View Full Version : With all due respect, Why be on Facebook?

01-18-16, 11:06
UFC-fighter and former Green Beret sniper Tim Kennedy has been interviewed by the FBI after receiving 'credible threats' from ISIS, according to his Facebook page.

Kennedy, 36, wrote in a post on the social media site stating, "Just spoke to the FBI regarding some recent credible threats towards me by #ISIS." The military veteran went on to deliver a powerful rebuttal to the terrorists stating, "Let those cowards come."

I respect what the guy has accomplished and for his service, but is Facebook even worth it?
Maybe in some way his current profession somewhat requires it, but balance is everything, is the end result worth the hassle?

01-18-16, 11:10
I got rid of that shit over a year ago. Good choice. What I hate the most are the "enter our sweepstakes on FB " crap. Whatever happened to the email sign up option? ( HINT HINT if any industry reps are reading: Not everyone uses Facebook or other social media. )

01-18-16, 11:31
I still refuse to get on Facebook.

My co-workers and relatives all ask me over and over why I do not do this. They think it is odd that I don't want to be a part of it.

I know several family members that have almost gotten divorced over what happened on Facebook. I also see many of my co-workers and relatives argue and get all worked up at what "so-in-so" said about them on Facebook. They spend lots of wasted energy on being pissed, angry, jealous or trying to get back at someone on Facebook. Some have ended longtime friendships because of what they posted or said on....you guessed it...Facebook!

Now...why on God's green earth would I want to subject myself to this nonsense?

I'll pass. I have enough pressure and annoying irritants in my daily life to feel a need to add this source! LOL

01-18-16, 11:40
I still refuse to get on Facebook.

My co-workers and relatives all ask me over and over why I do not do this. They think it is odd that I don't want to be a part of it.

I know several family members that have almost gotten divorced over what happened on Facebook. I also see many of my co-workers and relatives argue and get all worked up at what "so-in-so" said about them on Facebook. They spend lots of wasted energy on being pissed, angry, jealous or trying to get back at someone on Facebook. Some have ended longtime friendships because of what they posted or said on....you guessed it...Facebook!

Now...why on God's green earth would I want to subject myself to this nonsense?

I'll pass. I have enough pressure and annoying irritants in my daily life to feel a need to add this source! LOL

Agreed whole heartedly. After getting rid of Facebook several years ago and cable about 6 months ago I have found myself much happier in almost every qualitative way imaginable.

If I got rid of M4C I would probably be a billionaire from my productivity increase.

01-18-16, 11:47
We also recently pared down our crazy big satellite tv package. At first, we were worried that we'd miss something.

However months later (...and hundreds later in savings) we found that we rarely if ever watched half of those damn channels and some, only for one or two programs we could easily watch online.

Going without those channels and missing Facebook and we still do not feel like we are missing anything or "out of touch" with anyone we know.

It gave us heavier wallets and less stress! LOL

01-18-16, 11:48
UFC-fighter and former Green Beret sniper Tim Kennedy has been interviewed by the FBI after receiving 'credible threats' from ISIS, according to his Facebook page.

Kennedy, 36, wrote in a post on the social media site stating, "Just spoke to the FBI regarding some recent credible threats towards me by #ISIS." The military veteran went on to deliver a powerful rebuttal to the terrorists stating, "Let those cowards come."

I respect what the guy has accomplished and for his service, but is Facebook even worth it?
Maybe in some way his current profession somewhat requires it, but balance is everything, is the end result worth the hassle?

Usual risk/benefit assessment needs to be made and I'd say only he can answer if it worth it. For me, it's a good vehicle to get my info out, develop new contacts, etc. Two, I use FB for what it was actually intended, which is as a way to keep in contact with family/friends, etc, for which is works very well. I have found all sorts of people from my past on FB, and it was a nice way to make contact with them.

01-18-16, 11:54
I used FB to get in touch with some long lost friends, but I don't maintain it and simply delete anything that comes through in email. The thing I hate most is Zuckerberg, don't want to support his BS. The whole thing is a giant waste of time and companies that direct me to their FB location without giving me an alternative don't get my business.

Onyx Z
01-18-16, 12:11
I see it as the #1 cause of family/friends and marital/relationship problems.

I have a Facebook, but I very rarely post anything. I have friends that document their entire life and tell the world where they are at all times. I guess you can't fix stupid. I only use it to keep up with old friends and see who is successful and who is still driving a pedi-cab at 30 years old...

I see it as nothing but drama and I've thought about deleting it many many times, but I never did.

01-18-16, 12:14
The excuse I get from those on FB is "this is the way I keep in touch with family/friends/co-workers etc.

They tell me, "well...how else are you going to keep up with people - not being on Facebook?"

Really? So there is no other way of getting in touch with or "keeping up" with other people than Facebook?

I'd say you are not trying very hard. LOL

E-mail me, text, call me or here is a new one....stop by one day and just say hello! LOL

01-18-16, 12:56
The excuse I get from those on FB is "this is the way I keep in touch with family/friends/co-workers etc.

They tell me, "well...how else are you going to keep up with people - not being on Facebook?"

Really? So there is no other way of getting in touch with or "keeping up" with other people than Facebook?

I'd say you are not trying very hard. LOL

E-mail me, text, call me or here is a new one....stop by one day and just say hello! LOL

How do you stop by and say hello to someone you haven't seen since you graduate high school forty years ago?

I use FaceBook to keep up with friends and family and to communicate with people in the firearms industry. It's a hell of a lot easier to just log into Facebook and browse my newsfeed for a few minutes and get (mostly) caught up on what's going on rather than sending out a mass mailer to people, some of whom I haven't seen in a decade or more, whose emails and physical addresses I don't have and who - in some cases - I don't even have phone numbers for, asking for updates from them.

01-18-16, 12:57
The excuse I get from those on FB is "this is the way I keep in touch with family/friends/co-workers etc.

They tell me, "well...how else are you going to keep up with people - not being on Facebook?"

Really? So there is no other way of getting in touch with or "keeping up" with other people than Facebook?

I'd say you are not trying very hard. LOL

E-mail me, text, call me or here is a new one....stop by one day and just say hello! LOL

This is the exact reason I am currently on Facebook, to talk to and see how life is going for people and friends I went to high school with. I keep in touch with my family and close friends through phone, text, email and seeing them in person. I don't live where I grew up anymore, so that's why I don't just go see everyone. I get where you are coming from somewhat. There are some decent local firearms trader groups around here though as well, but I would say Facebook is hundreds of times more toxic than positive.

01-18-16, 12:58
Facebook is the way I keep in touch with various members of my family that I don't see often. I have exactly 32 "friends", and I'm related to every single one of them. Facebook is a very convenient way to keep in touch. Co-workers and colleagues often send "friend requests", I ignore them.

The other benefit to Facebook is pages representing organizations that I'm interested in. My local Action Pistol league communicates scores and schedules entirely on Facebook. Likewise, there are a number of firearms-related pages that I keep up on (local training group, Larry Vickers, Dave Spaulding, Stickman, Apex, Walther, etc etc. Lot's of good information there, all in one spot directly into my newsfeed so that I don't have to keep wandering multiple websites to get the same information.

I'm not interested in "living online" but Facebook is a very efficient and convenient way to manage a variety of information sources and keep up with relatives that I rarely see, or in many cases haven't seen for years, even decades in some cases. More efficient than phoning or emailing, certainly.

01-18-16, 13:02
Never did faceCRAP, never will. I've never understood the fascination with all of the crap that appears to go on there, generally speaking, too much drama for my tastes.

I care a lot less about what other people are doing and if I call them a friend, they are likely to have similar views. There are, of course, exceptions and they get used to caring less about what I am doing.

It is not about threats or socializing, it is about privacy.

FaceCRAP is nothing more than a scam to harvest information and sell it to companies who get paid handsomely to analyze your privacy.

01-18-16, 13:13
Facebook is largely what you make of it. You don't have to live your life online.

But yeah, no question that harvesting information is a big part of why Mark Zuckerberg is a bazillionaire. That said, Facebook would only be a fraction of the data that you give up to merchants and other online sights every day. If you think that staying off social media is keeping you off the grid, you're kidding yourself. Social medial is only one avenue of data harvesting. Do you ever shop on Amazon?

01-18-16, 13:13
Facebook is a tool, and just like any other tool you can use it wisely or you can use it poorly.

Having had it for a very long time (came about when I still had a .edu email), and while I am no where near as active on it as some, it's useful when I live thousands of miles from some friends and often have to travel thousands of miles to see family.

01-18-16, 13:33
I don't have it, never did. I keep in touch via Viber and WhatApp. I have nothing against Facebook, I just never needed it

Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk

01-18-16, 13:37
Got rid of it two years ago and that's been a blessing. Have thought of returning, this time armed with a vintage Polaroid I can use to take pictures of my dinner so I can snail mail them to friends and keep them updated. If they wanna comment, they can write on the space at the bottom and mail it back.

01-18-16, 13:48
Relevant people have my contact information. Other people do not need it.

If I haven't kept up with you since HS/University/Academy/Etc. there is likely a good reason.

While I'm sure it is amusing to see which 'miss thing' got fat and who went bald, it's kind of a waste. As far as 'who's a success and who's not", that's a bit petty. Some guys got destroyed hard by the Obamanation and do what they can.

I won't look down my nose. Time changes people for better or worse.

01-18-16, 13:49
I've YET to figure the attraction of FAZEbook. Maybe I never will... :confused:

01-18-16, 13:54
Kennedy loves being in the spotlight, bookface is just another avenue for him to stay relevant and in the limelight.
I don't do bookface myself as I don't care what everyone else is doing. Actually none of my buddies participate in social media either, we see it as a chick thing...lol

01-18-16, 13:55
I've YET to figure the attraction of FAZEbook. Maybe I never will... :confused:

Women trying to flaunt their breeding status and dudes trying to be "comforting" during rough spots in marriages.

High school stuff for people old enough to have kids in HS

Outlander Systems
01-18-16, 14:11

The pretentiousness made me want to vomit Jack Daniels on my phone.

Thusly, I bounced. F that noise, son.

Women trying to flaunt their breeding status and dudes trying to be "comforting" during rough spots in marriages.

High school stuff for people old enough to have kids in HS

01-18-16, 14:18
Women trying to flaunt their breeding status and dudes trying to be "comforting" during rough spots in marriages.

High school stuff for people old enough to have kids in HS


The pretentiousness made me want to vomit Jack Daniels on my phone.

Thusly, I bounced. F that noise, son.

Man, I just can't relate. I don't even recognize what you're referring to. You guys must be trying to use Facebook a lot differently than I do.

01-18-16, 14:58
When I was working in Afghanistan, FB is how stuff happened... coordination, scheduling, almost everything... over chat, of course. It would be setback not to use it. I'm in Africa, now, and it's still how people communicate most of the time.

01-18-16, 15:12
Simple, keep up with friends and family. There's really no way I'll do it otherwise, but that's just me. Plus, facebook can host my pictures so I don't have to have 600 kajillion pictures clogging up my phone.

01-18-16, 15:23
Man, I just can't relate. I don't even recognize what you're referring to. You guys must be trying to use Facebook a lot differently than I do.

With 32 friends, all relatives, you probably wouldn't. You're doing Facebook right. .

01-18-16, 15:23
I got rid of it years ago, haven't missed it for a second. As others have said I've been much happier since it hasn't been apart of my life.

I would love to see a medical study based around people's emotion well being for people with and without social media.

Onyx Z
01-18-16, 15:24
I got rid of it years ago, haven't missed it for a second. As others have said I've been much happier since it hasn't been apart of my life.

I would love to see a medical study based around people's emotion well being for people with and without social media.

Not the best source, but interesting nonetheless:


26 Inf
01-18-16, 15:29
Social medial is only one avenue of data harvesting. Do you ever shop on Amazon?

A while back I was following one of the threads on covert EDC shoulder bags. I started following links and checked amazon for a couple and wow! I'm still getting emails from them about bags I looked at and pop up ads.

01-18-16, 15:39
A while back I was following one of the threads on covert EDC shoulder bags. I started following links and checked amazon for a couple and wow! I'm still getting emails from them about bags I looked at and pop up ads.

No shit. But it's sure not just Amazon. I get popup links and targeted ads on almost every site I visit, including CNN and Fox News. Facebook is certainly a huge source of data harvesting, but the biggest one of all is Google. If you want to stay off the grid and keep your life private from the data miners...DO NOT use any of the search engines. EVER. I was chatting with our marketing manager and she was going through the info she was able to get from Google on our little regional market. It was astounding to see the level of detail that is available to marketeers.

01-18-16, 15:50
I'm only on Facebook to talk to my shooting buddies from around the region/countries and to see the BREAKING!! click bait Obama stories.

01-18-16, 16:12
I don't live on it and probably only log on once a week up to a month. As said, it is what you make of it. People live their lives on it. So what. If someone doesn't trust their spouse enough to use it then there are deeper problems. If someone strays then they were probably going to anyway.

If I find posts I don't like showing up in my feed, whether from relatives, friends or not, there's an option to ignore posts from that person.

Most of the people I'm interested in seeing things from have, well, mostly interesting things to say or post. If one of my buddies who's changed phone numbers, addresses, emails, etc. and wants to get in touch with me or vice versa we can message one another.

I re-post political articles that may inform and influence people.

I'm also member of a few local gun groups that otherwise wouldn't exist. I find updates from gun and accessory manufacturers that I "follow" that I probably wouldn't otherwise notice.

01-18-16, 17:23
I have a community page, but it really isn't about me.


01-18-16, 17:23
My Facebook, like some others is basically a way for those from my past to reach out to me if they wish. Outside of the that it seams to me to be nothing more than drama, trouble and a giant distraction from actually living life instead spending half of it making sure no one misses a moment of your crossfit adventures . I shake my head daily over the problems I hear about incurred over FB and the empty looks of confusion from those to whom I suggest perhaps sharing a bit less or not worrying about how many likes something rates... or doesn't.
At my last place of employment, the office girls (naturally up to there eyes in FB, twitter and what have you) were getting harder to reach by phone for problems arising in the field. A facebook post reminding one of them to answer the phone occasionally worked almost immediately. Most useful post I ever made.

01-18-16, 17:32
I have a community page, but it really isn't about me.


What happened to the common sense gun page?

01-18-16, 17:43
for me huge part of my business as a photographer it is the way to let people see my work and when clients post their friends see it and hopefully want to book you etc..

as far as most things if people post idiocy I just put them on ignore :) or delete them if they dont matter to my business like many old HS friends some have gone wacko left so its delete time :)

01-18-16, 17:54
What happened to the common sense gun page?

Still up. I just got tired of sparring with the yeagertards and everyone else who thinks they are "being safe" with a 360 degree range and people downrange.


I think I documented enough clowns that the point was made.

01-18-16, 17:57
for me huge part of my business as a photographer it is the way to let people see my work and when clients post their friends see it and hopefully want to book you etc..

as far as most things if people post idiocy I just put them on ignore :) or delete them if they dont matter to my business like many old HS friends some have gone wacko left so its delete time :)

Where have u been? We might play a NF tmrw. Back on topic. Yeah Fb was okay for business back when I was trucking. Got a few loads from it.

01-18-16, 19:20
I finally started an account not long ago. The main reason that I did so, and I really hated to do so, was so I can get a feel for how it works before my children start using it. I don't want to be a nazi dad that won't let them do what kids do, but I will spy their asses off. I have one friend, do not post, and pretty much only view pages of the gun related manufacturers and gear that I am interested in. Also, I enjoy reading Mike Rowe's page, because he is a great guy and has interesting things to say.

01-18-16, 22:50
Facebook is largely what you make of it. You don't have to live your life online.

But yeah, no question that harvesting information is a big part of why Mark Zuckerberg is a bazillionaire. That said, Facebook would only be a fraction of the data that you give up to merchants and other online sights every day. If you think that staying off social media is keeping you off the grid, you're kidding yourself. Social medial is only one avenue of data harvesting. Do you ever shop on Amazon?

Exactly. The people that typically have problems on or because of FB are the people that would have problems regardless of what type of messenger/media they use. Similar to the very people in this very thread that get off on trolling various online forums for whatever supposed kicks and chuckles they get from it. If they were half as adult as they pretend to be, drama wouldn't follow them across the internet. Drama tends to follow overly dramatic people; whether it be FB, other internet sites, the gym, work, or their social lives.

As other people have pointed out...social media? Exactly what do you think this place is?

01-18-16, 23:28
Dropped it a few years ago. If I had a business it would be unfortunately be a requirement for marketing. Social media has developed a new mental illness. FOMO - Fear of Missing Out. Ever see a family eating out and everyone is on their phone on some Social Media. I refuse to use it just because of this. I prefer to be 'present' and give the attention to the people and things in front of me. YMMV.

01-18-16, 23:51
I use it primarily for business purposes, and occasional social purposes. You learn to filter BS, just like you do any where else.

01-19-16, 02:58
I still don't get dudes that complain about Facebook on an internet forum. Hell, some of you guys are on M4C more than most folks I know are on Facebook.

Through careful control of FB friends I have built a solid groups of people that share common interests with me. In fact, I just got back from dinner at a couple's home that I met via FB years ago. That FB contact built into a real face to face friendship and it's just one of dozens I have formed over the years. Before that, I made many friends (that I am still friends with) over enthusiast forums like this one.

Through Facebook I get firearms training date updates from several instructors. I coordinate training opportunities at the range I run through FB. We coordinate hunting, fishing and snowmobile trips through Facebook. I follow my niece's journey's through Europe on FB. I keep in contact and share pictures with relatives throughout the U.S. through FB. I have used Facebook to make thousands of dollars of additional sales through my business. FB's benefits far outweigh the negatives for my use.

It's just a tool. Used wisely it provides a far greater flexibility than any other type of communication currently available.

01-19-16, 04:01
I see it as the #1 cause of family/friends and marital/relationship problems.

This isn't a personal attack, but I want to use your post here as an example for those who are saying that social media causes problems.

To say FB causes divorces is akin to saying firearms cause crime.

Human nature is human nature, people are going to do whatever it is they are going to do rather they are confined to the International Space Station, at the office, or on a social media site.

FB like anything else in life is what you make of it. There are people who spend way too much time on there, others who share way too much information. It's not for everyone and that's okay. My FB doesn't have my birthday on there so I can get a bunch of "Happy B-Day" posts on it, I don't have the city I live in on it, I don't post very often at all. I see people on there get into arguments over everything from recipes to gay marriage.

01-19-16, 06:30
I still don't get dudes that complain about Facebook on an internet forum. Hell, some of you guys are on M4C more than most folks I know are on Facebook.

To say FB causes divorces is akin to saying firearms cause crime.

LOL. Good points.

01-19-16, 06:43
Well if you're being interviewed by the FBI due to credible threats on your FB account;
"Just spoke to the FBI regarding some recent credible threats towards me by #ISIS." The military veteran went on to deliver a powerful rebuttal to the terrorists stating, "Let those cowards come."
Perhaps your account either needs some serious editing or deletion.

01-19-16, 08:42
Yeah Facebook... I'm on there to post cute pictures of my kids so my extended family can see them and for firearm related stuff - ie dealers / vendors get back to you A LOT quicker through a FB message than they do an email. There is a great little button for "un-following" people who you don't really wish to see what they post.
As for the comments some people make on there? I'm glad it's easy to find that data so quickly. It's like an instant Karma check on the type of person you're dealing with. New person comes into work and fills out an application? HR checks out their FB feed - partying lifestyle, drugs, liability risk? No hire. Easier than calling their past employers and references and cheaper than a background check.

01-19-16, 09:06
The one and only reason I'm on there is its the easiest way to get pictures of the kids to their grandparents. If not for that I'd ditch it...

01-19-16, 09:33
LOL. Good points.

I will bet you $100 that nothing ever posted on M4C has ever caused a divorce. FB may not "cause" divoces, but it sure as hell increases the struggle.

I still don't get dudes that complain about Facebook on an internet forum.

My name, location, pictures of me, as well as information about close relatives, friends, employers, etc are not on M4C. No potential employer, aside from maybe the CIA or FBI, is ever going to even know I'm on M4C let alone get on and see what my political views are or what I did last weekend.

To compare the M4C to FB in order to make a point is foolish. None of us care if you want to use it, but don't sit here and lie saying that Facebook and M4C are the same because they are both "social media".

Onyx Z
01-19-16, 10:05
This isn't a personal attack, but I want to use your post here as an example for those who are saying that social media causes problems.

To say FB causes divorces is akin to saying firearms cause crime.

Human nature is human nature, people are going to do whatever it is they are going to do rather they are confined to the International Space Station, at the office, or on a social media site.

While I agree with you on certain points, what I am saying is that it creates a source of jealousy and discreteness in relationships. Yes, a truly committed person will not let a distraction in, and yes, people are going to what they are going to do. But, it sure makes distractions a helluva lot easier, especially in the "hook-up culture" and "grass is greener" society we live in nowadays. You could say that about the technology age in general though.

I will bet you $100 that nothing ever posted on M4C has ever caused a divorce. FB may not "cause" divoces, but it sure as hell increases the struggle.

My point exactly.

01-19-16, 10:14
I use it primarily for business purposes, and occasional social purposes. You learn to filter BS, just like you do any where else.

I just "liked" your FB page. Screw these FB haters :neo:

Outlander Systems
01-19-16, 10:16
I could cite a lot of anecdotes related to this (your quote), as yet another reason to avoid it like the plague, but I'm not going to.

RE: the thread theme: If someone feels like posting personal information all over the NET and the WEB, get on with your bad self.

What really pushed me into getting off DossierBook were people I had dealings with, coworkers, friends-of-friends, etc. getting their dicks in knots because I wouldn't "friend" them on there.

Christsakes. I'm a grown-assed man. Part of being a grown-assed man is not having to deal with childish shit like that.

Ex-girlfriends tracking my ass down and shit on there. Sending boobie pics.


I'm married with chillins. Ain't nobody got time for that. If I wanna send my mom pics of her grand-kid, I send 'em to CVS, break out a freakin' envelope, and mail that shit to her so she can frame it. Hell, I'm looking at an 8x10 sitting on my desk that needs to go out in the mail as I type this.

**** a YouTwitFace.

My name, location, pictures of me, as well as information about close relatives, friends, employers, etc are not on M4C.

01-19-16, 10:41
I get on facebook. There are people who I met through facebook that turned out to be good people, friends even. I love to post my anti-obama memes I find. I'm not worried about me personally getting attacked by ISIS, but for some reason I still worry about their existence as a danger to my country and the civilized world as a whole. I figure it's just another tool to use (or not) to talk to people out of my little circle. Kinda like online forums like this... but with my real name and real friends. If I was up to sneaky stuff, I'd sure as hell stay off facebook. Everything you put on the internet is public forever. You just need to realize that though you may be announcing your life to your friends, the whole world is listening.

01-19-16, 10:42
IMO people who are getting divorced over FB, are probably just going to find something else to get pissed off and divorced about. People looking for petty BS are gonna find petty BS.

I'm married with chillins. Ain't nobody got time for that. If I wanna send my mom pics of her grand-kid, I send 'em to CVS, break out a freakin' envelope, and mail that shit to her so she can frame it. Hell, I'm looking at an 8x10 sitting on my desk that needs to go out in the mail as I type this.

I'm married with a 2yo and a 1 month old, I damn sure don't have time to hit CVS and the PO. I send that shit digital and let mom print her own pictures :p

01-19-16, 11:08
We've deviated a lot from your original question. Is it worth it? Not to me and probably not to many people. He's probably putting his family in harms way. Some people may just be full of it and others may actually want to make a difference, so to speak. The power and reach of social media, especially Facebook, is huge.

To the other points, this is a good example of things I like to share so other people see it and may be curious so click on the link. If someone doesn't like guns or aren't familiar with them it may open their mind.


UFC-fighter and former Green Beret sniper Tim Kennedy has been interviewed by the FBI after receiving 'credible threats' from ISIS, according to his Facebook page.

Kennedy, 36, wrote in a post on the social media site stating, "Just spoke to the FBI regarding some recent credible threats towards me by #ISIS." The military veteran went on to deliver a powerful rebuttal to the terrorists stating, "Let those cowards come."

I respect what the guy has accomplished and for his service, but is Facebook even worth it?
Maybe in some way his current profession somewhat requires it, but balance is everything, is the end result worth the hassle?

Outlander Systems
01-19-16, 11:08
Different strokes for different folks, my brother.

I hate pepperoni.

IMO people who are getting divorced over FB, are probably just going to find something else to get pissed off and divorced about. People looking for petty BS are gonna find petty BS.

I'm married with a 2yo and a 1 month old, I damn sure don't have time to hit CVS and the PO. I send that shit digital and let mom print her own pictures :p

01-19-16, 11:11
I will bet you $100 that nothing ever posted on M4C has ever caused a divorce. FB may not "cause" divoces, but it sure as hell increases the struggle.

I agree that it can increase the struggle, but those folks have bigger problems than Facebook and many, many opportunities in many, many venues, online and offline, by which they can **** up their marriage. To blame Facebook for divorce is silly. Like many or most online forums and social media, the amplification of existing stupidity is a key pitfall.

01-19-16, 11:11
Different strokes for different folks, my brother.

I hate pepperoni.

If you don't eat pepperoni you're a raging fool :p :D ;) lol

01-19-16, 11:19
My name, location, pictures of me, as well as information about close relatives, friends, employers, etc are not on M4C. No potential employer, aside from maybe the CIA or FBI, is ever going to even know I'm on M4C let alone get on and see what my political views are or what I did last weekend.

Anything that you DO post on M4C is easily available to anyone that happens by, and your actual identity is easily discoverable to anyone that wants to look hard enough. You have no control over that other than the restraint that you use in what you post for a public audience. Facebook too, but anything posted there is restricted to viewing only by people that you specifically allow to see it.

I certainly do agree with the concept that anything you post anywhere online is discoverable, and certainly could be problematic for anyone stupid or immature enough to be indiscrete in what they send out into the ether.


01-19-16, 11:19
I got rid of mine during the time of the gay marriage decision from the supreme court. I have since made another account that I only use on some of the gun exchange groups. It doesn't have any pictures of me or family on it. I also don't add or accept friend requests on it from anyone. Getting rid of Facebook has actually made me happier and I'm finding things to talk about with friends at dinner again.

Outlander Systems
01-19-16, 11:27

If you don't eat pepperoni you're a raging fool :p :D ;) lol

01-19-16, 11:36
Getting rid of Facebook has actually made me happier and I'm finding things to talk about with friends at dinner again.

That some people that feel that way suggests to me the possibility that Social Media has been allowed to play an overly important role in their lives. No question that internet addiction is a real thing for some people.

01-19-16, 11:48
IMO people who are getting divorced over FB, are probably just going to find something else to get pissed off and divorced about. People looking for petty BS are gonna find petty BS.

I'm married with a 2yo and a 1 month old, I damn sure don't have time to hit CVS and the PO. I send that shit digital and let mom print her own pictures :p

Yeah, you don't have to post in FB, just send them via email. But I still HATE FB because it further facilitates CORPORATE and GOVERNMENT ENTITIES ability to PRY INTO MY PRIVATE LIFE. If FB did not allow this I would be much more favorable toward it, but that is not reality.

01-19-16, 11:57
The excuse I get from those on FB is "this is the way I keep in touch with family/friends/co-workers etc.

They tell me, "well...how else are you going to keep up with people - not being on Facebook?"

Really? So there is no other way of getting in touch with or "keeping up" with other people than Facebook?

I'd say you are not trying very hard. LOL

E-mail me, text, call me or here is a new one....stop by one day and just say hello! LOL

Yeah, it's a way to "keep in touch" without ever having to put in any time or effort. Lame.

01-19-16, 12:47
one of my favorite satires:


01-19-16, 13:02
That some people that feel that way suggests to me the possibility that Social Media has been allowed to play an overly important role in their lives. No question that internet addiction is a real thing for some people.

Indeed. I found that pulling out my phone and clicking on facebook sorta became muscle memory for me whenever I got bored or sat down. I never walked into things staring at my phone though.

01-19-16, 13:36
I crowd source answers to random questions on Facebook.

01-19-16, 13:57
The excuse I get from those on FB is "this is the way I keep in touch with family/friends/co-workers etc.

They tell me, "well...how else are you going to keep up with people - not being on Facebook?"

Really? So there is no other way of getting in touch with or "keeping up" with other people than Facebook?

I'd say you are not trying very hard. LOL

E-mail me, text, call me or here is a new one....stop by one day and just say hello! LOL

After the initial excitement/nostalgia of getting back in touch with people from HS/college, I quickly realized why I never bother to keep in touch in the first place.

Seriously though, it is OK for seeing brief glimmers of the lives of old "friends," without too much commitment.

01-19-16, 14:18
The pro-FBers defend their being on it like they're doing something creepily shameful and can only come up with the standard lame excuse all pro-FBers say: It's how I keep up with family, so please don't hammer me, I'm guilty, I'm guilty and so, so ashamed, but I can't stop. I want to, but I can't.

I need intervention.

Advise: Get off FB and become a Twit or Twitterer or whatever the lame call it.

Or, become a Snapperchatter.

Or, whatever other lame ass social media you care to participate in.

Me, I visit 2 gun forums, therefore I'm clean as the driven snow I am.


Oh, alright, I need intervention too, just not as bad you lame ass FBers.

01-19-16, 14:19
The pro-FBers defend their being on it like they're doing something creepily shameful and can only come up with the standard lame excuse all pro-FBers say: It's how I keep up with family, so please don't hammer me, I'm guilty, I'm guilty and so, so ashamed, but I can't stop. I want to, but I can't.

I need intervention.

Advise: Get off FB and become a Twit or Twitterer or whatever the lame call it.

Or, become a Snapperchatter.

Or, whatever other lame ass social media you care to participate in.

Me, I visit 2 gun forums, therefore I'm clean as the driven snow I am.


Oh, alright, I need intervention too, just not as bad you lame ass FBers.

Please, tell us how you really feel.

01-19-16, 14:36
That some people that feel that way suggests to me the possibility that Social Media has been allowed to play an overly important role in their lives. No question that internet addiction is a real thing for some people.

You need to keep it in perspective that your use of Facebook is extremely unique.

What would you do when 500+ people that you knew from HS/College friend request you? (Assume you were just there recently ;)) It's a slippery slope. You accept this person, accept that person, reject this person. Next thing you know you've got messages about why you won't be friends with Katie and if it has anything to do with Max's affair.

Seriously! Shit gets stupid really fast, and I don't have the time or self-control to select my incoming friend requests as carefully as you.

Plus, I have absolutely no use for it.

Outlander Systems
01-19-16, 14:40

It offers no tangible benefits to me, whatsoever.

Plus, I have absolutely no use for it.

Don Robison
01-19-16, 14:41
I must lead a really boring life. I am on FB and have zero drama in my life because of it. I find that those with drama in their life would have drama in their life even if they just sat in a dark room in a cabin deep in the forest with the nearest person a galaxy away.............

01-19-16, 14:45
I will bet you $100 that nothing ever posted on M4C has ever caused a divorce. FB may not "cause" divoces, but it sure as hell increases the struggle.

But why is that? Is it that FB itself causes struggles in relationships or is it the individuals in said relationship that go throw monkey wrenches into the workings. If someone is going to cheat their going to cheat whether they are using a smart phone to use a cheating app/site or doing it the old fashion way by going down to the local watering hole or a fling with someone they work with, attend church with, school, etc. I will agree to the idea that if someone has it in them to be unfaithful then FB does present a large playing field for them to philander in accessing like minded potential partners but it is not the cause just a tool.

My wife and I are on FB and we have never had an issue. She is also on other sites for her career such as Linkedin.

01-19-16, 14:47
I must lead a really boring life. I am on FB and have zero drama in my life because of it. I find that those with drama in their life would have drama in their life even if they just sat in a dark room in a cabin deep in the forest with the nearest person a galaxy away.............

I have approx 5k "friends" and almost as many followers, and zero drama for the most part. Once in a great while, I have to ban someone and or tell them to "STFU or be gone", similar to what happens on M4C via mods.

Most of my "friends" are attractive fit women (fitness models, etc), mil, LE, biz related (health, med, fitness, sci, etc), and actual friends and family I use FB to keep in touch with, share important events, etc.

I know people with a few hundred "friends" who claim all manner of drama. Per usual, the person drives the drama vs the platform. Some people invite drama...

01-19-16, 14:55
While I agree with you on certain points, what I am saying is that it creates a source of jealousy and discreteness in relationships. Yes, a truly committed person will not let a distraction in, and yes, people are going to what they are going to do. But, it sure makes distractions a helluva lot easier, especially in the "hook-up culture" and "grass is greener" society we live in nowadays. You could say that about the technology age in general though.

I understand what you are saying here and agree. It's like someone who is a recovering alcoholic, you don't go to a bar and surround yourself with the temptation. Some people cannot handle social media.

01-19-16, 14:59
You need to keep it in perspective that your use of Facebook is extremely unique.

What would you do when 500+ people that you knew from HS/College friend request you? (Assume you were just there recently ;)) It's a slippery slope. You accept this person, accept that person, reject this person. Next thing you know you've got messages about why you won't be friends with Katie and if it has anything to do with Max's affair.

Seriously! Shit gets stupid really fast, and I don't have the time or self-control to select my incoming friend requests as carefully as you.

Plus, I have absolutely no use for it.

I trash friend requests right and left. I can't even envision the motivation for having hundreds of "friends", but I suspect there's some level of aberrant psychology at work (if we're talking about a non-business Facebook presence). I have a very specific use for Facebook, and absolutely no use for drama. I've worked my entire adult to make my life as drama-free as possible.

01-19-16, 15:08
I too use FB to update family actually blood relations and close personal friends, not mere acquaintances with photos of my son. I have a lot of people like my ex-wife and her entire family blocked as well as a bunch of douche bags that I use to work with. I have my settings to friends only. I had one crazy ex try to contact via FB and now she is blocked. I don't even get into political crap on FB, other than the family thing I rather enjoy all the gun related pages as well pages like Larry Vickers, Pat McNamara, Tyler Grey, etc.

My wife uses an app on her smartphone for kid pics, her and my mother love it as dose all of her gfs. It's called Lifecake (https://www.lifecake.com/).

01-19-16, 15:12
In a related issue I hate smart phones, I have one and never use the features other than real honest to goodness phone conversations and limited texting.

I hate when I see everyone out in public with there heads looking down at the little rectangles in their hands. Technology as a whole can be a problem for most and information / disinformation overload.

As with anything in life its all about moderation.

01-19-16, 15:30
Facebook causes divorces, spoons make people fat, and guns kill people without any help.

01-19-16, 16:27
I trash friend requests right and left. I can't even envision the motivation for having hundreds of "friends", but I suspect there's some level of aberrant psychology at work (if we're talking about a non-business Facebook presence).


If you haven't watched this episode you need to. Although it's South Park, there ABSOLUTELY is a perceived "worth" in the number of friends / followers somebody has. The gun industry is pretty hilarious to watch in this regard...

Back to the big picture: The trading of real life interactions with people for comments back and forth on a Facebook or Instagram post can be tied to quite a few problems in our society. Young people these days don't know how to communicate, people in general don't share a common respect for human life because they've desensitized themselves to conflict and struggle by watching things from the comfort of their own home that would normally send them running, every person with a highschool degree thinks they are an expert in social reform, the list goes on...

01-19-16, 18:07
OP do you really think the GD section of M4C is much different? There are lots of guys here on this site that I've learned a great deal from. I have fun reading posts here in the GD section sometime I find myself laughing my ass off. I learn about what like minded people think about what's going on in the world. I don't have cable and don't watch TV much anymore. I look to FB and more often to the GD section here to see what's going on in the world. I listen to the radio quite a bit and look stories up on line when I hear about news I'm interested in. FB is what you make of it. If you're all about drama that's what FB is. I got divorced last spring and only close friends knew. I'm not about drama and certianly didn't post anything on FB about it. I did post in the closed LE section here for advice and to cry on a few shoulders. It helped a lot.

01-19-16, 18:22
OP do you really think the GD section of M4C is much different? There are lots of guys here on this site that I've learned a great deal from. I have fun reading posts here in the GD section sometime I find myself laughing my ass off. I learn about what like minded people think about what's going on in the world. I don't have cable and don't watch TV much anymore. I look to FB and more often to the GD section here to see what's going on in the world. I listen to the radio quite a bit and look stories up on line when I hear about news I'm interested in. FB is what you make of it. If you're all about drama that's what FB is. I got divorced last spring and only close friends knew. I'm not about drama and certianly didn't post anything on FB about it. I did post in the closed LE section here for advice and to cry on a few shoulders. It helped a lot.

This is true. GD is a lot like a facebook feed without info on the person posting. And less marriage/baby announcements.

01-19-16, 19:21
I just "liked" your FB page. Screw these FB haters :neo:

Thanks :)....been posting some stuff from SHOT.

01-19-16, 20:22
I have about ten guys feeding great stuff from Shot right now. One of the best uses of Facebook I can think of.

01-20-16, 08:18
I have about ten guys feeding great stuff from Shot right now. One of the best uses of Facebook I can think of.

LAV had an interesting experience at the Ruger booth and posted that on his FB page.

01-20-16, 08:30
OP do you really think the GD section of M4C is much different? There are lots of guys here on this site that I've learned a great deal from. I have fun reading posts here in the GD section sometime I find myself laughing my ass off. I learn about what like minded people think about what's going on in the world. I don't have cable and don't watch TV much anymore. I look to FB and more often to the GD section here to see what's going on in the world. I listen to the radio quite a bit and look stories up on line when I hear about news I'm interested in. FB is what you make of it. If you're all about drama that's what FB is. I got divorced last spring and only close friends knew. I'm not about drama and certianly didn't post anything on FB about it. I did post in the closed LE section here for advice and to cry on a few shoulders. It helped a lot.

I've never heard of a death threat coming from GD, but this isn't the first time I have heard of that happening on FB.
I'm sure it could be used in a discreet manner, but in my limited time on FB, I found a lot of people disclosing some pretty personal stuff. I would imagine that FB is like anything else, abuse it at your own risk, but it would seem that a lot of people do.
I'm just saying that if the FBI wants to talk to you about your FB page and some death threats, perhaps it's time to rethink Face Book?

01-20-16, 09:54
I've never heard of a death threat coming from GD, but this isn't the first time I have heard of that happening on FB.
I'm sure it could be used in a discreet manner, but in my limited time on FB, I found a lot of people disclosing some pretty personal stuff. I would imagine that FB is like anything else, abuse it at your own risk, but it would seem that a lot of people do.
I'm just saying that if the FBI wants to talk to you about your FB page and some death threats, perhaps it's time to rethink Face Book?

If making death threats is someone's problem, they have a lot bigger issues to deal with than Facebook. Like being psychotic and needing professional help.

01-20-16, 09:56
LAV had an interesting experience at the Ruger booth and posted that on his FB page.

I LOL when I read that what a bunch of morons not to mention it's 2016 and Ruger is just now coming out with a striker fired polymer framed handgun.

01-20-16, 10:04
I LOL when I read that what a bunch of morons not to mention it's 2016 and Ruger is just now coming out with a striker fired polymer framed handgun.

Making bad decisions seems to be a trade mark of Ruger, and that was a whopper. A simple positive comment from LAV can sell a lot of guns and treating LAV poorly when he comes by your booth is fail and telling of who they hire at the company.

01-20-16, 10:08
Making bad decisions seems to be a trade mark of Ruger, and that was a whopper. A simple positive comment from LAV can sell a lot of guns and treating LAV poorly when he comes by your booth is fail and telling of who they hire at the company.

I would have loved to have been in ear shot when he told his crew screw it and forget those clowns.

Big A
01-20-16, 10:42
If making death threats is someone's problem, they have a lot bigger issues to deal with than Facebook. Like being psychotic and needing professional help.

Yes, ISIS is a bunch of very psychotic goat ****ers.

01-20-16, 11:38
Yes, ISIS is a bunch of very psychotic goat ****ers.

Well Big A, it's been nice knowin' ya.


Big A
01-20-16, 11:40
Well Big A, it's been nice knowin' ya.

Guess I better order those D60's!

01-20-16, 12:15
Like it or not, Facebook is an important part of what makes up the American Experience, circa "now."

You may not have chosen to partake in McDonald's or Buger King during the Era of Fast Food in the 80's and 90's... but most folks did, and remember the Happy Meal toys.

That's all fine, do what makes you happy.

What I find interesting though are those that don't simply choose not to partake, but instead adopt vocal opposition, or who are dying to tell you that they're not in the game.

This is all part of the unplugging from mainstream American Values and Culture and fuels... you guessed it... Fringe Radicalism.

It's analogous to referring to the news as the "MSM," and rejecting conventional journalism in favor of kooky AM radio broadcasts and hatesites.

You have to unplug someone from the mainstream before can truly radicalize them and control their thoughts and actions.

Bonus if you can convince them that they merely sheep, and that the "other" is.

Big A
01-20-16, 12:35
I recall the MSM saying the San Bernardino terrorists were radicalized via the internet and Facebook.

01-20-16, 12:57
Like it or not, Facebook is an important part of what makes up the American Experience, circa "now."

You may not have chosen to partake in McDonald's or Buger King during the Era of Fast Food in the 80's and 90's... but most folks did, and remember the Happy Meal toys.

That's all fine, do what makes you happy.

What I find interesting though are those that don't simply choose not to partake, but instead adopt vocal opposition, or who are dying to tell you that they're not in the game.

This is all part of the unplugging from mainstream American Values and Culture and fuels... you guessed it... Fringe Radicalism.

It's analogous to referring to the news as the "MSM," and rejecting conventional journalism in favor of kooky AM radio broadcasts and hatesites.

You have to unplug someone from the mainstream before can truly radicalize them and control their thoughts and actions.

Bonus if you can convince them that they merely sheep, and that the "other" is.^^^^^

And the fact that Facebook is an excellent communication tool that you can direct towards a particular audience or to everyone.
Just about my entire Facebook account is directed towards sending and receiving anything and everything regarding the firearms industry.
It is by far the best tool I have at my disposal to keep me up to date on latest and greatest product releases.
I also belong to several groups that help keep me informed and educated on reloading different calibers.
I also use to to keep others informed of upcoming shooting events and an excellent resource to keep track of who's interested in attending.
But best of all it has been a great way to get in touch with old military buddies from different units that have dedicated pages on Facebook.

It is amazing the amount of OLD GEEZERS that talk down about a resource they know nothing about probably because they're feel insecure
in trying to use something new (You can't teach an old dog new tricks).
If you don't like it, don't use… It's as simple as that.
You can choose to grow old and stale or be open minded and keep pace with the latest trends in technology and stay in touch with old friends far and near.

01-20-16, 13:27
I recall the MSM saying the San Bernardino terrorists were radicalized via the internet and Facebook.

And I recall the MSM referring to the San Bernandino not as a terrorist attack but as work place violence.

Yeah, cuz the MSM is so legit, no agenda honest truth reporting there . . . :suicide:

01-20-16, 13:30
This is all part of the unplugging from mainstream American Values and Culture and fuels... you guessed it... Fringe Radicalism.

It's analogous to referring to the news as the "MSM," and rejecting conventional journalism in favor of kooky AM radio broadcasts and hatesites.

You have to unplug someone from the mainstream before can truly radicalize them and control their thoughts and actions.

Bonus if you can convince them that they merely sheep, and that the "other" is.

How very ironic as I find the exact opposite of the above to be true . . .

01-20-16, 14:18
Everyone who has said "x doesn't happen on M4C but happens on FB" needs to consider rate of incidence. If M4C had 1.44 BILLION users, it would experience all kinds of new activities and events.

01-20-16, 15:16
How very ironic as I find the exact opposite of the above to be true . . .

"Fringe radicalism" is a derogatory term used by those who have nothing of substance in their argument. It's simply projection, or blame-shifting.

As to FB, it's yet another way by which polar disorder and ADHD propagate.

01-20-16, 17:03
Everyone who has said "x doesn't happen on M4C but happens on FB" needs to consider rate of incidence. If M4C had 1.44 BILLION users, it would experience all kinds of new activities and events.

All I know is that not one person on my FB feed has ever talked about open marriages and having babies with people other than your wife living in your home..but I have been made aware of that lifestyle through M4C...

01-20-16, 17:19
I despise FB and that bitch Zuckerberg but I only maintain an account to keep in touch with friends and family especially ones I haven't seen in yearss. And I hardly post anything anymore, OPSEC is still important to me and arguments with leftist assholes never accomplish anything.

01-20-16, 18:42
LAV had an interesting experience at the Ruger booth and posted that on his FB page.

Amazing....I bet most exhibitors would pay good money to LAV do a video at their booth.

01-20-16, 18:50
Amazing....I bet most exhibitors would pay good money to LAV do a video at their booth.

PS: I shot the Ruger American this week, mehh.

01-20-16, 20:51
I've never heard of a death threat coming from GD, but this isn't the first time I have heard of that happening on FB.
I'm sure it could be used in a discreet manner, but in my limited time on FB, I found a lot of people disclosing some pretty personal stuff. I would imagine that FB is like anything else, abuse it at your own risk, but it would seem that a lot of people do.
I'm just saying that if the FBI wants to talk to you about your FB page and some death threats, perhaps it's time to rethink Face Book?

FB is not why his life was threatened. His life was threatened VIA FB. Someone already said it but spoons don't make you fat and Guns don't kill people. It how the tool is used or miss used that causes the issue.

01-20-16, 20:55
See I learned something here tonight. Ruger ****ed up!

01-20-16, 22:38
Ruger f**ked up with this group. However, I bet that the vast majority of Ruger's target market don't have a clue who LAV is.

I'll be blunt. Until I started lurking here in 2010, I had no clue who LAV was. I'd been a shooter for 30 years at that point.

01-21-16, 01:39
Ruger f**ked up with this group. However, I bet that the vast majority of Ruger's target market don't have a clue who LAV is.

I'll be blunt. Until I started lurking here in 2010, I had no clue who LAV was. I'd been a shooter for 30 years at that point.

I don't know exactly when he retired from the Army but I think he first published an article (HK45) for a gun rag in '09? It was around that time that I learned who he was and his very unique credentials.

01-21-16, 04:18
All I know is that not one person on my FB feed has ever talked about open marriages and having babies with people other than your wife living in your home..but I have been made aware of that lifestyle through M4C...

LOL :lol:

It is amazing the amount of OLD GEEZERS that talk down about a resource they know nothing about probably because they're feel insecure
in trying to use something new (You can't teach an old dog new tricks).
If you don't like it, don't use… It's as simple as that.
You can choose to grow old and stale or be open minded and keep pace with the latest trends in technology and stay in touch with old friends far and near.

There are many reasons why I choose not to use Facebook. Being old is not one of them. I'm barely old enough to be in Congress.

Not having Facebook is a wonderful asset. It lets you completely bypass the "Now unlock yo phone. Let me see them pictures. Imma check yo Facebook and imma check yo Twitter...and I bet it tell me 'Where?' 'Who?'" (https://youtu.be/gwUX4cSwrRk?t=3m17s) speech. And who wants to deal with an angry college girl? Pass.

I am uninterested in new products to the gun industry, and if they are that much of a hit they will make their way to M4C.

01-21-16, 05:53
I've never heard of a death threat coming from GD, but this isn't the first time I have heard of that happening on FB.
I'm sure it could be used in a discreet manner, but in my limited time on FB, I found a lot of people disclosing some pretty personal stuff. I would imagine that FB is like anything else, abuse it at your own risk, but it would seem that a lot of people do.
I'm just saying that if the FBI wants to talk to you about your FB page and some death threats, perhaps it's time to rethink Face Book?

Death threats would probably happen on GD except:
1) we're generally more mature here... generally
2) 99.999999% of users here are very heavily armed
3) users here tend to be better trained and more skilled than the vast majority of shooters, which doesn't even touch the subject of an abundance of combat veterans
4) there are a lot of LEOs on this board that have the authority to do something about death threats
And 5) there are moderators here that delete such content

FB is more democratized. There's no focus, virtually no moderation, no requirements to join or post. It's interesting in that way.

01-21-16, 06:45
I am amused by the concept of a group of posters on a social media site criticizing a group of posters on a social media site.

01-21-16, 06:50
Actually M4C has been the most welcoming, positive forum I've used since the old, old BBS days. For me anyways. Everybody has been helpful(but in turn you should be helpful right back).

TOS I tried and aside from a few specific threads and KAC board...it gets a bit disgusting. Dudes crying about being 50 year old virgins, guys in 3 man departments wanting to start a SWAT team and pattern it after DEVGRU, Guys needing 5XL MARPART (which I don't think exists, and dudes wanting to do "clone" builds based on BHD or somesuch. And the divorce threads...yeesh.

I'm guilty of wanting an XM177E2 build but only because I think they are cool.

This is probably the only Internet socializing I need. Plus when I was disabled for four months, a lot of folks were most supportive and it helped me through a few dark days.

As to LAV getting snubbed by Ruger...well...I won't sell off my 10/22 anytime soon, but it was a dumb move.

In all fairness, Ruger has always marketed towards the hunter and 'Remchester thutty thutty" crowd. I doubt it will really hurt Ruger in the long run, but they did miss out on selling more of their new pistols.
Were I a Ruger VP, I'd call Mr. Vickers' people and request a Mulligan on that one.

01-21-16, 06:51
FB is not why his life was threatened. His life was threatened VIA FB. Someone already said it but spoons don't make you fat and Guns don't kill people. It how the tool is used or miss used that causes the issue.

FB is how his life was threatened, why is because a lack of a filter when posting, it would seem a lot of people on FB have the same issue.
I'm just thinking it's his personal choice, if he wants to not use a filter and receive these threats that's on him. I hope his family stay safe because if that's the kind of threats you're getting and these guys know what you did in the military and what unit you were with and where you did your tours, chances are those same people know when you're on the road.

01-21-16, 06:53
I am amused by the concept of a group of posters on a social media site criticizing a group of posters on a social media site.

We're anti-social media. A loosely affiliated collective of who-ya-know, where-ya-been guys hanging out in shady bars in the back. Mysterious loners who work for the highest bidders while taking sides.

...okay maybe not but we're not all gay like Facebook

Outlander Systems
01-21-16, 07:02
Since you opened the door...I, and several of my buddies refer to it as "Fagbook".

...okay maybe not but we're not all gay like Facebook

The only thing TOS has on M4C is a ham radio subforum.

I'm not a ham-dork, so ham-specific boards bore the shit out of me.

TOS I tried and aside from a few specific threads and KAC board...it gets a bit disgusting.

01-21-16, 07:14
I am amused by the concept of a group of posters on a social media site criticizing a group of posters on a social media site.

Almost opposite ends of the spectrum though. That being said, I use both. But my use of FB goes down as I have jobs requiring more of a security clearance.

01-21-16, 07:47
Almost opposite ends of the spectrum though.

True enough, but still part of the same spectrum. Abuse of online social media occurs on M4C too. In some cases exacerbated because of the anonymity that M4C affords.


And I do confess, my dog has a Facebook page.

01-21-16, 07:55
LOL :lol:

I am uninterested in new products to the gun industry, and if they are that much of a hit they will make their way to M4C.

I used to Hate the GD section of M4C. Now it's where I go most often. I don't know everything but I am very comfortable with my knowledge, I know what I like and I know I have good equipment. Things change over time. When I'm looking for something I go through the new and old threads and read up.

Actually M4C has been the most welcoming, positive forum I've used since the old, old BBS days. For me anyways. Everybody has been helpful(but in turn you should be helpful right back).

TOS I tried and aside from a few specific threads and KAC board...it gets a bit disgusting. Dudes crying about being 50 year old virgins, guys in 3 man departments wanting to start a SWAT team and pattern it after DEVGRU, Guys needing 5XL MARPART (which I don't think exists, and dudes wanting to do "clone" builds based on BHD or somesuch. And the divorce threads...yeesh.

I'm guilty of wanting an XM177E2 build but only because I think they are cool.

This is probably the only Internet socializing I need. Plus when I was disabled for four months, a lot of folks were most supportive and it helped me through a few dark days.

As to LAV getting snubbed by Ruger...well...I won't sell off my 10/22 anytime soon, but it was a dumb move.

In all fairness, Ruger has always marketed towards the hunter and 'Remchester thutty thutty" crowd. I doubt it will really hurt Ruger in the long run, but they did miss out on selling more of their new pistols.
Were I a Ruger VP, I'd call Mr. Vickers' people and request a Mulligan on that one.

The only thing TOS has on M4C is a ham radio subforum.

I'm not a ham-dork, so ham-specific boards bore the shit out of me.

The retro section is good over there too and the EE is huge! The moderation over TOS is awful.

M4C is moderated very well. There is very little drama and tons of great info from great folks.

01-21-16, 07:56
True enough, but still part of the same spectrum. Abuse of online social media occurs on M4C too. In some cases exacerbated because of the anonymity that M4C affords.

And I do confess, my dog has a Facebook page.

Yeah it's interesting that on one side, M4C offers anonymity and anonymity often leads to people throwing out P.C.ness and speaking their actual minds, but to counteract that, there's more active censorship/moderation. Also the fact that idle threats are a joke when basically everyone has at least a semi-auto 5.56 rifle.

On facebook, it's the opposite. You'd think people would be more polite when their real name and often their picture is attached to any comment they make.

01-21-16, 08:07
Facebook is an awesome tool as a news aggregator and to be in contact with those that live overseas and distant parts of the country. Also a great marketing and business tool.

01-21-16, 08:22
I am amused by the concept of a group of posters on a social media site criticizing a group of posters on a social media site.

I know you know that I know that Facebook and M4C are inherently different.

But do you know that I don't know if you know that?

01-21-16, 09:14
Ruger f**ked up with this group. However, I bet that the vast majority of Ruger's target market don't have a clue who LAV is.

I'll be blunt. Until I started lurking here in 2010, I had no clue who LAV was. I'd been a shooter for 30 years at that point.

Yes and know...a large segment of the market is so-called "tactical", and endorsements or even non-negative reviews from guys like LAV go a long ways to influence that segment. Also, Ruger is trying to get into a segment dominated by Glock already, M&P making a good showing, and other quality products like HK, FN, and Sig already on the market. Believe it or not, when I asked a Ruger rep about the availability, to summarize, he told me it won't be a problem, demand is not that high.

01-21-16, 09:24
I'm reminded of numerous m4c threads where dozens of users over dozens of pages for example argue and personally attack each other over lube. :D

01-21-16, 09:36
I know you know that I know that Facebook and M4C are inherently different.

But do you know that I don't know if you know that?

I know that you know that I know that you and I both know that Facebook and M4C are different sides of the same coin.

01-21-16, 10:14
As long as you know that I know you know. :cool:

01-21-16, 11:12
"Fringe radicalism" is a derogatory term used by those who have nothing of substance in their argument.

Fringe Radical isn't a derogatory term at all- some wear it with great pride.

So long as they recognize that they are the kooks and that not everybody thinks that way, fine with me.

(So long as they spew their extremism on the internet and not in-person... I hate getting covered in saliva when they talk, and it's usually before that even happens that my slap hand gets all twitchy...)

Ruger f**ked up with this group. However, I bet that the vast majority of Ruger's target market don't have a clue who LAV is.

Speak for yourself.

Honestly, I think LAV is looking like a bit of a prima donna over the way he handled it.

Nothing about a youtube segment is going to effect my interest in the RPR anyway... and I'd probably give one a spin if I had access to more distance.

I'll probably pick one up if I spend another hot summer in the SW...

01-21-16, 11:44
Fringe Radical isn't a derogatory term at all- some wear it with great pride.

So long as they recognize that they are the kooks and that not everybody thinks that way, fine with me.

(So long as they spew their extremism on the internet and not in-person... I hate getting covered in saliva when they talk, and it's usually before that even happens that my slap hand gets all twitchy...)

Speak for yourself.

Honestly, I think LAV is looking like a bit of a prima donna over the way he handled it.

Nothing about a youtube segment is going to effect my interest in the RPR anyway... and I'd probably give one a spin if I had access to more distance.

I'll probably pick one up if I spend another hot summer in the SW...

I took one of his pistol courses. At the beginning he said something like "I'm arrogant, overweight & I have my own TV show". He had a relentless self deprecating sense of humor about himself & everyone taking the course. I have never been around someone with such an encyclopedic knowledge of everything firearm related, and yes, he can be a prima donna.

01-21-16, 12:28
I took one of his pistol courses. At the beginning he said something like "I'm arrogant, overweight & I have my own TV show". He had a relentless self deprecating sense of humor about himself & everyone taking the course. I have never been around someone with such an encyclopedic knowledge of everything firearm related, and yes, he can be a prima donna.

I've taken a couple of courses from LAV too. I enjoy him a lot. I too found him to be generally self-deprecating, open, and friendly, not to mention encyclopedic. I also found him to he a little arrogant and opinionated, but I work every day with surgeons so in no way did I find that offensive. I've enjoyed his courses more than most of the trainers I've worked with.

01-21-16, 13:01
LOL :lol:
There are many reasons why I choose not to use Facebook. Being old is not one of them. I'm barely old enough to be in Congress.
If you're as young as you say then you know darn well that once you post something on the internet, it will forever be on the internet.
In other words all the editing in the world can not change the fact that what has been seen can not be unseen.

For the record I do like your original post better than your edited post, you made a very valid point on why someone your age doesn't want Facebook.
I on the other hand am probably twice your age and most people in my age group do not want Facebook because it's way beyond their understanding.
My daughter stopped using Facebook because like most kids her age she quickly figured out that it was a tool that was being used more by the parents to spy on them.

So I guess that just leaves those of us that have multiple accounts with different names to protect the innocent and hide our true identities.

My boss was spying on my Facebook account and asked me why I like shooting so much, I asked her if she also happen to notice my posts about my flying, diving, boating, camping and kayaking adventures? My final answer to her was that I like shooting so much because it's my 2nd amendment right to do so.
Needless to say immediately after that conversation I deleted any and all work associates and went underground by creating a new account with a different name.

01-21-16, 13:40
My boss was spying on my Facebook account and asked me why I like shooting so much, I asked her if she also happen to notice my posts about my flying, diving, boating, camping and kayaking adventures? My final answer to her was that I like shooting so much because it's my 2nd amendment right to do so.
Needless to say immediately after that conversation I deleted any and all work associates and went underground by creating a new account with a different name.

That would be all it would take for me.
I'm sure when "they" finally get it together and decide when and how, some of this will be used for the purpose of having enough 'evidence" to pay you a visit.

01-21-16, 13:57
If you're as young as you say then you know darn well that once you post something on the internet, it will forever be on the internet.
In other words all the editing in the world can not change the fact that what has been seen can not be unseen.

For the record I do like your original post better than your edited post, you made a very valid point on why someone your age doesn't want Facebook.
I on the other hand am probably twice your age and most people in my age group do not want Facebook because it's way beyond their understanding.

I only edited it because I sounded arrogant (per the norm, but I'm trying to quit!) and because 95% of the members here don't need to be reminded that girls in their 20s are total idiots. ;)

01-21-16, 14:02
That would be all it would take for me.
I'm sure when "they" finally get it together and decide when and how, some of this will be used for the purpose of having enough 'evidence" to pay you a visit.
Well if that's the case then I should tell you about my recent boating accident where I had ALL my firearms with me on a deep sea fishing trip and my boat capsized. :cray:

01-21-16, 14:07
I'm not on book face and have no desire or intent to ever be. I can see why others would and that's fine.

I'm not the biggest fan of mediating my reality- hence I am only active on the internet in a few niche sites like M4C, T4R, Beeradvocate- all of which are geared towards specific info that I use every day in my life.

I think bookface is a net negative as I see so much drama and ridiculousness from others I know who have it. The people I know who don't partake tend to be pretty happy without it- and most that use it seem to always be embroiled in some BS drama or seeking attention in some infantile way.

To each their own...