View Full Version : Duracoat only option?

08-13-08, 23:44
My m4 has gotten several nicks over the past several months. Nothin big but i wanted to cover those areas up without refinishing the entire rifle. Its just several very small areas and I was looking at Dura Coat and it seems fine but you have to use an air brush and thats a bit much for just the few minor touch ups id like to do. i was wondering if there is any alternative to that? I was hopeing from something i could just kinda dab on. Any ideas?

08-14-08, 00:25
i use aluminum black for that sorta stuff


08-14-08, 05:07
Or if you wanna go crazy you could try Gun-Kote, no need for an airbrush:


Sounds like that Aluminum Black is what yer after though.

08-14-08, 13:40
im ganna order a bottle of aluminum black today. Thanks for the info guys

08-14-08, 14:06
I kinda like those nicks and dings. Let's people know I'm hard core and could snap at any minute. :cool:

08-17-08, 16:01
If I refinished my weapons when they accumulated nicks & scratches, it'd turn into a second job. I leave them alone. The two ARs I use primarily for training look like they came back from a few years in the Sandbox.

To answer your question: Krylon or Aluma-Hyde will work in a pinch. Just spray a generous portion on a piece of scrap material, dip the tip of a very small paintbrush or toothpick into the material & apply to the nicks/scratches as needed. If you screw-up, wipe it clean with a bit of lacquer thinner on a rag & try again.