View Full Version : West Virginia joins the Constitutional carry club.

03-06-16, 02:00
West Virginia House and Senate override their governor's veto to enact constitutional carry in W.V. The law goes into effect May 26, 2016.

Great job W.V. legislators.

03-06-16, 02:46
One down . . .

With Abbott in the Governor's Mansion we'll probably get this punched through now.

03-06-16, 05:38
As of March 5, 2016, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, Kansas, Maine, Vermont, West Virginia (takes effect May 26, 2016) and Wyoming are considered constitutional carry states. In Wyoming's case, permitless carry is for residents only; non-residents must have a permit to carry a concealed handgun in that state.

Well done West Virginia! Let's keep this list growing.

03-06-16, 06:40
Very happy for my neighbors to the West.

Our law enforcement officers have dedicated their lives to keeping us safe. Now it’s time for us to return the favor and veto #HB4145
I always love listening to Democrats make excuses about why they feel the need to have people disarmed. Shocked that he didn't include, "Why won't somebody think of the children."

Good job by the WV House and Senate in shoving his veto right down his throat.

03-06-16, 07:40
Would love to see this get more traction in bigger states.

03-06-16, 07:50
Texas might be the big one, but the problem there is the absurd liberal nature of the larger cities and the southern border. Wyoming style, for residents only, might happen. Wouldn't be holding my breath though.

03-06-16, 09:13
Outstanding! The dick in charge vetoed it twice and should be thrown out on his ass.

03-06-16, 11:18
He can't run again due to term limits, so he's out this year.

03-06-16, 18:31
I fail to see why every state doesn't do this.
The hoods certainly don't apply for carry permits so why should law abiding citizens

Big A
03-06-16, 18:58
I fail to see why every state doesn't do this.
The hoods certainly don't apply for carry permits so why should law abiding citizens
Dude, don't you ever think of the children?

03-06-16, 19:03
One down . . .

With Abbott in the Governor's Mansion we'll probably get this punched through now.

I would have thought the same thing two years ago, but the drooling morons with their open carry antics managed to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory during the last legislative session.

I do hope it passes, along with lifting some of the blade restrictions as well.

My congrats to the good people of West Virginia.

03-06-16, 19:06
Dude, don't you ever think of the children?

Only pedos think of the children.....

Big A
03-06-16, 19:36
Only pedos think of the children.....

03-15-16, 14:14
As a West Virginian I'd like to say thanks for this thread, and I'm sorry I missed it originally. The WVCDL and the NRA really worked together to help get this passed. I'm still amazed from time to time the older I get. I never thought I would see West Virginia become a "red" state. When I registered to vote way back when I was the only Republican in my family. Hopefully more states will pass Constitutional carry. I think it's a great basis for the states to help us cement our gun rights!

03-15-16, 14:57
I fail to see why every state doesn't do this.
The hoods certainly don't apply for carry permits so why should law abiding citizens

Because it would:
a) take away the illusion that something is being done to keep people safe.
b) make people realize that they can be responsible for their safety, and not rely exclusively on the government
c) make people wake up and realize that more government isn't the answer for everything
d) make corrupt and traitorous elites scared that they aren't the only ones with armed protection 24/7
There are probably countless other reasons, but those are just off the top of my head.