View Full Version : Black students demand segregated spaces from white students

01-12-16, 10:25
Can anything be more ironic than for African Americans to demand the return of segregation?

Black college students across the country have demanded that they be segregated from white peers, calling for “safe spaces” on campuses meant only for so-called students of color.

“Black students lack spaces where they feel safe and omfortable,” the UCLA demands state. “The Afrikan Diaspora floor is a way for us to connect more to other Black students, the Afrikan Student Union, and the Afro-Am department. The floor should be branded as a safe space for all Black students.”

As for the “creation and support of a UCLA Afro-house,” the demands state “many Black students cannot afford to live in Westwood with the high prices of rent. An Afro-house would provide a cheaper alternative housing solution for Black students, that would also serve as a safe space for Black Bruins to congregate and learn from each other.”



01-12-16, 10:34
It cannot be racist if it's against whites in this country.

01-12-16, 10:37
You cannot make this stuff up.

01-12-16, 10:39
They already have a place like that. It's called prison.

Oh I kid, I kid. But seriously, nobody cares how black you are. If you feel uncomfortable because you look different, that's your problem.

It's a simple matter of getting over yourself.

01-12-16, 11:20
Ah, California...

01-12-16, 11:41
So segregation is only ok if implemented by blacks?

Some animals are truly more equal than others. It's incredible how accurate that guy was.

Dist. Expert 26
01-12-16, 11:44
If they are ignorant enough to willingly undo everything the civil rights movement fought for, I say let them have it. Next they'll want black only schools and restaurants.

01-12-16, 12:00
If they are ignorant enough to willingly undo everything the civil rights movement fought for, I say let them have it. Next they'll want black only schools and restaurants.

I'm thinking that if this was implemented locally at our local High School you might hear a cheer coming from the Staff Parking Lot as the Teachers left for home that first evening.
Of course the Football Coach would cry all the way out to his truck.
I would give it about four years, no one would want to deal with the disciplinary crap, the parents or the State being down the necks of the Staff to bring up the GPA.

01-12-16, 13:03
Haha..... They need to do a remake of blazing saddles, but with today's subject matter....lol...

01-12-16, 13:38
So long as they provide equal "safe spaces" for white kids, sure.

In fact since we have black only schools, why not a few white only institutions.

If somebody truly doesn't want to sit next to another person based solely on skin pigment, I'd rather have them segregated out of the population. Then maybe the rest of us can get some crap done.

Outlander Systems
01-12-16, 14:05

Which is why I hate the term, "Progressive". Ain't nothin' progressive about these assholes.

Like a multi-generational speed-bump for human potential...

We could be seeing this:

sent from my iPhone 241 using HyperTalk from Mars Colony VII.

Then maybe the rest of us can get some crap done.

01-12-16, 14:42
This new form of black militants on campus is the most laughable. They're useful idiots to the likes of Soros, they have no idea that they are making more "racist" than ever and digging the "racial divide" even deeper with their tomfoolery . . .

I'm honestly glad they are doing this as they are spotlighting themselves and sheeple are finally seeing them for what they are.

From an earlier post on all this bovine feces:

I've been following the Mizzou debacle and I just have to laugh . . . oh the microaggressions! If anything those clowns are hurting their own "cause" by drawing the spotlight on themselves, especially after they stated to the media that the Paris Attacks was taking attention away from them. So a 27 year old seven-year-senior who's father is a Pacific Union Railroad executive that made over $6 million last year is demanding for free shit and perpetuating the myth of "white privilege".

Harassing an Asian-American student journalist, setting up no media safe zones, the freedom of the press be damned! They all kicked out their white beta supporters and gathered themselves in the school's basement to collect themselves lol. Now what? You got the school's white president and chancellor canned after you got the jocks on board. They don't know what else to do, demanding more black students, black professors and administrators, etc. They are self segregating, they might as well transfer to Grambling as that is essentially what they want.

When asked about these "microaggressions" one black female student stated that sometimes her friends (did not specify race) would ask her what the latest dance moves were. To quote Col. Kurts; "The horror! The horror!". Another black female student cited that some of her friends (again did not specify their race) asked if they could touch her hair. A black female professor was terrified when she witnessed a white male driving a pick-up truck through town with a Confederate Battle Flag sticker on the rear window.

The myth of black victimization thrives under the Obama administration, we have a professional victim class in this country that quit literally invent their own victimhood.

01-12-16, 14:47
If they are ignorant enough to willingly undo everything the civil rights movement fought for, I say let them have it. Next they'll want black only schools and restaurants.

Listen to the various black supremacist "protesters" on YouTube from places like Ferguson. They are calling for and want only black LEO patrolling black communities.

The three most dangerous cities in the US to make the top fifty in the world were St. Louis, Detroit, and New Orleans. Hmmm . . .

I say give them what they want and wall off these communities for the protection of everyone else.

01-12-16, 16:51
Listen to the various black supremacist "protesters" on YouTube from places like Ferguson. They are calling for and want only black LEO patrolling black communities.

The three most dangerous cities in the US to make the top fifty in the world were St. Louis, Detroit, and New Orleans. Hmmm . . .

I say give them what they want and wall off these communities for the protection of everyone else.

Exactly.. I have NO problem with it. I've no doubt Martin Luther King would be shaking his head in disbelief if he were alive today...everything he fought for, these people are willing to throw away with both hands.. How stupid.. Funny, you don't hear a peep from Jesse or Al.... Maybe these people should take it to the next level.. And leave the country.. They have it so bad here, go back to Africa, I'm sure they'll get a better deal from the government's there...

Dist. Expert 26
01-12-16, 22:10
Listen to the various black supremacist "protesters" on YouTube from places like Ferguson. They are calling for and want only black LEO patrolling black communities.

The three most dangerous cities in the US to make the top fifty in the world were St. Louis, Detroit, and New Orleans. Hmmm . . .

I say give them what they want and wall off these communities for the protection of everyone else.

Why stop there? I say give the head moron from Chicago what she wants and remove LE entirely. Let the savages tear each other apart. I give it 12 hours before little miss black power is begging for the police to come save her. Detroit, Chicago, New Orleans and St. Louis would resemble Mogadishu after a week.

Like you said, wall them off and let them have at it. Hell, maybe Trump can make a reality show out of it.

01-13-16, 22:19
They already have a place like that. It's called prison.

Oh I kid, I kid. But seriously, nobody cares how black you are. If you feel uncomfortable because you look different, that's your problem.

It's a simple matter of getting over yourself.

Why stop at schools? Let's segregate the whole country.
As long as the charge is led by a black Democrat, it can't possibly be wrong.

When it inevitably goes wrong (as it will from the get-go) the blame will be put on white people, since the black parts will be "disadvantaged" by way of lower income, higher crime rate, lower life expectancy, etc.
Whitey ALWAYS gets blamed. That's what I have learned.

01-13-16, 23:44
Martin Luther King has to be turning over in his grave. These idiots are willingly turning the clocks back to the 1930s.

Sent from my SM-N920V using Tapatalk

Straight Shooter
01-14-16, 00:06
Martin Luther King has to be turning over in his grave. These idiots are willingly turning the clocks back to the 1930s.

Sent from my SM-N920V using Tapatalk

DISAGREE. MLK was no Saint, not by a damn sight. Were he still alive- he'd be co-opted by now, and there wouldn't be a dimes worth of difference between him & those two other shysters-Sharpton & Jackson. We'd be hearing his mouth daily about how he had another dream that someday all black students could have safe spaces and free educations and blah blah blah.

01-14-16, 02:15
DISAGREE. MLK was no Saint, not by a damn sight. Were he still alive- he'd be co-opted by now, and there wouldn't be a dimes worth of difference between him & those two other shysters-Sharpton & Jackson. We'd be hearing his mouth daily about how he had another dream that someday all black students could have safe spaces and free educations and blah blah blah.

I was just thinking the same thing.

01-15-16, 20:05
I want a safe space from Communists, traitors and Islamists - you know precisely what America used to be.

01-18-16, 16:55
Haha..... They need to do a remake of blazing saddles, but with today's subject matter....lol...

A WHITE SHERIFF!!! Up your's cracka! An Asian Lilly VonStook! could be interesting.

01-18-16, 17:35
So long as they provide equal "safe spaces" for white kids, sure.

In fact since we have black only schools, why not a few white only institutions.

If somebody truly doesn't want to sit next to another person based solely on skin pigment, I'd rather have them segregated out of the population. Then maybe the rest of us can get some crap done.
There are Black Only Schools???

Sent from my SM-N910V using Tapatalk

01-18-16, 18:11
It cannot be racist if it's against whites in this country.

My nephew was recently applying for a college scholarship & ran into a little road block. Turns out the qualifying individuals were as follows:

African Americans
American Indians
Foreigners studying abroad

That's just about everyone but white males...

Dist. Expert 26
01-18-16, 18:41
My nephew was recently applying for a college scholarship & ran into a little road block. Turns out the qualifying individuals were as follows:

African Americans
American Indians
Foreigners studying abroad

That's just about everyone but white males...

Tell him to make up his own "identity" and apply under the LGBTQ umbrella.

For example, my buddy Bob recently told one of his professors that he identifies as an astronaut, and would like to be referred to as "Commander Bob". With the PC hysteria that seems to have a chokehold on the country I doubt anyone will question him.

01-18-16, 18:53
Tell him to make up his own "identity" and apply under the LGBTQ umbrella.

For example, my buddy Bob recently told one of his professors that he identifies as an astronaut, and would like to be referred to as "Commander Bob". With the PC hysteria that seems to have a chokehold on the country I doubt anyone will question him.

That's exactly what I told my brother (his dad), that he should tell them that he's queer. He said (jokingly) that he's gonna apply as a female because "that day he happened to identify as one."

Dist. Expert 26
01-18-16, 19:14
That's exactly what I told my brother (his dad), that he should tell them that he's queer. He said (jokingly) that he's gonna apply as a female because "that day he happened to identify as one."

Haha that works too. Use their own BS against them, and if they try to press the issue file a lawsuit. Its a win-win.

01-18-16, 21:30
There are Black Only Schools???

Sent from my SM-N910V using Tapatalk

Well they are now referred to as "historically black" but you don't find a lot of Asian kids at Morehouse.


26 Inf
01-18-16, 23:49
I'm a huge Doonesbury fan, I know, I know, and I found the September 12 1993 strip to be very apropos of our current situation, the comic is found in this article:


And I also found this early email while looking for the comic to be interesting, I lost the link, but here is the email:

Date: Tue, 21 Sep 1993 10:20:27 -0500 (CDT)
>From: h-teach listserv mail account <hteach@papaya.wustl.edu>
>Subject: Doonsbury on Campus: Education and Segregation
>To: H-Teach <H-Teach@uicvm.uic.edu>
>Cc: h-amstdy <h-amstdy@uicvm.uic.edu>

>From: Mark Kornbluh <hteach@artsci.wustl.edu>

As someone who has spent the last ten years teaching about the civil rights movement at every possible occasion to a wide variety of college and public audiences, I have found the recent set of stories by Gary Trudeau particularly poignant. Many of my students, perhaps a third to a half (according to their own testimony), come to Washington University from integrated high schools where they have built at least some inter-racial friendships. What they find at the university, however, is an intensely segregated social life. For example, around 40% percent of the students join fraternities and sororities, all of which are racially segregated. The black students join city-wide organizations, while on-campus Greek orgs. are all-white. The university puts enormous money and effort (with only a modicum of success) into recruiting a multi-cultural student-body, but then that student body divides itself sharply on racial lines.

Of course, among the faculty and staff on campus there is no integration whatsoever. In an Arts and Sciences faculty of over 300, there are only a handful of black faculty members, only 2 of which I think are tenured.

The question, of course, as President King faced in Trudeau's cartoon is what we can do about this as educators. My stab at a solution was in fact similar to his. Along with another faculty member, a historian of education in the Education Department, I proposed to the College of Arts and Science that we offer a course to in-coming students entitled "Diversity and Equality in Modern American and the University." As historians, we designed the course to provided students with a historical understanding of how college campuses came to be what they are today by focusing on both the expansion of higher education over the past century and the long struggle for civil rights. Our goal was to make the unspoken on campus spoken by bringing race relations into an educational setting. I have no doubt that the way to do this is to start with first-year students before they are socialized into university culture. One outcome that would frankly hoped for would be students, black and white, who questioned whether segregation in housing and social life was what they wanted.

I guess it should come as no surprise that there was little interest within the administration for us to develop such a course. Glitzy advertising campaigns touting cultural diversity are one thing--when it comes to really dealing with racial issues on campus most colleges want nothing to do with it. We were told by the Deans and our Chairs to concentrate on our own research and publication and not to be distracted by developing new courses.

Mark Kornbluh

(Wonder if he was tenured?)

01-19-16, 00:53
Well they are now referred to as "historically black" but you don't find a lot of Asian kids at Morehouse.

Historically Black universities are open to everyone and as a matter of fact Whites can get easy scholarship money to them as minorities. Think of it as reverse affirmative action. I have several White friends who've taken advantage of this. Of course to do so requires one to step outside their comfort zone which is a common expectation for minorities.

Sent from my SM-N910V using Tapatalk

01-19-16, 03:29
Tell him to make up his own "identity" and apply under the LGBTQ umbrella.

For example, my buddy Bob recently told one of his professors that he identifies as an astronaut, and would like to be referred to as "Commander Bob". With the PC hysteria that seems to have a chokehold on the country I doubt anyone will question him.

I'm going to start claiming to be an Otherkin . . .

On any particular day I will trans as an HK MP5, respect me!

01-19-16, 06:43
Tell him to make up his own "identity" and apply under the LGBTQ umbrella.

For example, my buddy Bob recently told one of his professors that he identifies as an astronaut, and would like to be referred to as "Commander Bob". With the PC hysteria that seems to have a chokehold on the country I doubt anyone will question him.

I'm a huge Doonesbury fan, I know, I know, and I found the September 12 1993 strip to be very apropos of our current situation, the comic is found in this article:


And I also found this early email while looking for the comic to be interesting, I lost the link, but here is the email:

Date: Tue, 21 Sep 1993 10:20:27 -0500 (CDT)
>From: h-teach listserv mail account <hteach@papaya.wustl.edu>
>Subject: Doonsbury on Campus: Education and Segregation
>To: H-Teach <H-Teach@uicvm.uic.edu>
>Cc: h-amstdy <h-amstdy@uicvm.uic.edu>

>From: Mark Kornbluh <hteach@artsci.wustl.edu>

As someone who has spent the last ten years teaching about the civil rights movement at every possible occasion to a wide variety of college and public audiences, I have found the recent set of stories by Gary Trudeau particularly poignant. Many of my students, perhaps a third to a half (according to their own testimony), come to Washington University from integrated high schools where they have built at least some inter-racial friendships. What they find at the university, however, is an intensely segregated social life. For example, around 40% percent of the students join fraternities and sororities, all of which are racially segregated. The black students join city-wide organizations, while on-campus Greek orgs. are all-white. The university puts enormous money and effort (with only a modicum of success) into recruiting a multi-cultural student-body, but then that student body divides itself sharply on racial lines.

Of course, among the faculty and staff on campus there is no integration whatsoever. In an Arts and Sciences faculty of over 300, there are only a handful of black faculty members, only 2 of which I think are tenured.

The question, of course, as President King faced in Trudeau's cartoon is what we can do about this as educators. My stab at a solution was in fact similar to his. Along with another faculty member, a historian of education in the Education Department, I proposed to the College of Arts and Science that we offer a course to in-coming students entitled "Diversity and Equality in Modern American and the University." As historians, we designed the course to provided students with a historical understanding of how college campuses came to be what they are today by focusing on both the expansion of higher education over the past century and the long struggle for civil rights. Our goal was to make the unspoken on campus spoken by bringing race relations into an educational setting. I have no doubt that the way to do this is to start with first-year students before they are socialized into university culture. One outcome that would frankly hoped for would be students, black and white, who questioned whether segregation in housing and social life was what they wanted.

I guess it should come as no surprise that there was little interest within the administration for us to develop such a course. Glitzy advertising campaigns touting cultural diversity are one thing--when it comes to really dealing with racial issues on campus most colleges want nothing to do with it. We were told by the Deans and our Chairs to concentrate on our own research and publication and not to be distracted by developing new courses.

Mark Kornbluh

(Wonder if he was tenured?)

Just a heads up. Gary Trudeau, the Doonesbury creator, is a first class ISIS apologist, idiot and scumbag.




01-19-16, 06:56
I'm going to start claiming to be an Otherkin . . .

On any particular day I will trans as an HK MP5, respect me!

I used to get confused about this in the Military where all of us were supposed to be evaluated and promoted on performance, so I would just check other.
I remember having a Clerk Typist, (you know, the ones who have their hair impossibly quaffed in such a manner that the only BDU hat that would fit over it all was a size 8) try and tell me "You can't check other you are White."
The Penalty flag was thrown and the hilarity began.
Something about "Well Sir, if She can wear her hair like Marge Simpson and claim to be a Soldier, why can't I claim to be an Other?"

01-19-16, 07:12
It's a Black thing, because they need to feel special and unaccountable.

Pretty much how I hear it.

I would love to be an angry white man but I'm not angry, just bemused and not white, nor any of the 'good' races.

And it factors not at all in my daily life.
Sure, there was a lot of genocide. Sure, it was pretty messed up. But, I'm here now and making do. So....I can't be militant or outraged about something that I've never experienced. I can't feel either guilt nor anger.

I've been told a few times I look like one of the werewolf dudes from Twilight(a film I never saw) and so on but I don't really identify as anything.

If being black is such a big deal; what a shallow life you lead.

01-19-16, 10:12
If they are ignorant enough to willingly undo everything the civil rights movement fought for, I say let them have it. Next they'll want black only schools and restaurants.

Problem is public acceptance of black only things... There cannot be white only things or it's racist.

01-19-16, 15:09
Historically Black universities are open to everyone and as a matter of fact Whites can get easy scholarship money to them as minorities. Think of it as reverse affirmative action. I have several White friends who've taken advantage of this. Of course to do so requires one to step outside their comfort zone which is a common expectation for minorities.

Sent from my SM-N910V using Tapatalk

Well that isn't my experience. Twenty years ago I knew a bunch of white kids who wanted to go to school with their black friends and there certainly was NOT a white version of affirmative action. More importantly, when we visited our friends at school during greek week, we pretty much had to stick with our "friends" or run the risk of constantly being hassled by Da Man.

Now there is a SMALL group of historically black colleges which stress diversity, they are tokens as much as any other token. But I have seen enough "KEEP [insert historically black university) BLACK!" protests to get the message. It isn't a group of twelve outcasts, it is usually a very large group and they have no problem with singling out other races (especially whites - even those who wish to protest with them) for verbal abuse.

I didn't notice much of a difference between them and Tom Metzgers group calling for a "ALL WHITE" state.

01-19-16, 17:54
<----unapologetic white guy whose ancestors were too poor to own a single slave. White guilt quotient: ZERO.

Mr blasty
01-19-16, 18:04
Haha..... They need to do a remake of blazing saddles, but with today's subject matter....lol...

NO!!!!!!!!!!! LEAVE IT ALONE!!!! It can't be redone properly.

Sent from my SM-G900T using Xparent BlueTapatalk 2

01-19-16, 18:27
Having gone full retard, this new, coddling, absurdist movement on campus will now pay the price. Pity the professors and other students that will be casualties along the way.

01-19-16, 21:27
If being black is such a big deal; what a shallow life you lead.

Pretty much. If skin pigment was my personal greatest achievement, that would be pretty sad. Collective pride is also the mark of the unaccomplished.

People say "WE WENT TO THE MOON." Well...no YOU didn't. A bunch of engineers, crazy insane Air Force test pilots and a guy who used to build V2s for Hitler...THEY went to the moon. The rest of us just watched it on television and that is no more significant than watching soap operas on television.

People in sports bars cheer "WE WON!" when some team wins a given sporting event, but they didn't win anything. A bunch of other guys who probably wouldn't even be willing to hang out with most sports fans, THEY won the game. Watching it happen on TV doesn't make it a "we" accomplishment anymore than somebody born in 1962 was on the winning side of World War II.

It's one thing to respect heritage and culture, for example I practice many elements of Asian culture, but you can only take "legitimate" pride in things you are directly related to. If your kid becomes a doctor and you were a big part of the process, you should be proud. But being proud of random things you had no direct control or influence over is absurd.

I happen to be related to both Daniel Boone and Davy Crockett. Obviously it's a very distant relationship, enough that the two men ended up being related through me and probably several thousand other Americans. It's kinda neat to be able to say I am related to both men, but I'm not proud of it because I really didn't do anything to make it happen.

01-20-16, 05:57
There are Black Only Schools???

Sent from my SM-N910V using Tapatalk

30 of them as stated on www.bestcolleges.com

01-20-16, 06:05
30 of them as stated on www.bestcolleges.com
Historically Black does not equal Black Only.

Sent from my SM-N910V using Tapatalk

01-20-16, 09:47
So if these BLM "students" at Mizzou and other campuses want to segregate from white students and faculty why don't they simply attend "historically black" schools instead of reversing the Civil Rights Movement?

01-20-16, 09:56
I get the odd impression they want white neighborhoods and white schools that only have Select black people in it.
Without the white people or the rest of the black peoples.

01-20-16, 15:37
Historically Black does not equal Black Only.

Sent from my SM-N910V using Tapatalk

Technically white people can join the NAACP, but it amounts to about the same.

If any college tried to maintain their "historically white" identity with only token minority attendance, it would be a shitstorm.

Personally I completely support white only and black only schools. Let the racists confine themselves to their own places and company. I'd rather not have to sit next to any of them and have to listen to their retarded world view every time the subject comes up anyway.

I don't believe in benevolent forms of racism, and I don't believe racism of any kind enhances anyone's educational experience. So by all means designate some "historically black" schools as black only and some "traditionally white" schools as white only and let them sink or swim. It would be so nice to have a significant number of these individuals removed from the mainstream education system.

Then there is the benefit of watching White U and Black State go at it during football season. That is something I'd watch with huge comical opportunities. It would be worth it just for that. Just imagine the Panthers and the White Knights at the Rose Bowl.

01-20-16, 16:25
While these whiny black folks were pissing and moaning about irrelevant bullshit; I was out shooting my SR-25 and my revolver.

Who had the better and more productive day?

01-20-16, 16:50
So if these BLM "students" at Mizzou and other campuses want to segregate from white students and faculty why don't they simply attend "historically black" schools instead of reversing the Civil Rights Movement?

Because that wouldn't give them a cause to Crusade for, the feeling of moral righteousness, face time on TV/Internet and the circle-jerk of kill-Whitey sentiment.

01-22-16, 08:18
http://i933.photobucket.com/albums/ad176/slickville/blackIceMatters_zpsj90s1qqg.jpeg (http://s933.photobucket.com/user/slickville/media/blackIceMatters_zpsj90s1qqg.jpeg.html)

01-22-16, 08:39
While these whiny black folks were pissing and moaning about irrelevant bullshit; I was out shooting my SR-25 and my revolver.

Who had the better and more productive day?

Ever notice that Spike Lee and Reverend Al only get full of righteous indignation when there is some money to be made?
You may have had a more productive day, but I'm guessing theirs might have been more profitable.

01-22-16, 11:08
Ever notice that Spike Lee and Reverend Al only get full of righteous indignation when there is some money to be made?
You may have had a more productive day, but I'm guessing theirs might have been more profitable.

True. But, well....I'll take a good time over money.
I may well die in an alley/cathouse/BBQ Shack/etc and probably not rich but....I'll be happy.

Spike Lee made his living being a short angry black guy and may well have millions, but he has to be short and angry.

Me, I'm an aesthete.

01-27-16, 14:09
I Criticized Black Lives Matter In My High School Newspaper And Got Death Threats

If anyone wants to see a case study of the puerile politically correct campus culture that pervades modern colleges, they need only look at the incredible overreaction at the University of Missouri.” I wrote that sentence a few weeks ago, without any idea the article it introduced would initiate a firestorm of censorship, death threats, and intimidation.

The article, headlined “A Case of Overreaction,” ironically enough elicited from students, alumni, and teachers the precise brand of mindless overreaction to which the article itself alluded. Students posted on Twitter that someone ought to “shoot” me, that I must be “dealt with,” and that I will “catch these hands” in the main hallway.

Others called for me to be fired from the paper, and some even tried to contact the University of Pennsylvania, which recently accepted me, to jeopardize my future.


01-27-16, 14:57
I Criticized Black Lives Matter In My High School Newspaper And Got Death Threats

That's a very enlightening article, I don't think the faculty, students and the administration who went after this kid are going to like the Revolution they are promoting and asking for.
In essence his freedom of speech and expression deserves and azz whipping?

01-27-16, 15:09
That's a very enlightening article, I don't think the faculty, students and the administration who went after this kid are going to like the Revolution they are promoting and asking for.

In essence his freedom of speech and expression deserves and azz whipping?

More like he is white and he doesn't agree with them so they want someone to murder him, at least they expose themselves as the true "racists".