View Full Version : Steroids in Afghanistan?

01-28-16, 00:50
Just how common is juicing? Heard it's quite common and becoming more common as the war goes on.

01-28-16, 05:14
Not sure if it's big with the locals, but I do know it can be bought at pharmacies.

01-28-16, 05:22
It really depends where in country but it's out there more than one would think.

01-28-16, 05:37
Young guys humping heavy-ass loads up and down mountains? Meh, perhaps a little "edge" is gained? Of course you have the aggression too, but given our ROE perhaps that is not a desirable trait.

01-28-16, 05:59
Young guys humping heavy-ass loads up and down mountains? Meh, perhaps a little "edge" is gained? Of course you have the aggression too, but given our ROE perhaps that is not a desirable trait.

In the last 7 years I've been deployed for a total of 54 months with various teams from across the services... supporting a team level asset. With that said, the team guys weren't the guys I saw using the "juice" the most... it was the admin dudes and Fobbits. The team guys were too busy but of course there are always exceptions.

01-28-16, 06:40
Young guys humping heavy-ass loads up and down mountains? Meh, perhaps a little "edge" is gained? Of course you have the aggression too, but given our ROE perhaps that is not a desirable trait.

The whole roid rage thing is a myth. If someone is an asshole, they're not going to be less of an asshole on the juice.

01-28-16, 10:19
At least one unit wanted a way to specifically test for it.

Guys in their mid thirties and mid 40's that are already muscular and lean,
Come home heavier, with more muscle, and even more lean.

That usually takes a little help compared to younger guys.

01-28-16, 12:51
The whole roid rage thing is a myth. If someone is an asshole, they're not going to be less of an asshole on the juice.

Don't know about "'roid rage" per se but you won't be more laid back, that's for sure. :rolleyes:

01-28-16, 12:59
Probably not a great topic for guys to be candid about. Male hormones were made controlled substances as a knee jerk reaction (much like gun control laws) in the early 90s after Lyle Alzado blamed his brain cancer on steroid use, despite no actual link. Since that time there has been a war on men, part of which is the vilification of male hormones (notice the "low T" commercials? It's taboo to even say testosterone), while on the flip side the same people villifying men, masculinity and male hormones openly advocate for the tax payer to fund female hormones in the form of birth control. It is the bizarro world we live in.

So for guys who are looking for a little edge in a combat zone, probably best to stay quiet on the entire subject. I have no doubt the current admin. would get a hard on to screw as many warriors as they can if it even crossed their minds guys might be juicing:

01-28-16, 13:11
Steroid abuse doesn't bother me until people start wearing feather boas, demand intro music, and start stone cold stunning folks.

Then I will approve.

But seriously you'll kill yourself from heart disease or go bald. Winners don't use drugs

01-28-16, 13:51
But seriously you'll kill yourself from heart disease or go bald. Winners don't use drugs

Lance Armstrong did a ton of winning....

I was there in '13 and between the locals trying to make a buck (who knows what was actually in the vials), and dudes trying to get it sent over. In all honesty though its a certain personality type that will do it regardless. Most guys get swole because you have nothing to do besides eat and gym, not to mention fitness is much better understood now a days.

01-28-16, 14:31
So for guys who are looking for a little edge in a combat zone, probably best to stay quiet on the entire subject. I have no doubt the current admin. would get a hard on to screw as many warriors as they can if it even crossed their minds guys might be juicing:

And how would they obtain that hard on?
I'm thinking if there is a lack of Testosterone in this country the epicenter may be located in the White House,....well unless you start testing Michelle, that might be another story.

01-28-16, 14:39
I do not know about Afghan but I know dudes did in Iraq. You do not put on 20+ pounds of muscle in 2-3 months and go from barely benching 185lbs to 300+ without a little help. I have been training heavily since I got out of the Army and have only gained around 15-18lbs of lean muscle mass and just short of joining the thousand pound club in the big three (2/3rds of four years).

01-28-16, 14:42
Steroids, when done as part of an overall plan, can be effective and the negative side effects people love to tout are drastically diminished. The issue, in many cases where harm occurs, is from misuse. Cycled correctly, steroids can be very beneficial.

Steroids are no different than any other drug. Plenty of people abuse legal drugs.

Just like with alcohol and drugs, Darwin always finds a home with the really stupid.

Hell, all this talk has me wanting to run a cycle. Legally. Haven't in many yrs. Full head of hair. No heart attack. Still in great shape.

01-28-16, 15:07
Ever hear of some high school kid having a "mysteriously enlarged heart" and so on?

Steroids. Everybody who juiced looks like shit. Even Arnold.

I'd rather be a nature boy than bald, with back acne and cardiomegaly.

Plus I have personally known roid droids who juiced in a "healthy, smart" way and once they let up a little became morbidly obese. Like they are one step from a tarp and a moo moo dress.

And these guys were lifters and ripped like a Julian salad. I'm a fairly burly guy with a bit of a pooch from being laid up that can be run off (when I decide to pop a motrin and pick em up and put em down).

But I'll take my American Dad Stan Smith dadbod way over these poor guys who went from greek gods to having to use the fatty carts meant for old people at Walmart.

Remember the Judge Dredd comics with the Fatties? That's what they look like now. Because of steroids.

Even people taking it medicinally blow up. No thanks

01-28-16, 15:11
Ever hear of some high school kid having a "mysteriously enlarged heart" and so on?

Steroids. Everybody who juiced looks like shit. Even Arnold.

I'd rather be a nature boy than bald, with back acne and cardiomegaly.

Plus I have personally known roid droids who juiced in a "healthy, smart" way and once they let up a little became morbidly obese. Like they are one step from a tarp and a moo moo dress.

And these guys were lifters and ripped like a Julian salad. I'm a fairly burly guy with a bit of a pooch from being laid up that can be run off (when I decide to pop a motrin and pick em up and put em down).

But I'll take my American Dad Stan Smith dadbod way over these poor guys who went from greek gods to having to use the fatty carts meant for old people at Walmart.

Remember the Judge Dredd comics with the Fatties? That's what they look like now. Because of steroids.

Even people taking it medicinally blow up. No thanks

Stopping roids doesn't make you fat. Eating like you are on roids and working out crazy hard while not taking roids and not working out makes you fat.

01-28-16, 16:17

Ever hear of some high school kid having a "mysteriously enlarged heart" and so on?

Steroids. Everybody who juiced looks like shit. Even Arnold.

I'd rather be a nature boy than bald, with back acne and cardiomegaly.

Plus I have personally known roid droids who juiced in a "healthy, smart" way and once they let up a little became morbidly obese. Like they are one step from a tarp and a moo moo dress.

And these guys were lifters and ripped like a Julian salad. I'm a fairly burly guy with a bit of a pooch from being laid up that can be run off (when I decide to pop a motrin and pick em up and put em down).

But I'll take my American Dad Stan Smith dadbod way over these poor guys who went from greek gods to having to use the fatty carts meant for old people at Walmart.

Remember the Judge Dredd comics with the Fatties? That's what they look like now. Because of steroids.

Even people taking it medicinally blow up. No thanks

Gee........ I'm thinking about how to respond to this.......

Dude, you don't know what the heck you're talking about.

People like you put about a bunch of bs and lies about 'Roids and that's were it gets its bad rep.


01-28-16, 16:45

Gee........ I'm thinking about how to respond to this.......

Dude, you don't know what the heck you're talking about.

People like you put about a bunch of bs and lies about 'Roids and that's were it gets its bad rep.


Okay, well first off, I'm not a doctor.
Second off, I've been to two assist calls at a high school where an athlete fell over dead.
Steroids were in his system.

Third, I've personally known people who juiced. I said "Man, I wouldn't mess with that shit."

Now that they are in their 30s they are prematurely bald, having kidney and heart trouble. Did they overdo it? Maybe. They got swole. Was it worth it? Probably not.

Fourthly, I knew a guy who got injured and had to take steroids. Poor chap watched his diet and still blew up and is miserable because he went from average to Springer sideshow fat.

If you juice, or have juiced, and beat the odds. Good for you. Some people can do that.

I remember being told some things that stuck with me:
"There ain't an easy way, somehow you're gonna pay"

And....I've been told by an optometrist "If the guy doing Lasik still wears glasses, what does that tell ya?"

I also remember Physical Therapy and being told "Son, there's pain...and then there's pain. You gonna feel some pain. Pop some NSAIDS. You'll be all right"

So if you have more advanced medical knowledge or personal experience contradictory to mine; I'll gladly accept it and consider it, maybe even defer to it. Conditional that I won't be taking that mess. Especially now that I've got age on me.

But all that said, people are free to put what they want in their bodies as long as they are willing to live with the consequences.

01-28-16, 17:12
We had a steroid problem in my unit in Iraq and we all got pissed in theater.

It was pretty obvious, and overlooked until our terp got busted bringing shit on.

Turns out there was no piss lab, and it had to get sent to Germany (this was early on). They secured the samples in a safe for about a month.

During that month, our Company Commander (who was also juicing) discovered some SOP (it's not part of AR 600–85) that >20%(I think?) of a random 10% UA had to fail before you could conduct a 100% urinalysis. He went to the Bde Surgeon, and requested that he take a "random" 10% sample of only soldiers and NCOs he-didn't-like for testing.

Bn PA (who was former 18D) told the Bn Commander he was disgusted by that, and shit was taking too long anyway, so it all got disposed of.

This is the short version of a longer story, but yes, we had a "Steroid Amnesty Box" and we filled it up more than once, LOL.

01-28-16, 17:33
We had a steroid problem in my unit in Iraq and we all got pissed in theater.

It was pretty obvious, and overlooked until our terp got busted bringing shit on.

Turns out there was no piss lab, and it had to get sent to Germany (this was early on). They secured the samples in a safe for about a month.

During that month, our Company Commander (who was also juicing) discovered some SOP (it's not part of AR 600–85) that >20%(I think?) of a random 10% UA had to fail before you could conduct a 100% urinalysis. He went to the Bde Surgeon, and requested that he take a "random" 10% sample of only soldiers and NCOs he-didn't-like for testing.

Bn PA (who was former 18D) told the Bn Commander he was disgusted by that, and shit was taking too long anyway, so it all got disposed of.

This is the short version of a longer story, but yes, we had a "Steroid Amnesty Box" and we filled it up more than once, LOL.

That is f*cked. We had quite a few "health and welfares" and got our crap tossed and inspected. For a while we had to open all our mail in front of leadership so they could inspect for that crap and alcohol too. Annoying for sure.

01-28-16, 18:12
Ever hear of some high school kid having a "mysteriously enlarged heart" and so on?

Okay, well first off, I'm not a doctor.
Second off, I've been to two assist calls at a high school where an athlete fell over dead.
Steroids were in his system.

AAS is not the cause of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. I find it somewhat peculiar AAS would have been tested for on autopsy but I find it even more interesting you were privy to those results and I'm very curious how you came to the conclusion AAS was the cause of death?

I will not deny AAS abuse can lead to some nasty side effects, not unlike almost all substances when abused, but let's not get carried away vilifying AAS. Low testosterone (and a great many men 30+ have low or borderline low T) is very much coorelated with heart disease and many other chronic diseases, unfortunately we now have a generation or two that has been brainwashed into automatically viewing AAS/testosterone as evil, it's why we have "low T" commercials, too taboo to even say testosterone on TV.

01-28-16, 18:40
Okay, well first off, I'm not a doctor.
Second off, I've been to two assist calls at a high school where an athlete fell over dead.
Steroids were in his system.

Correlation is not causation. Basic science.

Those that take to get yoked, with the steroid being the main driver of gains, are abusing. A rough rule of thumb for those that cycle correctly, would be that you can keep half your gains once the artificial boost to the body is removed. Which means working hard to keep the gains. Abusers just think, "Another cycle will allow me to keep yoked out." If one is heavily involved in strenuous physical sports, a cycle every couple of yrs. can allow the body to heal and strengthen. What's the big deal? Plenty of negative side effects with alcohol, but responsible drinkers are aware and act accordingly. Steroids are no different.

The disinformation spewed out in regards to steroids is incredible. I predict in the next 5 yrs. we will see a surge in HRT for men. More and more research is showing potential positive effects from HRT. Anyone notice the ambulance chaser commercials on TV are becoming fewer and fewer? Because research is turning against them.

01-28-16, 18:49
Welp, in my state any death under a certain age gets an automatic autopsy. Especially if it's a 17 year old and 15 year old.

Second without divulging victim details, these cases were cited as having been steroid related and such data was used for drug ID and other investigatory issues I'll not get into here.

Suffice it to say, these kids are getting their steroids from somewhere.

I'm neither pro nor anti drug.
IMO the whole drug law spiel is a racket.
Alcohol has, next to meth, the fastest and most violent effect on society but is legal. Weed and mescaline, are not.

If a competent doctor prescribes something, take it. He went to school for that.

However if you're getting anabolics from dudebro down at Gold's to get "huge gains" then...maybe you should do some serious introspection into whether or not this is healthy.

Dude I knew who got injured real bad and had to take steroids and got real fat happened and it's sad. He has a wonderful wife but his self esteem is gone. He's big like on the obese people shows. But he's a good guy. It literally is not his fault.

Then again there are guys who take androgen and it helps stave off 'Manopause'.

Some men do get virility issues and if a doctor clears them, have at it.

My BLUF position is that if a doctor believes this will prolong your life and/or ease suffering. Go for it.

But buying stuff in a gym bathroom and shooting it in your ass out of vanity or because coach says "Scouts will be at this game" may not be in your best interest.


Nothing is inherently evil, heaven and hell are the same place with different perspectives, etc.

I just personally try not to take stuff I don't have to, not out of morality, but because I am kinda chickenshit about side effects.

Don Robison
01-28-16, 19:08
I've been in a couple of units with a steroid problem. It doesn't seem as bad today as it was in the 80 and early 90s just prior to them becoming a banned substance. Done correctly I don't see an issue. The problem is that most people think more is better and overdo it because they can no longer go to a doc and cycle in a way that makes better sense.

01-28-16, 19:10
I've been taking physician-prescribed test injections for 6 years now (low T). Not anabolic doses but it does what it is purported to do. A slowly creeping PSA but monitoring it. I'm 50 and in pretty good shape.

Although it would no doubt be criticized heavily, I don't have a problem with young grunts/SOF being "allowed" (or a blind eye turned) to have anabolic-level doses administered in a combat zone. I'm not talking about a 20 year career's worth but to enhance performance under austere conditions during a tour of duty. Sure, while they're "in the rear" it would help in the weight room but from a more functional standpoint humping heavy loads for long distances could no doubt be improved by the use of anabolic steroids.

01-28-16, 19:11
AAS did not cause the death of these young boys unless they somehow injected a large air embolism into their vessels instead of injecting intramuscularly, then I suppose it's possible but very unlikely.

The "mysterious enlarged heart" is genetic, relatively rare cause of death in young athletes and well documented, AAS is not a cause.

I'm against abuse of any substance but I also believe in freedom and I submit to you that AAS (male hormones) being classified as a controlled substance is bullshit. Back in the 1980s my father told his Primary doc he wanted to gain some muscle for the academy, he was prescribed a little anavar (mild AAS). Dudes taking AAS for HRT or a guy doing a small cycle here and there is a non issue for their health, arguable it will improve their overall health.

It is well known it is not your typical criminal using AAS, it was guys in LEO/mil type work, sports, guys wanting to gain a little muscle for whatever reason, white middle class guys who were generally law abiding. Joe Biden was the sponsor of the Anabolic Steroid Control Act of 1990, that alone should tell you AAS should not be illegal.

01-28-16, 19:16
Done correctly I don't see an issue. The problem is that most people think more is better and overdo it because they can no longer go to a doc and cycle in a way that makes better sense.

Thank crazy uncle Joe Biden for that.

Don Robison
01-28-16, 19:19
Thank crazy uncle Joe Biden for that.

Yep, I remember when it happened. I've never done them, but had a lot of friends cycling back then. Some quit and some went underground with it. All it did was make it more dangerous than ever by taking away a forum to ask a medical professional and then all of the hinky stuff that was coming in from Mexico and other places.

01-28-16, 19:32
The ME disagreed and declared it steroid related. I don't suppose it matters. They are dead and probably wouldn't have amounted to much had they reached adulthood.

Steroids can cause cardiomegaly. Again, not a doctor.

And again, I've known working guys who juiced and never had a piss test and once they started having issues; they regretted it.

These are my seen it/saw its. If you or anyone else wants to use it, have at it.

I begin to wonder how I ended up in this thread and am cautioning the dangers of drug abuse.

As they say in the westerns "I ain't yer paw, do as you like"

01-28-16, 21:42
Tons of dudes juice on deployment.

Mostly FOBbits and support guys who have fixed work schedules and can eat what they want and sleep regularly.

I never had time for that shit.

01-28-16, 22:25
Netflix has a good documentary about steroids ("Bigger Stronger Faster") and I agree with a lot of it. Most importantly, one key point. You can't inject and do near zero work and expect gains. It will help you recover better, but you still have to do the work.

Follow one of Arnold's plans precontest. It's damn near impossible to get through it if you're in shape, let alone to hit it again the next day or do AM PM splits. The one thing the Netflix doc doesn't address is that when Arnold, Sly and the gang was doping, it wasn't illegal. AS didn't get scheduled until the 1990s. So before then, it was lawful to use it. So if you were a bodybuilder in the 70s or 80s, it was game on. Everyone wants to bash Arnold for doping, but it wasn't controlled then. So, not illegal.

My huge issue with AS is in the supplement market. True Rx grade AS are lab grade, tested, pure etc. Cocaine isn't schedule I because it has a legitimate use in...of all things...dentistry. Without a doubt, I'd bet the Cocaine you'd get from a doctor would be worlds better than anything you'd get from down south.

The shit they sell in GNC that will blow out your kidneys is no where close. All those mentholated formulas keep getting worse and worse.

The bad part is I see a lot of guys at the gym...the type who are huge with back zits, that can't move weight for a shit. So if someone is undertaking that risk for purely cosmetic gains, I think there is an issue with that. It also doesn't do one a bit of good to pound on 50lbs of muscle and one flight of stairs has them gasping.

Skinny fat has a bad wrap, but thick fat is no better.

01-29-16, 08:46
Part of that equation is what type of steroid they're using. A lot has to do with their personality as well, like you stated. Lots of guys starting legit TRT do become less of an asshole. It can be very therapeutic.

The whole roid rage thing is a myth. If someone is an asshole, they're not going to be less of an asshole on the juice.

01-29-16, 09:30
Probably not a great topic for guys to be candid about. Male hormones were made controlled substances as a knee jerk reaction (much like gun control laws) in the early 90s after Lyle Alzado blamed his brain cancer on steroid use, despite no actual link. Since that time there has been a war on men, part of which is the vilification of male hormones (notice the "low T" commercials? It's taboo to even say testosterone), while on the flip side the same people villifying men, masculinity and male hormones openly advocate for the tax payer to fund female hormones in the form of birth control. It is the bizarro world we live in.

So for guys who are looking for a little edge in a combat zone, probably best to stay quiet on the entire subject. I have no doubt the current admin. would get a hard on to screw as many warriors as they can if it even crossed their minds guys might be juicing:

Actually, he blamed it mostly on GH and insiders say he died of AIDS.

01-29-16, 10:40
Netflix has a good documentary about steroids ("Bigger Stronger Faster") and I agree with a lot of it. Most importantly, one key point. You can't inject and do near zero work and expect gains. It will help you recover better, but you still have to do the work.

Follow one of Arnold's plans precontest. It's damn near impossible to get through it if you're in shape, let alone to hit it again the next day or do AM PM splits. The one thing the Netflix doc doesn't address is that when Arnold, Sly and the gang was doping, it wasn't illegal. AS didn't get scheduled until the 1990s. So before then, it was lawful to use it. So if you were a bodybuilder in the 70s or 80s, it was game on. Everyone wants to bash Arnold for doping, but it wasn't controlled then. So, not illegal.

My huge issue with AS is in the supplement market. True Rx grade AS are lab grade, tested, pure etc. Cocaine isn't schedule I because it has a legitimate use in...of all things...dentistry. Without a doubt, I'd bet the Cocaine you'd get from a doctor would be worlds better than anything you'd get from down south.

The shit they sell in GNC that will blow out your kidneys is no where close. All those mentholated formulas keep getting worse and worse.

The bad part is I see a lot of guys at the gym...the type who are huge with back zits, that can't move weight for a shit. So if someone is undertaking that risk for purely cosmetic gains, I think there is an issue with that. It also doesn't do one a bit of good to pound on 50lbs of muscle and one flight of stairs has them gasping.

Skinny fat has a bad wrap, but thick fat is no better.

The OTC methylated prohormones are liver toxic and I would recommend not using them. Being fat or lean is diet related not related to AS. Some AS will give you a puffy look due to water retention but generalizing across the board they increase muscle growth and some fat loss. The reality is lumping several hundred formulas into 1 group and saying that side effects are X is silly. It depends completely on which 1, how it is administered and dosage. Generalizing the effects of AS without being specific as to which 1 is as useful as lumping all pain meds into 1 group and saying they cause X side effect - are we discussing an Ibuprofen regimen or opiates / heroin addiction - far different outcomes. To say that AS cannot be safely administered long term or cycled and produce very effective results is incorrect.

01-29-16, 10:48

Holy Batcrap!!!

There is so much wrong and misinformation about 'Roids in this thread that I don't even know where to start. Even with my semi-limited knowledge of 'Roids, AAS or whatever you want to call them that most of the posters are totally 100% clueless.

Several people have mentioned testing for Roids while in the sandbox, which was after my time but I know the US Military started testing for 'Roids back in 1987 as part of a standard piss test.


01-29-16, 11:16

Holy Batcrap!!!

There is so much wrong and misinformation about 'Roids in this thread that I don't even know where to start. Even with my semi-limited knowledge of 'Roids, AAS or whatever you want to call them that most of the posters are totally 100% clueless.

Several people have mentioned testing for Roids while in the sandbox, which was after my time but I know the US Military started testing for 'Roids back in 1987 as part of a standard piss test.


Ummh no they were certainly not part of standard piss test for the US Military from 1987 on. I know for a FACT AS were not tested for in the mid 90"s by the Marine Corps standard piss test. I have no idea what is tested for now but know people who were for a FACT on various gear and passed pee tests mid cycle.

01-29-16, 11:29
You have to have probable cause for a steroid urinalysis and it's a separate test with a larger sample. It's not done in the average urinalysis when we check for common street drugs as we don't screen for steroids in those.

01-29-16, 12:05
The ME disagreed and declared it steroid related. I don't suppose it matters. They are dead and probably wouldn't have amounted to much had they reached adulthood.

Steroids can cause cardiomegaly. Again, not a doctor.

And again, I've known working guys who juiced and never had a piss test and once they started having issues; they regretted it.

These are my seen it/saw its. If you or anyone else wants to use it, have at it.

I begin to wonder how I ended up in this thread and am cautioning the dangers of drug abuse.

As they say in the westerns "I ain't yer paw, do as you like"

I don't think anyone here is trying to encourage steroid use. They are pointing out that your anecdotal evidence doesn't match science. If you stop taking steroids you are not automatically going to get morbidly obese. That comes from eating too much. If your friend got on doctor prescribed steroids from an injury and then got fat it was because he ate too much.

The only people I've seen have serious health issues were taking really large doses of stuff made for cows and horses.

01-29-16, 12:10
Several people have mentioned testing for Roids while in the sandbox, which was after my time but I know the US Military started testing for 'Roids back in 1987 as part of a standard piss test.


Do not misconstrue my post... and also you're wrong.

1) Piss tests are not required in theater just like PT tests are not required in theater. If your Commander wants to piss you, you're filling the cup. If your Commander wants to administer the APFT, go dig out your sneakers.

2) IAW AR 600-85, a Commander may piss his Soldiers for: Unit Inspection purposes, probable cause, fitness for duty, mishap investigation, medical, Soldier consent, or as part of rehab.

3) The following drugs are tested for: Heroin, Cocaine, Amphetamines, Benzodiazepine, MDMA, PCP, THC... and not Steroids.

Guess what happens to your piss though if you get caught with steroids and they tell you to go fill the cup?

01-29-16, 12:21
Howdy Devildawg,

Ummh no they were certainly not part of standard piss test for the US Military from 1987 on. I know for a FACT AS were not tested for in the mid 90"s by the Marine Corps standard piss test. I have no idea what is tested for now but know people who were for a FACT on various gear and passed pee tests mid cycle.

I know for a fact that the military checked for AAS/ steroid use in a standard piss test starting in 1987. It might have changed since then, but that's when it started.

Just because someone was juicing and wasn't popped on a piss test doesn't mean anything because during my era, the 80's only 2 samples out of a box of 12 were tested. If both samples were positive for any drug use then all samples were tested. So even if piss tested there was only a 1:6 chance of your sample being checked.

After Serving 7 years total I know many, many service members that used drugs, got piss tested, and were never popped.

We always said it was like playing Russian Roulette because you never know if the cylinder under the hammer has the bullet in it or if your sample would be tested.


01-29-16, 12:24
I've never been .mil, but testing for steroids is more complicated than a standard urine drug screen. Considering AAS were not controlled until 1990, it makes ZERO sense the military would test for AAS in 1987.

01-29-16, 12:36
I've never been .mil, but testing for steroids is more complicated than a standard urine drug screen. Considering AAS were not controlled until 1990, it makes ZERO sense the military would test for AAS in 1987.

I think the Military is going to tell you whatever they think you want or don't want to hear about drug screening.
I can understand how some people might feel taking the chance is worth the best possible result, in combat there are few times you don't want a possible edge. The idea of taking some substance bought locally and smuggled in the gate by a local, even a trusted local would border (in my opinion) on a bad mistake.
We're all big boys here and everyone makes and lives by their own decisions.

Just how much above board research, development and testing is currently going in to steroids and human growth hormone?

01-29-16, 13:00
Howdy PD,

I've never been .mil, but testing for steroids is more complicated than a standard urine drug screen. Considering AAS were not controlled until 1990, it makes ZERO sense the military would test for AAS in 1987.

You are misunderstanding the difference between being a controlled substance and being illegal to use by military personnel.

Heck, I knew guys and gals that were given an Article 15 for getting sun burnt.

Even before AAS besome a controlled substance you still had to have a prescription from a medical doctor to buy them, they were NOT an OTC item like aspirin.

Back in the Day I was stationed in San Antionio ( Lakeland AFB), El Paso (Ft Bliss), Dallas ( (NAS Dallas ) and San Deigo and being a "gym rat" ( getting ready to head there now even at 51 1/2yo) I knew guys and gals that were on AD that juiced and took many trips a role the border with them to buy Roids.

The military started testing for Roids in 1987, I was involved with the testing, and it was done with a simple piss test by looking for the metobilites of test. It shows up in your pee and is easily detected during a urinalysis.

Anyone that doesn't realize this in uninformed.


01-30-16, 08:35
Those who'd like to get some objective 411 on AAS, this will be of interest:

Most people only know what they hear about these drugs from the media, and the objective facts, few and far between.

This week, I cover steroids in sports with attorney Rick Collins, an authority on steroids and the law and a well known author who covers the topic of Performance enhancing drugs in sports. Forget what you have heard on some sports talk show on this topic. We will cover the reality behind performance Enhancing drugs in an objective science based manner minus the hyperbole and hysteria over these drugs in sports.


02-01-16, 21:36
Interesting Will. Thanks for sharing. Bigger, Faster, Stronger is an eye opener for quite a few people.