View Full Version : Chhhanges.. David Bowie dead at 69

01-11-16, 07:02
David Bowie dead at 69.

He began his career in the early 1960s as a guitarist in a wedding band. Both his music and style were reflective of the era -- he originally looked much like The Beatles. Over time, however, Bowie took on folk, pop, electronica, psychedelia, punk rock and glam rock, and he changed his hair and dress to match the music.

Sorry to see him go, very innovative and multi-talented guy.

01-11-16, 07:29
First off, I thought he was older.
Second, I actually never thought he would die for some reason. We kinda forget these artists are human because they have this talent most don't.
Third, Life on Mars was always my favorite.

Oh well....he died rich and more laid than cheap carpet so I can't mourn him too much.

01-11-16, 07:57
18 month battle with cancer.

01-11-16, 08:37
Third, Life on Mars was always my favorite.

I actually like Labyrinth the best.


01-11-16, 09:27
I actually like Labyrinth the best.

Lol Labrynth is a movie not a song. Haha

He was super talented. He had some good songs. Modern love was a good one and Queen bitch was prolly my favorite. Too bad.

I wonder if Richards is ever gonna die? I hope not

01-11-16, 09:31
Lol Labrynth is a movie not a song. Haha

I wasn't saying it was a song, just that I really liked it.


01-11-16, 09:38
He will live on forever as Tilda Swinton

01-11-16, 09:51
Explore in Peace David. Let us know what you find out there. Say hello to Mick.


01-11-16, 10:14

I loved Bowie. The guy was "alternative" long before that was a genre. In fact, he might have invented the genre.

I liked his earlier music but also loved the fact that he tapped Stevie Ray Vaughn to play on his mid 80s "Let's Dance" album.

A very creative and talented man....he will be missed and many of his songs are timeless and will live on forever.

01-11-16, 10:15
He will live on forever as Tilda Swinton

I had to Google Tilda, I think She really might want to know if Mom was backstage at an early Bowie concert.
Uncanny resemblance.

01-11-16, 10:29

01-11-16, 10:32
I actually like Labyrinth the best.

Nop nope nope... Too creepy..

01-11-16, 10:35
Nop nope nope... Too creepy..

There were two types of 80s kids. Those freaked out by Labyrinth and those freaked out by The Dark Crystal. I saw Dark Crystal ONCE. To this day I still don't think I could.

But Never ending Story was so rad.

01-11-16, 13:10
Labirynth was definitely creepy. Never ending story was like, wtf?

01-11-16, 13:30
My Grandmother was born before Wilbur and Orville took off at Kittyhawk.
I remember watching David Bowie on TV one evening with her. It was like an hour show and during his Ziggy Stardust era.
The WTF look on her face was worth the price of washing dishes for her that night.

01-11-16, 15:03
First Lemmy now Bowie, I wonder who's next?

Celebs always die in threes, especially rockers.

RIP Bowie . . .


01-11-16, 15:17
First Lemmy now Bowie, I wonder who's next?

Celebs always die in threes...

Hopefully it's Kanye West.


01-11-16, 15:36
Very talented.

Not just musically,
some interesting acting roles.

I think he had already had a massive heart attack.

For a chain smoker that did enough cocaine in the 70s and 80s to keep a small South American country in business,
he did make it to a decent age.

Sometimes I think guys like him and Richards could have made it to 120 and been Olympic athletes if they had chosen a different path in life.

01-11-16, 15:36
Hard to believe Ozzy is still surviving and touring, got my seats reserved for the upcoming '13' tour.

01-11-16, 15:36
Hopefully it's Kanye West.


No caca brother.

My favorite David Bowie film was The Prestige where he awesomely played the great Nikola Tesla.


01-11-16, 16:06
Never really got into his music, was a strange kid. But he was involved in one really cool movie.
