View Full Version : Five Americans Murdered: Previously-Deported Illegal Arrested

03-09-16, 18:52

On Wednesday morning, police reportedly found a previously deported Mexican illegal alien Pablo Antonio Serrano-Vitorino in a puddle of mud, armed with a rifle, after the suspect reportedly murdered five Americans in Missouri.

Serrano-Vitorino allegedly murdered his first four victims with an AK-47, according to FOX4KC. Nearby schools were also put on lockdown, thanks to one murderous illegal alien who — allegedly — didn’t let deportation deter him from committing more crimes in America.

So do you think as stories like this reach more and more Americans it will boost the support for immigration reduction?

03-09-16, 19:34
Should have put a bullet in his head and left him in the mud.

03-09-16, 19:52
AK-47 used. Wait for the Progressive to say the gun was the problem...

03-09-16, 20:05
AK-47 used. Wait for the Progressive to say the gun was the problem...

If we would simply reinstate the Clinton Assault Weapon Ban individuals like Pablo Antonio Serrano-Vitorino would simply do one of the many necessary jobs essential to our economy that American citizens are unwilling to do.

03-09-16, 21:59
If we would simply reinstate the Clinton Assault Weapon Ban individuals like Pablo Antonio Serrano-Vitorino would simply do one of the many necessary jobs essential to our economy that American citizens are unwilling to do.

It is sick how they defend and promote the invasion of this nation while using the murder, borderline genocide of these invaders as some piss poor excuse as to disarm us in the face of this invasion.

Well that and the left thinks that once the "evil straight white" threat is eliminated that the gays, feminists etc can find some kind of common ground with Latin and Islamic

What they are going to find is a very sharp blade and a loud Allah Ackbar or a cartel thug with a suppressed AK or chain saw.

Let that sink in. The left hates us so much that it is willing to allow a 3rd party come in and potentially destroy our entire way of life just to try to rid themselves of "us".

We’re entirely uncomfortable with that outcome. We’re going to begin fixing the problem, and we’re not going to do it nicely, because doing things nicely is what got us into this mess in the first place. You are not going to destroy our way of life. You are not going to make a mockery of or reduce Liberty. You are not going to censor truth.

We will defend ourselves against threats to our safety, including those being imposed upon us by the ballot box. So if you want to run around radicalizing the Democratic party, and rubbing (((Bernie Sanders)))’s dick under the table, then we will elect an openly racist billionaire to the White House, and mock you into a suicidal depression from the Oval Office. If he decides to start throwing you out of ****in helicopters, we’ll just have to learn to cope with the guilt of laughing hysterically at your horrifying death.

Here’s a great line from Stefan Molyneux “White people are really nice, until they’re not”.

We are capable of some truly terrible shit when you put us in a corner, right up to and including physical removal, so to speak. Do not turn us into those monsters again. We want to coexist in peace with the peoples of the world. We far prefer to operate within the confines of reason and negotiation. But we are beginning to conclude that reason is a thing beyond your capacity, and negotiation is impossible in its absence. So if you insist on nihilistic lunacy and societal suicide that punishes us for your stupidity, then we will do what is necessary to protect ourselves and our way of life.

And make no mistake about it, we will win, like we always have, by any means necessary.


03-10-16, 00:45
Here’s a great line from Stefan Molyneux “White people are really nice, until they’re not”.

Vikings, NAZIs, The Eastern Front in WWII, making the word 'Indigenous' almost synonymous with 'extinct', purging Jews every 100-150 years and basically violence at an industrial scale.

All those skinny jeans and smart looking shoe wearing euroweenies are grandkids of some people that did very bad things to a lot of people.

I travel a bit for work internationally. I tell people I visit that my knowledge of geography and history is educated by the places where we have broken a lot of stuff. So if I appear ignorant of their country, it is because you have behaved well or you were too far away.

I was visiting with some Uruguayans and after a few days they confided in me that they were surprised that I didn't appear to be nearly as violent and blood-thirsty (the actual word he used) as they thought Americans were. Of course then I ruined it by saying that we only do that to the people that deserve it. That and my buddies in India can't wrap their heads around the fact that I have a CCW permit.

03-10-16, 01:06
Let that sink in. The left hates us so much that it is willing to allow a 3rd party come in and potentially destroy our entire way of life just to try to rid themselves of "us".

I'm not sure you are really telling anyone anything they don't already know. For most of us, the reality of the world sank in pretty good back in 2001 and some other people were already on point long before that.

But we are still at that awkward stage between trying to "fix things within the existing framework without destroying the country" and "deciding nobody else is playing by the rules so might as well start dealing with domestic enemies directly."

03-10-16, 01:13
Here’s a great line from Stefan Molyneux “White people are really nice, until they’re not”.

We are capable of some truly terrible shit when you put us in a corner, right up to and including physical removal, so to speak. Do not turn us into those monsters again.

And here you just lost me. Which "white people" are the "white people" when you have idiots like Clinton, Wasserman, Bill Ayers, Bernardine Dohrn, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, etc.?

This really isn't a race issue.

03-10-16, 02:21
Vikings, NAZIs, The Eastern Front in WWII, making the word 'Indigenous' almost synonymous with 'extinct', purging Jews every 100-150 years and basically violence at an industrial scale.

All those skinny jeans and smart looking shoe wearing euroweenies are grandkids of some people that did very bad things to a lot of people.

I travel a bit for work internationally. I tell people I visit that my knowledge of geography and history is educated by the places where we have broken a lot of stuff. So if I appear ignorant of their country, it is because you have behaved well or you were too far away.

I was visiting with some Uruguayans and after a few days they confided in me that they were surprised that I didn't appear to be nearly as violent and blood-thirsty (the actual word he used) as they thought Americans were. Of course then I ruined it by saying that we only do that to the people that deserve it. That and my buddies in India can't wrap their heads around the fact that I have a CCW permit.

He means in the last few years and to be honest being nice is very, very, very, very, very, very over rated.

What do you do for a living? Do all serf cultures react in such ways?

03-10-16, 02:23
I'm not sure you are really telling anyone anything they don't already know. For most of us, the reality of the world sank in pretty good back in 2001 and some other people were already on point long before that.

But we are still at that awkward stage between trying to "fix things within the existing framework without destroying the country" and "deciding nobody else is playing by the rules so might as well start dealing with domestic enemies directly."

Just making sure that everyone is well aware.

It is very awkward you are not sure when or how to react.

03-10-16, 02:28
And here you just lost me. Which "white people" are the "white people" when you have idiots like Clinton, Wasserman, Bill Ayers, Bernardine Dohrn, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, etc.?

This really isn't a race issue.

Liberty/National/Self deterministic whites, Those are leftists, cultural Marxists, Globalists, they work to undermine and destroy what their forefathers fought for, invented, created, and defended and therefore they are traitors.

To a degree it is.

Back on point we need a way to punish judges for allowing this nonsense, why do we allow them to be let back on the streets and not held until ICE can pick them up.

03-10-16, 02:48
I doubt Loretta Lynch will be dispatching the DOJ's CRD, after all those White victims died with their civil liberties fully intact.

03-10-16, 03:40
It is sick how they defend and promote the invasion of this nation while using the murder, borderline genocide of these invaders as some piss poor excuse as to disarm us in the face of this invasion.

Well that and the left thinks that once the "evil straight white" threat is eliminated that the gays, feminists etc can find some kind of common ground with Latin and Islamic

What they are going to find is a very sharp blade and a loud Allah Ackbar or a cartel thug with a suppressed AK or chain saw.

Let that sink in. The left hates us so much that it is willing to allow a 3rd party come in and potentially destroy our entire way of life just to try to rid themselves of "us".

We’re entirely uncomfortable with that outcome. We’re going to begin fixing the problem, and we’re not going to do it nicely, because doing things nicely is what got us into this mess in the first place. You are not going to destroy our way of life. You are not going to make a mockery of or reduce Liberty. You are not going to censor truth.

We will defend ourselves against threats to our safety, including those being imposed upon us by the ballot box. So if you want to run around radicalizing the Democratic party, and rubbing (((Bernie Sanders)))’s dick under the table, then we will elect an openly racist billionaire to the White House, and mock you into a suicidal depression from the Oval Office. If he decides to start throwing you out of ****in helicopters, we’ll just have to learn to cope with the guilt of laughing hysterically at your horrifying death.

Here’s a great line from Stefan Molyneux “White people are really nice, until they’re not”.

We are capable of some truly terrible shit when you put us in a corner, right up to and including physical removal, so to speak. Do not turn us into those monsters again. We want to coexist in peace with the peoples of the world. We far prefer to operate within the confines of reason and negotiation. But we are beginning to conclude that reason is a thing beyond your capacity, and negotiation is impossible in its absence. So if you insist on nihilistic lunacy and societal suicide that punishes us for your stupidity, then we will do what is necessary to protect ourselves and our way of life.

And make no mistake about it, we will win, like we always have, by any means necessary.

I agree on everything except on the Trump part. He is not racist, neither openly nor covertly. Really, he isn't. Wanting to deport illegal criminals, secure the border, keep out followers of an evil and hostile ideology is not racist.

And here you just lost me. Which "white people" are the "white people" when you have idiots like Clinton, Wasserman, Bill Ayers, Bernardine Dohrn, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, etc.?

This really isn't a race issue.

It's not a race issue, but it kind of is. Just see what Muslims think about kuffars, particularly white ones. See what SJWs think of white people. See what BLM think of white people.
Yes, it's ideological, but one cannot ignore the hatred of white people, and the West.

03-10-16, 13:29
It's not a race issue, but it kind of is. Just see what Muslims think about kuffars, particularly white ones. See what SJWs think of white people. See what BLM think of white people.
Yes, it's ideological, but one cannot ignore the hatred of white people, and the West.

Islam is not a race, it's a hateful ideology. The race would be Arabs for the most part and not all of them are Muslims.

As for BLM, that is just another racist group like the KKK. This is why I have nothing to do with race based ideology. When somebody says "for white people" I can think of thousands I have absolutely nothing in common with and even more I view as "enemies of this country."

Also when somebody says "for white people", where does that leave all the other people who don't look while but are currently serving their country honorably in the military or have done so in the past 10 years/ Rest assured I'd rather hang out with them than most of the "white people" who were screaming "no war for oil" back here.

So when you make it about race, well you can count me out. Some don't fight for oil, I don't fight for skin pigment. I also try not to judge a person based upon the development of his evolutionary sun tan.

03-10-16, 15:12
Islam is not a race, it's a hateful ideology. The race would be Arabs for the most part and not all of them are Muslims.

As for BLM, that is just another racist group like the KKK. This is why I have nothing to do with race based ideology. When somebody says "for white people" I can think of thousands I have absolutely nothing in common with and even more I view as "enemies of this country."

Also when somebody says "for white people", where does that leave all the other people who don't look while but are currently serving their country honorably in the military or have done so in the past 10 years/ Rest assured I'd rather hang out with them than most of the "white people" who were screaming "no war for oil" back here.

So when you make it about race, well you can count me out. Some don't fight for oil, I don't fight for skin pigment. I also try not to judge a person based upon the development of his evolutionary sun tan.

Trust me, I am well aware that Islam is not a race.
I have nothing to do with race-based ideology either. What I am saying is that White people deserve the same protections as other race. We see the media machine kick into hysteria mode and fabricate racism when a non-white person is killed by a white person, but goes completely silent when there is real racism involved in non-white person killing white person.

Furthermore, it is impossible to not see that double standards are applied to nations according to the majority of the population's skin color. Majority white nations (North America, Europe) are expected to take in, house, clothe, feed and get raped by anyone and everyone. Majority non-White nations, on the other hand, are free to have solid borders, not take in "refugees", etc.

Skin color is indeed not character, so we shouldn't hold different skin colors to different standards, which is the exact opposite of what we are seeing.

03-10-16, 15:39
Trust me, I am well aware that Islam is not a race.
I have nothing to do with race-based ideology either. What I am saying is that White people deserve the same protections as other race. We see the media machine kick into hysteria mode and fabricate racism when a non-white person is killed by a white person, but goes completely silent when there is real racism involved in non-white person killing white person.

Furthermore, it is impossible to not see that double standards are applied to nations according to the majority of the population's skin color. Majority white nations (North America, Europe) are expected to take in, house, clothe, feed and get raped by anyone and everyone. Majority non-White nations, on the other hand, are free to have solid borders, not take in "refugees", etc.

Skin color is indeed not character, so we shouldn't hold different skin colors to different standards, which is the exact opposite of what we are seeing.

Understand and agree with all that. Personally I would resolve it by removing all references to race from every law or anyplace else it can potentially be used as a qualifier for special consideration.

03-10-16, 17:58
I agree on everything except on the Trump part. He is not racist, neither openly nor covertly. Really, he isn't. Wanting to deport illegal criminals, secure the border, keep out followers of an evil and hostile ideology is not racist.

Oh I know, I meant to edit that part.

It's not a race issue, but it kind of is. Just see what Muslims think about kuffars, particularly white ones. See what SJWs think of white people. See what BLM think of white people.
Yes, it's ideological, but one cannot ignore the hatred of white people, and the West.

And since they hate us, they can be apart from us, we have no need or want for subversives in our nations.

Islam is not a race, it's a hateful ideology. The race would be Arabs for the most part and not all of them are Muslims.

As for BLM, that is just another racist group like the KKK. This is why I have nothing to do with race based ideology. When somebody says "for white people" I can think of thousands I have absolutely nothing in common with and even more I view as "enemies of this country."

Also when somebody says "for white people", where does that leave all the other people who don't look while but are currently serving their country honorably in the military or have done so in the past 10 years/ Rest assured I'd rather hang out with them than most of the "white people" who were screaming "no war for oil" back here.

So when you make it about race, well you can count me out. Some don't fight for oil, I don't fight for skin pigment. I also try not to judge a person based upon the development of his evolutionary sun tan.

If they understand and value Liberty and do not have a hated for the people that founded this nation and culture they can stay but those that hate whites really have no reason to stay, I mean if you hate a group of people who would you live among them? Unless it would be that you wanted the society and tech they create.

Trust me, I am well aware that Islam is not a race.
I have nothing to do with race-based ideology either. What I am saying is that White people deserve the same protections as other race. We see the media machine kick into hysteria mode and fabricate racism when a non-white person is killed by a white person, but goes completely silent when there is real racism involved in non-white person killing white person.

Furthermore, it is impossible to not see that double standards are applied to nations according to the majority of the population's skin color. Majority white nations (North America, Europe) are expected to take in, house, clothe, feed and get raped by anyone and everyone. Majority non-White nations, on the other hand, are free to have solid borders, not take in "refugees", etc.

Skin color is indeed not character, so we shouldn't hold different skin colors to different standards, which is the exact opposite of what we are seeing.

You also left out have our rights, wealth and future voted away. The media is doing more to aide us as more and more and awaking up by their blanket propaganda.

Understand and agree with all that. Personally I would resolve it by removing all references to race from every law or anyplace else it can potentially be used as a qualifier for special consideration.

That sounds good but until you remove the left it is all in vain...They are parasites and infect and destroy all.

They used mass non white immigration as a means to create and exacerbate problems which they exploit to gain power.

More over for your posts anyone who matters know you value Liberty more then life...You are a good man.

03-10-16, 18:25
And here you just lost me. Which "white people" are the "white people" when you have idiots like Clinton, Wasserman, Bill Ayers, Bernardine Dohrn, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, etc.?

This really isn't a race issue.

Bingo! #Buildthatwall

03-10-16, 18:31
Bingo! #Buildthatwall

Hell deport them or just do a Pinochet with those traitors.

03-17-16, 10:39
AK-47 used. Wait for the Progressive to say the gun was the problem...

If we would simply reinstate the Clinton Assault Weapon Ban individuals like Pablo Antonio Serrano-Vitorino would simply do one of the many necessary jobs essential to our economy that American citizens are unwilling to do.

Sure enough.


The legislation, which would not affect gun production in the U.S., would include the imported Serbian AK-47 that was used to kill three and wound 14 others in Hesston, Kansas on Feb. 25, Speier said in a Facebook post on the bill.

Big A
03-17-16, 14:00
Sure enough.


The legislation, which would not affect gun production in the U.S., would include the imported Serbian AK-47 that was used to kill three and wound 14 others in Hesston, Kansas on Feb. 25, Speier said in a Facebook post on the bill.

That is why I own AR's and not AK's. Every time I think about getting one stuff like this comes up that reminds me that they can be banned by executive fiat... plus they're icky commie guns...

03-17-16, 14:58
Blaming all illegal aliens for this is sort of like blaming all gun owners for this.

Both don't logically work.

I'm also wondering, if they found him in a puddle of mud with an AK, did they arrest him because his AK didn't work in the mud?

03-17-16, 20:04
Blaming all illegal aliens for this is sort of like blaming all gun owners for this.

Both don't logically work.

I'm also wondering, if they found him in a puddle of mud with an AK, did they arrest him because his AK didn't work in the mud?


Well all illegals are by default guilty of committing a crime, just being hear is evidence of their guilt just like a home invader being arrested inside your home is proof of his crime.

Meanwhile me owning what ever small or medium arm is not a crime of any kind.

It really is sick seeing how the left will use the actions of people they let in to rob us of our freedoms.

03-17-16, 20:28

Well all illegals are by default guilty of committing a crime, just being hear is evidence of their guilt just like a home invader being arrested inside your home is proof of his crime.

Meanwhile me owning what ever small or medium arm is not a crime of any kind.

It really is sick seeing how the left will use the actions of people they let in to rob us of our freedoms.

We're talking about multiple murders, not the crime of illegal immigration.

Using the fact that the guy was an illegal immigrant to change the immigration policy in any way is logically the same as using the fact that he was armed with an AK-47 to change gun laws in any way.

03-17-16, 21:04
We're talking about multiple murders, not the crime of illegal immigration.

Using the fact that the guy was an illegal immigrant to change the immigration policy in any way is logically the same as using the fact that he was armed with an AK-47 to change gun laws in any way.

True, but had he been turned over to ICE as he should have been or better yet, kept the Hell out of the nation as he should have been this butchery would have been avoided, those victims still alive and well, and this leftist and the left would less of a foot to stand on, one less bloody shirt for them to wave.

If it was a white guy who did this, the media would have been on it, and the President crying on T.V calling for more and more infringements.

Not really, as gun laws do violate the Constitution, well immigration laws do not and are indeed a great thing.

More over their are more then 25,000 murders that could have been avoided if we are had a secure border.


Now that would be a great thing, it would make the nation safer and above all it would infringe at all on our rights.

03-17-16, 21:25
Blaming all illegal aliens for this is sort of like blaming all gun owners for this.

Both don't logically work.

I'm also wondering, if they found him in a puddle of mud with an AK, did they arrest him because his AK didn't work in the mud?

Well, except for the legality part.
No one is blaming all illegal aliens for murders by illegal aliens.
However, illegal aliens are being blamed for being here illegally. That seems pretty reasonable.
Likewise, the people who allow illegal aliens to flout the law are being blamed for not enforcing the law and not doing their jobs. Again, seems pretty reasonable and straightforward.

03-17-16, 22:17
We're talking about multiple murders, not the crime of illegal immigration.

Using the fact that the guy was an illegal immigrant to change the immigration policy in any way is logically the same as using the fact that he was armed with an AK-47 to change gun laws in any way.

Do what? ... If there are rats and mice in your store eating your food at night, you don't trap them because they crossed the perimeter. You trap them because they carry disease, crap all over the place, eat the food, run customers away, cost you time and money.

The fact he killed is THE issue that is of the utmost importance, and a reason of massive gravity towards the logic of changing immigration operations. It is the crux of the matter.

03-17-16, 22:33
Well, except for the legality part.
No one is blaming all illegal aliens for murders by illegal aliens.
However, illegal aliens are being blamed for being here illegally. That seems pretty reasonable.
Likewise, the people who allow illegal aliens to flout the law are being blamed for not enforcing the law and not doing their jobs. Again, seems pretty reasonable and straightforward.

More over how could he have murdered anyone had he not be in the nation to begin?

03-18-16, 01:10
We're talking about multiple murders, not the crime of illegal immigration.

Point being if the illegal alien wasn't here in the first place his victims would still be alive.

Using the fact that the guy was an illegal immigrant to change the immigration policy in any way is logically the same as using the fact that he was armed with an AK-47 to change gun laws in any way.

It's not the same for owning an AK-47 is a fundamental right protected by the 2nd Amendment. Illegally entering into the country is a crime and is not a Constitutionally protected right.

03-18-16, 01:41
FFS, are we seriously talking about the rationality of a NON CITIZEN - HAVING COMMITTED A CRIME - and then after the crime of invading a Nation.... - MURDERING 5 CITIZENS !!!!! somehow not being related to them not being here in the first place???

This sort of thought is why people believe Liberalism to be a legitimate mental disorder. Years back I used to think it was a joke.

03-18-16, 01:48
FFS, are we seriously talking about the rationality of a NON CITIZEN - HAVING COMMITTED A CRIME - and then after the crime of invading a Nation.... - MURDERING 5 CITIZENS !!!!! somehow not being related to them not being here in the first place???

This sort of thought is why people believe Liberalism to be a legitimate mental disorder. Years back I used to think it was a joke.

It is and that why we must cure it.

03-18-16, 02:08
It is and that why we must cure it.

You got a mouse or a plan in your pocket? ... we

I'm 61 years old and not the brightest bulb in the pack. One thing I know for certain. You can't save people from themselves. Individualism is a force. Collective individualism is a stronger force. Desire is a weakness.

Plan accordingly.

03-18-16, 02:23
You got a mouse or a plan in your pocket? ... we

I'm 61 years old and not the brightest bulb in the pack. One thing I know for certain. You can't save people from themselves. Individualism is a force. Collective individualism is a stronger force. Desire is a weakness.

Plan accordingly.

We as in like minded persons, Agents of Freedom, Sons of Liberty, Men of the West.

We do not have to save them, all we have to do is let nature take its course, and these r selected hordes will be reduced in number greatly.

All we have to is stop paying, stop hiring, stop feeding these animals and let them know the game is over, when not if but when they act up, come down on them with a ton of force.

26 Inf
03-18-16, 11:20
We as in like minded persons, Agents of Freedom, Sons of Liberty, Men of the West.

I think what he is referencing (tb-av) is that you are mighty free with the Royal 'we' and might be construed as what some might describe as 'all hat no cattle.'

You don't speak for this 'Son of Liberty' so please don't presume you do.

03-18-16, 17:49
I think what he is referencing (tb-av) is that you are mighty free with the Royal 'we' and might be construed as what some might describe as 'all hat no cattle.'

You don't speak for this 'Son of Liberty' so please don't presume you do.

Never said that I did but many on the right are reaching the breaking point. When you have elected officials refusing to protect the nation from invasion, and then use the actions of the invaders to disarm the citizenry what are we to do?