View Full Version : College Forces All Freshmen To Wear Fitbits, Track Their Exercise Levels

01-12-16, 19:54
Sure, it's their house, so their rules. But it sure is disheartening to learn of today's youth's lack of concern for their privacy, and compliance with unreasonable demands. Soon, we'll see the permanent 'Mark of the Beast' installed in the flesh shortly after birth.

The population sure is getting easier to watch, influence, and control. Now if only they got get rid of all those guns...

A Christian college in Oklahoma enacted a new policy that compels all incoming students to purchase Fitbits to track their movements and make sure they get enough exercise each week.

Oral Roberts University (ORU), a small evangelical school in Tulsa, has long emphasized physical fitness, students are even graded for their performance in various exercises. Combined with the school’s strict code of conduct, the policy helps ORU have a healthy student body.

Read more: http://dailycaller.com/2016/01/11/college-forces-all-freshmen-to-wear-fitbits-track-their-exercise-levels/#ixzz3x5LJcHlE


01-12-16, 20:16
Sure, it's their house, so their rules. But it sure is disheartening to learn of today's youth's lack of concern for their privacy, and compliance with unreasonable demands. Soon, we'll see the permanent 'Mark of the Beast' installed in the flesh shortly after birth.

The population sure is getting easier to watch, influence, and control. Now if only they got get rid of all those guns...


One college I went to forced you to get health insurance and complete a litany of medical tests prior to be admitted. That was more than a decade ago.

01-13-16, 00:49
What happened to the "fat acceptance" that was crammed down our sexist throats?

01-13-16, 01:02
I'd put mine on the dog.

Just read this is ORU, those people are going there to learn "how to be told what to do." You have to really want to be a ORU in order to be at ORU. This is probably the least worst thing that can happen to them.

01-13-16, 01:24
At $200 a pop ORU most likely owns stock in FB.

01-13-16, 01:35
I'd put mine on the dog.

Just read this is ORU, those people are going there to learn "how to be told what to do." You have to really want to be a ORU in order to be at ORU. This is probably the least worst thing that can happen to them.

I always thought just taking down to the hardware store, wrapping it up in some rags and putting it in a can on the paint shaker....

That or my 'fitness' would really depend on which wrist they put it on....

That or you are going to see fraternity pledges with their 10-20 of them on each arm...

Brave New World....

01-13-16, 04:00
I knew someone who went to Pensacola Christian College. They made it 5 whole weeks before getting kicked out and dude was the biggest Jesus freak I ever met. Like, really.

Man I barely remember college. I should probably go back.

01-13-16, 05:07
I'd put mine on the dog.

Just read this is ORU, those people are going there to learn "how to be told what to do." You have to really want to be a ORU in order to be at ORU. This is probably the least worst thing that can happen to them.

honestly. non issue. they chose to go there. this was a selling point to them.

And as for insurance, I just went back for grad school. It's the law, all students must have insurance. If you do not have insurance, insurance will be provided for you. The new twist is... they pre-enroll you now, and you have to opt out.

01-13-16, 22:37
Went to college in the mid-60s, got drafted (fooled them, though; I enlisted!!!); eventually went back to grad school. And so on.

I was never much of a team player from third grade on. But the minor annoyances inflicted on a freshman then and what my reaction to this crap would be NOW tells me I'm not even close to the same person.

Someplace I read a good story about a WWII combat vet on the GI bill being told by a pompous senior that he would be required to wear a freshman beanie, or he would be disciplined. He roared back, "You and who else, sonny?"

I'm contributing to my 6YO grandson's college fund, but I'm damned if I know why. Maybe we should make it contingent on his doing a hitch in the Marines.

01-14-16, 08:07
That or my 'fitness' would really depend on which wrist they put it on....

Thats what I was thinking.

"sir, we noticed you went jogging, uh, 9 times today, but it looked more like a sprint than a marathon, can you elaborate on what exactly was going on"

01-14-16, 08:14
Went to college in the mid-60s, got drafted (fooled them, though; I enlisted!!!); eventually went back to grad school. And so on.

I was never much of a team player from third grade on. But the minor annoyances inflicted on a freshman then and what my reaction to this crap would be NOW tells me I'm not even close to the same person.

Someplace I read a good story about a WWII combat vet on the GI bill being told by a pompous senior that he would be required to wear a freshman beanie, or he would be disciplined. He roared back, "You and who else, sonny?"

I'm contributing to my 6YO grandson's college fund, but I'm damned if I know why. Maybe we should make it contingent on his doing a hitch in the Marines.

I heard that story too. In fact, the GI Bill is why a lot of college traditions went by the wayside in the 40s and 50s. What 22 year old College Senior was going to tell an Iwo Jima vet that he had to wear a beanie or come in the class after the seniors had sat down, etc.

01-14-16, 08:25
I had a Walther PP in college.

01-14-16, 08:33
Forced? they have the option of not going, much to do about nothing.

01-14-16, 08:36
Thats what I was thinking.

"sir, we noticed you went jogging, uh, 9 times today, but it looked more like a sprint than a marathon, can you elaborate on what exactly was going on"

Uh... not jogging... a shake weight... yeah. That.


01-14-16, 09:58
We certainly have an issue with fatties in this country.

IDK if this is the best way to get them into a routine of exercising, but the soft little fatties moping these days could sure use a run.

01-14-16, 09:59
We certainly have an issue with fatties in this country.

IDK if this is the best way to get them into a routine of exercising, but the soft little fatties moping these days could sure use a run.

It's America. They can do what they want.

01-15-16, 10:03
My mandatory freshman PE course required us to keep a food and exercise journal. At the time North Carolina required all students to pass a swim test (administered in the PE class) before they could graduate. Although I think mandating the FB is a wee overstepping, there are bigger issues.

01-15-16, 11:54
Does this surprise you?

There are plenty of Bible thumpers in the far right that are control freaks much like those on the far left.

They'd love to ban certain books, music, movies and art displays that they find "inappropriate" and do so in the name of "its for your own good."

Control freaks are on both sides of the aisle.