need some more BANG!!!

12-30-15, 19:25

Outlander Systems
12-30-15, 19:45
Lee Greenwood could not be reached for comment...

12-31-15, 10:56
Maybe the Rev Jeremiah Wright actually was correct in his assertions about the US today.