View Full Version : How do we end Mass Immigration into America?

03-10-16, 23:04
So after watching the debate and seeing how the majority of Americans are against more (http://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2016-03-07/americans-really-don-t-like-immigration-new-survey-finds)or even existing levels of immigration (http://www.pewhispanic.org/2015/09/28/chapter-4-u-s-public-has-mixed-views-of-immigrants-and-immigration/), I would like to get your take on how do we best reduce immigration.

Along what lines, limits etc.

What is your take on mass immigration?

Solutions to Illegal immigration
1. Secure the border with a Triple layer fence across the US/Mexican border
2. Prevent Amnesty at all costs
3. End birthright citizenship for non U.S Citizens.
4. End all welfare for illegals
5. Mandate E-verify for all jobs
6. Punish all business who hires illegal labor
7. Stop all funds for "sanctuary cities"
8. Remove the lowers courts from issues of immigration via Jurisdiction stripping

Reform and Reducing legal immigration
1. Work to reduce visas as to protect the American Worker
2. End the "refugee" scam
3. End visa over stays by automation of the system.
4. End the immigration of non-comparable cultures to America
5. List of requirements for immigration.
6. Cap the limit of immigration to America at 200,000 per year.
I will give a detail list of reasoning for each step and why you should support them as well.

5. List of requirements for immigration.

Be very skilled in the English Language
If you are coming here, you will understand and speak our language, but nothing.

Clean bill of health/IQ Test
Clean bill of health will be required, we have no need for more burdens for us to bare. You have AIDS/HIV? Sorry entry denied. Disabled? Sorry but we have our own to look after. This is not cruel as we have more than enough of our people to care for, should they not come first?

Those with high IQ will be given priority.

A minimum of $50,000 dollars in assets.
If you are coming you must have some leveling of savings to insure you are noting going to be a burden on us.

Some might call it elitists but we have seen the results of taking in the poor of the 3rd world for the last 50 years, we are done with such emotional driven agenda as well as taking in those who need welfare right off the boat, we have more than enough poverty here we sure as hell have no reason to import more of it..

Have a skill that is in need in the work force.
Let in people who are skilled but only the best (think the top 10% of the top 10%) and only in the smallest number needed as to avoid wage suppression of American workers. Given the abuse of the H1B visa system I am more than ok with this not happening.

Have compatible values with American culture.
You support limited government, capitalism unalienable rights, and complete and uncompromising gun rights? You should be allowed in. You support unlimited government, Marxism, open borders, mass immigration, and replacing American culture with the same crap you have fled from? You not only get denied but you get placed on a list as to never be let in. Have them take a lie detector test while applying in their home nations. No such thing as extremism when it comes to defending Liberty.

Some people might call that extreme but do you really want more people like this guy coming into America?

Yeah, what I thought.


03-10-16, 23:24

Mauser KAR98K
03-10-16, 23:26
For one, demagnetize the U.S. Cut off all welfare to illegals, and major limits to legal immigrants coming in, eVerify through employers and punish said employers who hire illegals, and build a wall.

Second, make legal immigration in waves that let new generations become assimilated into American culture. Bring in immigrants from areas that do not have a big dependence on Goverment, or know the draw backs of an over reaching government. Stop importing socialist from South and Central America.

Curb socialist and communist countries in our part of the hemisphere by either not doing business with them, or supporting socialist groups.

03-10-16, 23:33
That's simple: We either start a massive civil war, causing refugees and migrants to flee the United States rather than want to come to America or we simply turn the US into a vast, uninhabitable nuclear wasteland.

Problem solved.

03-10-16, 23:35
Easy fix. Open season along the border. Caught crossing illegally, shot on site. Border Patrol , minute men, private land owner, everyone will be allowed to do it.
Let the bodies rot, as reminders for others.

With that and cutting off the welfare, should stop rather quick.

03-10-16, 23:39
For one, demagnetize the U.S. Cut off all welfare to illegals, and major limits to legal immigrants coming in, eVerify through employers and punish said employers who hire illegals, and build a wall.

Second, make legal immigration in waves that let new generations become assimilated into American culture. Bring in immigrants from areas that do not have a big dependence on Goverment, or know the draw backs of an over reaching government. Stop importing socialist from South and Central America.

Curb socialist and communist countries in our part of the hemisphere by either not doing business with them, or supporting socialist groups.

A large majority of illegal immigrants don't come from those places and unfortunately our current president has done much to go against laws we've had in place for the last 50 yrs.

03-11-16, 00:21
The American dream is now reserved for Non-Americans. Accept it or change it.

Lower and middle class families feed the machine. We work so others may gamble or redistribute our money as they see fit. We are the majority.

This is why Trump leads in most polls. "Trump is most popular with non-college graduates". Wow, shocker. People are tired.

From a "As a Country" stand point:

1) Wall.
2) M134's on said wall
3) Deportation of current illegals if they so much by a beer with cash and food with welfare. Act right, be productive and current illegals gain citizenship.

From a "We the people are tired" standpoint:

1) Devalue the dollar. It will take time and perseverance. Don't pay taxes. Any. They can't arrest 50% of the population. Let them keep pumping those presses. Let America go to crap.

2) Vigilante mode switched on. Cause people to fear coming here.

03-11-16, 01:06
I am shocked we do not have as of yet anyone spouting the nonsense of "we are nation of immigrants" .

03-11-16, 02:04
I am shocked we do not have as of yet anyone spouting the nonsense of "we are nation of immigrants" .

Had Native Americans built a wall equipped with M134's, they'd been better off in the long run, no?

Instead, they opened their land to others and were rewarded with internment camps.

I feel no guilt for something that was hundreds of years before my time.

03-11-16, 02:07
Had Native Americans built a wall equipped with M134's, they'd been better off in the long run, no?

Instead, they opened their land to others and were rewarded with internment camps.

I feel no guilt for something that was hundreds of years before my time.

Good, you should not. More over people should learn from that to understand immigration does not always work out well, that and the invasion of Rome and the current asshattery in Europe.

03-11-16, 02:53
We are a nation of immigrants, but not of 3rd world, savage, hostile, incompatible, subsidized, treacherous immigrants.

03-11-16, 03:56
Start with those elected officials who make it happen and work your way down.

End the tax payer gifts and implement massive deportations starting in the prisons.

03-11-16, 04:44
I have spent a bunch of time in Africa and now the Dominican Republic. It is universal the USA is viewed as the Garden of Eden by the people of the third world.

Corruption and poverty have assured they can't pull themselves up by the boot straps, so they dream of being able to go to the USA.

When the USA has cities that don't cooperate with immigration and people get welfare no matter their status and god forbid we profile. We will continue to get the lowest of the low staying in our country or walking across the borders.

How to stop it?


Heavy penalties for Americans that hire people with no documents. I am talking a year in jail for each worker, throw some big CEO's in jail .

No welfare for immigrants. You come here work your rear end off, as did our forefathers.

Make establishing a sanctuary city a federal crime . Arrest mayors and city council people that establish these cities and throw them in a federal pen for 10 years and not club fed.

You do those 3 things and it would stop no need for a wall.

26 Inf
03-11-16, 13:37
How to stop it?


Heavy penalties for Americans that hire people with no documents. I am talking a year in jail for each worker, throw some big CEO's in jail .

BINGO. If the CEO knew he was going to go to jail, no way he'd condone lower managers allowing the hiring of illegals.

Not the only solution, but a start.

Make the border duck butt tight - station troops along it, have the reserves and national guard do three weeks of border duty every third AT cycle. It would mean buying land and building 'camps' not bases.

Most of the folks wanting (and needing) to immigrate are not coming from countries that have allowed them to achieve any higher education or skills, allow immigrants from those countries to be sponsored by groups that will 1) provide for them without government assistance; 2) educate and house them; 3) keep them until they can speak English and hold a job - I'm talking Churches and charitable organizations.

Get serious about enforcing Visa regulations.

03-11-16, 14:02

Easy fix. Open season along the border. Caught crossing illegally, shot on site. Border Patrol , minute men, private land owner, everyone will be allowed to do it.
Let the bodies rot, as reminders for others.

With that and cutting off the welfare, should stop rather quick.

There isn't any need to do that. To end the illegal problem all you have to do is take away their reason(s) for being here.

Why are they here?

Most are here for a job and a paycheck.

It's already illegal to employ an illegal so We just need to up the penalty for hiring illegals.

I live in Arkansas where the #1 employer of illegals is Tyson Foods, followed by Cargrill in their chicken processing plants.

So, instead of building a fence or a wall or shootin' em as the cross the river, why not arrest old man Tyson and lock him up for the next 25 years in Gitmo? You have to do this to the CEO/owner, not a flunky or scapegoat.

If you did this you would have to worry about Cargrill because they would get rid of the illegals faster than you capsule shake a stick. So would everyone else that employed illegals.

Same thing goes for renting to them, or selling any type of tangible assets like a car or truck to an illegal. Huge fines and jail time.

If anyone uses the excuse "I didn't know they were an illegal." then the fine and/or jail time triples.

Take away their jobs, welfare, places to live, etc and there isn't any reason for them to be here.

If you want to kinda use your imagination a little you could charge a CEO with both the Hobbs Act and RICO for employing illegals.

The Laws are already there, We just have to force Our elected officials to enforce them, which will never happen because they do NOT work for or answer to Us, the have to answer to their owners and masters, like the Koch Bros.


03-11-16, 14:28
We are a nation of immigrants, but not of 3rd world, savage, hostile, incompatible, subsidized, treacherous immigrants.

No, we are settlers, Immigration come to a nation that is already built, settlers come to a wilderness and build something new/out of nation.

03-11-16, 14:37

There isn't any need to do that. To end the illegal problem all you have to do is take away their reason(s) for being here.

Why are they here?

Most are here for a job and a paycheck.

It's already illegal to employ an illegal so We just need to up the penalty for hiring illegals.

I live in Arkansas where the #1 employer of illegals is Tyson Foods, followed by Cargrill in their chicken processing plants.

So, instead of building a fence or a wall or shootin' em as the cross the river, why not arrest old man Tyson and lock him up for the next 25 years in Gitmo? You have to do this to the CEO/owner, not a flunky or scapegoat.

If you did this you would have to worry about Cargrill because they would get rid of the illegals faster than you capsule shake a stick. So would everyone else that employed illegals.

Same thing goes for renting to them, or selling any type of tangible assets like a car or truck to an illegal. Huge fines and jail time.

If anyone uses the excuse "I didn't know they were an illegal." then the fine and/or jail time triples.

Take away their jobs, welfare, places to live, etc and there isn't any reason for them to be here.

If you want to kinda use your imagination a little you could charge a CEO with both the Hobbs Act and RICO for employing illegals.

The Laws are already there, We just have to force Our elected officials to enforce them, which will never happen because they do NOT work for or answer to Us, the have to answer to their owners and masters, like the Koch Bros.


So how exactly would one know someone was an illegal for sure?

I'm anti illegal immigration, btw. But be careful what you wish for.

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03-11-16, 14:39
Start by calling them illegal ALIENS as we used to, and not illegal immigrants as that plays into the progressive agenda.

03-11-16, 14:41
I have spent a bunch of time in Africa and now the Dominican Republic. It is universal the USA is viewed as the Garden of Eden by the people of the third world.

Odd question, did you visit the Dominican/Haitian border?

Corruption and poverty have assured they can't pull themselves up by the boot straps, so they dream of being able to go to the USA.

True, the live in a Hell of their own making and where ever they go it will follow them.

When the USA has cities that don't cooperate with immigration and people get welfare no matter their status and god forbid we profile. We will continue to get the lowest of the low staying in our country or walking across the borders.

How to stop it?


Heavy penalties for Americans that hire people with no documents. I am talking a year in jail for each worker, throw some big CEO's in jail .

Totally agree.

No welfare for immigrants. You come here work your rear end off, as did our forefathers.

Thanks to activist judges we can not, its easier not to let them in to begin with.

Make establishing a sanctuary city a federal crime . Arrest mayors and city council people that establish these cities and throw them in a federal pen for 10 years and not club fed.

When you do arrest them with the National Guard and a very nice long prep walk.

You do those 3 things and it would stop no need for a wall.

A wall works regardless of who is in the White House, it will never "look the other way" when a leftist is in the power.

BINGO. If the CEO knew he was going to go to jail, no way he'd condone lower managers allowing the hiring of illegals.

Not the only solution, but a start.

Make the border duck butt tight - station troops along it, have the reserves and national guard do three weeks of border duty every third AT cycle. It would mean buying land and building 'camps' not bases.

Most of the folks wanting (and needing) to immigrate are not coming from countries that have allowed them to achieve any higher education or skills, allow immigrants from those countries to be sponsored by groups that will 1) provide for them without government assistance; 2) educate and house them; 3) keep them until they can speak English and hold a job - I'm talking Churches and charitable organizations.

Get serious about enforcing Visa regulations.

Time to stop funding those groups and launch investigation for fraud and abuse.


There isn't any need to do that. To end the illegal problem all you have to do is take away their reason(s) for being here.

Why are they here?

Most are here for a job and a paycheck.

It's already illegal to employ an illegal so We just need to up the penalty for hiring illegals.

I live in Arkansas where the #1 employer of illegals is Tyson Foods, followed by Cargrill in their chicken processing plants.

So, instead of building a fence or a wall or shootin' em as the cross the river, why not arrest old man Tyson and lock him up for the next 25 years in Gitmo? You have to do this to the CEO/owner, not a flunky or scapegoat.

If you did this you would have to worry about Cargrill because they would get rid of the illegals faster than you capsule shake a stick. So would everyone else that employed illegals.

Same thing goes for renting to them, or selling any type of tangible assets like a car or truck to an illegal. Huge fines and jail time.

If anyone uses the excuse "I didn't know they were an illegal." then the fine and/or jail time triples.

Take away their jobs, welfare, places to live, etc and there isn't any reason for them to be here.

If you want to kinda use your imagination a little you could charge a CEO with both the Hobbs Act and RICO for employing illegals.

The Laws are already there, We just have to force Our elected officials to enforce them, which will never happen because they do NOT work for or answer to Us, the have to answer to their owners and masters, like the Koch Bros.


Because they own Congress, also you have to worry about some activist judges who think some how illegals have a "right" to welfare.

We will still fine them, jail them, and as for the illegals we must deport the existing stock of them.

03-11-16, 15:00
So how exactly would one know someone was an illegal for sure?

I'm anti illegal immigration, btw. But be careful what you wish for.

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Got papers? No? Well......

03-11-16, 15:07
Got papers? No? Well......

Yeah that sounds simple enough. However, if they produce documents from the approved list on the I-9, and the documents appear "reasonably authentic", you are not allowed to discriminate against them by requiring anything further upon an offer of employment.

ETA... E-verify is FAR from foolproof, btw.

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03-11-16, 15:09
Start by calling them illegal ALIENS as we used to, and not illegal immigrants as that plays into the progressive agenda.

Illegal immigrant, alien, whatever. Illegal is the key word.

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03-11-16, 15:52
We turn into a 3rd world shithole where everyone cashes out trying LEAVE South Africa style.

Vote Democrat.

03-11-16, 18:28
We turn into a 3rd world shithole where everyone cashes out trying LEAVE South Africa style.

Vote Democrat.

Truly a that nation has suffered a fall from heaven under the rule of the communists....They should have shot Mandala when they had the chance...That being said everyone know if they had the bomb we would not have pressured them.

03-12-16, 01:05
No, we are settlers, Immigration come to a nation that is already built, settlers come to a wilderness and build something new/out of nation.

That's a good point.

03-12-16, 02:53
Start by calling them illegal ALIENS as we used to, and not illegal immigrants as that plays into the progressive agenda.

Hell I'd be happy if they just called them illegals, I'm sick of the Marxist rhetoric word generator that gifts us with terms such as "undocumented workers".

03-12-16, 05:09
That's a good point.

Thanks, their is a reason we are not living in the "fill in the blank nation of the Indians".

03-12-16, 05:12
Hell I'd be happy if they just called them illegals, I'm sick of the Marxist rhetoric word generator that gifts us with terms such as "undocumented workers".

I always say if they are undocumented workers then my foot is an undocumented proctologist and you have an appointment you leftist traitor..

03-12-16, 09:30
If I lived in Mexico and had a family to support, I'd probably try and come over too. I'd wager many of them love this country more than the cowardly blowhards in this thread. You're not "defending our borders", you're dreaming up an excuse to murder people who don't look like you.

Nothing nauseates me more than a bunch of hateful assholes bloviating about how much they love America, that they'd be willing to gun down desperate, impoverished fellow human beings.

Fortunately you're all full of shit and I'd say it to your faces if I could. You're not Americans and I'm ashamed to share this country with you.

03-12-16, 09:32
If I lived in Mexico and had a family to support, I'd probably try and come over too. I'd wager many of them love this country more than the cowardly blowhards in this thread. You're not "defending our borders", you're dreaming up an excuse to murder people who don't look like you.

Nothing nauseates me more than a bunch of hateful assholes bloviating about how much they love America, that they'd be willing to gun down desperate, impoverished fellow human beings.

Fortunately you're all full of shit and I'd say it to your faces if I could. You're not Americans and I'm ashamed to share this country with you.

Or they could stay home and "fix" Mexico.
We either are a Nation of laws or we aren't, you having a kind heart doesn't give you the right to pick my pocket in the form of taxes or a bigger deficit because you have a soft heart an a soft head on this.

03-12-16, 09:36
Or they could stay home and "fix" Mexico.
We either are a Nation of laws or we aren't, you having a kind heart doesn't give you the right to pick my pocket in the form of taxes or a bigger deficit because you have a soft heart an a soft head on this.

I absolutely think they should fix their own country. I'm just saying I understand why they come here.

03-12-16, 10:05
I wish I was a billionaire...I would spend so much money making Americans move to Mexico...

we'd only speak English and make all kinds of cool demands like driving licenses and maybe cool guns also.

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03-12-16, 10:06

5.List of requirements for immigration.

Be very skilled in the English Language
If you are coming here, you will understand and speak our language, but nothing.

Clean bill of health/IQ Test
Clean bill of health will be required, we have no need for more burdens for us to bare. You have AIDS/HIV? Sorry entry denied. Disabled? Sorry but we have our own to look after. This is not cruel as we have more than enough of our people to care for, should they not come first?

Those with high IQ will be given priority.

A minimum of $50,000 dollars in assets.
If you are coming you must have some leveling of savings to insure you are noting going to be a burden on us.

Some might call it elitists but we have seen the results of taking in the poor of the 3rd world for the last 50 years, we are done with such emotional driven agenda as well as taking in those who need welfare right off the boat, we have more than enough poverty here we sure as hell have no reason to import more of it..

Have a skill that is in need in the work force.
Let in people who are skilled but only the best (think the top 10% of the top 10%) and only in the smallest number needed as to avoid wage suppression of American workers. Given the abuse of the H1B visa system I am more than ok with this not happening.

Have compatible values with American culture.
You support limited government, capitalism unalienable rights, and complete and uncompromising gun rights? You should be allowed in. You support unlimited government, Marxism, open borders, mass immigration, and replacing American culture with the same crap you have fled from? You not only get denied but you get placed on a list as to never be let in. Have them take a lie detector test while applying in their home nations. No such thing as extremism when it comes to defending Liberty.

Some people might call that extreme but do you really want more people like this guy coming into America?

Yeah, what I thought.


These replies are from an Immigrant

5. Hard to be skilled in the English language when you don't live in an English speaking country.

Disabled - so I can come but my kid/parent/wife cant?

High IQ - What's a high IQ? College? High school? Trade school? There are a lot of vary talented people who have avg IQ but are good at what they do.

$50k assets - lmao! Seriously? Immigrants by their definition are typically money poor. No one had $50k where I came from unless you were in a mob. So basically buy your way in. Yes that's right the first thing we did was get on welfare. You know why? Cause dispite being legally allowed in to the country it's still illegal to work till all paperwork is completed.....which takes a while. Talk to the gov about that! In fact most legal immigrants tend to have to find under the table jobs to get by while their papers are processed.

Top 10% of the top 10% in skilled labor. - Wouldn't be a problem if half of America got of their ass and worked. Seriously! Yea I know many people work their asses off but there is enough slackers that unskilled immigrant labor is needed. I deal with a small business owner who tries to only hire immigrants. He's been in business since the early 90s. He hires American guys, pays them $20/hr, full benefits and gives them plenty of time off. Just ask a head of time and he'll accommodate. These same guys show up late, to work, ready to leave 10 min before clocking out, do just enough to not be fired, bitch when asked to do extra work or stay late. And generally act like he owes them for coming to work. Meanwhile immigrants ask if there is extra time to work or a second shift, show up early, rarely ever slack off, tend to work harder and don't act like they are owed something. My job is similar experiences. Immigrants lining up for job applications while employees bitch they arnt treated like the kings they are.

26 Inf
03-12-16, 10:52
I want to channel both Arik and 1911-A1:

I also have a hard time getting outrage about noncriminal illegal immigrants (yes, I know Illegal entry is criminal - you know what I mean) because for the most part they are just doing what I would hope I had the balls to do if I was concerned for my family.

I have a soft heart, and yet my first response to illegal immigration has always been 'make the border duck butt tight.' I would also sooner invade Mexico and 'fix' it, than worry about the middle-east.

Going along with Aric - if you live in tornado and thunderstorm country then you know that most roofing crews are immigrant, I assume illegal. My son's rudimentary knowledge of Spanglish comes from the summer between his junior and senior year that he spent running a crew of illegals roofing houses - I let him, but I had nothing but disdain for the roofing company that came into town chasing storm damage and allowed a 17 year-old kid to take charge of a crew of illegals roofing houses. More recently storms took nearly every roof in my neighborhood - essentially same deal - I watched all my neighbors houses be roofed by a company that I don't believe had a single English speaking worker. I tell you, them guys moved through some roofs.

I have a friend who owns a pipeline company. Most of his workers are Hispanics. He doesn't set out to hire illegals - he uses everify - but he is sure some are running fake papers. He pays everyone the same - white, yellow, black, brown - and tells me a lot of the 'Americans' he pays off tell him the work is too hard. Hmm.

Another guy, bidding for drywall jobs, can't bid as low as his competition - running crews of illegals - what's he supposed to do?

So who is more of the problem, the illegals or the American guys that hire them? People who are willing to work or the Americans who say the job is too hard?

It is not as simple as 1) hate; 2) yell; 3) deport. Other problems have to be fixed.

03-12-16, 13:06
Here's the thing, for all of the "Good" illegals" that come across wanting to support their families, there are many that come across for the freebies, bring in dope and promote general mayhem.
Until you figure out how to separate the Wheat from the Chaff, you have to obey the laws and seal the border. I have no issue with stiff penalties for those who hire them.
This stuff didn't go bad over night, so there have been plenty of chances for both the US and Mexico to fix this, it aint being fixed and giving everyone here a Green Card wont do it either.
Before Student Loans became an Industry those jobs that "Americans Wont Do" were done mostly by College Kids saving money for school.

03-12-16, 13:20
I believe spending some time in another country aside from the U.S. would really open some eyes and take the edge off some hard opinions

I personally know a person who got denied citizenship but really wanted to be an American. He was very highly educated, loved shooting, all that other happy horse crap but couldn't get it.

So the "keep em all out" mentality doesn't fly with me.

I'm sorry the political zeitgeist isn't to your liking but there is a forest behind those trees.

03-12-16, 13:35
Or they could stay home and "fix" Mexico.
We either are a Nation of laws or we aren't, you having a kind heart doesn't give you the right to pick my pocket in the form of taxes or a bigger deficit because you have a soft heart an a soft head on this.

Watch Cartel Land.

Dude gets sick of being boned by the government and the cartels, so he does something about it: He buys guns. He gets a bunch of friends to buy guns and help him. They get their friends involved, creating the autodefensas, anti-cartel militia. They make a stand against the cartels and publicly embarrass the Mexican government for not taking a stand themselves.

You want to know what ends up happening?

He goes to prison. His friends - the autodefensas - get nationalized and form the new Cuerpo de Defensa Rural. Any of the autodefensas who do not join the Rurales also go to prison, or they get dead. And in their freetime, the Rurales work for the cartels, cooking meth and hunting their enemies.

So, yeah. Good luck with "fixing" Mexico.

03-12-16, 13:59
I want to channel both Arik and 1911-A1:

I also have a hard time getting outrage about noncriminal illegal immigrants (yes, I know Illegal entry is criminal - you know what I mean) because for the most part they are just doing what I would hope I had the balls to do if I was concerned for my family.

I have a soft heart, and yet my first response to illegal immigration has always been 'make the border duck butt tight.' I would also sooner invade Mexico and 'fix' it, than worry about the middle-east.

Going along with Aric - if you live in tornado and thunderstorm country then you know that most roofing crews are immigrant, I assume illegal. My son's rudimentary knowledge of Spanglish comes from the summer between his junior and senior year that he spent running a crew of illegals roofing houses - I let him, but I had nothing but disdain for the roofing company that came into town chasing storm damage and allowed a 17 year-old kid to take charge of a crew of illegals roofing houses. More recently storms took nearly every roof in my neighborhood - essentially same deal - I watched all my neighbors houses be roofed by a company that I don't believe had a single English speaking worker. I tell you, them guys moved through some roofs.

I have a friend who owns a pipeline company. Most of his workers are Hispanics. He doesn't set out to hire illegals - he uses everify - but he is sure some are running fake papers. He pays everyone the same - white, yellow, black, brown - and tells me a lot of the 'Americans' he pays off tell him the work is too hard. Hmm.

Another guy, bidding for drywall jobs, can't bid as low as his competition - running crews of illegals - what's he supposed to do?

So who is more of the problem, the illegals or the American guys that hire them? People who are willing to work or the Americans who say the job is too hard?

It is not as simple as 1) hate; 2) yell; 3) deport. Other problems have to be fixed.

This is my experience as well. I hire NUMEROUS people on a yearly basis. Some I am 99% sure are not here legally, but they pass the e-verify and have the appropriate looking documents. And sadly, they are FAR better employees than the typical American that I hire. It kills me. Guys coming to me saying they aren't paid enough to pay their bills...yet only work 30-35 hours average due to tardiness or outright absenteeism. When we are slow, I offer to farm them to other departments...they choose instead to go home early.

The Hispanics, well...I can't run them off. Absolutely want every hour available.

Don't get me wrong. I absolutely hate it. But we've ruined half of an entire generation of American kids with the "everybody owes me" mentality.

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03-12-16, 17:40
If I lived in Mexico and had a family to support, I'd probably try and come over too. I'd wager many of them love this country more than the cowardly blowhards in this thread. You're not "defending our borders", you're dreaming up an excuse to murder people who don't look like you.

Nothing nauseates me more than a bunch of hateful assholes bloviating about how much they love America, that they'd be willing to gun down desperate, impoverished fellow human beings.

Fortunately you're all full of shit and I'd say it to your faces if I could. You're not Americans and I'm ashamed to share this country with you.

Really? Well would you have the same view of someone broke into your home? I mean they are trying to support their family after all? Right?

You have no come back and have to pull the whole "You are racist, hate others because "RACISM"!". No, we are tried of our nation, that nation that our Founding and Forefathers settled, founded, built, and defend being invaded and given away to imported hordes so business men can have "cheap labor" and leftist can have future welfare voters.

We are acting in defense of our Nation, culture, heritage, future, and the future of the greatest gift God has bestowed upon men, a gift that has been paid for with the blood, sweat, tears, and lives of countless generations. Liberty. Sorry of that is "nauseating".

Sorry if you can not see what is really going on, but then again you do not have learn, only lose and judging by the polls and numbers you open border/pro mass immigration supports are going to lose badly.

No, you would not. You are internet tough guy. I am American as is anyone who would close the gates and work to repel invaders.

If you are so ashamed...why do you not leave? Honest question. I mean if America is so awful, why not leave?

We all know why.

03-12-16, 17:42
I absolutely think they should fix their own country. I'm just saying I understand why they come here.

And maybe you should understand why we do not want, and can not allow them to come here.

03-12-16, 17:51
I'm with 1911A1 and countless others on this board.

Gunning down people who are just trying to make it and are non-violent would be a hard thing to ask of any moral professional.

And...it's easy to see who's left the US before and who hasn't.

I would love a staunchly reformed system where people that want to be Americans can be Americans.

Honestly if millions of Mexicans came over, assimilated, spoke English, paid taxes, and lived life.....it wouldn't hurt my feelings.

There are a LOT of M4Cers here who have spent their entire adult lives in the military and or LE who really don't have the hard on against Mexicans that a small small minority do

What does that tell you?

03-12-16, 18:21
Honestly if millions of Mexicans came over, assimilated, spoke English, paid taxes, and lived life.....it wouldn't hurt my feelings.

I work with several naturalized citizens and permanent residents... Perfect English, their Spanish is an asset, they pay enough in taxes to have rapidly developed a hatred of the FSA, and at a back yard BBQ the only indicator that they're not as American as apple pie is the music. They're actually all fairly conservative, but in finance you really don't find as many liberals as the political donations would suggest. I genuinely believe that's just attempting to back whomever wins, simply to have an ally in power.

03-12-16, 18:24
no issues....father came here sponsored by NASA, mom came on the Philippines US Navy Nursing program.

proud of their hard work and dedication .

But it irks and angers me the number of people who jump the line.

Sent from my SM-G900T using Tapatalk

03-12-16, 19:05
These replies are from an Immigrant

5. Hard to be skilled in the English language when you don't live in an English speaking country.

Cool, I love a good debate.

Do not care, you will learn it and learn as good if not better then Americans, this is not America, not 7/11.

Disabled - so I can come but my kid/parent/wife cant?

Not share, but learning towards no. If we take them they we have to take everyone who is disabled.

High IQ - What's a high IQ? College? High school? Trade school? There are a lot of vary talented people who have avg IQ but are good at what they do.

Yeah, no. WE have a great deal of talented people with an avg IQ and their wages will not be driven down by mass immigration. If you are coming you have to be as good and in many case a bit better then us. High IQ would be 125 and up.

Start watching around 37min mark.

If you are going to watch any video I post, may it be this one.


$50k assets - lmao! Seriously? Immigrants by their definition are typically money poor. No one had $50k where I came from unless you were in a mob. So basically buy your way in. Yes that's right the first thing we did was get on welfare. You know why? Cause dispite being legally allowed in to the country it's still illegal to work till all paperwork is completed.....which takes a while. Talk to the gov about that! In fact most legal immigrants tend to have to find under the table jobs to get by while their papers are processed.

Yeah no. We are done taking in poverty from other nations. More over just because you have that much does not mean you are let in, if you are billionaire Marxist, you are going to be kept out as you should be.

Top 10% of the top 10% in skilled labor. - Wouldn't be a problem if half of America got of their ass and worked. Seriously! Yea I know many people work their asses off but there is enough slackers that unskilled immigrant labor is needed. I deal with a small business owner who tries to only hire immigrants. He's been in business since the early 90s. He hires American guys, pays them $20/hr, full benefits and gives them plenty of time off. Just ask a head of time and he'll accommodate. These same guys show up late, to work, ready to leave 10 min before clocking out, do just enough to not be fired, bitch when asked to do extra work or stay late. And generally act like he owes them for coming to work. Meanwhile immigrants ask if there is extra time to work or a second shift, show up early, rarely ever slack off, tend to work harder and don't act like they are owed something. My job is similar experiences. Immigrants lining up for job applications while employees bitch they arnt treated like the kings they are.

No, it is not needed. Its wanted because they do not want to pay high wages. Well every nation has lazy bastards, hell is he still hiring?

So every immigrant is that hard a worker?




But hey, anything to keep the whole "immigrants always work harder" and "Americans are always lazy" memes going.

I want to channel both Arik and 1911-A1:

I also have a hard time getting outrage about noncriminal illegal immigrants (yes, I know Illegal entry is criminal - you know what I mean) because for the most part they are just doing what I would hope I had the balls to do if I was concerned for my family.

So if I break into your house would you mind that I violated the sovereignty of your land, your property and the sanctity of your home?

Do you care about the burden they please that you have to pay?

Do you not care about the acts of crime or terrorism that is carried out that you have to pay, the cost being the theft of your wealth and your Liberty?

I have a soft heart, and yet my first response to illegal immigration has always been 'make the border duck butt tight.' I would also sooner invade Mexico and 'fix' it, than worry about the middle-east.

And your reason why things would not turn out the same?

Mexico is the way it is as the same reason why they 3rd world is the way it is, its the people, their culture and their IQ that has made it the way it is, and no amount of squandered blood and treasure will change it.

Going along with Aric - if you live in tornado and thunderstorm country then you know that most roofing crews are immigrant, I assume illegal. My son's rudimentary knowledge of Spanglish comes from the summer between his junior and senior year that he spent running a crew of illegals roofing houses - I let him, but I had nothing but disdain for the roofing company that came into town chasing storm damage and allowed a 17 year-old kid to take charge of a crew of illegals roofing houses. More recently storms took nearly every roof in my neighborhood - essentially same deal - I watched all my neighbors houses be roofed by a company that I don't believe had a single English speaking worker. I tell you, them guys moved through some roofs.

And you think that is a good thing? They taxes they do not pay, the wages they suppress, the competition that goes under, workers laid off, people who can not do the same labor because the wage is too low?

They placed him in charge? It might be because he is smart and a harder worker.

What area of work do you do? I beat it is some thing that does not face any real threat of replacement by illegals or legal immigrants. Correct me if I am wrong.

I have a friend who owns a pipeline company. Most of his workers are Hispanics. He doesn't set out to hire illegals - he uses everify - but he is sure some are running fake papers. He pays everyone the same - white, yellow, black, brown - and tells me a lot of the 'Americans' he pays off tell him the work is too hard. Hmm.

Well go for him for using E Verify.

Another guy, bidding for drywall jobs, can't bid as low as his competition - running crews of illegals - what's he supposed to do?

Call ICE on him, go to the work sites and tell him to knock it off, maybe go to the local media, savage him on Facebook.

So who is more of the problem, the illegals or the American guys that hire them? People who are willing to work or the Americans who say the job is too hard?

The goverment for not protecting the nation, its one of the few jobs they have. Then the illegals for breaking the laws of this nation and as for the business that hire them, I want fines, asset forfeiture, maybe some jail time. Enough is Enough.

It is not as simple as 1) hate; 2) yell; 3) deport. Other problems have to be fixed. '

Yes it is simple, we just do not have leadership that has the will or loyal to the American to win.

Here's the thing, for all of the "Good" illegals" that come across wanting to support their families, there are many that come across for the freebies, bring in dope and promote general mayhem.
Until you figure out how to separate the Wheat from the Chaff, you have to obey the laws and seal the border. I have no issue with stiff penalties for those who hire them.
This stuff didn't go bad over night, so there have been plenty of chances for both the US and Mexico to fix this, it aint being fixed and giving everyone here a Green Card wont do it either.
Before Student Loans became an Industry those jobs that "Americans Wont Do" were done mostly by College Kids saving money for school.

You left out how they vote, solid leftist, where ever they congrats the recreate the political landscape of their home nations which is inferior to that of America and incompatible with Liberty.


Think your gun rights are safe?




More reasons we need to keep them out.

I believe spending some time in another country aside from the U.S. would really open some eyes and take the edge off some hard opinions

Really? So visiting other nations will some how negate facts, stats, and reality?

I have to ask you or anyone else that cares to answer, why is it when we talk about immigration an restricting it people always bring up "just visit other nations and it will change your mind"? Why? It does not really do anything, I do not need to visit Hell to know its hot.

I personally know a person who got denied citizenship but really wanted to be an American. He was very highly educated, loved shooting, all that other happy horse crap but couldn't get it.

And he should have been approved and Ayan Ahmed and her nine children, ages four to eighteen, spent six months in Phoenix. There,Catholic Charities had lined up a furnished four-bedroom home for the family and a neurologist for Ahmed’s eldest son, who is blind should not be approved as they are a burden on the American nation, people, culture and tax payer. (http://www.startribune.com/new-somali-refugee-arrivals-in-minnesota-are-increasing/281197521/#1)

So the "keep em all out" mentality doesn't fly with me.

Where did I say all of them? Just most of the ones we are now letting in now as they are not compatible with our nation, culture, and economy

I'm sorry the political zeitgeist isn't to your liking but there is a forest behind those trees.

What do you mean?

Watch Cartel Land.

Dude gets sick of being boned by the government and the cartels, so he does something about it: He buys guns. He gets a bunch of friends to buy guns and help him. They get their friends involved, creating the autodefensas, anti-cartel militia. They make a stand against the cartels and publicly embarrass the Mexican government for not taking a stand themselves.

And who wants that crap to flood North more then it already has?

You want to know what ends up happening?

He goes to prison. His friends - the autodefensas - get nationalized and form the new Cuerpo de Defensa Rural. Any of the autodefensas who do not join the Rurales also go to prison, or they get dead. And in their freetime, the Rurales work for the cartels, cooking meth and hunting their enemies.

So, yeah. Good luck with "fixing" Mexico.

Truly Evil lives in the hearts of some cultures and peoples more then others...

God help the 3rd world, because he is the only one who could.

This is my experience as well. I hire NUMEROUS people on a yearly basis. Some I am 99% sure are not here legally, but they pass the e-verify and have the appropriate looking documents. And sadly, they are FAR better employees than the typical American that I hire. It kills me. Guys coming to me saying they aren't paid enough to pay their bills...yet only work 30-35 hours average due to tardiness or outright absenteeism. When we are slow, I offer to farm them to other departments...they choose instead to go home early.

The Hispanics, well...I can't run them off.

Don't get me wrong. I absolutely hate it. But we've ruined half of an entire generation of American kids with the "everybody owes me" mentality.

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03-12-16, 19:05
no issues....father came here sponsored by NASA, mom came on the Philippines US Navy Nursing program.

proud of their hard work and dedication .

But it irks and angers me the number of people who jump the line.

Sent from my SM-G900T using Tapatalk

NASA? What program?

03-12-16, 19:13
I'm with 1911A1 and countless others on this board.

Gunning down people who are just trying to make it and are non-violent would be a hard thing to ask of any moral professional.

And...it's easy to see who's left the US before and who hasn't.

I would love a staunchly reformed system where people that want to be Americans can be Americans.

Honestly if millions of Mexicans came over, assimilated, spoke English, paid taxes, and lived life.....it wouldn't hurt my feelings.

There are a LOT of M4Cers here who have spent their entire adult lives in the military and or LE who really don't have the hard on against Mexicans that a small small minority do

What does that tell you?

Well that is not the case with the millions that are here and who want to come. More over you should care, have you seen how they vote?

I work with several naturalized citizens and permanent residents... Perfect English, their Spanish is an asset, they pay enough in taxes to have rapidly developed a hatred of the FSA, and at a back yard BBQ the only indicator that they're not as American as apple pie is the music. They're actually all fairly conservative, but in finance you really don't find as many liberals as the political donations would suggest. I genuinely believe that's just attempting to back whomever wins, simply to have an ally in power.

I have noticed in fields that require an objective mindset and demands on details and results you will never find any or any real number of Leftist.

I have no doubt they are good people but they are exceptions to the rule.

This year as well as the next we are on tack to take in 1 million permanent residents (http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2015/08/02/exclusive-usa-to-issue-more-green-cards-than-populations-of-iowa-new-hampshire-south-carolina-combined/), 700,000 foreign-workers, (http://cis.org/vaughan/700000-guestworker-visas-issued-2012)500,000 foreign students (http://cis.org/Student-Visa-Fraud), and 100,000 refugees and asylum seekers annually. (http://www.immigrationpolicy.org/just-facts/refugees-fact-sheet)


Now this is a very large number, in fact this is a the greatest amount of immigration we have ever had a nation.


He are some of their views.





They vote 8-2 for Democrats. (http://cis.org/immigration-impacts-on-republican-prospects-1980-2012)

Think your gun rights are safe?




Now, not all of them are like that, but a large majority of them are. So because of that we need to change immigration both in size and scale.

We do not need to import large numbers of people who are not compatible with our culture, values and will vote away our Liberty for a handout.

03-12-16, 19:47
he was on the project that helped build some of the sub systems for the command module.

His professor was originally from the Vienna Technical Institute and my father graduated from there in 1961..his visa was one of the 50 signed by Kennedy when he visited Vienna to see Krushchev. Father is a 1956 Hungarian refugee.

I think the professor was on Von Braun Rocket program.

Sent from my SM-G900T using Tapatalk

03-12-16, 20:02
Not to go too far off topic, but that's one BA bit of family history!

03-12-16, 20:10
It's not really far off topic.

We need people that want to come here but are TALENTED, are DRIVEN, and they assimilate to become AMERICANS.

My father despite working for a company that did work for NASA was even drafted and he went to Germany instead of Vietnam because of his poor English but he learned and he learned quickly as some didn't like that he was the unit translator because he spoke German fluently.

I'm proud of my parents..both veterans....but my mother has only one rule in her family and we are forbidden from joining the marines because of the death of her brother.


End of day..we need immigrants but TALENTED immigrants..not this garbage we have now from Africa and other garbage cesspool places with no endeavor to become Americans nor learn to love this country or die for it when they ask for it.

03-12-16, 20:24
come to this country LEGALY
then in 5 years of good standing no crimes etc.. you can vote
no welfare of any kind for at least 10 years if you have to draw on welfare you can go back to your country instead !

also for sure welfare needs to change mandatory drug tests since this is a hand out and nobody should be doing drugs if they cant afford basics to live !!!! and foodstamps are only given in the form of food not money and its certain foods
housing also has to have checks that it is being maintained properly AND you have to be working in some way cleaning graffiti those kinda things cleaning roadsides etc..

but the big problem would require a whole new gov and take out all the money changing hands etc..

03-12-16, 20:26
Watch Cartel Land.

Dude gets sick of being boned by the government and the cartels, so he does something about it: He buys guns. He gets a bunch of friends to buy guns and help him. They get their friends involved, creating the autodefensas, anti-cartel militia. They make a stand against the cartels and publicly embarrass the Mexican government for not taking a stand themselves.

You want to know what ends up happening?

He goes to prison. His friends - the autodefensas - get nationalized and form the new Cuerpo de Defensa Rural. Any of the autodefensas who do not join the Rurales also go to prison, or they get dead. And in their freetime, the Rurales work for the cartels, cooking meth and hunting their enemies.

So, yeah. Good luck with "fixing" Mexico.

And the American Revolution was easy?
What is easy and expedient for Mexico, Mexican Politicians and the Cartels is these guys all leaving and heading North. What is easy is exploiting these guys when they get here and looking the other way when the crime statistics for them sky rocket.
I'm kind of sick of the excuses and "Doing the Jobs Americans wont do." is one of them.

03-12-16, 20:31
I would prefer a VOUCHING system within a community and then sponsored by the government after testing.

The current setup to get citizenship seriously sucks and people abuse it.

03-12-16, 20:33
I would prefer a VOUCHING system within a community and then sponsored by the government after testing.

The current setup to get citizenship seriously sucks and people abuse it.

Yes it is and they do, we are letting in a lot of the wrong people.

03-12-16, 20:35
he was on the project that helped build some of the sub systems for the command module.

His professor was originally from the Vienna Technical Institute and my father graduated from there in 1961..his visa was one of the 50 signed by Kennedy when he visited Vienna to see Krushchev. Father is a 1956 Hungarian refugee.

I think the professor was on Von Braun Rocket program.

Sent from my SM-G900T using Tapatalk

Cool.Did he ever met Von Braun?

03-12-16, 20:36
It's not really far off topic.

We need people that want to come here but are TALENTED, are DRIVEN, and they assimilate to become AMERICANS.

My father despite working for a company that did work for NASA was even drafted and he went to Germany instead of Vietnam because of his poor English but he learned and he learned quickly as some didn't like that he was the unit translator because he spoke German fluently.

I'm proud of my parents..both veterans....but my mother has only one rule in her family and we are forbidden from joining the marines because of the death of her brother.


End of day..we need immigrants but TALENTED immigrants..not this garbage we have now from Africa and other garbage cesspool places with no endeavor to become Americans nor learn to love this country or die for it when they ask for it.

Amen, keep trash, welfare voters, leftist, traitors and subversive out.

03-12-16, 22:15
If I lived in Mexico and had a family to support, I'd probably try and come over too. I'd wager many of them love this country more than the cowardly blowhards in this thread. You're not "defending our borders", you're dreaming up an excuse to murder people who don't look like you.

Nothing nauseates me more than a bunch of hateful assholes bloviating about how much they love America, that they'd be willing to gun down desperate, impoverished fellow human beings.

Fortunately you're all full of shit and I'd say it to your faces if I could. You're not Americans and I'm ashamed to share this country with you.

No one here is suggesting murdering people for having different skin color, etc. That is a straw man and you know it.
We are talking about illegal immigration and mass immigration. People can enter illegally no matter what their skin color.
Ditto for mass immigration.
Part of the issue is that today immigration is so much easier, quicker, and safer than it was in the past. In the past, immigrating was a major decision, usually involving getting on a boat for weeks at a time, possibly dying of all sorts of nasty shit (aside from the obvious risk of sinking). The, upon arriving, it was a furious scramble to provide the necessities of life. Today, tings are way different.

I'm an immigrant, so don't preach to me about people here being bigoted, etc. North America is the most welcoming place on Earth. In fact, it's too welcoming. Welcoming law-breakers, terrorist-supporters (not to mention terrorists) and the like is not an admirable thing.

I want to channel both Arik and 1911-A1:

I also have a hard time getting outrage about noncriminal illegal immigrants (yes, I know Illegal entry is criminal - you know what I mean) because for the most part they are just doing what I would hope I had the balls to do if I was concerned for my family.

I have a soft heart, and yet my first response to illegal immigration has always been 'make the border duck butt tight.' I would also sooner invade Mexico and 'fix' it, than worry about the middle-east.

Going along with Aric - if you live in tornado and thunderstorm country then you know that most roofing crews are immigrant, I assume illegal. My son's rudimentary knowledge of Spanglish comes from the summer between his junior and senior year that he spent running a crew of illegals roofing houses - I let him, but I had nothing but disdain for the roofing company that came into town chasing storm damage and allowed a 17 year-old kid to take charge of a crew of illegals roofing houses. More recently storms took nearly every roof in my neighborhood - essentially same deal - I watched all my neighbors houses be roofed by a company that I don't believe had a single English speaking worker. I tell you, them guys moved through some roofs.

I have a friend who owns a pipeline company. Most of his workers are Hispanics. He doesn't set out to hire illegals - he uses everify - but he is sure some are running fake papers. He pays everyone the same - white, yellow, black, brown - and tells me a lot of the 'Americans' he pays off tell him the work is too hard. Hmm.

Another guy, bidding for drywall jobs, can't bid as low as his competition - running crews of illegals - what's he supposed to do?

So who is more of the problem, the illegals or the American guys that hire them? People who are willing to work or the Americans who say the job is too hard?

It is not as simple as 1) hate; 2) yell; 3) deport. Other problems have to be fixed.

The use of the word "hate", even if applied properly, does not render all opposing arguments void.
Likewise, yelling something (which I don't think is possible using text on a screen) does not mean the argument is not sound.
Yes, there is a problem with the work ethic of many Americans. That does not mean that immigration laws should not be enforced.

I believe spending some time in another country aside from the U.S. would really open some eyes and take the edge off some hard opinions

I personally know a person who got denied citizenship but really wanted to be an American. He was very highly educated, loved shooting, all that other happy horse crap but couldn't get it.

So the "keep em all out" mentality doesn't fly with me.

I'm sorry the political zeitgeist isn't to your liking but there is a forest behind those trees.

I'm an immigrant, and have lived in Europe, Africa and North America. Spending time in these other countries and continents is exactly what reinforces my opinion that borders must be controlled extremely tightly, and that violators of immigration border laws must be dealt with appropriately (and no, I'm not suggesting extermination, in case anyone even suggests that).
With that said, those laws should be beneficial to the nation, and not some perverted mess where hostile sworn enemies are allowed in while decent hard-working people are kept out.

Again, nobody is saying "keep them all out". What is being said is have proper laws, then enforce those laws across the board.

The integrity of national borders is important. Every other nation on Earth knows this, but only in the West is this seen as mean/cruel/racist/bigoted/etc.

It's not really far off topic.

We need people that want to come here but are TALENTED, are DRIVEN, and they assimilate to become AMERICANS.

My father despite working for a company that did work for NASA was even drafted and he went to Germany instead of Vietnam because of his poor English but he learned and he learned quickly as some didn't like that he was the unit translator because he spoke German fluently.

I'm proud of my parents..both veterans....but my mother has only one rule in her family and we are forbidden from joining the marines because of the death of her brother.


End of day..we need immigrants but TALENTED immigrants..not this garbage we have now from Africa and other garbage cesspool places with no endeavor to become Americans nor learn to love this country or die for it when they ask for it.

Well said. Immigration policy should be built around the goal of improving your nation, not bringing it down to the level of the rest of the world.
I would add that there are some great individuals from even the crappiest places in the world (Africa, Middle East, Pakistan, etc). A proper immigration plan would include screening for these people, and keeping the other garbage out, rather than this en masse approach the traitorous "leaders" of the West seem to be in love with.

03-12-16, 22:56
No one here is suggesting murdering people for having different skin color, etc. That is a straw man and you know it.
We are talking about illegal immigration and mass immigration. People can enter illegally no matter what their skin color.
Ditto for mass immigration.

When facts are thrown out immigration supports have to result to cries of "racism" in order to silence the opposition using fear....Only it is no longer working.

Part of the issue is that today immigration is so much easier, quicker, and safer than it was in the past. In the past, immigrating was a major decision, usually involving getting on a boat for weeks at a time, possibly dying of all sorts of nasty shit (aside from the obvious risk of sinking). The, upon arriving, it was a furious scramble to provide the necessities of life. Today, tings are way different.

More over we did not have welfare and had Freedom of Association.

I'm an immigrant, so don't preach to me about people here being bigoted, etc. North America is the most welcoming place on Earth. In fact, it's too welcoming. Welcoming law-breakers, terrorist-supporters (not to mention terrorists) and the like is not an admirable thing.

Thank you...If they want to see real "bigotry" go to South Africa, or Mexico see how they treat their natives.

The use of the word "hate", even if applied properly, does not render all opposing arguments void.
Likewise, yelling something (which I don't think is possible using text on a screen) does not mean the argument is not sound.
Yes, there is a problem with the work ethic of many Americans. That does not mean that immigration laws should not be enforced.

More and more people are understanding and accepting this.

Calling a person "racist" or claiming an argument is based on "hate" is like calling a person a booger or claiming an argument is based on poop, it just proves the opposition has nothing

I'm an immigrant, and have lived in Europe, Africa and North America. Spending time in these other countries and continents is exactly what reinforces my opinion that borders must be controlled extremely tightly, and that violators of immigration border laws must be dealt with appropriately (and no, I'm not suggesting extermination, in case anyone even suggests that).
With that said, those laws should be beneficial to the nation, and not some perverted mess where hostile sworn enemies are allowed in while decent hard-working people are kept out.

How can anyone not support such basic act of self preservation.

Again, nobody is saying "keep them all out". What is being said is have proper laws, then enforce those laws across the board.

The integrity of national borders is important. Every other nation on Earth knows this, but only in the West is this seen as mean/cruel/racist/bigoted/etc.

Well said. Immigration policy should be built around the goal of improving your nation, not bringing it down to the level of the rest of the world.
I would add that there are some great individuals from even the crappiest places in the world (Africa, Middle East, Pakistan, etc). A proper immigration plan would include screening for these people, and keeping the other garbage out, rather than this en masse approach the traitorous "leaders" of the West seem to be in love with.

They think if they replace the Founding Stock with their imported hordes they will be able to A. Control them in order to B. Elected perpetually. What they fail to understand is they can not be controlled, largely assimilateable and they will just elect representatives that look like them/from their communities.

03-12-16, 23:37
all of them are scum.

Sent from my SM-G900T using Tapatalk

03-13-16, 04:04
If I lived in Mexico and had a family to support, I'd probably try and come over too.

If I lived in Guatemala, Belize, El Salvador, Honduras, or Nicaragua I'd probably try and go North into Mexico but Mexico wouldn't allow me.

I'd wager many of them love this country more than the cowardly blowhards in this thread.

Is that why there are so many Mexican flags flown in Mexican communities in CONUS? Is it their "love" for this country that prevents them from speaking and writing English?

You're not "defending our borders", you're dreaming up an excuse to murder people who don't look like you.

LOL IRL, tell me is it because "people don't look like them" that Mexico strictly enforces their southern border with Guatemala with big scary guns?

Nothing nauseates me more than a bunch of hateful assholes bloviating about how much they love America, that they'd be willing to gun down desperate, impoverished fellow human beings.

And nothing makes me want to puke more than regurgitated Marxist rhetoric wrapped up in bleeding heart bovine feces. I don't recall anyone on this board wishing to gun down these impoverished fellow human beings but since you brought them up how many of them have you invited into your own home and sponsored?

Fortunately you're all full of shit and I'd say it to your faces if I could. You're not Americans and I'm ashamed to share this country with you.

I'm ashamed to share this once great nation with the likes of those who can't give it away fast enough . . .

03-13-16, 04:31
I also have a hard time getting outrage about noncriminal illegal immigrants (yes, I know Illegal entry is criminal - you know what I mean) because for the most part they are just doing what I would hope I had the balls to do if I was concerned for my family.

It's easy for me to be outraged when my tax dollars are forced from my income streams via the rule of law and used to give public education to illegal's children, pay for their births and other health care needs at county hospitals, prisons, so on and so forth. And if my country was a third world sewer I would hope that I would have the balls not to abandon my family so I can go live and work in Beverly Hills why they squalor in a landfill.

I have a soft heart, and yet my first response to illegal immigration has always been 'make the border duck butt tight.' I would also sooner invade Mexico and 'fix' it, than worry about the middle-east.

Well I don't, but I'll agree with you here that we as a nation need to stop meddling in geo-politics and advancing globalists agendas and focus our efforts on our own shores and borders. Some in the Republic of Texas wanted to take everything south to Guatemala but Houston stopped at the Rio Grande.

So who is more of the problem, the illegals or the American guys that hire them?

The problem starts with the US elected officials who allow the problem to begin with. Illegals only do what they are allowed to get away with. We've managed to keep the 38 parallel secure since 1953. If we so desired we could secure our southern border.

It is not as simple as 1) hate; . . .

And yet city states and nation states have been protecting their sovereign borders since the dawn of time but it is only now "hateful" i.e. racist for America to protect hers.

03-13-16, 10:53
Believe me, the bitterness against those who don't assimilate or those who mooch is warranted and justified.

I just kinda balk at the whole "kill em all" mentality.

As for the flags...I recall going back east and going through a certain neighborhood and seeing the place littered by what looked like Mexican flags. Only it was white guys who dressed tacky. Turns out the Italian flag looks pretty similar to the Mexican flag.

Pretty sure these guys haven't been to Italy so....


My deal is be constructive.

03-13-16, 11:45
Believe me, the bitterness against those who don't assimilate or those who mooch is warranted and justified.

I just kinda balk at the whole "kill em all" mentality.

As for the flags...I recall going back east and going through a certain neighborhood and seeing the place littered by what looked like Mexican flags. Only it was white guys who dressed tacky. Turns out the Italian flag looks pretty similar to the Mexican flag.

Pretty sure these guys haven't been to Italy so....


My deal is be constructive.

"The Hill" in St Louis is like that...fantastic Italian food, btw.

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03-13-16, 11:46
I don't think we need to kill anybody, well except for the people knowingly hiring illegal labor in order to cut their costs.
Yeah if you want it to stop, just make the juice more costly and the squeeze will stop. I'm thinking a camera crew or six and perp walking these guys out of the office in cuffs and in to a squad car along with a nice sentence per violation ought to do it.
Just really hand out some hard time to the white collar yahoo's who knowingly provide the jobs and these folks may not leave quickly, but they will leave.

03-13-16, 12:17
Damn might as well require everyone to be blonde hair blue eyes...........

03-13-16, 12:19
stupid.....clearly stupid comment...
throw racist lines when you got nothing better to say when the argument is not on your side.

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Dist. Expert 26
03-13-16, 12:25
Securing the border and deporting the illegals already here isn't nearly as impossible a task as the media would like you to believe. The Chinese built a wall without the aid of any modern technology. I'm pretty sure we can pull it off. From my experience the illegals all tend to hole up in the same nasty trailer parks, so rounding most of them up shouldn't be difficult.

Once the wall is built, post signs every ten yards (on the Mexican side) that any person attempting to scale the wall will be met with force, up to and including the deadly kind.

Call it racist, cruel, whatever. I'd be saying the same thing if Canada was the problem.

03-13-16, 12:26
stupid.....clearly stupid comment...
throw racist lines when you got nothing better to say when the argument is not on your side.

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When you're the son of once-illegal parents and you read some of this %%*#}* then you might take some degree of offense..... I'm 100% for building a 100' tall wall and MAKING MEXICO PAY FOR IT! But shooting people "on site" this thread should be deleted it will accomplish nothing.

03-13-16, 12:32
I don't believe in shooting on site but we've reached a level of non compliance to the point that they can get drivers license , free tuition, and everything else under the sun, somehow , what is the point then if no one is enforcing the laws right now?

My wife is Hungarian and I love her to death but in 2008, they yanked her work visa after Citi Bank layed off people in NY. We did it the legal way and it took two year that included me living in Hungary with her rather than her staying illegally.

Doing it the right way is hard, but worth it in my opinion.

Now when we see illegals , it's like they are cutting you in line and not giving a crap.
It's tough. .I get it.....but we waited in line and followed the laws.

if no one likes it, then contact your reps to have it changed.

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03-13-16, 12:59
I don't believe in shooting on site but we've reached a level of non compliance to the point that they can get drivers license , free tuition, and everything else under the sun, somehow , what is the point then if no one is enforcing the laws right now?

My wife is Hungarian and I love her to death but in 2008, they yanked her work visa after Citi Bank layed off people in NY. We did it the legal way and it took two year that included me living in Hungary with her rather than her staying illegally.

Doing it the right way is hard, but worth it in my opinion.

Now when we see illegals , it's like they are cutting you in line and not giving a crap.
It's tough. .I get it.....but we waited in line and followed the laws.

if no one likes it, then contact your reps to have it changed.

Sent from my SM-G900T using Tapatalk

She got lucky... It took my uncle 11 years for them to renew his visa.. 11... The hard way sucks but its the best way. Thats why millions get desperate and risk their life to cross.. Many die. For every one asshole illegal you read about on CNN I guarantee you there are 10 more who work hard everyday and send most of their money back to Mexico. Yes, they have broken US laws and should be deported. Because its not fair to the other MILLIONS who've been waiting years... (Like my uncle) If you've ever been to shit hole rural MX, you'd know how hard life is. When your own govt. favors the drug cartels and throws the people under the bus tell me, what would YOU do to keep your family alive?! (Not a stab at you by the way I'm just sending a message :) )

26 Inf
03-13-16, 13:01
So if I break into your house would you mind that I violated the sovereignty of your land, your property and the sanctity of your home?

If you broke into my house you would get face shot, just as anyone else would, I'd pray for your soul. If my wife or I wasn't home my daughters would stab your eyes out with pencils and beat you to death with softball bats

They placed him in charge? It might be because he is smart and a harder worker.

Well, yeah, he is my son.

What area of work do you do? I beat it is some thing that does not face any real threat of replacement by illegals or legal immigrants. Correct me if I am wrong.

No, you are right. I don't have much fear of replacement by anyone. I work in the areas of applied ballistics and related subjects. My jobs have always required citizenship or legal status and passing backgrounds and psychologicals, so illegal immigrants, and, probably you, wouldn't be hired.

Anthony, I don't think you understand how much people like me - IQ's above 125; service in the Armed Forces; Evangelical Christian; four kids; put self through college; volunteer to work to make the community a better place - loathe people who come across the way you do.

You are on a firearms forum, you've been warned to tone down the anti-immigration rhetoric. Other than some posts, apparently to get the magic number to post in the GD area, which advertise your lack of knowledge and sense, you bring nothing to the table other than venom.

So let me ask you, what do you do? Live on your own? Buying a house? Raising a family? Put yourself through college?

Moderators, I know I am perilously close to crossing the line, but, please, how much of this stuff do we have to endure?