View Full Version : Does anyone else find this disrespectful?

02-13-16, 14:05
I came across this while perusing eBay junk. The seller uses a picture of Matt Axelson, Dan Healy, and James Suh to sell their Chinese airsoft crap. I contacted the seller and they said they would remove the picture, but they have not as of yet.


02-13-16, 14:16
At face value? No. Not really.

There are no loss of people who can rattle off NBA or college football players down to their favorite ice cream. But most people really don't know who these spec ops people are or their ultimate fates. I'm assuming guy just googled "Spec ops guys in plate carriers" or "operators" or something, thought it looked cool, and popped it up there.

Now if he named names and was saying "See just like these guys", then yeah that would be in poor taste.

Even then, there's not much that could be done other than not buy from him.

02-13-16, 15:23