View Full Version : How Obama's EO's could be used to take away OUR gun rights

Doc Safari
01-07-16, 10:12

Among the provisions of what Barack Obama calls “common sense” measures to stop “gun violence” – which critics condemn as the president’s latest unconstitutional end-runs around Congress – one controversial new rule empowers health-care providers to report the names of mentally ill patients to a FBI firearms background check system.

Providers will no longer need to obtain the patient’s consent before sharing such information.

Obvious problems with this measure have been cited, such as the effect of discouraging battled-scarred military veterans from seeking mental health care for fear of losing their right to possess a firearm.

But journalist David Kupelian, author of the influential new book, “The Snapping of the American Mind,” even questions whether Obama’s far-left administration might possibly be tempted to use this new rule to target “dissidents” – outspoken critics, conservatives, Christians, constitutionalists and the like – as mentally impaired or unstable, and, therefore, unfit for gun ownership.

Under Obama, the U.S. government has seen fit to target ‘dissidents’ in a variety of ways, from Homeland Security profiling conservatives as potential ‘extremists,’ to the IRS notoriously discriminating against tea-party groups, to the legal prosecution of Christians for declining to participate in homosexual wedding ceremonies. How big a leap might it be from these forms of persecution to ‘diagnosing’ members of the same groups as ‘mentally ill,’ ‘disordered,’ or ‘impaired?’ (That would certainly be a handy way to deny firearms ownership to such newly minted ‘mental-health risks.’)

The problem with this rule is the same as the problem with Obama’s other idea of denying guns to those who are on federal no-fly lists: It puts a government authority (because Obamacare has made health care governmental, not private) in charge of deciding which names make the list

Now, if I were to stretch this a bit further, I wonder if someone were openly vocal on the internet and became enough of a pain in the ass to this administration, could said administration use the data collected by NSA to find that person's identity and report them as "mentally ill" and therefore subject to a ban on owning any guns? I think it's not that far off.

01-07-16, 10:41
I had heard you will be required to have "gun owners liability insurance" and all ammo purchases will be registered? The bastard knows he can't "ban" them totally, but make it really hard to obtain and maintain...

01-07-16, 10:41
The PTSD thing is going to bite vets in the ass. I've made that prediction for several years now and it's going to happen eventually. The VA is a government entity, you think they wouldn't divulge the diagnosis of PTSD when applicable?

Fortunately, as far as one's doctor goes, mine is a conservative. I've also not been seen for anything remotely "he-hoo".

01-07-16, 11:08
The PTSD thing is going to bite vets in the ass. I've made that prediction for several years now and it's going to happen eventually. The VA is a government entity, you think they wouldn't divulge the diagnosis of PTSD when applicable?

Yes it will. The VA is very eager to throw a large % at you for PTSD. As a matter of fact they ask multiple times during the claim process if you have it......not just ask but guide you to answer that you do. Most people just say "sure" to get a larger %.

It is very obvious what the current people are doimg when you look at the big picture and long term effects. So how long until all of those with PTSD are not allowed to vote also? Too far fetched? I think not. It is not too much to believe coming from thses progressives. Great way to eliminate a chunk of mostly conservative people that are diametrically opposed to them.

Doc Safari
01-07-16, 11:20
It is very obvious what the current people are doimg when you look at the big picture and long term effects. So how long until all of those with PTSD are not allowed to vote also? Too far fetched? I think not. It is not too much to believe coming from thses progressives. Great way to eliminate a chunk of mostly conservative people that are diametrically opposed to them.

Excellent point. These people are as brilliant as they are evil.

01-07-16, 11:32
Food for thought. I was recently urged by one of the VA's (rare?) satisfied customers to sign up, but my built-in skepticism is blinking amber. I've always hated disclosing personal information on principle. Everyone wants to "help" me. Or so they say.

01-07-16, 11:38
Yes it will. The VA is very eager to throw a large % at you for PTSD. As a matter of fact they ask multiple times during the claim process if you have it......not just ask but guide you to answer that you do. Most people just say "sure" to get a larger %.

It is very obvious what the current people are doimg when you look at the big picture and long term effects. So how long until all of those with PTSD are not allowed to vote also? Too far fetched? I think not. It is not too much to believe coming from thses progressives. Great way to eliminate a chunk of mostly conservative people that are diametrically opposed to them.

I was rather surprised when I was talking to an E-7 recently. He told me one of the Soldiers he was chaptering out was getting a PTSD claim processed and that Soldier had never left the FOB. Clerical job in a S-1 position then moved back to the original MOS upon returning to CONUS.
I was rather surprised that anyone would take such a claim seriously, but who knows? I've also heard that a 50% or above wasn't that uncommon.

I'm just thinking if they are willing to prohibit people on Social Security from purchasing, will that later move to owning and will the VA turn all of that info over?

01-07-16, 11:42
Yes it will. The VA is very eager to throw a large % at you for PTSD. As a matter of fact they ask multiple times during the claim process if you have it......not just ask but guide you to answer that you do. Most people just say "sure" to get a larger %.

Quoted for truth. They make the PTSD game easy to play. It seems 30% is almost a guarantee these days and it disgusts me.

01-07-16, 11:43
I was rather surprised when I was talking to an E-7 recently. He told me one of the Soldiers he was chaptering out was getting a PTSD claim processed and that Soldier had never left the FOB. Clerical job in a S-1 position then moved back to the original MOS upon returning to CONUS.
I was rather surprised that anyone would take such a claim seriously, but who knows? I've also heard that a 50% or above wasn't that uncommon.

I'm just thinking if they are willing to prohibit people on Social Security from purchasing, will that later move to owning and will the VA turn all of that info over?

lol, there are people who never even deployed that are getting PTSD disability. Doing a tour is a shoe-in, whether you were outside the wire or not.

01-07-16, 11:45
I'm just thinking if they are willing to prohibit people on Social Security from purchasing,..

I am unclear on this part. I can see it if it was Medicare or Medicaid and there was something in their medical history that indicated mental illness, but how is somebody going to be affected just because they are drawing their regular SS check?

01-07-16, 12:07
If someone wanted to bet me that the VA wouldn't turn that info over I'd take that bet in a heart beat. If one Govt. agency is going to turn over this type of info, Social Security Admin, the VA will definitely be next. My wife and mother all say I should file for VA Disability because of various reasons. First off I don't think I need it but secondly no way I want the Govt. in my business that way. They less they know the better.

01-07-16, 13:01
Mental Health has been his golden egg on this issue and it has surprised me that it hasn't been fully exploited to fulfill their goals.

There is no other area that is as subjective where all that's needed is a check in the box and poof your NICS checks are being denied and what you do have is being taken in a manner consistent with how the new "law" in California.

The mental health system is a joke and is as broken a system as any other in the country with more playing the system than actually using it because they need it.

It's ripe for exploitation and I'm shocked it has taken this long.

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Doc Safari
01-07-16, 13:12
Mental Health has been his golden egg on this issue and it has surprised me that it hasn't been fully exploited to fulfill their goals.

There is no other area that is as subjective where all that's needed is a check in the box and poof your NICS checks are being denied and what you do have is being taken in a manner consistent with how the new "law" in California.

The mental health system is a joke and is as broken a system as any other in the country with more playing the system than actually using it because they need it.

It's ripe for exploitation and I'm shocked it has taken this long.

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AND....they could easily extend it to the next generation: if you were ever on Prozac or anything as a kid, well, sir, you just got disqualified from EVER owning a gun.

01-07-16, 13:16
Taking guns away from suicidal people prevents suicide. People who express an interest in commiting suicide should be committed and have their guns removed.

Today, there is no technology or method that enables one to predict who among the mentally ill likely is prone to violence.

01-07-16, 15:06
Mental Health has been his golden egg on this issue and it has surprised me that it hasn't been fully exploited to fulfill their goals.

There is no other area that is as subjective where all that's needed is a check in the box and poof your NICS checks are being denied and what you do have is being taken in a manner consistent with how the new "law" in California.

The mental health system is a joke and is as broken a system as any other in the country with more playing the system than actually using it because they need it.

It's ripe for exploitation and I'm shocked it has taken this long.

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Spot on, gun control by another name.

And as Doc suggested why stop at firearms, extend this treatment of your political enemies to voter rights, IRS abuse, et al.

Frog in the pot and all that . . .

01-07-16, 15:08
Taking guns away from suicidal people prevents suicide. People who express an interest in commiting suicide should be committed and have their guns removed.

Today, there is no technology or method that enables one to predict who among the mentally ill likely is prone to violence.

I have to wonder why this Obama guy who cares so much for people with suicide thoughts is not wanting to regulate bridges, rooftops, razor blades, over does of medications, garden hoses and automobile exhaust, so on and so forth . . .

If it would save just one life!

01-07-16, 15:58
I have to wonder why this Obama guy who cares so much for people with suicide thoughts is not wanting to regulate bridges, rooftops, razor blades, over does of medications, garden hoses and automobile exhaust, so on and so forth . . .

If it would save just one life!

The goal of gun control is not to save lives; it is to TAKE lives, starting with traitors like you.

01-07-16, 16:08
Remind me again how many of these mass shooters was diagnosed with service related PTSD? :confused:

01-07-16, 16:35
Taking guns away from suicidal people prevents suicide. People who express an interest in commiting suicide should be committed and have their guns removed.

Today, there is no technology or method that enables one to predict who among the mentally ill likely is prone to violence.
Yes and no. Statistically you can show which diagnoses have a correlation to elevated violence risk but on a individual basis violence risk assessment is really really difficult to objectively assess.

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01-07-16, 16:35
.........service related PTSD? :confused:

Does the gang life count as service-related?

01-07-16, 17:12
The goal of gun control is not to save lives; it is to TAKE lives, starting with traitors like you.

Preaching to the choir my brother, I've been saying since forever gun control is not about saving anyone it's about the disarmament of We the People . . .

I'm just calling out bath house Barry on his hypocrisy.

01-07-16, 17:43
Step one: disarm the population...

01-07-16, 17:45
Mental Health has been his golden egg on this issue and it has surprised me that it hasn't been fully exploited to fulfill their goals

Oh, its coming and the American Psychiatric Association will help lead the charge. They continue to "recognize" the every day aspects of the human condition as disorders. Wait, just posting on firearms related boards will be identified as an unusual fixation on killing and death, bingo... your diagnosed.

Call me Chicken Little, but the sky is falling to a communist dick tater. States with liberal legislatures and governors will be emboldened by these EO's and run wild. Repubicans will continue to sit on their hands and say they can't do anything, because honestly, the current GOP wouldn't be upset with a disarmed citizenry either. Gives them more free time to plot with the liberals on how to spend money you haven't even earned yet.

One party, two wings...

01-07-16, 17:45
AND....they could easily extend it to the next generation: if you were ever on Prozac or anything as a kid, well, sir, you just got disqualified from EVER owning a gun.

Do gangs use Prozac much or did they as kids I wonder?

How about smokers that have taken Welbutrin to quit? It;s also an antidepressant and can and does cause suicidal thoughts.
Lyrica is used to treat fibromyalgia, epilepsy, neuropathic pain and anxiety disorder. It can cause suicidal thoughts. There are other drugs that aren't typically used to treat mental disorders and can cause suicidal thoughts or actions.

Even the small fraction of people that aren't helped by these drugs and are suicidal are rarely homicidal.

Research how many mass murderers and are/were illegal drug and alcohol abusers rather than legal users of antidepressants. Also take a look at how many weren't taking their medicine as prescribed. How do we know they weren't going to commit their crimes regardless of what drugs they were on or if when they finally got desperate enough to seek treatment it was too late and they were going through with their crimes anyway?

This line of thought reeks of the same train of thought of gun grabbers. Using something people don't understand as a scapegoat.

Don't get me wrong, anyone involuntarily committed should have their guns taken away.

I hate the "see something, say something" mentality when Nervous Nellies report anything and everything but people have to be more vigilant about their own family's welfare.
How often have family members said they knew something was going to happen or one of their family members have said point blank they are suicidal or homicidal and nobody does anything?

Outlander Systems
01-07-16, 17:55
No shit.

It don't matter if every foaming-at-the-mouth whack-job has a gun if everyone else is armed.

It's a cultural mindset of, "someone else's job to protect me."

**** that noise.

You know who needs someone else to protect 'em? Women and children; and brother, I ain't either one of those.

****'s sake, this ain't rocket science.

Step one: disarm the population...

01-07-16, 18:01
Explains the inappropriate emphasis on Mental Health forced upon law enforcement in lieu of the medical community. Once people open their eyes to what is truly happening law enforcement is already neck deep in the mess. Unwillingly and used like a call girl.

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01-07-16, 18:03
I, for one, would like to see our elected officials piss in a cup every few months at random and make the results publicly known.

01-07-16, 18:08
Explains the inappropriate emphasis on Mental Health forced upon law enforcement in lieu of the medical community. Once people open their eyes to what is truly happening law enforcement is already neck deep in the mess. Unwillingly and used like a call girl.

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THIS. It isn't a crime to have a mental issue (not necessarily aggressive or violent), and most newer cops these days don't have the best people skills so...it's more BS that Goes Nowhere, Does Nothing.

How about taking a break from felonizing everyone to actually....oh I dunno...saving a life or enriching it?

FWIW this is not the rank and file's fault that they are ill trained and improperly aided in dealing with people who have emotional issues.

But that's another topic.

01-07-16, 18:36
THIS. It isn't a crime to have a mental issue (not necessarily aggressive or violent), and most newer cops these days don't have the best people skills so...it's more BS that Goes Nowhere, Does Nothing.

How about taking a break from felonizing everyone to actually....oh I dunno...saving a life or enriching it?

FWIW this is not the rank and file's fault that they are ill trained and improperly aided in dealing with people who have emotional issues.

But that's another topic.

By and large even the lack of training wouldn't be an issue if the system didn't enable those seeking only attention and validation as well as those who's feelings end up shattered through facing the reality of life.

01-07-16, 19:42
Do gangs use Prozac much or did they as kids I wonder?

How about smokers that have taken Welbutrin to quit? It;s also an antidepressant and can and does cause suicidal thoughts.
Lyrica is used to treat fibromyalgia, epilepsy, neuropathic pain and anxiety disorder. It can cause suicidal thoughts. There are other drugs that aren't typically used to treat mental disorders and can cause suicidal thoughts or actions.

Even the small fraction of people that aren't helped by these drugs and are suicidal are rarely homicidal.

Research how many mass murderers and are/were illegal drug and alcohol abusers rather than legal users of antidepressants. Also take a look at how many weren't taking their medicine as prescribed. How do we know they weren't going to commit their crimes regardless of what drugs they were on or if when they finally got desperate enough to seek treatment it was too late and they were going through with their crimes anyway?

This line of thought reeks of the same train of thought of gun grabbers. Using something people don't understand as a scapegoat.

Don't get me wrong, anyone involuntarily committed should have their guns taken away.

I hate the "see something, say something" mentality when Nervous Nellies report anything and everything but people have to be more vigilant about their own family's welfare.
How often have family members said they knew something was going to happen or one of their family members have said point blank they are suicidal or homicidal and nobody does anything?

If I take my Haldol without PBR, am I in the clear?

01-07-16, 19:47
If I take my Haldol without PBR, am I in the clear?

U fine bro, U fine.

01-07-16, 19:56
If I take my Haldol without PBR, am I in the clear?

If you take anything with PBR, or PBR by itself for that matter, you can be denied (and damn well should be!).

01-07-16, 21:21
This is pretty scary. Part of me says "no way, that's just too out there in conspiracy-land". Then I remember the targeting via IRS of Tea Party groups, pro-Constitution groups, while letting Islam groups slide. Then I remember letting immigrants in with no basic cursory scrutiny of their social media while spying on every single phone and email conversation, the unconstitutional ramming through of Osamacare, constant attempts to ban guns, Benghazi, jailing of Dinesh D'Souza while Hussein and Hitlery walk free, etc.

The mental health thing is a trojan horse for a lot of infringements of freedom. The scariest part is that most people will agree with it because on the surface it sounds "reasonable".

01-07-16, 21:51
Yes it's scary how "reasonable" the mental health Trojan horse is to a lot of gun owners who choose to ignore facts and statistics.

Similar to how gun bans sound "reasonable" to gun grabbers who choose to ignore facts and statistics.

We are one of the best groups at turning on our own.

01-08-16, 01:50
Everyone reading this needs to have a conversation with their family members, hunting buddies, fellow Veterans, fellow LEOs, etc. about this topic and how to respond to questions under Obamacare from health officials regarding things like PTSD, firearm ownership, mental health, etc.

I've had this convo with my aging parents recently.

If CA is any example with their new gun confiscation of people who are ACCUSED of being suicidal/homicidal then I can see a ton of guys getting pinched by a jilted ex or estranged wife. He said she said just like it is with domestic violence.

01-08-16, 03:31
Everyone reading this needs to have a conversation with their family members, hunting buddies, fellow Veterans, fellow LEOs, etc. about this topic and how to respond to questions under Obamacare from health officials regarding things like PTSD, firearm ownership, mental health, etc.

I've had this convo with my aging parents recently.

If CA is any example with their new gun confiscation of people who are ACCUSED of being suicidal/homicidal then I can see a ton of guys getting pinched by a jilted ex or estranged wife. He said she said just like it is with domestic violence.

In addition to my patrol duties I serve with a faith based veterans group seeking to save veterans from falling into the traps of the VA and the system.

Of course I want to discourage a vet from seeking meds just to have the meds, but off hours mentoring the topic is being shared that we are the warriors who know the truth and as such are a threat. To seek help through your brothers and not the system not only helps mentally and the soul, but also protects you from becoming a victim as a result of suppression through the mental health backdoor.

01-08-16, 03:38
Bingo. If universal background checks do not accomplish the task of preventing any of the recent events, what do they accomplish? The answer glows like a neon sign: the goal of UBCs is to economize the process of confiscation, which both Obama and Hildebeast have said they would pursue if given the opportunity. It's like the pieces of a chessboard moving toward checkmate.

This is pretty scary. Part of me says "no way, that's just too out there in conspiracy-land". Then I remember the targeting via IRS of Tea Party groups, pro-Constitution groups, while letting Islam groups slide. Then I remember letting immigrants in with no basic cursory scrutiny of their social media while spying on every single phone and email conversation, the unconstitutional ramming through of Osamacare, constant attempts to ban guns, Benghazi, jailing of Dinesh D'Souza while Hussein and Hitlery walk free, etc.

The mental health thing is a trojan horse for a lot of infringements of freedom. The scariest part is that most people will agree with it because on the surface it sounds "reasonable".

01-08-16, 09:19
Mental Health has been his golden egg on this issue and it has surprised me that it hasn't been fully exploited to fulfill their goals.

There is no other area that is as subjective where all that's needed is a check in the box and poof your NICS checks are being denied and what you do have is being taken in a manner consistent with how the new "law" in California.

The mental health system is a joke and is as broken a system as any other in the country with more playing the system than actually using it because they need it.

It's ripe for exploitation and I'm shocked it has taken this long.

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It will be. It's why healthcare came before guns. Now that the camels nose is under the tent, future President's can use it to lock up political dissidents. Power is always abused, its just a matter of when.



01-08-16, 10:27
Hate to stir the pot even further but states are going to start implementing a new violent crime reporting system a few others have already implimented. I just attended a conference in December. The system is very motivated by the political left. We already had "UCR" aka Uniform Crime Reports that covered Malum in se crimes or crimes where there was a true victim that would be documented on an incident report. However under the new additional system if someone commits suicide with a firearm it is labeled under a violent crime and the statistic is collected and recorded and a contributing factor will be labeled under "Gun Violence". If a residence has has history of domestic violence and a resident commits suicide it is labeled a violent crime and recorded and the contributing factor will be "Domestic Violence" and "Gun Violence". You can see how statistical data will be extremely bias just after one year. You are going to see statistics skewed extremely in states that implement this type of reporting. Instead of blaming prescription medication for people on their pitty pots, feminist and anti-gun leftist and other political agenda's, politicians are going to be able to bend light to situations in their favor. On a side note years ago I noticed on the Official and Legitimate UCR form the category of "Conservative" was pushed to the top of the for of "extremest" for contributing factors under associated with. Insane.... Our Forefathers having their views being criticized all over again by an omnipotent Oligarchy.

01-08-16, 14:01
This is a really good piece by Taya Kyle.

'American Sniper' widow: Gun control won't protect us - CNN.com (http://www.cnn.com/2016/01/07/opinions/taya-kyle-gun-control/index.html)

01-08-16, 15:25
Everyone reading this needs to have a conversation with their family members, hunting buddies, fellow Veterans, fellow LEOs, etc. about this topic and how to respond to questions under Obamacare from health officials regarding things like PTSD, firearm ownership, mental health, etc.

I've had this convo with my aging parents recently.

If CA is any example with their new gun confiscation of people who are ACCUSED of being suicidal/homicidal then I can see a ton of guys getting pinched by a jilted ex or estranged wife. He said she said just like it is with domestic violence.

Long time ago and the universal answer is "Nunya..."

01-08-16, 16:15
Long time ago and the universal answer is "Nunya..."

If you refuse to answer or reply by saying it's none of their business you get flagged as being dishonest and put in a file that in all likely hood will be maintained by the FBI.

Something straight out of Eastern Europe under Nazi/Soviet rule . . .

01-08-16, 16:56
I predict - assuming this isn't already happening - that even depression, or reporting low levels of motivation, or unhappy feelings/thoughts are going to be "flagged" as mental health problems, and say bye-bye to 2nd Amendment rights.

Doc Safari
01-08-16, 17:01
I predict - assuming this isn't already happening - that even depression, or reporting low levels of motivation, or unhappy feelings/thoughts are going to be "flagged" as mental health problems, and say bye-bye to 2nd Amendment rights.

And what about your employer sending you to anger management classes? I used to work with a guy who had to go to anger management classes, submit to psychological evaluation, and all sorts of things because he lost his temper at a co-worker one day. You better believe that flying off the handle at work has Second Amendment consequences now.

And how about if you get angry at crappy customer service somewhere and the business calls the cops to get you to leave? My dad was one who would tell idiots behind the counter exactly what he thought of them on many occasions.

Stretching things a bit? Will we still think so in five years?

Let's not forget your kid slips up and tells the teacher you drink a lot and have guns, or that you've been depressed lately and have guns. Or how about an estranges spouse asking a judge to to a psyche eval on you?

This is such a can of worms that it's almost unreal.

Short version: you'd better not eff up in any way shape or form that might put you in front of a psychologist.

01-08-16, 17:04
This is a really good piece by Taya Kyle.

'American Sniper' widow: Gun control won't protect us - CNN.com (http://www.cnn.com/2016/01/07/opinions/taya-kyle-gun-control/index.html)

Good on her. Emperor Hussein lied through his teeth suggesting that places with more gun ownership actually lagged behind those with lower gun ownership in terms of reducing murder/violent crime rates.

Perhaps he hasn't noticed that all the hot spots for murder are Demoncrat-run ghetto-infested gun control urban Utopias like his beloved Chiraq.

01-08-16, 17:14
Good on her. Emperor Hussein lied through his teeth suggesting that places with more gun ownership actually lagged behind those with lower gun ownership in terms of reducing murder/violent crime rates.

Perhaps he hasn't noticed that all the hot spots for murder are Demoncrat-run ghetto-infested gun control urban Utopias like his beloved Chiraq.

Just as he lied to the rape victim about her odds with a gun. He sat right there and claimed it MUST be a conspiracy if you oppose his efforts, because no one can prove he's trying to take away our guns! Yet in the very next breath, he told her it's far more likely she'll fall victim to the very gun she carries for protection, than it is that she'll be able to scare off a criminal by having one.

First off, his statement was obscenely sexist and dismissive. Second, it's blatant propaganda not grounded in fact. Third, she specifically mentioned restricting her ability to carry it wherever she went. Obama, all of his acolytes and every prog Democrat run urban center have supported restricting lawful gun ownership as a means of "crime prevention". He simply doesn't believe she's equipped or competent to have one. Neither do any of his political allies. It's exemplified in VA Gov. Terry McAuliff's elimination of reciprocity for CCW permits. In the wake of the IS inspired attack on a LEO in Philly yesterday with a stolen POLICE gun, the newly elected mayor blamed "too many guns on the streets". they always blame this on illegal gun smuggling from less restrictive jurisdictions.

When you point out that per capita, the less restrictive jurisdictions have FAR more guns per capita than these restrictive urban locales, yet far lower rates of crimes committed with guns, they squirm. When you point out that a HUGE disparity is NOT having to suffer under five decades of failed prog Dem controlled policies, they sputter and deny it.

Simply put, it's not a conspiracy against Obama's prog Dem gun restriction policies. It's the fact that they KNOW they’re right to restrict guns and we’re wrong, while ignoring FIVE DECADES of proven fact otherwise.

I don’t hate prog dems. I utterly distrust them because they’re irrational and cocksure of their superior knowledge. Obama deserves to be distrusted, because we have decades worth of proof that he and his ilk are delusional to the extreme.

01-08-16, 17:34
Let's not forget your kid slips up and tells the teacher you drink a lot and have guns, or that you've been depressed lately and have guns. Or how about an estranges spouse asking a judge to to a psyche eval on you?

Kind of like how the Nazi and then the Soviet secret police would go into classrooms and ask school children what their parents thought of dear leader, if a child had parents that were not agreeable to the state the entire family would vanish in the dead of night.

Short version: you'd better not eff up in any way shape or form that might put you in front of a psychologist.

It's far worse than that, even if you don't eff up in any way a jilted ex or a jealous and or disgruntled co-worker or neighbor could falsely accuse you.

We're talking about paranoia at the level of Stalinism were spouses turned in each other, fathers and sons, brothers and sisters.

01-09-16, 15:19
Kind of like how the Nazi and then the Soviet secret police would go into classrooms and ask school children what their parents though of dear leader, if a child had parents that were not agreeable to the state the entire family would vanish in the dead of night.

It's far worse than that, even if you don't eff up in any way a jilted ex or a jealous and or disgruntled co-worker or neighbor could falsely accuse you.

We're talking about paranoia at the level of Stalinism were spouses turned in each other, fathers and sons, brothers and sisters.

I can't believe we're even discussing this.....

01-09-16, 22:51
I can't believe we're even discussing this.....

Yet here we are. Welcome to Barry's America.

01-10-16, 20:48
Yet here we are. Welcome to Barry's America.

Barrack Hussein Obama's America.
Muslim president, dhimmi nation.

01-10-16, 23:18
Barrack Hussein Obama's America.
Muslim president, dhimmi nation.

Actually we are a kafir nation. Vast and ripe for the religion of islam to conquer. It is after we become a nation of islam, that we will become a dhimmi. Our children have much to look forward to.

01-10-16, 23:24
Trump today on Meet The Press doubled down on revoking any EO written by obama.