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03-10-16, 22:01
What are some of your favorite personal or fan theories of movies?

Reading through the other movie thread here got me thinking about some ideas I’ve had from movies past and present;

Kill Bill
Nothing in this movie series ever actually happened- The Bride never actually wakes up, it’s all just a coma-induced hallucination.
Here’s why- there’s a very interesting theory floating around that Bill doesn’t actually die- Pai Mei [sp?] apparently never is said to have, or is shown teaching her the five-finger death punch thingymajiggy, the understood conclusion being, she never learned it. But she “kills” bill with it at the end of the movie. Or not. Apparently there’s this element of “pretend” toward the end (that I think the opening song in Pt 2 sort of gives away as well) when her kid “shoots” her and she pretends to die, her final showdown with Bill using a non-existent technique (I pretend to kill you), and Bill’s playing along with it and “dying” (the exact same thing she did with her kid) and letting her get away.

But if that scene is pretend, why not take a leap of logic and presume it’s ALL pretend. If you’ve ever seen Repo Men, let’s say the ending is simply her subconscious accepting a highly illogical but best-case scenario that it wants to accept before she “drives off” into oblivion.
And if it’s all pretend, that would explain a lot of the over-the-top impossibilities of the series- totally ridiculous in real life, but in your head anything is possible… someone in a coma long enough to lose the ability to walk regaining it through sheer force of will could indeed take on 88 katana wielding maniacs shortly thereafter and win without a scratch…..

Mad Max Fury Road
Immortan Joe is actually the good guy.
Think about it….post apocalypse, world has gone to shit, there’s no civilization left, or if the Vespa crew is anything to go by, rapidly dying off.
But this guy has managed to pick apparently the one spot in the world with helluva lot of running, clean water, has sustained at least some level of growing food, and either defended it against all marauders, or formed alliances with other local “tribes” for resources they don’t have, presumably in trade for the above mentioned fresh food and water.
The guy has even managed a crude genetic research program to prevent further generations from become terminally diseased or mutated like his Warboys, that does actually succeed, albeit it short lived….
Is he kind of a dick…sure. But this is Mad Max- f***ed up is the new normal.

The Martian and Interstellar
...Have a loosely related storyline, if you ignore the name changes, just looking at character roles and watch Martian first. Specifically Damon’s character.
Think about it…. the guy gets sent to mars, lives solo for a few years, flies back, and then goes to work at a university. In the time it takes the team to fly to Mars and back to rescue him (meanwhile Cooper [McConaughey] joins NASA’s flight test program for advanced space vehicles), Earth begins to take a downward turn.

A few years later, now a Professor at the university, his job teaching whatever he may have been teaching related to science and deep space exploration is now deemed pointless (as would Cooper’s flight testing if he hadn’t already experienced a near-fatal crash and left the program), but he is quietly re-recruited by underground-NASA. His previous experience in deep space exploration and long-term solo missions makes him a premier candidate for this all-or-nothing quest for a new planet, hence why when he is found alive, the cast address him as “professor”….

The Last Samurai
Captain Algren (Cruise) does his job.
Think about it… the Emperor won’t kill Katsumoto, his friend and mentor. Katsumoto won’t kill the Emperor out of respect for him being the Emperor. In this way, the two heads of the conflict would never be decisively engaged, which would lead to a long war.

Technically, the Japanese Army would be able to sort things out without the Emperor having to get personally involved, but…. they suck (initially….).
At the same time, the Samurai are simply not numerous enough to defeat the larger army, which means this will be a long war.

Cue Captain Algren and Colonel Bagley, hired by the Japanese government for their recent experience in fighting a similar guerrilla war.
As a professional soldier Algren knows this will take a long time to win with an untrained army (the Colonel knows it too, but doesn’t want to admit it in front of the Jap PM,), and as a student of culture, one could theorize that he would at least have made himself somewhat familiar with Japanese culture of the time (either beforehand, or from association with other military personnel in the new Army), which shows the Jap military mentality very big on “decisive” battles.
Of course the PM is very keen to win a quick, decisive battle, but Algren knows the army needs to wait until more effective to win such a victory, hence his “shoot me now” demo to the PM.

But the PM won’t wait for that, and the Colonel doesn’t want to lose face by admitting that their American expertise won’t magically win the war.
Algren knows he needs to speed things up or get dragged into yet another drawn out guerrilla war, and when he gets captured by the Samurai he sees an opening to use his societal study skills to get everyone what they want (hence his sudden “change of mind”)….

By the time Algren has recovered and become fully trained as a Samurai, the Japanese army has also become better trained and equipped, making a decisive battle possible to have an outcome in the government’s favor…
If Kastumoto dies in battle, everyone wins- the Emperor (or his lackeys, at least) would be free to pursue his goals without getting his hands dirty, and the Samurai poetically die a warriors death as they wish, while sparing their overall society from the ravages of Algren's recent war experiences.

Algren takes a 50/50 role of the dice, but he has no intention of killing himself over honor at battle’s end, and as a ranking officer of either side, he knows if he survives, with the new Jap Army adhering to western ROEs, he’ll be captured, not killed outright.
It’s also a chance to end a personal vendetta, not to mention eliminate a foolhardy leader (the Colonel), while at the same time becoming extremely attractive to the Emperor, as a subject matter expert, skilled military leader, and last personal relation to Katsumoto, ensuring that he faces no retaliation from the government looking to renege on the initial deal (that could potentially be seen as broken by his involvement with the Samurai), or clean up loose ends as the PM tends to do…..

Technically the Samurai could have won the battle.... but using unfolding events to his advantage, Algren steers Katsumoto away from a more tactically sound choice of engagement his brain *knows* to use, and into the headlong charge into decisive battle that Katsumoto's Samurai warrior side *wants* to engage in.


So what have you fellas got?

03-10-16, 22:23
The Day After- The war was escalated because a young couple went to a little toy shop and bought 99 balloons with the money they got. Set them free at the crack of dawn....

03-11-16, 03:46
Well for TV, The Walking Dead is not really happening. It's just a long dream playing out in Rick Grimes head while he is in a coma. The series finale will end with Rick Grimes waking up in a hospital bed surrounded by Lori, Carl, and Shane.

Then there is the whole admission by Stanley Kubrick that the moon landings were faked and he spilled his guts about it in The Shining.


03-11-16, 08:21
Jar Jar Binks was a powerful Sith lord and the real agent behind Sidious/Palpatine:


Sounds wacko, but it's convincing if you read through and look at the various video clips. And it was apparently quietly confirmed as the intent by the actor who played (via motion capture) Jar Jar, and in a vague and indirect way by Lucas as well.

03-11-16, 08:58
The Flintstones and the Jetsons exist concurrently on the same post-nuclear war planet Earth.

Fred is busting his ass every day at the quarry while George and Judy look down on him from their weird stilt-house with a flying car in the garage.

03-11-16, 09:09
Sailor Moon takes place in the same universe as GI Joe and Transformers.

There, I said it.

Also I think Battle: LA and Battleship also took place in the same universe

03-11-16, 09:15
The Fresh Prince died on the playground in the ghetto in West Philadelphia- and the fist bumping cabbie is God.

He takes him to Bel Air, which is what Heaven is to his child-aged mind- Living in the wealth and luxury he never had... educated and successful people all in a tizzy over satisfying his whims... a goofy cousin Carleton to make fun of and boost his ego... etc

03-11-16, 09:18
Iron Sky is actually a real life story about the break away civilization started by the Nazis.

Yep, moon Nazis!

Robocop was written by time travelers from Detroit who came back to Warn us and cash in on Detroit's real life fate.

^With the way Detroit is looking and going these days that one might not be too far off! :p

My favorite:

All movies are real events, they are just tellings of happenings in other dimensions. We are all inter-dimensional beings that lost and forgot the ability to move freely in between these dimensions- all that's left is a shadow that exists in our dreams and imagination.

Quantum physics theories suggest that one may be possible^

03-11-16, 09:28
Oh yeah I forgot-

Teen Wolf was written by real werewolves to try and break out of hiding and into mainstream society.

03-11-16, 09:36
The Fresh Prince died on the playground in the ghetto in West Philadelphia- and the fist bumping cabbie is God.

He takes him to Bel Air, which is what Heaven is to his child-aged mind- Living in the wealth and luxury he never had... educated and successful people all in a tizzy over satisfying his whims... a goofy cousin Carleton to make fun of and boost his ego... etc

That's pretty deep. I feel like pouring out some of my 40 now....

Remember Small Wonder? The dad worked for Cyberdyne. Vicki was a prototype Terminator


03-11-16, 09:43
My favorite:

All movies are real events, they are just tellings of happenings in other dimensions. We are all inter-dimensional beings that lost and forgot the ability to move freely in between these dimensions- all that's left is a shadow that exists in our dreams and imagination.

Quantum physics theories suggest that one may be possible^

Some book I read had in it that 'reality is just the shadow of space-time'.

There were some 'Friends' episodes that my girlfriend/wife and I thought were from them bugging our apartment.

03-11-16, 10:03
I recently picked up a copy of 'Between Two Worlds' 1944 with John Garfield. Several people are killed in London during an air raid and a couple commit to suicide. They all arrive on a ship but have no idea how they got there. As they are in passage to their destination (Heaven or Hell) they slowly become aware of their predicament. The suicide couple are the first know and are pressed to be silent during the passage. It's a good drama with a few twists. It's a remake of Outward Bound from 1930.

03-11-16, 13:53
I like the one about "The Thing". At the end when Macready and Childs are sitting there and Mac gives Childs a bottle of Scotch to pull off of. The fan theory is its not Scotch but a Molotov (he had thrown a few molotovs earlier). When Child's drinks it and has no reaction to it being gasoline it confirms that he is a thing.
John Carpenter denies this one but I think it's cool.

Doc Safari
03-11-16, 15:00
The original Star Trek series is largely plagiarized from the ship and crew concepts in Forbidden Planet, i.e., it's a navy ship in space, the crew of the Enterprise interacts similarly to how the crew interacts on star cruiser C57D. I have a theory that Roddenberry saw Forbidden Planet a zillion times and decided that he must never admit that Star Trek is based on this movie.

03-11-16, 17:16
Then there is the whole admission by Stanley Kubrick that the moon landings were faked and he spilled his guts about it in The Shining.


That is probably the most enjoyable one. The presented case is almost elegant and well supported.

03-11-16, 17:20
The original Star Trek series is largely plagiarized from the ship and crew concepts in Forbidden Planet, i.e., it's a navy ship in space, the crew of the Enterprise interacts similarly to how the crew interacts on star cruiser C57D. I have a theory that Roddenberry saw Forbidden Planet a zillion times and decided that he must never admit that Star Trek is based on this movie.

Go watch Alien (1979) then watch Planet of the Vampires (1965).

Doc Safari
03-11-16, 17:25
Then there is the whole admission by Stanley Kubrick that the moon landings were faked and he spilled his guts about it in The Shining.


Capricorn One was allegedly a direct attempt to "out" this rumor.

Doc Safari
03-11-16, 17:29
The little boy's ghost in the window in "Three Men and a Baby."

I actually researched this one, and it was a cutout of a little boy from a deleted scene. Since it appears in the window out of nowhere with no explanation, a lot of people thought it was a ghost. It was actually just the cutout set in the window from the deleted scene and the people in the movie never explain it.

03-11-16, 17:31
Kyle Reese wasn't John Connors original father.

03-11-16, 18:00
Ulysses never went to Mars in RocketMan (97).

He suffered G-LOC in a centrifuge experiment. Thus dreaming the events. He took the name Ulysses for himself based off his missed chance to pilot the Ulysses spacecraft which launched in October 1990.

NASA originally used chimpanzees for mock up due to them being the same size as the aliens they were trying to return home. Nobody informed "Ulysses" until just prior to launch.

Big A
03-11-16, 18:19
My favorite is that Bruce Wayne is a patient at Arkham, his arch nemesis The Joker is actually Dr. Joe Car and all the others at Arkham are either employees or patients he has contact with. And if you really think about Bruce Wayne/Batman he is an Insomniac with multiple personality disorder, PTSD and sociopathic tendencies so he would belong in Arkham as much as any of his enemies.

However if you factor in The Justice League it kinda falls apart.

Then there is the theory about The Simpsons where Homer is in a coma because nobody ages so he remembers them as they were when he last saw them before falling into a coma.

Big A
03-11-16, 18:20
Well for TV, The Walking Dead is not really happening. It's just a long dream playing out in Rick Grimes head while he is in a coma. The series finale will end with Rick Grimes waking up in a hospital bed surrounded by Lori, Carl, and Shane.

Then there is the whole admission by Stanley Kubrick that the moon landings were faked and he spilled his guts about it in The Shining.

Yep, they’re totally gonna Dallas us with TWD...

03-12-16, 01:53
Sailor Moon takes place in the same universe as GI Joe and Transformers.

Not sure about Sailor Moon but Hasbro did mesh G.I. Joe and Transformers . . .


03-12-16, 01:59
Iron Sky is actually a real life story about the break away civilization started by the Nazis.

Yep, moon Nazis!

It would give some credence to Admiral Byrd's task force and Operation Highjump. Sometimes the truth is stranger than fiction.

Robocop was written by time travelers from Detroit who came back to Warn us and cash in on Detroit's real life fate.

^With the way Detroit is looking and going these days that one might not be too far off! :p

Yeah but much of the principle photography was shot in Dallas, TX. so meh.

03-12-16, 02:04
Capricorn One was allegedly a direct attempt to "out" this rumor.

I think I might be the only person that owns this movie.

Kind of cool that O.J. is killed by the MIB.

03-12-16, 03:10
I think I might be the only person that owns this movie.

Kind of cool that O.J. is killed by the MIB.

I of course own this movie and have seen it dozens of times. It was a regularly scheduled film in the early days of cable TV.

03-12-16, 03:21
I of course own this movie and have seen it dozens of times.

Ah hah, should have known . . .

03-12-16, 05:18
Han Solo/Star Wars are the dreams of Indiana Jones.

Big A
03-12-16, 07:04
Han Solo/Star Wars are the dreams of Indiana Jones.

You may have that backwards...

03-12-16, 07:37
The Terminator universe is just the prequels to the Matrix universe.

I like the Jar Jar Binks theory as well. It actually makes his presence much easier to bear.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

03-20-16, 04:14
The Dark Knight Rises released in 2012 had Aurora and Sandy Hook in the movie. The Aurora theater shooting took place on the opening day of the film and the Sandy Hook school shooting took place five months later.


Despicable Me Minions are a representation of Jewish children who were experimented on by Nazi scientists.


03-20-16, 05:08
I think I might be the only person that owns this movie.

Kind of cool that O.J. is killed by the MIB.

I own it too. Good flick.

Alex V
03-20-16, 08:29
Yep, they’re totally gonna Dallas us with TWD...

The writer of the comic already said "No" to that rumer. We shall see.

03-20-16, 09:34
Aaaand just like that....I can no longer giggle at a minion.

On a lighter note, who watched Unforgiven and thought it was Man With No Name after he'd gotten old?

03-21-16, 03:19
Aaaand just like that....I can no longer giggle at a minion.

Let not yourself be troubled, it's been debunked. Those are not Jewish children in that photograph, they are British Submariners donning their escape apparatuses.


On a lighter note, who watched Unforgiven and thought it was Man With No Name after he'd gotten old?

It's plausible I suppose but Joe (A Fistful of Dollars), Monco (For a Few Dollars More), and Blondie (The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly) never murdered women and children or dynamited trains full of people.