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View Full Version : Dems bringing Muslims to SOTU to make a "stand against hate and injustice"

01-11-16, 06:38

Word is still out if any are bringing victims of San Bernadino, Chattanooga, Boston, Moore, West Orange, or Seattle.

01-11-16, 06:49
There's a dark, morbid part of me that sees some twisted Dr. Strangelove humor in this if it goes south somehow.

I mean it's literally like inviting Waffen SS...like no shit Totenkopf SS to Synagogue or something.

Seriously, I demand our elected officials submit to urinalysis and make the results known and public. I'm convinced that they are all on dope.

Not a joke. Not sarcasm. I went to Drug ID school. I'm pretty sure 75% of our elected officials are dopers.

If people wanna be on that shit, fine. Just don't operate on me, fly my plane, or govern me

01-11-16, 07:21
There's a dark, morbid part of me that sees some twisted Dr. Strangelove humor in this if it goes south somehow.

I mean it's literally like inviting Waffen SS...like no shit Totenkopf SS to Synagogue or something.

Seriously, I demand our elected officials submit to urinalysis and make the results known and public. I'm convinced that they are all on dope.

Not a joke. Not sarcasm. I went to Drug ID school. I'm pretty sure 75% of our elected officials are dopers.

If people wanna be on that shit, fine. Just don't operate on me, fly my plane, or govern me

The only way you could get me to cheer ISIS is if they took over the Democratic National Convention.
I would immediately pop some corn and start recording that shit for posterity. The payback these guys got coming is going to be epic.

01-11-16, 07:43
Funny you mention record for posterity.
When 9/11 happened and I got home I immediately popped in a VHS to record it. Because I wanted to see the literal panic and fear of a public gone too soft.
No way to spin it. The shit had hit the fan.

No workplace violence. No lone wolf. None of it. People who didn't know what to say other than we've been hit, it was intentional, and there it is. People deciding whether to burn alive or jump to their death hoping God would understand. People covered in ash. Nobody knowing what to do.

Literal reality TV.

Now...it's a hallmark card with Enya playing. It's a country song. It's a post 9/11 world.

A Nord Ost at the DNC might force people to accept some hard truth. I don't really want that to happen, but seriously.....men with guns knowing it's a one way trip using women as walking bombs and shitting on your faggy tolerance might make people accept that we are not the world and never will be.

It's always the same people. They aren't going to stop.

I'm 'spiritual' but if I knew there were no god and everything was pointless and random. I'd say "okay" and accept it. And try to make the most of life knowing basic humanism would be the best way.
But these people can't do that because they are backwards and can't get over themselves.


01-11-16, 07:56
I may get drunk and celebrate after the SOTU. Last legal one for him. ;)

I'd say that the empty seat is for the only rational Progressive, but they couldn't find one.

Outlander Systems
01-11-16, 09:23
**** My Life™

What alien planet have I awoken upon?

01-11-16, 09:40
ISIS has a similar program at their SOTC where they bring in Christians, but at the end they are beheaded.

01-11-16, 09:46

What that means: Obama will be talking about himself, not asking Congress for a long list of items he knows he'll never get.

Uhm, like that is anything new? Obama says "I' more than a pirate with Tourrets.

Dist. Expert 26
01-11-16, 10:28
ISIS has a similar program at their SOTC where they bring in Christians, but at the end they are beheaded.

I about choked on my lunch reading that. Bravo sir.

Exactly what "injustice" have the muslims suffered here? As far as I can see we do nothing but cater to their barbaric death cult.

01-11-16, 10:33

If there is any group that has come to America and been given a pass for terrible behavior - it is the Muslims.

We have Muslim toe-scukers in many leadership positions throughout America, making excuses or looking the other way while Muslims do horrible things to non-Muslims in the name of their religion. San Bernardino brought that to a head.

Injustice...my butt!!

01-11-16, 12:22
Too bad it is a cold winter and a Tuesday. Otherwise the Republican response could start with the number of shootings in Dem controlled cities with tighter than what Obama is proposing gun control.

Plus, wait for Barry to tour 8 years with out a recession, as if climbing out of a well is the same as climbing a mountain.

01-11-16, 14:28
I must say that I am ecstatic that muslims will be going to the SOTU. It is our government policies that have moved us to the forefront with islam, not the american people. If any of them are thinking about going jihad, I would rather it be in DC, than anywhere else. I would also like to see all refugee muslims housed in DC for a period of 20 years. This would give our govt first hand experience of the peaceful religion on islam. I know politicians have big enough houses to sponsor many of them.

26 Inf
01-11-16, 17:25
Obama says "I' more than a pirate with Tourrets.

That is awesome.

01-12-16, 03:34
And we're surprised because?

Barry is an infiltrator, a radical leftist construct.

01-12-16, 21:28
That SOTU address was the biggest steaming pile of dog and pony shit I've heard to date.

So sad people believe the blatant lies.

It was masochistic watching that shit.

Panem et circenses, panem et circenses...

01-12-16, 23:52
So you guys are saying I didn't miss anything?

01-13-16, 22:13

Word is still out if any are bringing victims of San Bernadino, Chattanooga, Boston, Moore, West Orange, or Seattle.

No. That would be Islamophobic.
What hate and injustice???????????
Muslims hate and unjustly murder, subjugate, plot against and enslave non-Muslims literally everywhere on Earth, including right here.
Complete silence on that.
Yet the Demon-rats are up in arms that some people have the audacity to not like this and speak out against a totalotarian hateful and intolerant ideology. And that's "hate and injustice"?
They make it sound as if people are pulling innocent Muslims from their homes and beating them to death with tire irons.
complete inversion of reality and morality.

The only way you could get me to cheer ISIS is if they took over the Democratic National Convention.
I would immediately pop some corn and start recording that shit for posterity. The payback these guys got coming is going to be epic.

I have reached a point where I actually would not be surprised if ISIS is either directly controlled by the Democrats, or actively supported. Yep, call me crazy.
They fund them, arm them, give them advance warning of any "action", buy their stolen oil via Turkey, and make excuses for their ideology.
They would never kill their enablers and willing dhimmi subjects.

ISIS has a similar program at their SOTC where they bring in Christians, but at the end they are beheaded.

What, are you suggesting that there is anything wrong with this? It's just their culture, brah. You have to be tolerant, even to violent psychopaths.