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01-26-16, 20:06
This is a "Hand on the Bible" true story.

I'm sitting at a CPA CPE event with a bunch of 22-25 year olds. 3/4 are female. Black, white, hispanic, Asian, Indian. This girl has a can of pepper spray sitting on the table. I remark "Oh man, remind me not to get on your bad side!" just to break the ice.

She goes "The pepper spray is for after you've been shot". I laugh, and say "You carry?" She says "You're not?!?" Her tone was something akin to "You don't have a cell phone?!?!"

I don't even know this girl - no one really knows one another at this event. She looks like she could be an undergrad in college. Another lady, in her 40s, asked "Where'd you get the mace from?" And she replied "At the gun show" and the 40 year old asked when the next gun show was and a completely different girl overhearing the conversation said "Feb 28th". My reaction was literally: "Holy shit what the **** is going on?"

Then, a black girl at the table says to the lady in her 40s "Get your permit. I wouldn't bother with the mace." The whole group of all sorts of ages, races, genders got involved and almost unanimously not only were accepting of carrying firearms but actually did it on a daily basis. Never would have expected it in a million years. The black girl is a single mom from St. Thomas and owns an AR15.

I was totally blown away not only at the fact that the conversation in general was happening but also at the accuracy of what was being said. There was no "I carry a 45 cuz it'll kill your soul" BS that guys typically say in those conversations. It was "I like my .380, the caliber is small but I have trouble concealing anything bigger" and "The only thing I don't like is how I have to leave my gun in the car when I go into certain places." The liberal media had me convinced that women and minorities don't know anything about guns and don't want to. How incorrect. Of course this is among a bunch of graduate degree educated professionals in Florida; I'm sure it would be a different conversation in Connecticut but I was still very surprised.

tl;dr? All sorts of people discuss guns, carry permits, and self defense factually and openly.

01-26-16, 20:10
Great story. Glad to hear that women are not only carrying, but based on your post, seem to put a good amount of thought into what/how they carry...

01-26-16, 20:44
Outstanding! That's great to hear.

01-26-16, 20:45
Awesome, similar to my place of employment.

Manufacturing professionals, all over 40 except for me. An external auditor actually brought it up, quickly found out everyone present despised gun control. Didn't go as well as op, but still overwhelmingly a positive experience.

Fwiw, I'm a "millenial" and at least half of the people in my college classes, and their friends were pro-gun and conservitive. Engineers and geologists. I was suprised about the geologists because they all look and act like hippies.

01-26-16, 21:01
Yeah, I will say that there seems to be a changing of the tide among women. I know of two ladies in the early sixties that just got their CCWs here recently. One of them is carrying a Kimber 1911. I simply made the suggestion, that there may be better options for her to carry. She replied, I like my 1911 just fine. I said good. You keep going on with your bad self then.[emoji1]

I am hoping that these two women inspire some of the women in my family. I have had zero success getting them to carry at all. Especially now, just found out that there's going to be several hundred of the new refugees in my area, working at a nearby factory.


Euro, I seriously, seriously, seriously, hope that you got some phone numbers and laid down some solid mack while you're there. How often do you see accomplished women, that like guns, all sitting at the same table?

01-26-16, 21:41
This is a VERY common conversation around where I live. Many, if not most, of the people I know either own a gun or are seriously considering it. I've seen a HUGE uptick among women and younger people. Plus, a lot of people are taking referrals to take training classes too. Guns don't seem to cause a panic like they do in NY or New England. One time when I went to get my hair cut, I went to take off my sweatshirt and didn't notice that my t-shirt underneath was tucked under my gun rather than over it. When I noticed, I looked at the girl about to do my cut, and apologized and assured her that I had a permit. She just smiled and said, "Don't worry. How do you like the M&P? My boyfriend loves his but I was thinking about getting a Glock for myself..." And we just chatted about guns for the rest of the time I was getting trimmed. The hairdresser working next to her then talked about the gun she had just purchased a few days ago. The battle is far from over, but there are signs of hope scattered about.

01-26-16, 22:21

We had an HOA meeting out here in the burbs about two weeks ago. There was a real live no-fooling discussion of 41P afterwards in the parking lot, and it's impact on buying NFA items.

Not just guns, but eeeeeeevvvilllllll guns.

My Grinch heart grew three sizes that day.

01-26-16, 22:24
I'm a minority and every male in my immediate family has a ccw and every female at least knows how to shoot, if not also has a ccw.

I can't carry on a daily basis because work, but there are two armed guards at the only entrance of the building.

01-26-16, 22:30

My Grinch heart grew three sizes that day.

Lol, I may have to use that one in the future.

01-26-16, 22:41
All the ladies in my clan shoot and/or carry. My DIL, who already has a Ruger .22 Std. and an SP-101, developed a hankering for an LCP for deep carry a few months back. Tried to talk her away from the .380, but we finally caved in and got her the LCP. (Great, another caliber to tool up for and load...)

Today she told me that in the kid-oriented setting in which she works THREE other women admitted to her they had just gotten .380s also.

Must be a clandestine self-organizing thing going on under the radar...Easier to beg forgiveness than to get permission?


01-26-16, 23:16
Lol, I may have to use that one in the future.

You are laughing because you never thought I had a heart.

01-27-16, 08:23

Thanks for that story...That gives me hope that not all is lost in this country, and there is hope. It sounds like you ran across a group that hasn't been brainwashed by the media, and by their respective collages. I honestly hope this is the trend of the future, the media, and the socialist education system has ruined a lot of young peoples ability's to think on a critical level, running across a group of people like this must have been refreshing to say the least..

01-27-16, 09:33
Women, especially younger women, have been arming themselves in droves since '08 likely sooner.

I remember, and have relayed this story, an 18 year old college chick asking where to get an AR some years back. She lived in a nice area. I told her a good place and good price, but still asked why. Stalker? Aggressive ex?

"No. I just think something will happen."
"Just something big. I want an assault rifle."

Yes this was summer 08.

Same with some girls who had a foiled home invasion. They bought AKs.

They just don't talk about it with the "gun crowd" because it is just a tool. Not a status symbol.

Most seem to like 1911s for the slim grip. Same with sub-calibers.

Wanna know who's buying up the old SP1 carbines? Women.
Same with lightweights.

See. Women put a LOT of thought into things they don't talk about if they feel it will be embarrassing, off putting, or lose 'face'.

Guns fall into the same category as depilatories, sanitary pads, and the pill. A LOT of women use them but won't talk about them.

I looked into a top drawer once and found self pleasure aids, pads, and a no shit Tokarev. And she was pretty left wing.

Me, personally, I try not to mix guns and women anymore.

I will say all the anti-gun women are anti-gun for everybody else but themselves

01-27-16, 09:49
This does not surprise me.

Two younger women in my family (cousin and niece) are two that absolutely do NOT look like they would even know how to shoot or have ever been near guns. They don't dress like it, there are no outward signs in their clothing, their cars or really anything in their appearance. No pink camo clothes or seat covers in their cars. Fairly petite, preppy dressing women in general.

Both carry....and can shoot very well. Both carry Glock 26s!

Both also shoot quite often.

Yes, at times...it CAN surprise you who is carrying. But I have always thought that is the best thing about concealed carry. Some people are going to be a big surprise to a criminal if they are forced to use their pistols!

That is how it should be.

Straight Shooter
01-27-16, 11:06
Dig this- in the past couple months THREE women..two white, one black, have gotten CCW permits and bought guns AND have taken classes! A couple of them are doing it against family members objections even! "Mama, you don't NEED no gun"! type shit. And, had another female this week tell me she is gonna do the same thing. Also, about five or more guys late last year came to me asking questions, and have bought several firearms amongst them now. I LOVE it! This is happening ALL OVER the place. My own beautiful lady...a Yankee girl..has bought her own Walther 9mm and is getting very handy with it, so proud of her!
Gents- lets do our part and keep this inertia moving forward! None of that youtube macho bullshit..giving an 80lb 12 year old girls a 12 gauge loaded with 3" magnum ammo..then laughing when its it knocks her down and hurts her. I want to beat hell out of these types every time I see that shit, the cowards.

01-27-16, 11:25
I know several Latin and black women that have licenses and carry.

Yes, it is becoming more common than you'd think.

01-27-16, 13:33
When's your next date?

I think it's bullshit the way women, and minorities I guess, have been treated within the gun community historically. I am not always home. My wife however is home majority of her life, with my three daughters. If something were to happen I want that woman to react with more violence of action than a Marine Corps infantry platoon in Fallujah. I think it's cool how chicks are getting more into shooting and hunting. Just sucks it has taken this long. It's always been a "mans game" or "that's not for girls" etc.

01-27-16, 14:01
I wonder how that translates to other states with other cultures. It's a conversation that would shock me rigid here in Minnesota. Of course, the professional meetings I attend are mostly doctors.

Anyway, Florida has by far more gun permits issued than any other state, about twice the number of permits as the next state, Texas., About 6% of Florida's population, compared to Texas at about 2%.

01-27-16, 14:09
While attending a seminar yesterday, my wife told me that someone asked a question of the guest speaker. "If you were emperor, what is the first thing you would do?" With regards to improving science, of course. His first response, completely irrelevant to the topic at hand, was "ban guns". There is a "statistic" that 1/5 students carries on campus. Rational, scientific minding people parrot this and that they are scared to give undergraduates bad grades. None have ever looked for the real numbers, and even a casual glance would reveal the true number closer to 1/100.

01-27-16, 14:47
While attending a seminar yesterday, my wife told me that someone asked a question of the guest speaker. "If you were emperor, what is the first thing you would do?" With regards to improving science, of course. His first response, completely irrelevant to the topic at hand, was "ban guns". There is a "statistic" that 1/5 students carries on campus. Rational, scientific minding people parrot this and that they are scared to give undergraduates bad grades. None have ever looked for the real numbers, and even a casual glance would reveal the true number closer to 1/100.

Some Professors at UT are currently raising a bit of hell in regards to students carrying in the classroom. Being that it is legal here in Texas, more than a few of these Progressive ninny's is trying to come up with a work around to keep the guns out of "their" classrooms.
I keep wondering what the fear is about, I'm thinking those guns have been riding in backpacks for years and there hasn't been a problem. I don't know of any licensed Concealed Carry Holder ever shooting up a classroom.
Perhaps it's a bit of feigned outrage, or perhaps they might have a bit of guilt for being a dirt bag all of these years? Either way, these guys have the hee bee gee bee's and for some perhaps it's deserved.

01-27-16, 14:56
We have had legal campus carry here since 2009 (I think). Aside from paranoid faculty, nothing has come of it.

01-27-16, 15:01

01-30-16, 20:44
...Gents- lets do our part and keep this inertia moving forward! None of that youtube macho bullshit..giving an 80lb 12 year old girls a 12 gauge loaded with 3" magnum ammo..then laughing when its it knocks her down and hurts her. I want to beat hell out of these types every time I see that shit, the cowards.

Yes. Too many clowns try to impress women with stupid shit like .44 mags or scoped rifles without teaching proper hold and watch the lady get whacked in the head with the scope.

If a lady asks you to take her shooting and she's never been before, do us all a favor...double up her ear pro and start her out with a .22 rim fire. It works like a charm!

Take Care,


01-30-16, 23:08
Yes. Too many clowns try to impress women with stupid shit like .44 mags or scoped rifles without teaching proper hold and watch the lady get whacked in the head with the scope.

If a lady asks you to take her shooting and she's never been before, do us all a favor...double up her ear pro and start her out with a .22 rim fire. It works like a charm!

Take Care,


They ussually don't teach proper grip because they don't know it, or care. There are a lot of stupid people who own guns.

01-30-16, 23:50
Nearly every member of my family carries, including my wife and mom.

I work with men and women of all ages that carry and/or support firearms.
While we can't carry where I work, we have full-auto protection. ;)

01-31-16, 03:40
Gents- lets do our part and keep this inertia moving forward! None of that youtube macho bullshit..giving an 80lb 12 year old girls a 12 gauge loaded with 3" magnum ammo..then laughing when its it knocks her down and hurts her. I want to beat hell out of these types every time I see that shit, the cowards.

Bro that shit boils my blood. Over ten years ago now there was a small boy who died as a result of his father wanting him to be a "man" and shoot his buddy's .454 Casull. When the child fired the pistol the resulting impact of the gun hitting him in the head caused massive head trauma.

It's funny watching some Saudi princes try firing a Holland & Holland but it's wrong on so many levels to do that to unsuspecting women and children.

01-31-16, 10:24
That universally irks me. When guys give like a Lahti 25mm to a 90 lb 5'0" girl and laugh at her.

If you're that hardcore, let me OC Spray you, have you run half a mile, then draw, do a remedial action drill, go to a secondary, have it not work, then have two pipe hitting dudes beat your ass.....in the rain.

That's what you're doing. Torturing, not instructing.

Give the most hippie chick something she can control and something she has command of; and she will come off thinking it's fun.

I have the Aliens special edition. It has the making of featurette. Sigourney Weaver is extremely anti-gun but even she admitted that after playing with a Pulse Rifle; she liked it.

Most women are brainwashed from youth to think gun=evil. But if a gun is like a car....something they can use or control; they'll like it.

They are more docile than males on average so the "tactical he man" approach really doesn't interest them.

Presented like Softball or golf while being empowering....that's way different.

01-31-16, 11:00
Where is euro driver? Are you still alive bro?

Hopefully he didn't die from a drunken and coke field orgy with all the other cpa's

But you know what, that might not be too bad of a way to go actually. After all, that saved Lamar Odom's marriage. Kind of a magical fairy tale ending really if you think about it.

Straight Shooter
01-31-16, 18:23
Bro that shit boils my blood. Over ten years ago now there was a small boy who died as a result of his father wanting him to be a "man" and shoot his buddy's .454 Casull. When the child fired the pistol the resulting impact of the gun hitting him in the head caused massive head trauma.

It's funny watching some Saudi princes try firing a Holland & Holland but it's wrong on so many levels to do that to unsuspecting women and children.

DANG brother M-K....that just stokes the fire for me even more. These fuktards that do stuff like that, hell..I don't even know whats a good punishment for them. A good, all -around, old-timey ass whoopin is a good start.

02-01-16, 00:37
Where is euro driver? Are you still alive bro?

Hopefully he didn't die from a drunken and coke field orgy with all the other cpa's

Nah, he just got put in the penalty box again.

02-01-16, 21:51
Nah, he just got put in the penalty box again.
That's good, I was getting a bit worried. Last I saw him was a PM about situations in this thread several days ago.

Wouldn't want him to be a victim of sex trafficking or something crazy like that.

02-01-16, 21:53
Worry not, the lad will be back.