View Full Version : Gun show loophole exposed

01-28-16, 13:58
It's exposed!


Mauser KAR98K
01-28-16, 14:27
Crowder is freaking awesome.

Love Gary being Chicago runoff.

01-28-16, 14:33
F*cking epic!

01-28-16, 14:39
You know it is a wonder one of those guys didn't throw him out of the shop or gun show and call the police.
"I got a DUI and hit a Woman, but She was Jay Walking.."

01-28-16, 14:43
You know it is a wonder one of those guys didn't throw him out of the shop or gun show and call the police.
"I got a DUI and hit a Woman, but She was Jay Walking.."

I thought the same thing. Maybe they did he just did not include it..

01-28-16, 14:46
"What the hell is this. This is a penis"

01-28-16, 14:56
Lol he's going to end up in Gitmo.
Which is still very much open for business

01-28-16, 18:33
Great video!

Crowder's videos are always great.

I actually recognized two gun counter guys from the local Ace Hardware, lol.

01-28-16, 19:20
Never heard of this guy, but after watching his vid he seems hilarious and on point.

01-28-16, 19:40
#hashtag# truth. :sarcastic:

01-28-16, 20:10
Crowder is freaking awesome.

Love Gary being Chicago runoff.

While things in Gary went [further] south when the public housing was demolished, it didn't need help from Chicago. It was its own nightmare since the local economy collapsed. I don't think there are many neighborhoods in Chicago that can match the blight of Gary. Fun seeing dealers I recognize sweat a little.

01-28-16, 22:27
That was great. I love Crowder.

01-28-16, 22:37
Great video. Now, due to the subdued response by most of the gun shop guys I'm assuming:

-A few of them recognized Crowder and had a good idea about what he was doing.

-Some thought he was the type of guy who ends up the "dumbest things at the gun store" thread, and were interested in seeing how far he'd go.

-Some probably thought he was an undercover cop or ATF agent.

At any rate, it was good to see a video exposing the left's lies on gun control, AND some professional behavior by gun shop owners.

01-28-16, 23:24
"Class 3 license". Sheesh.

01-28-16, 23:45
"Class 3 license". Sheesh.

Pick your battles. People are finally calling magazines "magazines" and not "clips." I don't think we will ever correct the "Class III license" thing.

01-29-16, 06:00
While things in Gary went [further] south when the public housing was demolished, it didn't need help from Chicago. It was its own nightmare since the local economy collapsed. I don't think there are many neighborhoods in Chicago that can match the blight of Gary. Fun seeing dealers I recognize sweat a little.

Gary Indiana has been a hell hole since the late 70's.
How many places have you known where in '77 they had to install bullet proof glass at the phone Company?
I could go on and on, but living there was a F'ing nightmare.

Alex V
01-29-16, 06:06
Bravo Co posted this vid on FB yesterday and I nearly pissed my pants. The best is when he runs in asks for a gun right away. They say no he curses and walks out. I would love to hear the conversation behind the counter after that.

Gary, Indiana did give us Michael Jackson, so there is that shining moment.

I'm serious... He was awesome! �� I miss his crazy ass.

01-29-16, 06:16
Bravo Co posted this vid on FB yesterday and I nearly pissed my pants. The best is when he runs in asks for a gun right away. They say no he curses and walks out. I would love to hear the conversation behind the counter after that.

Gary, Indiana did give us Michael Jackson, so there is that shining moment.

I'm serious... He was awesome! �� I miss his crazy ass.

When I was working construction in Gary my supervisor told me, "If your in an accident and I don't care if you run over a kid, don't stop, drive straight to the PD." We showed up for work on morning and the A/C units that had been set in cement the day before were pulled out and missing from the housing units we were building. One morning my Dad saw a dead horse in the street on a major thoroughfare on his way to work.
That place has been dangerous crazy for decades.

01-29-16, 06:51
Stables in the wetlands off Chase, as well as "urban farms" off 20/12 near the airport. I saw a man riding a horse down the middle of 4th avenue just a few months ago. As for people stealing, someone attempted to pull copper from the 480 line to our shop. All we found was a damaged power line and two rubber soles melted to the ground.

Your supervisor was incorrect, however. There are less than 200 officers on duty now, the state pulled their patrols I think a year ago, and the county pulled out a few months back... Which is why the Crown Point Gun Show is so popular. I work 5 minutes from the PD, last emergency call had an hour and a half response time.

Alex V
01-29-16, 07:29
Copper theft is not a Gary only problem.

I designed a Chase bank that was going into a nice area of NJ. Building went up, roof done, two 15ton units placed on the roof. A month later, GC goes to start it up, nothing. Tin knocker comes out on site... looks around... missing coils in the RTU's.

01-29-16, 07:50
Copper theft is not a Gary only problem.

I designed a Chase bank that was going into a nice area of NJ. Building went up, roof done, two 15ton units placed on the roof. A month later, GC goes to start it up, nothing. Tin knocker comes out on site... looks around... missing coils in the RTU's.

Yeah I have seen that a lot in the DFW area, especially when copper and metal prices were high. 6 brand new 25 ton RTUs set on the roof and not even a week later metal thieves had stolen the coils, compressors and fan motors and completely destroyed the units in the process.

01-29-16, 09:10
Watched it last night, great vid.

Copper theft was rampant around here, but all the empty houses are stripped now, so they moved to substations.
After 2 or 3 news stories of fire dept showing up to a pile of smoldering ash that was once a person, the theft has slowed down significantly.