View Full Version : Clinton Foundation Received Subpoena

02-11-16, 12:12
I'll just leave this here....some might be interested---> Clinton Foundation Received Subpoena (https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/clinton-foundation-received-subpoena-from-state-department-investigators/2016/02/11/ca5125b2-cce4-11e5-88ff-e2d1b4289c2f_story.html)

02-11-16, 12:23
So they were subpoenaed last fall, and we're just now hearing about it? Along the same lines, does anyone remember Sec. Kerry appointing a Clinton campaign donor as the State Dept's "transparency coordinator overseeing the review of Clinton's emails"? DoS apparently released a statement that appointing a Hillary campaign contributor to that post is "no conflict of interest". This of course is the same office that asked for a 1 month extension on releasing Hillary's emails, because of a 1 day snowstorm.


Just how fvcking stupid do they think we are? :mad:

02-11-16, 12:48
Sensei remarked in another thread that the FBI investigation was going beyond just emails, like to include the Foundation. Looks like the morally, ethically, and legally corrupt Klinton machine just might fall apart. That said, I'll believe it when I see it.

02-11-16, 13:33
Sensei remarked in another thread that the FBI investigation was going beyond just emails, like to include the Foundation. Looks like the morally, ethically, and legally corrupt Klinton machine just might fall apart. That said, I'll believe it when I see it.

It will only fall apart if they prosecute or fail to keep the details a secret. If it never sees the light of day, the Klintons get to continue spouting their "no evidence of wrongdoing/vast right-wing conspiracy" BS. :(

Outlander Systems
02-11-16, 13:38
If those clowns were indicted, tried, convicted, and sentenced...

By God, I'd have to consult a doctor for having a Freedom Chubby for more than four hours.

And my faith in the rule of law would be restored.

Sensei remarked in another thread that the FBI investigation was going beyond just emails, like to include the Foundation. Looks like the morally, ethically, and legally corrupt Klinton machine just might fall apart. That said, I'll believe it when I see it.

02-11-16, 13:57
You all are dreaming if you actually think either of the Clintons are going to go to jail or even see a fine because of their slush fund...err...Foundation's activities.

Who will send them there? Obama?

Again....you're dreaming.

02-11-16, 18:43
You all are dreaming if you actually think either of the Clintons are going to go to jail or even see a fine because of their slush fund...err...Foundation's activities.

Who will send them there? Obama?

Again....you're dreaming.

I do recall saying "I'll believe it when I see it." Gave myself a pretty wide berth there. Not that I wouldn't laugh my ass off if it did occur but I ain't holding my breath.

02-11-16, 18:50
Seeing Hillary Clinton in a federal prison uniform and irons being led away sobbing uncontrollably would be like a wet dream come true

02-11-16, 18:56
Seeing Hillary Clinton in a federal prison uniform and irons being led away sobbing uncontrollably would be like a wet dream come true

Unfortunately that's all it will be, without the "....come true" part.

02-11-16, 19:01
Bill Clinton perjured himself.... Sole accounting he was held to was disbarment from his home state bar.
They've epitomized TEFLON.

02-11-16, 19:05
Seeing Hillary Clinton in a federal prison uniform and irons being led away sobbing uncontrollably would be like a wet dream come true
Dude, don't even joke about that
It makes me all optimistic about life and stuff. False hopes a bitch.

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Outlander Systems
02-11-16, 19:07
I would have a Lawgasm.

I would pinch myself, vigorously, to verify I wasn't dreaming that the law applied to everyone equally.

Then...four hour Freedom Chub. I might, literally, drive up to Berry College and kiss one of those Bald Eagle's assholes.

Seriously. Lips to feather-ringed poop-chute.

Seeing Hillary Clinton in a federal prison uniform and irons being led away sobbing uncontrollably would be like a wet dream come true

02-11-16, 19:19
I have wondered if the top secret email were selling information for donations to the foundation. Bill took Chinese money before.As corrupt as our government is I would put money on the Clintons skating and criminal charges for anything they ever have done.

02-11-16, 20:09
Wake up sports fans, nothing will happen. Our government is corrupt to the core and above the law.

02-11-16, 20:19
Wake up sports fans, nothing will happen. Our government is corrupt to the core and above the law.

This. Nothing is going to happen so don't get your hopes up.

02-11-16, 20:27
Nothing will happen to Hillary Clinton.

02-11-16, 21:19
I don't think anyone in this thread believes Hillary will be held accountable for her crimes, but there's a 50/50 chance it might cost her the presidency. It's not enough, but it will have to do. :(

02-11-16, 21:36
If not Hillary then the next pres will be Sanders. Cause like the people that voted for Obama will vote for Sanders because of all the free, free,free stuff he promises.

02-11-16, 23:02
How? How is it possible for Hitlery and her crew of traitors and felons to continually get away with shit like this?
These "people" (and I use that term loosely) have zero regard for the law and the Constitution. The United States is far less free than it was under the British. This is tyranny 2.0 - far, far more refined, revolution-resistant, sophisticated, slippery and devious than the archaic antics of African tyrants and those of yesteryear.
Bread and circuses have grown to include all aspects of life - smartphones, television, video games, sports, movies, race-baiting puppetry - it's all to keep people occupied while the country is assraped and handed over to Islam by the traitors and saboteurs who pull the strings.

02-12-16, 01:32
Seeing Hillary Clinton in a federal prison uniform and irons being led away sobbing uncontrollably would be like a wet dream come true

I'd settle for her to endure a good old fashioned African witch trial.

You know cause multiculturalism.

02-12-16, 02:30
I'd settle for her to endure a good old fashioned African witch trial.

You know cause multiculturalism.

LOL. Well played.
It would be more fitting if she were tried by Saudi standards, seeing as that's who her masters are.

Outlander Systems
02-12-16, 06:06
I will state again for clarity:

If she is indicted, tried, convicted, and sentenced: I will find the nearest Bald Eagle and kiss its butthole.

02-12-16, 07:36

Just how fvcking stupid do they think we are? :mad:


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02-12-16, 08:32
It's not that they think we're stupid. They simply know there's nothing we or anyone else can or will do about it.

The character of the people in public office, for the most part, is questionable and even if you vote them out, the guys behind the scenes pulling the strings are still pulling the strings. They know the next guy in line is just as corrupt as the guy in there now.

So basically as much as I want to see Hilly in an orange pants suit going off to the federal pen, I'll believe it when I see it.

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Outlander Systems
02-12-16, 09:00
My kid wants a pony.

I don't want to live in a Banana Republic.

Sadly, I agree that seeing will be believing for me.

So basically as much as I want to see Hilly in an orange pants suit going off to the federal pen, I'll believe it when I see it.

02-12-16, 09:41
It's a club and nothing will happen to her.

But miracles can happen.

I'm entitled to my fantasies.

02-12-16, 11:54
Just how fvcking stupid do they think we are? :mad:

Stupid enough to keep voting them in regardless.

02-12-16, 11:55
Nothing will happen to Hillary Clinton.


Just like nothing happens to any of them who routinely break the law.

02-12-16, 16:43
The only way she'd even have a lightning strike's chance of being charged with anything would be if she loses the nomination, which has a snow cone's chance in Hell of happening, even if the DNC has the doctor the results to do it.

02-12-16, 17:01
The only way she'd even have a lightning strike's chance of being charged with anything would be if she loses the nomination, which has a snow cone's chance in Hell of happening, even if the DNC has the doctor the results to do it.

All, of the polls from their last debate have Bernie outdoing Clinton by a HUGE margin. I wonder how all those wide eyed liberals, progressives and socialists are going to feel when Bernie wins the popular vote, but Hillary wins the nomination?


02-13-16, 10:33
The thing is, if we are really a nation of laws, which she broke, how can she not be indicted? She said it herself, no one is too big to prosecute. And if she's not, how can the "justice" department justify it?

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02-13-16, 10:54
Even IF she went to prison, she'd be pardoned.

02-13-16, 14:21
[QUOTE=glocktogo;2266602]All, of the polls from their last debate have Bernie outdoing Clinton by a HUGE margin. I wonder how all those wide eyed liberals, progressives and socialists are going to feel when Bernie wins the popular vote, but Hillary wins the nomination?


DNC chair asked to explain, then blows smoke without answering the question.

02-13-16, 18:02
Even IF she went to prison, she'd be pardoned.

Only if Barry were still in office. I don't see this coming to fruition while he's screwing up the country. Things would have to happen pretty fast for a case of this size to go to trial and all that in 10 months?

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02-13-16, 18:59
Only if Barry were still in office. I don't see this coming to fruition while he's screwing up the country. Things would have to happen pretty fast for a case of this size to go to trial and all that in 10 months?

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It's a club. She'll get pardoned.
It's like pro wrestling.

02-14-16, 10:30
It's a club. She'll get pardoned.
It's like pro wrestling.

You're probably right but God I hope not. It will absolutely gut the credibility of law.

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Outlander Systems
02-14-16, 11:09

02-14-16, 20:23