View Full Version : Are you an NRA member? If so, this should concern you.

01-04-16, 13:28
The NRA allegedly has filed fraudulent, incomplete tax forms with the IRS for years, independent reviewers allege. If the allegations are true, the NRA is in trouble. The NRA should promptly address these allegations before it dilutes their ability to wage war against their opponents.

There’s something funny about the NRA’s tax filings…

The National Rifle Association doesn’t shoot straight when it comes to documenting its lobbying and political activities, filing tax forms for years that were littered with information gaps and apparent falsehoods, a Post review of the filings found.

The NRA, which was founded in New York in 1871 and claims to have millions of members, even told the IRS it didn’t receive membership dues, thus enabling it to avoid disclosing more about its activities. Last year, it spent $345 million.

And for six years on tax filings, the NRA failed to list the Political Victory Fund, its PAC, as one of its associated organizations. These tax documents are signed under “penalties of perjury.”

“How that form wasn’t intended to mislead the IRS, I don’t know. I don’t know how you come to any other conclusion,” said lawyer Marcus Owens, a former IRS official and leading expert on non-profit tax law.

In fact, the $10 million Political Victory Fund suddenly appeared after a six-year absence on the NRA’s 2014 filings, forms that only recently became public. That change, and a few more, came only after scathing press reports and calls for federal investigations.

For seven years, the NRA also skipped a key question on its tax form — whether or not it engaged in lobbying. Asked to answer “yes” or “no,” it simply left the space blank.

The omission is strange for the powerful gun-rights advocacy group: the lobbyists it hires file official forms with Congress about their activities and spending.

Asked to detail expenses on its tax form, the NRA told the IRS it spent nothing on lobbying each year from 2008 to 2013.

In 2014, it finally recorded $1 million in lobbying expenses. But even that figure is at odds with the amount reported to Congress of $3.4 million, according to data on the OpenSecrets Web site.

It also recorded spending $23 million on unspecified “legislative programs.”

In 2014, the NRA for the first time acknowledged that it receives membership dues, which start at $35 a year. Its latest tax filing show it took in $310 million last year, including $128 million in membership dues.


01-04-16, 13:33
Hmmm, Obumbo using the IRS to tear the NRA apart?? That'd be my first guess... File hugely damaging charges, Get the MSM to start a smear campaign, Divide the membership, and presto! One major enemy out of the way towards the march towards gun-control/confiscation...

01-04-16, 13:35
I don't believe a word of it. Just another way the gun grabbers wage war against us.

01-04-16, 13:36
The NRA allegedly has filed fraudulent, incomplete tax forms with the IRS for years, independent reviewers allege. If the allegations are true, the NRA is in trouble. The NRA should promptly address these allegations before it dilutes their ability to wage war against their opponents.


I wouldn't trust the NY Post to cover a story accurately or objectively on Kim kardashian's latest butt implant, much less a complex issue of corp taxes filed by the NRA. I'll wait 'till something/someone with at least some validity reports on this one before sounding alarms. The NRA has been in the game a long time and know all too well how much any number of forces out there would love to see them do something as stupid as basic as that.

01-04-16, 13:39
I wouldn't trust the NY Post to cover a story accurately or objectively on Kim kardashian's latest butt implant, much less a complex issue of corp taxes filed by the NRA. I'll wait 'till something/someone with at least some validity reports on this one before sounding alarms. The NRA has been in the game a long time and know all too well how much any number of forces out there would love to see them do something as stupid as basic as that.

I agree. But the NRA needs to respond promptly in no uncertain terms to the allegations.

01-04-16, 13:52
If only the IRS would give the same treatment to the Klinton Foundation.

01-04-16, 14:02
I agree. But the NRA needs to respond promptly in no uncertain terms to the allegations.

If t gets traction with legit news outlets, yes. But, to respond to every idiot taking a "shot" at you these days, is a waste of time and resources.

01-04-16, 14:17
Is this a rehash from the "expose" 10 months ago from yahoo that went nowhere?

01-04-16, 14:36

01-04-16, 14:51
with everything this admin would do to destroy the NRA and gun owners I would think they would have already tried to do this route ? like they have with illegal targeting groups so going after one that is already breaking the law they would be there already

01-04-16, 15:08
Wait and see what develops. Regarding lobbying, doesn't the NRA-ILA exist as a separate organization specifically for lobbying? And I seem to remember reading on some sort of NRA (or NRA-ILA) materials that the NRA itself doesn't engage in political lobbying.

NY Post is a flashy rag with a sharp liberal/idiot bent, so I wouldn't trust it at all.

Although I have never examined the NRA's tax returns, I deal with nonprofit tax filings in my day job, and some things are different in technical details than how they might sound in a quick read. Anyway, wait and see.

01-04-16, 15:45
If only the IRS would give the same treatment to the Klinton Foundation.

Yep. If Trump added this to his things to do......

01-04-16, 16:00
Is this a rehash from the "expose" 10 months ago from yahoo that went nowhere?

Yes and just a little kawinkydink to be reborn the same week he pushed out his EOs - Coordinated effort. I am sure there will be a lot more BS to come; it's only Monday.

01-04-16, 16:01
Asked to detail expenses on its tax form, the NRA told the IRS it spent nothing on lobbying each year from 2008 to 2013.

ILA does the lobbying.

Hit peice that does not undersand the business.

Next they will be shocked to find out Warren Buffet has no W-2 wages to report in his tax return.

Ned Christiansen
01-04-16, 16:23
This dirty trick will backfire and heads won't roll, and the media won't cry foul.

01-04-16, 17:31
I wouldn't trust the NY Post to cover a story accurately or objectively on Kim kardashian's latest butt implant,

Stupidity of those in charge with cushy jobs is never surprising- as an example leaders at major charities like the American Red Cross.

But I would rather know more about Kim's butt implant, for real she had the "pushin-cushion" reshaped????

01-04-16, 18:29
This dirty trick will backfire and heads won't roll, and the media won't cry foul.

Isn't that the truth?! Didn't this same thing happen 3 or 4 years ago to some Tea Party organizations with the IRS going after them?

01-04-16, 21:10
Proud of the NRA on this tax issue:

The National Rifle Association, along with the National Shooting Sports Foundation and the Second Amendment Foundation, has filed a lawsuit against the city of Seattle for violating a Washington state law that prevents local municipalities from creating their own firearm regulations. The suit was filed in King County Superior Court this morning.

"Once again, anti-gun activists in Seattle have chosen to violate the Washington State Constitution and trample upon the Second Amendment rights of law-abiding citizens,” said Chris Cox, executive director of NRA¹s Institute for Legislative Action. “They tried to enact similar regulations back in 2009 and lost. It's a shame to see such a waste of public resources on issues the courts have already ruled to be a clear violation of state law.”

On August 10, the Seattle City Council approved measures that tax the sales of all firearms and ammunition and require gun owners to report any lost or stolen firearms. The tax is scheduled to take effect in January 2016.