View Full Version : Do many Republicans/Conservatives prefer whining to winning?

02-29-16, 16:04
I've always been a student of politics and have been a conservative all of my life. I have been very interested in the 2016 elections and I feel that Republicans/Conservatives have a tremendous chance to utterly rout Hillary and the Democrats. Trump although he is an imperfect candidate has the drive to win and he has already proven that he can bring in new voters to the Republican fold and nullify the effects of the MSM which has been the propaganda arm of the Democratic Party.

Despite accomplish this which no other Republican primary candidate has accomplished in a generation their are many Republicans/Conservatives who are doing their best to whine or sabotage the Republicans chance of actually winning a national election.

So my question is pretty basic and would like to hear your thoughts.

Do many Republicans/Conservatives prefer whining over winning?

02-29-16, 16:20
I've always been a student of politics and have been a conservative all of my life. I have been very interested in the 2016 elections and I feel that Republicans/Conservatives have a tremendous chance to utterly rout Hillary and the Democrats. Trump although he is an imperfect candidate has the drive to win and he has already proven that he can bring in new voters to the Republican fold and nullify the effects of the MSM which has been the propaganda arm of the Democratic Party.

Despite accomplish this which no other Republican primary candidate has accomplished in a generation their are many Republicans/Conservatives who are doing their best to whine or sabotage the Republicans chance of actually winning a national election.

So my question is pretty basic and would like to hear your thoughts.

Do many Republicans/Conservatives prefer whining over winning?

Some do as they think the left matters, sets the moral tone, or that being a 'racist' is worse then being disarmed, enslaved, etc.

Why some people want to import millions of people that would vote against them is beyond me.


02-29-16, 16:44
I think everyone wants to get elected but nobody wants to be the grown up.

It's kind of a scam.
People think "liberals" are all for free shit, free love, and no responsibility. Which would be awesome. So young kids, "minorities", and persons in the circle vote for shit they don't get.

"Conservatives" think they'll get some Eisenhower or Reagan who will John Wayne everything and assure Truth, Justice, and the American Way.

So guys over 30, guys who pay taxes, et al vote Republican.

And....well....it ultimately does you no good because well you're a serf.

There's been many a day and year where I despised Bush but at least my clown beat the other sides clown. So that was merely opium for my pride.

Otherwise, I've learned that it really doesn't matter who gets elected because it's just of matter of losing all your rights sooner than later.

I'm pretty sure people will look back on the Obongo years and go "Gee, sure stuff didn't suck as bad then as they do now".

02-29-16, 16:48
I voted no, simply because I believe its the non-conservative RINOs that prefer to lose and whine, than the conservatives they take for granted and suppress. :(

02-29-16, 22:15
I think everyone wants to get elected but nobody wants to be the grown up.

It's kind of a scam.
People think "liberals" are all for free shit, free love, and no responsibility. Which would be awesome. So young kids, "minorities", and persons in the circle vote for shit they don't get.

"Conservatives" think they'll get some Eisenhower or Reagan who will John Wayne everything and assure Truth, Justice, and the American Way.

So guys over 30, guys who pay taxes, et al vote Republican.

And....well....it ultimately does you no good because well you're a serf.

There's been many a day and year where I despised Bush but at least my clown beat the other sides clown. So that was merely opium for my pride.

Otherwise, I've learned that it really doesn't matter who gets elected because it's just of matter of losing all your rights sooner than later.

I'm pretty sure people will look back on the Obongo years and go "Gee, sure stuff didn't suck as bad then as they do now".

Clinton made me look back on Bush with fondness. Bush II made me look back on Clinton with fondness. Obama has made me look back on Bush II fondly.

I'm not looking forward to looking back on Obama fondly after Eduardo/Drumpf/Clinton II/Sanders is elected.

03-01-16, 00:35
Well when you have a president who identified with people who suffer, have low self worth, low self esteem, insecurity, feeling of inferiority, feminist, activist and the LGBT community, there is going to be whining to a degree.

The old older of things are changing. For how many years have the same old rhino politicians regardless of whether they are republican or democrats have promised to unite, inspire, revitalize, build, secure, grow and relive us of some financial burden . That's because those have been the key discussion topics that have existed for many-many years. Candidates use terms like "we", "us" and "together" and phrases like "put me to work", "we can do this together" and my favorite, "your voices have been heard", as if to try to relate to the middle class and somehow build a level of trust and to hopefully convince people that our life style is a direct carbon copy of there's.

Its unknown to you and I but there has to be something worth having in politics. I mean, being a "public servant" who is humble enough to take on the responsibility for our sake and go to Washington dc and work for us must be the best job in the world. That's why no one wants to lose. It more than just a $120k/year job. Its free dinner parties, business trips, celebrities events, golf tournaments, basketball games, vacations, endorsements from universities, being a distinguished guest at every event you attend, having a staff of people who answer your phone and take messages and call people back for you, always being in the spotlight.

To me, the ones who whine are the ones who want things to be they way they have been for many years. They want a president who leaves a small footprint and makes very little noise. Sometimes you need a president to get things done like the highway expansion project, hoover damn, putting a man on the moon, Manhattan project and so on. Don't get me wrong, we want a candidate who is strong, capable, willing but a constitutionalist, conservative and a big thinker. One who will allow Americans to continue to live a free, happy - burden less life without any bitterness or hatred towards the other party.

I like Trump because he doesn't come down to anyone's level. I think the reason why people like him so much is because he is not waiting to hear what people are talking about and try to bond with them on an emotional level about those topics. He came out and started talking about the things that other politicians have whispered about but did nothing. And that is what people want, a guy who will do what he says.

03-01-16, 14:15
I'd rather see a Democrat in office moreso than a RINO. However that all leads back to my post about awhile back asking if we can really vote our way out of the mess we're in. I'd rather not be stabbed in the back.


03-01-16, 15:26
The progressives, don't really care which of their candidates gets the nomination. They are going to vote left no matter what, and so are the illegals, the FSA and the BLM crowd.

On the other hand, I can't even count how many conservatives have told me that if so-and-so doesn't get the nomination, they are not voting for the other right wing candidate. What?!?!?! You can't have your favorite special snowflake so your are going to take your toys and go home? You are going to hand the victory to the enemy instead of voting for someone who will stand up for more of your rights than any socialist ever will? Is Trump perfect? Hell no. Neither is Rubio, Cruz, or anybody else. But ALL of them, EVERY single one of them, is FAR better than Sanders the socialist or Hillary the evil dragon queen.

This is why we will lose. Again. Moving us ever closer to whatever is going to happen when we finally wake up and realize that we are not free and the constitution is not being followed by anyone.

03-01-16, 15:37
Do many Republicans/Conservatives prefer whining over winning?

Yes, because they are not Winners, they are Losers.

03-01-16, 18:37
Yes, because they are not Winners, they are Losers.

Great argument!

03-01-16, 19:17
On the other hand, I can't even count how many conservatives have told me that if so-and-so doesn't get the nomination, they are not voting for the other right wing candidate. What?!?!?! You can't have your favorite special snowflake so your are going to take your toys and go home? You are going to hand the victory to the enemy instead of voting for someone who will stand up for more of your rights than any socialist ever will? Is Trump perfect? Hell no. Neither is Rubio, Cruz, or anybody else. But ALL of them, EVERY single one of them, is FAR better than Sanders the socialist or Hillary the evil dragon queen.

This is why we will lose.

Yep, pretty much sums it up. I see it on this forum and others all the time.

You can throw the NRA into the fray as well. They're not perfect either and therefore are unworthy of support.

Dist. Expert 26
03-01-16, 19:33
I think far too many people on the right view elections, and life in general, as their way or the highway. The progressives are always willing to compromise and support whatever candidate they get, whereas conservatives will vote for obscure third party candidates or just not vote at all. That's why Obama got elected, and that's why nothing is going to change through voting.

03-01-16, 21:24
I think far too many people on the right view elections, and life in general, as their way or the highway. The progressives are always willing to compromise and support whatever candidate they get, whereas conservatives will vote for obscure third party candidates or just not vote at all. That's why Obama got elected, and that's why nothing is going to change through voting.

This is very true. Unfortunately, as the progressives have become more radical, the conservatives have become more hardline in what they will accept as a step in the right direction. Unless we can completely and totally repeal Obamacare, get rid of every gun law on the books, close our borders, and repeal the 16th Amendment, the right doesn't want to hear anything anyone has to say. The left was willing to slowly push the country to where it is now over more than half a century, but the right wants it back to where it was before that by the end of this year, period, no excuses.

There's also a lack of forgiveness for past stances taken by individuals that don't jive with the current conservative stance. Liberals, on the other hand, welcome anyone who wants to change teams with open arms. Anytime someone goes from the left to the right, they're seen as either an infiltrator looking to sabotage us, or a wishy-washy flip-flopper who doesn't have any convictions and will eventually cave to the other side. I guarantee you that Trump would be welcomed with open arms if he were to switch parties tonight. Hillary or Bernie? Never.

03-01-16, 23:36
This is very true. Unfortunately, as the progressives have become more radical, the conservatives have become more hardline in what they will accept as a step in the right direction. Unless we can completely and totally repeal Obamacare, get rid of every gun law on the books, close our borders, and repeal the 16th Amendment, the right doesn't want to hear anything anyone has to say. The left was willing to slowly push the country to where it is now over more than half a century, but the right wants it back to where it was before that by the end of this year, period, no excuses.

There's also a lack of forgiveness for past stances taken by individuals that don't jive with the current conservative stance. Liberals, on the other hand, welcome anyone who wants to change teams with open arms. Anytime someone goes from the left to the right, they're seen as either an infiltrator looking to sabotage us, or a wishy-washy flip-flopper who doesn't have any convictions and will eventually cave to the other side. I guarantee you that Trump would be welcomed with open arms if he were to switch parties tonight. Hillary or Bernie? Never.

Well we have compromised ourselves into nothingness and the party elite refuse to fight for us. What are we to do?

03-02-16, 00:13
Well we have compromised ourselves into nothingness and the party elite refuse to fight for us. What are we to do?

why would they fight for you? After all, they voted for the Patriot Act and the Patriot Act II, Obama Care, Tarp and TPP. They are just as dangerous as Hillary Clinton.

03-02-16, 00:22
why would they fight for you? After all, they voted for the Patriot Act and the Patriot Act II, Obama Care, Tarp and TPP. They are just as dangerous as Hillary Clinton.

They are even worse, at least you know the left will fight you, and is your enemy, these traitors wear patriot robes, and then stab us in the back time and time again.

Well enough is enough, these bastards are now with out a party or base. All the Billionaire and war hawk senators a party does not make. The Neo cons/"moderates"/RINOs are going to be hunted, if

03-02-16, 02:24
why would they fight for you? After all, they voted for the Patriot Act and the Patriot Act II, Obama Care, Tarp and TPP. They are just as dangerous as Hillary Clinton.

Not to be dismissive of your completely accurate assessment, but I don't think anyone knows how dangerous Hillary will be as President. Bush was kinda incompetent and Obama was inexperienced. Hillary is none of those things. She might be everything you are afraid of with a high level of efficiency. She is why people are taking a reality TV show celebrity billionaire seriously.

03-02-16, 03:14
Not to be dismissive of your completely accurate assessment, but I don't think anyone knows how dangerous Hillary will be as President. Bush was kinda incompetent and Obama was inexperienced. Hillary is none of those things. She might be everything you are afraid of with a high level of efficiency. She is why people are taking a reality TV show celebrity billionaire seriously.

Bush as a puppet and Obama is incompetent as well as inexperience.

Hillary will be the straw that breaks the nation`s back. I can states leaving or a General going Pinochet because of her.

03-02-16, 06:09
Clinton made me look back on Bush with fondness. Bush II made me look back on Clinton with fondness. Obama has made me look back on Bush II fondly.

I'm not looking forward to looking back on Obama fondly after Eduardo/Drumpf/Clinton II/Sanders is elected.

Ain't that the truth. Despite NAFTA and the AWB I keep finding myself looking back at Clinton like yessssss

03-02-16, 06:30
Ain't that the truth. Despite NAFTA and the AWB I keep finding myself looking back at Clinton like yessssss

I think Clinton's successful time in Office was as likely to have been due to a long stretch of Republicans fixing and then running a good economy. When the wheel was handed over to him, all he had to do was keep things pointed in that direction and not replace anyone too vital with a lapdog waiting in the wings.
Also he was dealing with a GOP majority in the House and Senate that managed to get some policies passed that were very conservative.
What he did do was fail miserably in foreign policy and building the Military back up when the signs were there that we were likely to need one soon.

03-02-16, 06:40
The progressives, don't really care which of their candidates gets the nomination. They are going to vote left no matter what, and so are the illegals, the FSA and the BLM crowd.

On the other hand, I can't even count how many conservatives have told me that if so-and-so doesn't get the nomination, they are not voting for the other right wing candidate. What?!?!?! You can't have your favorite special snowflake so your are going to take your toys and go home? You are going to hand the victory to the enemy instead of voting for someone who will stand up for more of your rights than any socialist ever will? Is Trump perfect? Hell no. Neither is Rubio, Cruz, or anybody else. But ALL of them, EVERY single one of them, is FAR better than Sanders the socialist or Hillary the evil dragon queen.

This is why we will lose. Again. Moving us ever closer to whatever is going to happen when we finally wake up and realize that we are not free and the constitution is not being followed by anyone.

Spot on. The GOP never fought Obama as hard as they are fighting non-establishment (R) candidates. Another thing you never see on the DNC side....I have a few local (R) on my newsfeed, and they never miss a chance to bash other (R), but rarely do they say a word about Obama, Hillary etc. You cannot win a war when only the other side is fighting.

Dist. Expert 26
03-02-16, 10:18
Spot on. The GOP never fought Obama as hard as they are fighting non-establishment (R) candidates. Another thing you never see on the DNC side....I have a few local (R) on my newsfeed, and they never miss a chance to bash other (R), but rarely do they say a word about Obama, Hillary etc. You cannot win a war when only the other side is fighting.

This is another part of the problem; we would rather fight amongst each other, as the GOP candidates are doing currently, than focus on the common enemy. The Republican party is beyond repair regardless of the results this election, as is the two party system. We need a paradigm shift if our republic is going to survive another generation.

03-02-16, 10:32
why would they fight for you? After all, they voted for the Patriot Act and the Patriot Act II, Obama Care, Tarp and TPP. They are just as dangerous as Hillary Clinton.

Unless they keep losing, they will not get point that they need to move right and not left if they want to win.

Dist. Expert 26
03-02-16, 10:36
Unless they keep losing, they will not get point that they need to move right and not left if they want to win.

Unfortunately we don't have time for them to learn. This election will either seal the fate of the United States or postpone the deadline another 4 years. We need a major change here and now if things have any chance of improving.

03-02-16, 11:17
This is another part of the problem; we would rather fight amongst each other, as the GOP candidates are doing currently, than focus on the common enemy.

Another interesting observation I've made- this "Drumpf" thing has taken root BIG TIME among the Jebbers! and the establishment GOP.

John Oliver, who is not even 10% as funny as John Stewart was, seems to have tossed a hand grenade into the GOP tent like Stewart never could have.

03-02-16, 11:27
Unless they keep losing, they will not get point that they need to move right and not left if they want to win.

Unfortunately we don't have time for them to learn. This election will either seal the fate of the United States or postpone the deadline another 4 years. We need a major change here and now if things have any chance of improving.

The learning curve hasn't been good to them, but they really didn't seem to care, McCain? Romney? These are the same guys that put up Jeb four years later and now they've gone all in for Rubio.
I don't understand how folks can have so much damn money and so little ability to read the wind.
Cruz might be the last hope these guys have and that is "if" he will have them.

03-02-16, 11:38
The learning curve is now, the learning curve is Trump....he is filling the void the GOP has made.

03-02-16, 14:48
The learning curve is now, the learning curve is Trump....he is filling the void the GOP has made.

Halleluiah! I know a lot of people who are trying to vote against Trump which I think is stupid. Lets be honest, Cruz, Rubio and Carson could be a fine president, but its having to beat Hillary that is the road block for those people. She has a lot of minority, immigrant, gay, feminist, women, union and young voters. I mean, right now she is under investigation for Benghazi, releasing classified emails and campaign money re-distribution and people are still lined up to vote for her. Trump has brought a lot of people out of the woods.

03-02-16, 15:19
Halleluiah! I know a lot of people who are trying to vote against Trump which I think is stupid. Lets be honest, Cruz, Rubio and Carson could be a fine president, but its having to beat Hillary that is the road block for those people. She has a lot of minority, immigrant, gay, feminist, women, union and young voters. I mean, right now she is under investigation for Benghazi, releasing classified emails and campaign money re-distribution and people are still lined up to vote for her. Trump has brought a lot of people out of the woods.

And this is EXACTLY why we need someone who will get up on that stage with Hillary and bring out the Benghazi, classified E-Mails, the facts about getting money for the Clinton Foundation while Secretary of State and making side deals with countries to pick up cash.
Romney had many, many chances to do this stuff last time and didn't have the "dirty" in him to fight Obama, what makes anyone think Rubio or Cruz will?

Dist. Expert 26
03-02-16, 16:08
Another interesting observation I've made- this "Drumpf" thing has taken root BIG TIME among the Jebbers! and the establishment GOP.

John Oliver, who is not even 10% as funny as John Stewart was, seems to have tossed a hand grenade into the GOP tent like Stewart never could have.

It's like they want to sacrifice the fate of the country out of spite for not getting their way. My 8 month old son shows more maturity sometimes.

I'm looking forward to watching Trump stand next to Hildabeast and call her out on every single skeleton she has. I think he'll push her over the edge so she lashes out and embarrasses herself in a major way. Watching her crumble will be better than porn.

03-02-16, 17:24
It's like they want to sacrifice the fate of the country out of spite for not getting their way. My 8 month old son shows more maturity sometimes.

I'm looking forward to watching Trump stand next to Hildabeast and call her out on every single skeleton she has. I think he'll push her over the edge so she lashes out and embarrasses herself in a major way. Watching her crumble will be better than porn.

I think it is far worse than what you state. I think they are in bed with the Democrats and feign outrage to keep you playing the game. Just look at the Trillion dollar budget roll-over by the "up and coming" Ryan.

They are in it for themselves and the perpetuation of big government. If the Donald isn't the wake-up call they need I fear for the republic.

03-02-16, 17:29
Unfortunately we don't have time for them to learn. This election will either seal the fate of the United States or postpone the deadline another 4 years. We need a major change here and now if things have any chance of improving.

They're not going to learn no matter what. They'll follow the money and, right now, they're being paid to cut taxes precipitously, turn a blind eye to defense appropriations that have gone off the rails, make illegals able to work legally and start new wars.

03-02-16, 17:31
I think Clinton's successful time in Office was as likely to have been due to a long stretch of Republicans fixing and then running a good economy. When the wheel was handed over to him, all he had to do was keep things pointed in that direction and not replace anyone too vital with a lapdog waiting in the wings.
Also he was dealing with a GOP majority in the House and Senate that managed to get some policies passed that were very conservative.
What he did do was fail miserably in foreign policy and building the Military back up when the signs were there that we were likely to need one soon.

True he was riding the 2nd wind of Reaganomics and the peace of the Cold War as well as 6 years of the GOP owning the Congress after he violated the 2nd Amendment.