View Full Version : Want to stop Islamic terrorism? Be nicer to Muslims.

02-06-16, 20:54
The cuckoldry and betrayal of modern civilization.
I'm pretty sure Hussein is on board with this, as well as numerous others.


Washington Post Says Being Nicer To Muslims Will Stop Islamic Terrorism
Proud Conservative 2 days ago

Apparently, if we smile at Muslims and give them hugs, they would not want to kill us, so says writers Sarah Lyons-Padilla and Michele Gelfand from the Washington Post

The article blames the way Muslims are treated for the level of terrorism we have around the globe.

You can read the entire article at Washington Post, but here are some excerpts:

“Such displays of intolerance can make Muslims feel like they don’t belong in Europe or the United States.”

“Our research, forthcoming in Behavioral Science and Policy, and in partnership with the World Organization for Resource Development and Education, shows that making Muslims feel this way can fuel support for radical movements. In other words, many Western policies that aim to prevent terrorism may actually be causing it.”
“To decrease the risk of homegrown radicalization, we should work to improve integration of Muslim immigrants, not further isolate them. This means welcoming Syrian refugees, not excluding them. It means redefining what it means to be American or German in a way that is inclusive and doesn’t represent only the majority culture. It means showing interest in and appreciation for other cultural and religious traditions, not fearing them.”
“Our data suggest that policies that pressure immigrants to conform to their adopted culture, like France’s ban on religious symbols in public institutions or the “burqa ban,” are likely to backfire, because such policies are disrespectful of their heritage.”
“Communities can make it harder for terrorists to recruit by helping the culturally homeless feel more at home.”

So, if we roll over to Muslims, accept their culture as our own, they will stop killing us?

Of course they will stop! That is what they want. They have a message and theology that teaches “conform to what we believe, our way of life, or we will kill you”.

So, thank you, Washington Post, for stating the obvious. We are so much better off now and headed down the path of saving humanity.

Original appeasement/article here:


Want to stop Islamic terrorism? Be nicer to Muslims.
A warmer embrace could stop homegrown terrorism.

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By Sarah Lyons-Padilla and Michele Gelfand November 24, 2015
Sarah Lyons-Padilla is a cultural psychologist at Stanford University whose research examines intercultural conflict and motivations behind terrorism.

A sign welcoming Syrian refugees at the Arizona statehouse, where Gov. Doug Ducey has joined a growing number of governors opposing the placement of any new refugees in the wake of terrorist attacks in Paris. (AP Photo/Ross D. Franklin)
The discovery that several of the Paris attackers were European nationals has fueled concern about Muslim immigrants becoming radicalized in the West.

Some politicians have expressed views that the best way to avoid homegrown terrorists is to shut the door.

The refugee migration debate turned even more contentious after authorities found a Syrian passport at the scene of the attack. Poland is now turning back refugees, more than half of American governors have vowed to refuse Middle Easterners seeking a new beginning, and House Speaker Paul D. Ryan has asked for a “pause” on the federal Syrian refugee program.

Fearful reactions to terrorist violence are nothing new. Incidents of extremist activity are often followed by anti-Islam protests or hate crimes. Reports of the Islamic State luring Western Muslims abroad are followed by a tightening of homeland security policy. Just after the attacks in Paris, presidential hopeful Donald Trump said that he would be willing to close mosques in America.

Such displays of intolerance can make Muslims feel like they don’t belong in Europe or the United States.

Our research, forthcoming in Behavioral Science and Policy, and in partnership with the World Organization for Resource Development and Education, shows that making Muslims feel this way can fuel support for radical movements. In other words, many Western policies that aim to prevent terrorism may actually be causing it.

Preventing radicalization

In our research, we asked hundreds of Muslims in Germany and the United States to tell us about their experiences as religious and cultural minorities, including their feelings of being excluded or discriminated against on the basis of their religion. We also asked how they balance their heritage identities with their American or German identities. We wanted to know if these kinds of experiences were related to their feelings toward radical groups and causes.

There are a lot of practical and ethical barriers to studying what makes someone become a terrorist.

Click here for more information!
We normally don’t know who terrorists are until after they’ve committed an attack. By then, we can only rely on after-the-fact explanations as to what motivated them. We can’t perform a controlled laboratory study to see who would participate in an act of terrorism. In surveys, we can’t ask someone straightforwardly how much they would like to join a radical movement, because most people who are becoming radicalized would not answer honestly.

Instead, we measured a couple of indicators of support for radicalism. We asked people how willing they would be to sacrifice themselves for an important cause. We also measured the extent to which participants held a radical interpretation of Islam. For example, we asked whether it’s acceptable to engage in violent jihad. Finally, we asked people to read a description of a hypothetical radical group and tell us how much they liked the group and how much they would want to support it. This hypothetical group consisted of Muslims in the United States (or Germany, in the German study) who were upset about how Muslims were treated by society and would stop at nothing to protect Islam.

Overall, support for these indicators of extremism was very low, which is a reminder that the vast majority of Muslims do not hold radical views.

But the responses of some people showed they felt marginalized and identified with neither the culture of their heritage nor the culture of their adopted country.

We described people as “culturally homeless” when they didn’t practice the same customs or share the same values as others in their adopted culture but also felt different from other people of their heritage.

We found that people who said they were torn between cultures also reported feeling ashamed, meaningless and hopeless. They expressed an overall lack of significance in their lives or a feeling that they don’t really matter. The more people’s sense of self worth was threatened, the more they expressed support for radicalism.

Our findings are consistent with a theory in psychology that terrorists are looking for a way to find meaning in their lives. When people experience a loss to their sense of personal significance — for example, through being humiliated or disrespected — they seek out other outlets for creating meaning.

Extremists know and exploit these vulnerabilities, targeting Muslims whose sense of significance is low or threatened. Radical religious groups give these culturally homeless Muslims a sense of certainty, purpose and structure.

For people who already feel culturally homeless, discrimination by the adopted society can make matters worse. In our data, people who said they had been excluded or discriminated against on the basis of their religion experienced a threat to their self-esteem. The negative effects of discrimination were the most damaging for people who already felt culturally homeless.

Our results suggest that cultivating anti-immigrant or anti-Islamic sentiment is deeply counterproductive. Anti-immigrant discourse is likely to fuel support for extremism, rather than squelch it.

Integration the goal

To decrease the risk of homegrown radicalization, we should work to improve integration of Muslim immigrants, not further isolate them. This means welcoming Syrian refugees, not excluding them. It means redefining what it means to be American or German in a way that is inclusive and doesn’t represent only the majority culture. It means showing interest in and appreciation for other cultural and religious traditions, not fearing them.

According to our data, most Muslims in the United States and in Germany want to blend their two cultures. But it is difficult to do this if either side pressures them to choose.

We should not confuse integration with assimilation.

Integration means encouraging immigrants to call themselves American, German or French and to take pride in their own cultural and religious heritage.

Our data suggest that policies that pressure immigrants to conform to their adopted culture, like France’s ban on religious symbols in public institutions or the “burqa ban,” are likely to backfire, because such policies are disrespectful of their heritage.

In the United States, the pressure to conform comes in the implicit meaning of the “melting pot” metaphor that underlies our cultural ethos. This idea encourages newcomers to shed their cultural uniqueness in the interest of forging a homogeneous national identity. In comparison, the “mixed salad” or “cultural mosaic” metaphors often used in Canada communicate appreciation for cultural differences.

In Germany, immigrants without sufficient German language skills are required to complete an integration course, which is essentially a tutorial on how to be German. Interestingly, we found that the more German Muslim participants perceived that Germans wanted them to assimilate, the less desire they had to do so. We also see these identity struggles in Muslim communities in France, where “being French” and “being Muslim” are thought to be mutually exclusive.

Our findings point to a strategy for reducing homegrown radicalization: encouraging immigrants to participate in both of their cultures plus curbing discrimination against Muslims. This strategy is better for both immigrants’ well-being and adopted cultures’ political stability.

For an example of how this can be done successfully, look to a jihadist rehabilitation program in Aarhus, Denmark, where the police work with the Muslim community to help reintegrate foreign fighters and find ways for them to participate in Danish society without compromising their religious values.

Communities can make it harder for terrorists to recruit by helping the culturally homeless feel more at home.

02-06-16, 21:09
I'm nice to anybody who is nice to me.
Beyond that I'm just civil.
Beyond that still, well....no reason to go there.

Anything else is wholly irrelevant.

ETA "Radicalism" is a personal choice.
Nothing more.

02-06-16, 21:23
I'm nice to anybody who is nice to me.
Beyond that I'm just civil.
Beyond that still, well....no reason to go there.

Anything else is wholly irrelevant.

ETA "Radicalism" is a personal choice.
Nothing more.


I'm nice to every Muslim I meet. I don't care what religion, lack or religion, or political view a person has. But the second some tries to kill me, I'm dropping them.

26 Inf
02-06-16, 21:41
Totally agree with the last two posts.

Undoubtedly you would stop some radicalization if immigrants were exposed to a friendlier, more welcoming populace. By the same token, I think most of the radical Islamics have that predisposition and being welcomed with open arms won't sway them, in fact it would probably encourage them.

The problem for me is I'm not willing to paint the majority of Muslims with same brush I paint the evil minority. So I go with friendly, then correct, then act. You can solve a lot of problems if you are thinking 3 steps ahead.

02-06-16, 21:42
He who is compassionate to the cruel is destined to be cruel to the compassionate.

02-06-16, 22:04
We protected and went to war in Yugoslavia to protect Muslims and that got us?

Whacked an Arab dictator and gave them democracy and they did what with it?

After every Islamic inspired attack, our leaders go out of their way to not impugn all Muslims in ways that we in the firearms community could only wish for when some general wacko uses a gun.

Love them more?

I saw a quote from a Quds force general mocking Saudi Arabia's plans to intervene in Syria with conventional ground troops. He said that history has shown that the irregular forces beat conventional forces.

I'm glad this is the lesson that he has taken away. The lesson that I take away is that if you are going to use conventional forces, you need to use the tried and true Western concept of complete war. Something that going back to the Greek tearing up the Persians the middle easterners have not been able to comprehend or counter.

To the main point of the article to wrap it up. Want more hugs so that they will treat us better? Nope. Behave better or else you will eventually face the wrath of industrial scale violence. No more of this boutique, mom-and-pop, Palestinian-Israeli, ISIS-Assad screwing around. Full corporate, big-box, institutionalized bing-bang-boom.

I'm still waiting for Irish-Catholics to be respected in this country. You ****ers shot our guy who got to be president.

02-06-16, 22:17
May I ask who "you ****ers" are?

I honestly didn't know Irish-Catholics had a hard time. I know Catholicism gets a hard time because of sex scandals but so do a lot of organizations. Even boyscouts.

I guess I'm protestant, but aside from rituals; never saw much difference. Pray to the same God. I've known a few priests(like literally few where I'm at) who were pretty normal guys.
Catholic schools still represent the gold standard for ecumenical education. Try to impress good morals.

I was even sort of attracted to a redhead once. With freckles. Yes, her name was Megan. ALL their names are Megan.

Blame the Marines for teaching Oswald to shoot and the Daily Worker for selling him newsletters(sarcasm/Backhanded Full Metal Jacket joke).

In fact, Catholic hate and the Troubles still vex me right along with Soccer hooliganism.

I understand the whole 'Republican' thing. But....see I have nothing to do with it.

02-06-16, 22:27
Sorry, more of a joke. Except it's kind of true. Quarter of the population, largest religious body in the US, and one president, who just happens to have been assassinated. If this were the Oscars people would be throwing a hissy fit. Nobody assassinated Sidney Potier. You don't see people going around, except to make a ham-handed comments, about how Catholics are not welcome here.

The point I poorly made was that any number of people could take offense to how they are or were treated in the US. Get in line and take a number, but don't expect anyone to care. Just don't blow crap up.

02-06-16, 22:30
I was being facetious myself.
But seriously, every redhead I've ever met was named Megan.

Wassup wit dat?

02-06-16, 22:38
I think Sarah Lyons-Padilla and Michele Gelfand should be our ambassadors to ISIS and show us how it is done.

02-06-16, 22:47
I was being facetious myself.
But seriously, every redhead I've ever met was named Megan.

Wassup wit dat?

Maybe you should get out more? I've known redheads name Annie, Sara, Sylvia, Deborah, Faith, and other names. None named Megan though. Only thing that all had in common was that they were all were ****ing insane. And i am not talking the usually, she a woman and crazy shit which we all expect, I am talking text book examples of why I sleep with guns. Not, A gun, but GUNS plural. Of course I am also a psycho bitch magnet as well as psycho girlfriend magnet, so maybe I ain't the best example for that. Christ I long for a girl who just has daddy issues these days.

As far as islam, that golden rule stuff runs both ways, how about they treat others with some respect first and we go from there huh?

26 Inf
02-06-16, 22:53

I'm still waiting for Irish-Catholics to be respected in this country. You ****ers shot our guy who got to be president.[/QUOTE]

Well yeah, he was banging Marilyn Monroe, Joe DiMaggio's ex-wife, no wonder the Mob had him killed.

Also a lot of folks thought 'Blown Away' was a true story.

26 Inf
02-06-16, 23:17
He who is compassionate to the cruel is destined to be cruel to the compassionate.

Benito -

I guess we are missing something in the old communication process. It is really quite simple, not every Muslim is a hate-filled radical. I try to see people as they are and treat them accordingly. In order to do this I always have to be alert for cues of danger. Once I discern someone is not righteous I act accordingly. This makes it more difficult for me than if I was willing to just stereotype and hate, but it is the way God created me.

Put someone who demonstrates cruelty in front of me and we will see whether compassion is a component of my response. In the past it has not been, although, any force I've ever used has been justified.

02-06-16, 23:45

I'm nice to every Muslim I meet. I don't care what religion, lack or religion, or political view a person has. But the second some tries to kill me, I'm dropping them.

What about the ones who aren't trying to kill you (yet, anyways - the numbers are not quite on their side yet), but want to change laws to ban offending them, want to create parallel Sharia courts, and various legal jihad?

What a lot of people don't grasp is that violent jihad is just one form of many forms of jihad.

Totally agree with the last two posts.

Undoubtedly you would stop some radicalization if immigrants were exposed to a friendlier, more welcoming populace. By the same token, I think most of the radical Islamics have that predisposition and being welcomed with open arms won't sway them, in fact it would probably encourage them.

The problem for me is I'm not willing to paint the majority of Muslims with same brush I paint the evil minority. So I go with friendly, then correct, then act. You can solve a lot of problems if you are thinking 3 steps ahead.

"Undoubtedly". That's unsubstantiated. Odd that we don't need to be friendly and warm to every other group to keep them from raping and killing us.

Evolutionary psychology (and most people's experiences) tell us that appeasement usually backfires.
If you keep bending over backwards, you only make yourself look weak and encourage further aggression.
People (and animals) respect strength. Weakness and the lack of dignity is like blood in the water to a shark.
Women respect men who don't grovel. Men respect women who aren't easy. Monkeys respect strong males, and will sometimes kill or exile weaker ones.
Thinking 3 steps ahead makes sense if one's plan is likely to work.

This broad brush thing is something I have to address.
Look, not all felons in maximum security are bad. Some of them are there mistakenly (as in they are innocent), some have turned their lives around, but it is still a foolish thing for a woman to stroll into a male prison alone.
Immigration is supposed to be selective. That means we can, and should(!) choose based on risk probability. If Chinese immigrants rape at 1%, and Arab/North African Muslims rape at 5% (let's assume it's this low), it makes perfect sense to select your immigrants from the former group, and not the latter. Yes, 95% of the latter are not rapists, but relative to the former, they are 5x likelier to rape.

We protected and went to war in Yugoslavia to protect Muslims and that got us?

Whacked an Arab dictator and gave them democracy and they did what with it?

After every Islamic inspired attack, our leaders go out of their way to not impugn all Muslims in ways that we in the firearms community could only wish for when some general wacko uses a gun.

Love them more?

I saw a quote from a Quds force general mocking Saudi Arabia's plans to intervene in Syria with conventional ground troops. He said that history has shown that the irregular forces beat conventional forces.

I'm glad this is the lesson that he has taken away. The lesson that I take away is that if you are going to use conventional forces, you need to use the tried and true Western concept of complete war. Something that going back to the Greek tearing up the Persians the middle easterners have not been able to comprehend or counter.

To the main point of the article to wrap it up. Want more hugs so that they will treat us better? Nope. Behave better or else you will eventually face the wrath of industrial scale violence. No more of this boutique, mom-and-pop, Palestinian-Israeli, ISIS-Assad screwing around. Full corporate, big-box, institutionalized bing-bang-boom.

I'm still waiting for Irish-Catholics to be respected in this country. You ****ers shot our guy who got to be president.

Exactly. We have bent over backwards for Muslims and it only makes them hate more.

Benito -

I guess we are missing something in the old communication process. It is really quite simple, not every Muslim is a hate-filled radical. I try to see people as they are and treat them accordingly. In order to do this I always have to be alert for cues of danger. Once I discern someone is not righteous I act accordingly. This makes it more difficult for me than if I was willing to just stereotype and hate, but it is the way God created me.

Put someone who demonstrates cruelty in front of me and we will see whether compassion is a component of my response. In the past it has not been, although, any force I've ever used has been justified.

26 Inf:
a) Muslim = follower of the ideology of Islam, of the Koran, of Mohammed.
b) by definition, all Muslims are hate-filled for infidels. Period.
c) even if we discount the definition of Muslim/Islam, why the hell should anybody be nicer to group A than to group B, when group A is committing more rapes and crimes? Rewarding people for misbehavior is crazy and immoral. We have been nice as can be to them, despite them not having done a damn thing to reciprocate or deserve it.

02-07-16, 01:08
The article blames the way Muslims are treated for the level of terrorism we have around the globe.

Actually somebody got that backwards.

When somebody is a participating member of a hate cult, I keep them at arms length generally.

Find a muslim and ask them if "jihad" is ever valid. If they say yes, they have just told you that sometimes they support a "holy war." This is no different from supporting "race war" ideology and believing it's ok to actually kill based upon race and beliefs. Anyone who has any of these views needs to be shunned.

02-07-16, 01:14
America has been beating religion out of people for 70+ years. 'Burqa Bans' lead to terrorism? No one seemed to care when if you mentioned Jesus in your Valedictorian speech, have a football coach lead the team in prayer or have any kind of moral position adjacent to Christian teachings declared religious and therefore allowed to be censored.

We've gone from Freedom of Religion to Freedom from Religion, but we're supposed to take a U-turn on that? Because why? Because marginalizing religious people leads some of them to literally explode?

So what they are teaching us is that if you are willing to be violent in the name of your cause, you might get some accommodation. Something oddly that I have never heard after violence directed at an Abortion provider by some on the fringes of Christianity.

The article draws a distinction between assimilation and integration. Bring your food, bring your religion, bring your quirky holidays and integrate into Western Society. Come from a land where the national sport seems to be bloodshed and cruelty, sorry, we aren't going to 'integrate' that. They left that craziness behind, forgive us if we ask for some assimilation- call it skin in the game and that you've switched sides. We don't have guys in kilts walking around, girls in wooden shoes and dogs at BBQs are guests, not the main course.

Welcome to America. We kind of like it how it is, you are welcome to make suggestions, but don't get but hurt when we don't get down with everything you brought. Somethings just get left behind.

02-07-16, 01:24
Actually somebody got that backwards.

When somebody is a participating member of a hate cult, I keep them at arms length generally.

Find a muslim and ask them if "jihad" is ever valid. If they say yes, they have just told you that sometimes they support a "holy war." This is no different from supporting "race war" ideology and believing it's ok to actually kill based upon race and beliefs. Anyone who has any of these views needs to be shunned.

I do business with some guys from Turkey. College educated, well off, Western savvy people who insist that no Jews were killed on 9/11 because they were warned ahead of time. What are you going to do with that? For all the complaints about Westerners treatment of Muslims, I see as much distrust and outright misunderstanding coming the other way.

02-07-16, 01:38
I do business with some guys from Turkey. College educated, well off, Western savvy people who insist that no Jews were killed on 9/11 because they were warned ahead of time. What are you going to do with that? For all the complaints about Westerners treatment of Muslims, I see as much distrust and outright misunderstanding coming the other way.

Still better than the college educated one's who believe Israel actually attacked us on 9-11.

02-07-16, 03:39
Undoubtedly you would stop some radicalization if immigrants were exposed to a friendlier, more welcoming populace.

Just how is that working out for Western Europe exactly? You can't get any friendlier or more welcoming that allowing people to literally rape your women and children and then pick up the tab for their housing and food.

By the same token, I think most of the radical Islamics have that predisposition and being welcomed with open arms won't sway them, in fact it would probably encourage them.

Well Islamic factions in one form or another have been attempting to conquer Europe since 647 A.D., it's 2016 A.D. I really don't see them changing their business model well ever.

You can solve a lot of problems if you are thinking 3 steps ahead.

It's amazing the problems that don't need solving when a nation can simply say; "No.". . .

02-07-16, 03:46
waiting for the "Have you hugged a muslim today"
bumper stickers ;)

meanwhile there bumper sticker "have you beheaded a infidel today"

02-07-16, 04:00
Sorry, more of a joke. Except it's kind of true. Quarter of the population, largest religious body in the US, and one president, who just happens to have been assassinated. If this were the Oscars people would be throwing a hissy fit. Nobody assassinated Sidney Potier. You don't see people going around, except to make a ham-handed comments, about how Catholics are not welcome here.

The point I poorly made was that any number of people could take offense to how they are or were treated in the US. Get in line and take a number, but don't expect anyone to care. Just don't blow crap up.

Lolz, you really can't get any more pathetic than to cry that the Oscars are the "white BET Awards" . . . the double standard and blatant hypocrisy.

As for the Catholic thing, my German side of the family tree first arrived on these shores in 1724 to escape persecution from Catholics in Bavaria.

02-07-16, 17:40
America has been beating religion out of people for 70+ years. 'Burqa Bans' lead to terrorism? No one seemed to care when if you mentioned Jesus in your Valedictorian speech, have a football coach lead the team in prayer or have any kind of moral position adjacent to Christian teachings declared religious and therefore allowed to be censored.

We've gone from Freedom of Religion to Freedom from Religion, but we're supposed to take a U-turn on that? Because why? Because marginalizing religious people leads some of them to literally explode?

So what they are teaching us is that if you are willing to be violent in the name of your cause, you might get some accommodation. Something oddly that I have never heard after violence directed at an Abortion provider by some on the fringes of Christianity.

Yes, well here in North America, Christians tend to be white (therefore totally responsible for their own actions).
But in most of the world, Muslims tend to be non-white (therefore not responsible for their own actions - the root cause being Jews, whitey, etc.)

When Christians are brown/black/etc., or when Muslims are white, then the rules invert.

Self-enforced Sharia is the name of the game for the media and for political leadership in the West.

I do business with some guys from Turkey. College educated, well off, Western savvy people who insist that no Jews were killed on 9/11 because they were warned ahead of time. What are you going to do with that? For all the complaints about Westerners treatment of Muslims, I see as much distrust and outright misunderstanding coming the other way.

This. I know a few Turkic folk from Azerbaijan, and same thing. University undergraduate degrees, graduate degrees, good jobs, nice houses, nice cars, fluent English, all the trappings of Western life. They are very SJW in their beliefs when it comes to the West (gays are oppressed, blacks are oppressed, women are oppressed, etc.)
They dress Western (no burqas, headscarves or any of that shit), do not go to mosque, claim they are not Muslim (although they certainly sympathize with them) and actually claim to not believe in God at all.
But they insist that:
- 9/11 was a black flag operation to justify going on a Crusade to kill Muslims and steal their oil.
- ISIS is a US/British/Zionist ploy to justify killing Muslims
- white people are basically the cause of all evil, here and abroad.
- the Paris attacks were not representative of Islam
- We haven't broached the subject of the Turks committing genocide against Armenians, but it's a safe bet they think it was a hoax

Just how is that working out for Western Europe exactly? You can't get any friendlier or more welcoming that allowing people to literally rape your women and children and then pick up the tab for their housing and food.

Yes, but don't you see that complaining about being raped, rather than embracing the cultural enrichment, makes them feel offended??
Stop being so culturally insensitive and racist!!

Well Islamic factions in one form or another have been attempting to conquer Europe since 647 A.D., it's 2016 A.D. I really don't see them changing their business model well ever.

Referencing history, are we?? You know who else referenced history?? Hitler, that's who.
Go back to Stormfront, you white supremacist!!!

It's amazing the problems that don't need solving when a nation can simply say; "No.". . .

What??? Saying no to a racialized minority immigrant group who simply wants to violently rape your women and turn back the clock 1400 years???
Who are you to say "rape" is "bad"??
They are the real victims here! By prancing around with makeup and uncovered skin, attractive white women are forcing these misunderstood Muslims to rape them. That's the real injustice.

02-07-16, 18:25
waiting for the "Have you hugged a muslim today"
bumper stickers ;)

meanwhile there bumper sticker "have you beheaded a infidel today"

I say we go 70s retro with "Muslims are Foxy."

02-07-16, 18:46
muslim FRO BRO :)

I say we go 70s retro with "Muslims are Foxy."

02-08-16, 02:52
Benito, thanks for the laughs bro. As usual you are on point.

Did you see this story? Yes be nicer to them . . .

10-Year Old Boy Brutally Raped By Iraqi Migrant At Pool In Vienna

An Iraqi migrant has admitted to raping a ten year old boy in a Viennese swimming pool so ferociously that the boy had to be hospitalised for his injuries. The man said he knew it was wrong but couldn’t help himself as he hadn’t had sex in months.


02-08-16, 07:59
Here's a heartwarming tale of kindness.
Sweden is training its lovely Muslim immigrants how to shoot. Yep, government funding being used to train Muslims how to shoot. I don't see any problems here. I mean, if they're going to launch terrorist attacks and kill people, might as well train them so they don't waste ammunition, right? This lowers their carbon footprint, while also lowering the carbon footprint of infidels. It's a win-win.


Sweden: State-funded Muslim “Sniper” Training

The Swedish state is funding a “sniper” training course for recently-arrived Third World “refugees” as part of their “integration program”—despite the ever-growing refugee-terrorist attacks across Europe.


The almost unbelievable plunge into insanity—started two years ago already—was reported—in a positive pro-refugee light—by the Allehanda newspaper in Sweden, under the title “Fired up for Sniping,” (Laddade för prickskytte, literally “Charged up for Sniping”) and shows a large number of Third Worlders being taught how to target shoot with “sniper” target rifles on a formal shooting ground in Sollefteå, central Sweden.


The Allehanda informs its readers that the “sniping course” began on a “small scale in the Fall,” but then for reasons which are obvious, but which the Swedish newspaper ignores, “interest exploded” among the nonwhite invaders to take the course.

When the Allehanda visited the shooting range, “more than 50 immigrant youths were on the course,” honing their shooting skills.

Even more incredibly, the sniping course is being paid for by Sweden’s state-funded Migration Agency as an “integration” program into Swedish society.

“Young people from all over the world—Syria, Afghanistan, Africa, [and] South America” are taking sniping lessons, the Allehanda said, and some of them are “interested and very talented,” the paper quoted course supervisor Birgit Höglin as saying.

The program is offered as part of the language course at the local upper secondary school, Höglin said, saying that the benefits of the program are “much more” than just teaching the invaders how to use sniping rifles.

“Here they talk Swedish in other social contexts, meet new people, and hang out. It is especially good for their vocabulary,” Höglin said.

It seems of no concern to these liberals that every single terrorist attack on Europe in 2015 was carried out by “refugees.”

State-funded sniper training for “young immigrants” seems so out of place that such an undertaking is firmly in the realm of the insane, and would, if not actually happening, be the subject of some bizarre joke.

Unfortunately, it is not.





Awkwardly translated from Swedish.




It began on a small scale in the fall. But in the spring, interest has exploded. Now shoot more than 50 immigrant youths dot on the biathlon course in Sollefteå.
Clarifications Regarding cited "sniper training" article
Maria Ibrahim loading rifle and lies down on the green rubber mat. She is aiming carefully and long before she pushes against the classic target of five black dots.
The white caps fall into place one by one. Five hits out of five possible.
- I think this is a good activity, she says.
- It's fun to learn to shoot, and we have fun together. We laugh a lot. If this continues into the fall, I will certainly be with!
Over 50 young immigrants have found the biathlon track at Hallstaberget. His Nauclér, which holds the course together with Björn Lindblom and Birgit Höglin, very satisfied.
- Already the sample hit in March, more than 50 young people from around the world - Syria, Afghanistan, Africa, South America. And it has persisted. They are interested and very talented, and some come from war-torn areas has never been a problem.
All young people go to the individual program in secondary schools, targeting language. Teacher Birgit Höglin points out several advantages.
- It's much more than the sport itself, she says.
- Here they talk Swedish socializing, meeting new people and socialize in other forms. It is good not least for the vocabulary. In addition, it is sure discipline and safety, also it is a useful experience.
His Nauclér agree.
- At the security is very important. The inches we do not!

02-08-16, 09:53
Do we take any solace in that they aren't teaching them very well?

Trigger finger, support, prone position and I guess PPE is not needed that far north.

02-09-16, 02:00
Here's a heartwarming tale of kindness.
Sweden is training its lovely Muslim immigrants how to shoot. Yep, government funding being used to train Muslims how to shoot. I don't see any problems here. I mean, if they're going to launch terrorist attacks and kill people, might as well train them so they don't waste ammunition, right? This lowers their carbon footprint, while also lowering the carbon footprint of infidels. It's a win-win.



Awkwardly translated from Swedish.

Well if your going to commit national suicide you might as well go all in.

While they're at it they should ban any and all firearms from native citizens and pass out Bofors AK5s along with food stamps to the migrants.

26 Inf
02-09-16, 08:50
Do we take any solace in that they aren't teaching them very well?

Trigger finger, support, prone position and I guess PPE is not needed that far north.

Maybe they are thinking deaf and blind people aren't that much of a threat with a firearm? Those Swedes are an especially tricky people.

Crow Hunter
02-09-16, 09:34
I want to know where they get all that .22 ammo and why they aren't exporting more over here. :)

02-09-16, 10:49
Are you kidding? This country (along with much of Old Europe) is nicer to Muslims than any other part of the world.

We pretty much let them do whatever and don't deport them when their visas expire. Our own leaders chastise us for not being more "tolerant" of them as well.

America is being as nice as can be to these people, if you ask me...and they STILL want to kill us.

02-09-16, 10:58
Benito, thanks for the laughs bro. As usual you are on point.

Did you see this story? Yes be nicer to them . . .

10-Year Old Boy Brutally Raped By Iraqi Migrant At Pool In Vienna


But was it on Man-Boy love Thursday? If it was those Austrians can't do anything about it. Iraqi culture and such.

02-09-16, 13:42
I've tried discussing religion with several Muslims that I knew through work. Out of about 6 only 1 could have a rational discussion about Islam.

He was unaware of so much of the Koran it was ridiculous. When I sat down with him and we looked at the Koran, Sira and Hadith he was appalled by much of it and he was questioning his decisions.

He was a white dude born in America who married into an Muslim family and converted to be able to marry their daughter. He said he just went along with it and never really cared much what religion he was.

The others were ME born and immigrated here. They could barely speak about their religion without getting pissed that I wanted to discuss it with them and debate the merits of it with them.

I am incredibly nice to everyone until they force me to be otherwise- and then I go from 0-11 with a reaction equal tot heir actions- violent rage is a last resort but a useful tool when needed.

This idea that being nice will somehow magically stop someone from hating you and wanting to kill you (If that's what they want to do) is ludicrous.

If people cannot stop themselves from killing/raping/hurting others because people are not "nice" to them- they belong in prison or hell.

02-09-16, 14:13
Personally, I think Muslims from the Middle East are simply not compatible with Western values and therefore I think the United States should ban Muslim immigration from the Middle East until that part of the world moves into the modern era. Islam has no concept of individual liberty, rights for minorities , rights for women, rights for people holding different religious views, a value on education, concept of representative government, etc.... Plus, on top of that there exists a sizable minority of Muslims who think it is ok to wage Jihad against non-Muslims. We have no way to thoroughly vet people from that part of the world and therefore should err on the side of caution. Right now adding large numbers of low skilled Muslim immigrants from the Middle East is like trying to mix oil and water it simply doesn't work.

02-09-16, 16:08
......there they go. Pissing away .22.
Meanwhile there are people here who go wanting.

02-09-16, 20:51
Well if your going to commit national suicide you might as well go all in.

While they're at it they should ban any and all firearms from native citizens and pass out Bofors AK5s along with food stamps to the migrants.

We laugh, but as far-fetched as that used to seem to me, it also seemed far-fetched to imagine what we are seeing before us.
Muslim rapists in Sweden get sympathy and Stockholm Syndrome-related pandering from the elites and progressives. They actively hate white Swedes, and seek to replace them with Muslims, who will vote for them until there's enough of them to vote in full-fledged Sharia.
Europe will come to a crossroads: either civil war/rebellion or subjugation to Sharia.

Personally, I think Muslims from the Middle East are simply not compatible with Western values and therefore I think the United States should ban Muslim immigration from the Middle East until that part of the world moves into the modern era. Islam has no concept of individual liberty, rights for minorities , rights for women, rights for people holding different religious views, a value on education, concept of representative government, etc.... Plus, on top of that there exists a sizable minority of Muslims who think it is ok to wage Jihad against non-Muslims. We have no way to thoroughly vet people from that part of the world and therefore should err on the side of caution. Right now adding large numbers of low skilled Muslim immigrants from the Middle East is like trying to mix oil and water it simply doesn't work.

No argument here, but I wouldn't limit it to Middle Eastern Muslims. It's Muslims, period - white,black, brown, yellow, they all abide by the hateful cancer that is Islam.

02-10-16, 01:58
I was being facetious myself.
But seriously, every redhead I've ever met was named Megan.

Wassup wit dat?

No joke. I worked with a redhead for 15 years. Her name was Meghan...