View Full Version : Has our government ever done this before ?

02-10-16, 16:30
There has been much discussion about Benghazi debacle but I can't remember anybody asking this.
Has our government ever totally blown off a embassy or military unit that was in dire straights, about
to be over ran and done nothing ?
At the start of WW2 Wake Island and the Philippines were overwhelmed and surrendered without any
hope of reinforcement because of distance and logistics,our strike forces had just been destroyed.
The Battle of the Bulge was fought during a winter storm that grounded all aircraft and thwarted all land
reinforcement, but they tried.
The embassy in Tehran, Iran was invaded and it's occupants captured in a few hours from start to finish,
again with potential rescuers many miles and days away to alter the situation.
Has our government ever just refused to even attempt to rescue our people when we had the forces and
logistics setting on go?

02-10-16, 18:38
I don't think so. Can you imagine if Regan or GW was in office! My 13 year old was disgusted.

02-10-16, 18:51
I don't think so especially when we had the resources to do something about it.

02-10-16, 18:51
Bay of pigs sorta comes to mind.

02-10-16, 19:14
Bay of pigs sorta comes to mind.

I'm sure there are many times we have not gone after people when they were doing missions we wanted to deny. This was a freaking embassy. The Bay of Pigs was a CIA operation. This was an Embassy and we could have helped. We were morally obligated to help.

02-10-16, 19:18
It's a testament to the quiet professionalism of these guys that they didn't go Rambo II on the responible parties once stateside. You know where he goes after the D-Bag bureaucrat.

02-10-16, 19:38
The Attack on the USS Liberty by Israel in the 60's. The planes that were within range (carrier based) were recalled. That is probably most directly similar.

The lack of a rescue for the missing marines (one of whom was captured alive) during the Mayaguez incident.

USS Pueblo - again an attack that took a couple of hours within range of carriers and Japan.

Reno and Benteen elected to dig in and not attempt to relieve Custer at Little Big Horn.

Lots of other examples of lack of retaliation or withdrawal: Marine Barracks in Lebanon (we shelled/bombed positions and then left), Embassies in Lebanon...

Also suspect a bunch of examples of aircrews in Vietnam being left because the areas were too well defended by Air Defense. Capt. Speicher in the First Gulf War as well. Those were probably military decisions, not political ones.

02-10-16, 20:16
There has been much discussion about Benghazi debacle but I can't remember anybody asking this.
Has our government ever totally blown off a embassy or military unit that was in dire straights, about
to be over ran and done nothing ?
At the start of WW2 Wake Island and the Philippines were overwhelmed and surrendered without any
hope of reinforcement because of distance and logistics,our strike forces had just been destroyed.
The Battle of the Bulge was fought during a winter storm that grounded all aircraft and thwarted all land
reinforcement, but they tried.
The embassy in Tehran, Iran was invaded and it's occupants captured in a few hours from start to finish,
again with potential rescuers many miles and days away to alter the situation.
Has our government ever just refused to even attempt to rescue our people when we had the forces and
logistics setting on go?

Tehran, 1979. Under....wait for it.....Jimmy Carter! Just like him and every pussy-ass Democrat POTUS since, the world knows it and walks all over us.

02-10-16, 20:52
Political(AND CAREER)consequences real or imagine usually determine reaction. I've heard that whereas many officers have given their lives for their country, very few have given their careers for it. Few politicians will gamble their careers.

02-10-16, 21:10
Benghazi was unfortunate, but not a new situation in US politics. As noted, there are a few more...

. 1979 U.S. embassy burning in Islamabad
. USS Panay
. Even the USS Maine

02-10-16, 23:26

All of the older ones were in a time when coms and intel were a lot harder to come by. I didn't realize until I saw the movie that there was at least one drone over Benghazi. I haven't read the book yet, and I assume that was true and not just a plot device to show the battle.

They got Bergdahl back, didn't they?