View Full Version : Butthurt Bloomberg Lashes Out At McCauliffe's CCW Flip-Flop

30 cal slut
02-09-16, 15:10


RICHMOND — The surprise battle between Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe (D) and the gun-control organization founded by former New York mayor Michael Bloomberg escalated on Tuesday to include a full-page newspaper ad skewering the governor’s rationale for a gun deal with Republicans.

As recently as November, New York-based Everytown for Gun Safety was pouring $2 million into McAuliffe’s ultimately failed effort to help Democrats take control of the state Senate. On Tuesday, 12 days after McAuliffe announced a deal on gun laws with Republican legislators, the group bought an ad in the Richmond Times-Dispatch with this blunt headline: “Terry McAuliffe is wrong.”

The ad quotes several of the governor’s statements about the gun deal, declaring each one “false” and providing a detailed analysis to back up that conclusion. Words that Everytown takes exception to are marked in red ink, as a teacher might when grading a test.

McAuliffe dismissed the criticism during an appearance in Northern Virginia, saying “everybody supports [the gun deal] except one gun-safety group out of New York City.”

It was an awkward line of attack for McAuliffe, a native of Syracuse, N.Y. and close friend of Bill and Hillary Clinton who has relied heavily on out-of-state money to fund his governor’s race,

02-09-16, 16:06
If I had his money I would be arming the less fortunate and throwing sexy parties at my mansion.

Some people....

02-09-16, 16:36
If I had his money I would be arming the less fortunate and throwing sexy parties at my mansion.

Some people....

Absolute power corrupts, absolutely. Bloomberg is the epitome of that statement. :(

02-09-16, 17:08
Oh those poor little demoralized Liberals.... it just breaks my heart.... LOL.... Hey Bloomberg! FU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

02-09-16, 17:21
He's got a Napoleon complex. Can spot it from a mile away. Money can't buy you stature.

02-09-16, 18:50
In the words of a friend, 100 years ago we would have been fighting Baron von Bloomberg's army somewhere.

02-10-16, 02:06
I hope the oxygen thief runs an an "independent", he'll be the DNC's Ross Perot.

02-10-16, 05:33
He's got a Napoleon complex. Can spot it from a mile away. Money can't buy you stature.

No but it can buy you lifts in your boots like Rubio.