View Full Version : Opinion needed.....

08-15-08, 00:55
Hello all,
I am about to make two major purchases and would like some opinions.
I have decided that I want to get serious about getting some quality formal training in both pistol and rifle.

Since I have decided to get serious about the prospect of training, I have decided that I would spare no expense on the equipment. I first sought out to find a rifle that I could buy that would last me as long as possible, so I decided to drop some coin on a Noveske Lo-Pro, which in my research I have found to be one of the top tier weapons.

This leaves me with the decision on which red dot optic to purchase. I have had extensive training with iron sights and know the benefits of a good red dot sight, which narrows my brands down to Aimpoint.

I have narrowed my options down to the Comp M4s and the T-1 Micro, sitting in Larue mounts. Both have great reputations for quality and reliability, but this is where my question lies.

Which, in your opinions would be better suited atop my Noveske? like I said I want this weapon to get used, but I also want the equipment to last. I know that the T-1 will save quite a bit of weight, but the M4s looks beefier.

Any insight or experiences that you may be able to give me is greatly appreciated and I thank you in advance.

BravoSix out.

08-15-08, 01:24
I have both the T1 and the M4s and like the T1 better. Much better!!! i like saving weight and the T1 is just as rugged as the M4 IMO

08-15-08, 01:30
I have both of them. The M4S is easier to see, but heavier. The T1 is smaller, so you need a good cheek weld, but is very light. The M4S lasts for almost 10 years with a lithium AA battery and the T1 "just" 5 years with its CR2032 battery.

Both are great optical sights. Got Larue mounts for everything.

Which one is better? Well, it would depends on the situation...

The T1 sits on my Colt A3 Patrol Rifle at work, since light means fast and I do not want a lot stuff on it.

The M4S with 3x magnifier on a LT pivot mount stays on my Noveske middy upper for all around SHTF stuff, to include prairie dogs and when the zombies attack...

So, if I was forced to keep just one rifle, I would go with the Noveske middy with the M4S/3x combo, since it does everything, is definitely rugged, even if a little heavier.

That help?

08-15-08, 14:35
I have a limited amount of time on the T-1, but quite a few years of experience with the M2/M3. I find that I can find the dot faster in the larger tubed Aimpoints when my presentation goes poorly. However- it is usually pretty obvious where the dot is if it isn't visable.

Not a hit against either one- just an observation.

08-15-08, 14:44
I may be off on this but I personally think Aimpoint went in the wrong direction with the M4. It is noticably large for me. I think the M2/M3 series was/is a better set up if you want the larger tube. I think the value that you get for the AA battery is outweighed by the size of the sight. Now I am not a grunt, nor do we have patrol rifles yet, but I know from my time behind a carbine, that weight and large sights can be a pain. I haven't had much trigger time behind a T1 so I cannot readily comment. Having seen one mounted on an 870 made me want one though.


08-15-08, 16:42
Thanks for the replies guys.

I have noticed that the M4 does seem to be on the large size, especially with the Larue tall mount.

I do like the weight savings that I would get with the T-1, but again when compared to the M4 it does not look as beefy. I have seen the range videos with both being tossed across the range as an example of thier ruggedness, and am impressed, but I am just wondering if the T-1 would outlast the same punishment as the M4. Being able to use AA battereies would be nice, but it is my understanding that the T-1 batteries would not break the bank so this is really a non issue.

Have any of you switched from a M2/M3 to either the T-1/M4 and have really noticed the weight difference?

Thanks again in advance,

BravoSix out.

08-15-08, 17:52
From the M4 to the T1 I did notice a weight difference. From the the M3 to the M4 I didn't. YMMV

Rob has an aimpoint chart doesn't he?

08-19-08, 01:08
I faced a similar decision a few months back, (just before the M4-S came out)

I had to choose between the Comp M4 and the T-1. I chose the Comp M4.

The deciding factor for me was battery availability. Yeah, both units have really long battery life. 8 years vs 5 years.. who cares?

But, in lets say a Hurricane Katrina type of SHTF situation... are you gonna want to try to locate a CR2032 battery in your flooded out neighborhood, or a AA battery? Heck, you could rob the TV remote for a AA battery. Or a garage door opener, or one of your flashlights, etc...

Anyway, I love the Comp m4, as does everyone who shoots that carbine.
I may get a T-1 for another carbine, just to see the difference. Who knows I might change my opinion then..