View Full Version : No Trump Rally in Chicago...?

03-12-16, 09:28
If they truly aren't worried about him winning, they certainly don't act like it.
Maybe Loretta Lynch and the justice department can look in to this?
The announcement the billionaire businessman would postpone the rally led a large portion of the crowd inside the University of Illinois at Chicago Pavilion to break out into raucous cheers. Many rushed onto the floor, jumping up and down with their arms up in the air.

"Trump represents everything America is not and everything Chicago is not," said Kamran Siddiqui, 20, a student at the school who was among those celebrating. "We came in here and we wanted to shut this down. Because this is a great city and we don't want to let that person in here."

At Trump's rally earlier Friday in St. Louis, he was repeatedly interrupted by protesters. Police there charged nearly three dozen people with general peace disturbance and one person with assault.


Mr Trump said it was sad there was so much anger in the country.

"We have a country that is so divided ... I've never seen anything like it and this has been going on for years," he told MSNBC.

"On one side you have people who haven't had a pay increase in 10 years, frankly, and the businesses are moving out of the country and they're upset and they're angry.

"On the other side you have people who feel differently about other elements.


While Trump has faced interruptions during his speeches for months, he had not been confronted with the type of large, organized protest that unfolded in Chicago. As the crowd waited for the event to start, security escorted about a dozen protesters, a few at a time, out of the arena. After an organizer took to the stage to announce the plug had been pulled, a few skirmishes broke out between Trump backers and the protesters inside the arena.

Five people were arrested as a result, and charges against them are pending early Saturday, said Officer Janel Sedovic, a Chicago police spokeswoman.

Two officers were injured during the event, police said. They were taken to area hospitals with non-life-threatening injuries, Sedovic said.

I'm thinking this just went a little too far.
When a 60+ year old decides to play the knock-out game on a 20 something black kid being escorted out of the arena, maybe folks have finally had enough?

03-12-16, 09:32
In response to the protests last night, best quote of the day I read: "Trump shouldn't have called it a rally, he should have called it a job fair. That would have kept protestors away."

03-12-16, 10:08
wonder if that was done at Bern rally what will happen.

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26 Inf
03-12-16, 10:18
This is the most reasonable thing that I've heard Trump say:

Mr Trump said it was sad there was so much anger in the country.

"We have a country that is so divided ... I've never seen anything like it and this has been going on for years," he told MSNBC.

"On one side you have people who haven't had a pay increase in 10 years, frankly, and the businesses are moving out of the country and they're upset and they're angry.

"On the other side you have people who feel differently about other elements.

He tamed the rhetoric way down on that one.

Big A
03-12-16, 10:25
wonder if that was done at Bern rally what will happen.

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We really all should unite and shut down some Dim rallys but we're too busy with shit like having a job and taking care of ourselves and our families...

03-12-16, 11:03
yeah that stuff really irks me...

maybe Trump should have called it a job fair.

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03-12-16, 11:33
I'm seeing it reported that someone eithe threw something at Trump this monring while he was on stage or tried to grab hos leg.

With the hate, and that really is the way to describe it, I think it is only a matter of time before someone tries to take him out.

If people would protest a Sanders or Clinton rally like they did Trump's last night the media would be writing a very different story than one about "mostly peaceful protesters" and a few people in both sides fighting.

03-12-16, 11:49
This is getting really bad and then Cruz, Rubio & Mr. Ohio, blame it on Trump. Fortunately adults such as Ben Carson stood up "dangerous to teach youth to shut down free speech"

http://i933.photobucket.com/albums/ad176/slickville/_tan2_zpsjlbh3fns.jpg (http://s933.photobucket.com/user/slickville/media/_tan2_zpsjlbh3fns.jpg.html)

For those of you who don't remember the 60's this governor handled it correctly:


03-12-16, 12:37
wonder if that was done at Bern rally what will happen.

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Arrested and prosecuted for hate crimes

03-12-16, 12:57
For those of you who don't remember the 60's this governor handled it correctly:


Yes, I remember the 60's, I seem to remember how Mayor Daley handled the Democratic National Convention when it was in Chicago and things got a bit "Dicey".
Here is the thing, you might consider going to a rally a private event for those who support Trump, therefore you "right" to protest extends to the front door of the rally. Once these Mopes enter the door with intent, is it Trumps fault?
I think a Hickory Stick Shampoo is in order once you cross the line. I don't see much difference in entering a rally to promote a riot, than entering a private home to do the same.

Outlander Systems
03-12-16, 13:11
This is a bad omen.

It is, also, I believe, symptomatic of a society in decline.

03-12-16, 13:18
We really all should unite and shut down some Dim rallys but we're too busy with shit like having a job and taking care of ourselves and our families...

If you have time to attend a Drumpf rally, you have time to protest Sanders or Clinton.

03-12-16, 13:29
Supposedly there is some Soros money and such disruptions are being organized as such. Certainly plausible IMO

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Big A
03-12-16, 13:36
If you have time to attend a Drumpf rally, you have time to protest Sanders or Clinton.
You're assuming a lot there....

Outlander Systems
03-12-16, 13:38
That the "Drumpf" thing is funny?

Because it's not.

You're assuming a lot there....

03-12-16, 13:40
You're assuming a lot there....

I'm sure all the guys who show up to Drumpf rallies are just there on their way home from work or on their way to work and only spend five minutes there, right?

That the "Drumpf" thing is funny?

Because it's not.

No, what's funny is how many people think a reality star and New York progressive is really the Second Coming of Reagan.

03-12-16, 13:43
I'm pretty sure the dems don't squabble and fight amongst themselves as much we do... Dafuq is up with that..

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03-12-16, 13:57
I'm pretty sure the dems don't squabble and fight amongst themselves as much we do... Dafuq is up with that..

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You don't know many Dems, do you?

They seem to think that conservatives have lined up behind Drumpf - they believe that every conservative person will go to the polls and vote for him. And in the meantime, they're fighting each other tooth and nail over Sanders and Clinton. Just as we're fighting tooth and nail over more and less authoritarian, statist candidates. And just as there are conservatives who will never vote for Drumpf, there are liberals who will never vote for Clinton.

03-12-16, 14:00
I try not to associate myself with folks I tend to despise.

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03-12-16, 14:07
I try not to associate myself with folks I tend to despise.

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I'd rather find common ground with someone and gradually win them over to my point of view over time than live in an echo chamber where I believe that The Other is a monolithic, uncaring, unstoppable, inhuman force while my own side is riven with faults and cracks that might cause the entire thing to fall apart at any minute.

Of course, I don't exactly accept the premise that half the American public is my enemy. Everybody (most everybody) is on my side. Even if they're wrong.

Big A
03-12-16, 14:23
I'm sure all the guys who show up to Drumpf rallies are just there on their way home from work or on their way to work and only spend five minutes there, right?

No, what's funny is how many people think a reality star and New York progressive is really the Second Coming of Reagan.
I have no clue what Trump supporters do with their time.

03-12-16, 15:50
I have not been a Trump supporter, and in fact just voted for someone else in my state's primary.

However, when organized mobs of the "other party" prevent the leading candidate for one party from even holding an ordinary campaign rally, in a major city, my view of the "other party" dims from "people I don't generally agree with" to "a dangerous mob of revolutionaries who lost any right to participate in our political process." Obviously one could argue at length that this action isn't representative of that party and its members, or that it's somehow legitimate for them (an instantly failing argument, but one likely to be made), etc. I don't care. I know enough Dems in real life and via Fakebook comments to know that a huge number of them support this sort of ANTI-democratic, subversive mob action, whether or not they personally have the balls to show up and be thug labor.

2016 could be an echo of 1968, but uglier.

03-12-16, 17:00
2016 could be an echo of 1968, but uglier.

I think it will be uglier. In 68 the issues were the Vietnam War and civil rights, plus we had a couple of assassinations. Our issues are deeper now. We are vying for the country's soul. Capitalism vs Socialism/Fascism, the Constitution and the Supreme Court.

03-12-16, 18:14
I think it will be uglier. In 68 the issues were the Vietnam War and civil rights, plus we had a couple of assassinations. Our issues are deeper now. We are vying for the country's soul. Capitalism vs Socialism/Fascism, the Constitution and the Supreme Court.

Or maybe not. 1968, the left was willing to kill. Nowadays, they're a bunch of shrill pussies.

03-12-16, 18:24
Nowadays, they're a bunch of shrill pussies.
IDK... Some of the looting jackasses from the protests in Missouri seemed to be one bad confrontation away from murder.

03-12-16, 18:34
A couple things to consider..First this was Chicago, another Democrat run failure of a city that's on the verge of bankruptcy, It's Detroit all over again. Second, Chicago is the largest city in Illinois which is also on the verge of bankruptcy. It's no surprise this kind of thing happened. The FSA is feeling threatened, if Trump gets in, alot of their freebies are going away, (by their reasoning) all this tells me one thing..Trump is right on target.. I've no doubt that someone will try to assassinate Trump. It's just a matter of time.There's one thing neither party can stand, and thats someone they can't control..

03-12-16, 18:49
I have serious doubts that anyone from the establishment would try to harm one of the candidates. Remember, eight years ago the lefties were all "huff and puff" that some racist gun lover would attempt to harm President Obama. Thank God, they were all wrong.

03-12-16, 18:52
A couple things to consider..First this was Chicago, another Democrat run failure of a city that's on the verge of bankruptcy, It's Detroit all over again. Second, Chicago is the largest city in Illinois which is also on the verge of bankruptcy. It's no surprise this kind of thing happened. The FSA is feeling threatened, if Trump gets in, alot of their freebies are going away, (by their reasoning) all this tells me one thing..Trump is right on target.. I've no doubt that someone will try to assassinate Trump. It's just a matter of time.There's one thing neither party can stand, and thats someone they can't control..

How do you explain this happening in Missouri right now?

Outlander Systems
03-12-16, 19:03

I'm under the impression that this dude does NOT like Trump.

How do you explain this happening in Missouri right now?

03-12-16, 19:21
I'm certain I can go to a Clinton convention, scream that she is responsible for the deaths at Benghazi, accuse her of killing Vince Foster and wave a Trump sign and nothing bad will happen to me.

03-12-16, 19:27
Or maybe not. 1968, the left was willing to kill. Nowadays, they're a bunch of shrill pussies.

I say we give them decades of payback, plus interest.

03-12-16, 19:34
If they hate Trump so, why are they ensuring his nomination? By that I mean, I think many people will view these shenanigans as a personal threat or an attempt to shut up their voice. And many who were on the fence will now move aggressively to Trump.

03-12-16, 19:44
If they hate Trump so, why are they ensuring his nomination? By that I mean, I think many people will view these shenanigans as a personal threat or an attempt to shut up their voice. And many who were on the fence will now move aggressively to Trump.

Its because leftist are not capable of complex thought. Most of the fence sitters/moderates and hell many sane democrats are seeing this and want nothing off it, remember how the leftist in the 60s raised hell and in response they elected Nixon under the "Law and Order" banner?

03-12-16, 19:46
How do you explain this happening in Missouri right now?

Wasn't aware that anything was going on out there, I haven't sat down watched the news for about a week, but like I said if the FSA is in a uproar, Trump is right on target, they're afraid of losing their freebies.. It's a pretty sad state of affairs when a candidate can't have a rally without people threatening violence. . Is this really what we, as a country have sunk to? Maybe the time has come for the country to split.. The socialist can run one half, and the other would be run by those wanting freedom, Right now, I don't hold much hope for the future.

03-12-16, 19:53
Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump on Saturday encountered more violence on the campaign trail when somebody got too close to the front-runner at an Ohio rally and Secret Service agents rushed the stage, one day after violence forced Trump to cancel a rally in Chicago.

A rally in Missouri later Saturday evening was also interrupted numerous times by protesters.

Trump spokeswoman Hope Hicks said a man tried to breach the security buffer at the Dayton, Ohio event and that he was removed “rapidly and professionally."

Yeah, I liked this to the KKK showing up at a Hillary Clinton Rally.
They know what the are doing, what they dont understand is the unintended consequences.
They are very likely to put him in the White House with these acts.

Outlander Systems
03-12-16, 20:01
That was my thought as well.

Have we, honestly, sunk so low, that the political process is starting to break down?

Dark Days for America, my brothers.

Wasn't aware that anything was going on out there, I haven't sat down watched the news for about a week, but like I said if the FSA is in a uproar, Trump is right on target, they're afraid of losing their freebies.. It's a pretty sad state of affairs when a candidate can't have a rally without people threatening violence. . Is this really what we, as a country have sunk to? Maybe the time has come for the country to split.. The socialist can run one half, and the other would be run by those wanting freedom, Right now, I don't hold much hope for the future.

03-12-16, 20:29
you will be quickly escorted out that solider did that recently and security whipped him right out quickly and shut him up

I'm certain I can go to a Clinton convention, scream that she is responsible for the deaths at Benghazi, accuse her of killing Vince Foster and wave a Trump sign and nothing bad will happen to me.

03-12-16, 20:58
....but like I said if the FSA is in a uproar, Trump is right on target, they're afraid of losing their freebies.. It's a pretty sad state of affairs when a candidate can't have a rally without people threatening violence. . Is this really what we, as a country have sunk to? Maybe the time has come for the country to split.. The socialist can run one half, and the other would be run by those wanting freedom, Right now, I don't hold much hope for the future.

I think there is a strong possibility you are right on. The FSA will not tolerate any threats to the gravy train.

And no, the country has not sunk that low, just the loud obnoxious American version of political intimidation on display. Like you, I fear what the future holds. People are choosing sides and the game keeps getting more dangerous. Lets hope civil people far outnumber the violent. The problem is, a small number embracing violence can dominate the message. Obviously...

03-12-16, 20:59
I honestly can't say I'm for or against Trump. Honestly at this point I'm not to sure whether to be bothered by which member of the Oligarchy I should pick at all.
But... events like this prove that the "other side of the aisle" is scared that there might actually be a chance of him winning, and are starting to panic to prevent it.
This should make most here (except maybe the Bernie lovers... :laugh:) pretty happy, since it says that at least *some* of the bluster is for real.
When was the last time this level of lefty freakout occurred for any other GOP candidate?

03-12-16, 21:45
I think it will be uglier. In 68 the issues were the Vietnam War and civil rights, plus we had a couple of assassinations. Our issues are deeper now. We are vying for the country's soul. Capitalism vs Socialism/Fascism, the Constitution and the Supreme Court.

Additionally, we have somehow managed to return to a level of racism that hasn't existed since the 1970s. Only problem is, this time the government is actually supporting the racists. And we still have a war, only it's not as simple as fighting communism in some distant asian land, it is a war with Islam and the fifth column activism is simply staggering. Jane Fonda went to Vietnam and took pictures with the enemy, today we actually have US citizens going to Syria to fight US soldiers.

Saw what you like about Trump, but he is the first person to stand up and call "BULLSHIT." Might be mostly political theater, isn't always the right message, isn't always directed towards the actual guilty party, but at least he is saying something is really, really wrong and it needs to be fixed.

Not sure if he's really going to do it, but everyone else is either ignoring the problems altogether or supporting the people who are actually part of the problem. And that is where Trump is getting his support. It's too bad somebody else didn't bring this message to the table, but it is what it is. And it can get a lot worse from here.

The establishment is saying Trump will destroy the party, I worry that they will do it just to prevent the Trump nomination. I mean godsakes, when THIS is the issue that makes Romney grow a pair of balls, you know you are in trouble. Where was that tough talk when he should have been rescuing us from Obama in 2012?

03-12-16, 21:49
this is free speech under attack by thug intimidation tactics. Then you have the left and MSM say it they were practicing free speech. It was sickening also to see Cruz and Rubio basically say Trump asked for it with his rhetoric and "inciting violence" and missing the big picture that your free speech is under attack.

03-12-16, 22:01
this is free speech under attack by thug intimidation tactics. Then you have the left and MSM say it they were practicing free speech. It was sickening also to see Cruz and Rubio basically say Trump asked for it with his rhetoric and "inciting violence" and missing the big picture that your free speech is under attack.

I agree. Since Rand dropped out, I'm leaning Cruz, but he missed the point blaming Trump for the thugs behavior. Cruz blew it on that one.

03-13-16, 01:49
Cruz and Rubio are saying that because they are losing.

03-13-16, 03:44
this is free speech under attack by thug intimidation tactics. Then you have the left and MSM say it they were practicing free speech. It was sickening also to see Cruz and Rubio basically say Trump asked for it with his rhetoric and "inciting violence" and missing the big picture that your free speech is under attack.

Yep. Let's reverse the variables.

A bombastic black candidate who wants to put violent white offenders in jail and prevent white drug traffickers from entering the country. Now imagine organized "race based" white groups attack him for his racist comments, suggest his comments should prevent him from being President and they organize violent protests in an effort to prevent the message from being heard.

It's not quite Dr. King suffering the attacks of the KKK, but it's not completely unlike it either.

People said a LOT of racist shit in favor of Obama and rather than bringing an end to popular racism with the election of the first Black President, it seems to have had the opposite effect and not only were black racist groups emboldened, they were specifically protected by Holder and now Lynch.

Imagine if white racist groups of the 1960s received similar support from the President and the AG. You'd have to go back almost 100 years for that, and that is how far back Obama has dialed race relations in this country.

That any group who has a history of being shut down, oppressed, attacked for their views would then turn around and do the same thing simply because they do not agree with the message is appalling.

03-13-16, 05:02
Considering the murder rate and violent crime in Chiraq, I don't blame Mr. Trump for calling it off. Maybe it wasn't even his call, his USSS PSD could have pulled the plug if they had credible intel.

All these BLM racists and White beta Marxist who protested in the streets at the convention center, where are they every time a Black child is murdered on the streets of Chiraq? If they even put half as much effort into fixing that community as they do at projecting their hate the murder rate would decline substantially.

03-13-16, 08:08


03-13-16, 08:41
Cruz and Rubio are saying that because they are losing.

Cruz coming out blaming Donald helped flip my father's vote, he'll now be voting for Trump in FL. IMO that was a big mistake by Cruz.

Outlander Systems
03-13-16, 09:03
My Florida relatives said the same thing. They were a mixed bag of Trump/Cruz supporters, and they've all piled on Trump.

One said, "Is Ted Cruz an idiot? I liked him."

Totally screwed the pooch.

Cruz coming out blaming Donald helped flip my father's vote, he'll now be voting for Trump in FL. IMO that was a big mistake by Cruz.

03-13-16, 09:55
People are surprised that the WWE candidate has rallies that look like the WWE.


03-13-16, 10:11
And now for the Irony
US President Barack Obama has warned White House contenders to avoid raising tensions after a Donald Trump rally was called off after fighting broke out between protestors and Republican supporters. Obama said candidates should not resort to "insults" and "certainly not violence against other Americans".

Apparently he forgot, but I'm sure many of you remember the violence promoted by the unions in behalf of our POTUS. Just a bit of fun and games the SEIU took part in...


In Dearborn Saturday night, at least seven busloads, carrying up to 800 SEIU staff in purple jackets and T-shirts drove up to the Hyatt Regency Hotel where the banquet hosted by Labor Notes was culminating a weekend conference on topics including union democracy, health care reform, and encouraging the resurgent growth of labor.

Upon unloading from the buses, the hundreds of picket-sign wielding staff stormed the hotel and pushed their way through doors to break into the ballroom where the event was being held.

While breaking in the building, the SEIU staff, now joined by SEIU staff inside the building, physically assaulted a group of union members and activists at the door.


Defendants [SEIU] maintain all or most of these allegations were also “constitutionally-protected speech activities” taking place in connection with a public issue–the labor dispute between SEIU and NUHW. We disagree. Conduct illegal as a matter of law is not protected… Threats of violence or bodily injury are not protected activities…

The allegations against nondefendant SEIU members included multiple and repeated acts of assault and battery, threats of violence and death, property damage, and physically accosting and surrounding NUHW supporters in a threatening manner. The gravamen of all three of plaintiffs’ causes of action is illegal conduct–violence, assault, threats of physical harm, intimidation, and coercion–that is constitutionally unprotected. (p. 7)

at a January 2009 meeting with SEIU agents in Las Vegas, individual defendant Henry instructed members on tactics of intimidation to be used against plaintiffs and their supporters and told the members, “You are SEIU’s warriors!”; and (4) in a campaign leading up to a representation election in Fresno between SEIU and NUWH, defendant Regan instructed a large gathering of SEIU agents to intimidate NUWH supporters, to “give them an ass-whipping,” to “drive a stake through [their] hearts,” to “bury them . . . in the ground,” and to threaten Hispanic workers that the immigration service would be called on them if they did not vote for SEIU.

I dont think it would be much of a stretch or take a lot of work to connect these groups at Trump Rally's and the SEIU.
Just say'in.

03-13-16, 10:12
People are supprised that the WWE candidate has rallies that look like the WWE.


Congratulations on jumping the shark. :rolleyes:

03-13-16, 10:21
The sad part is these protests are the best thing that could happen to Trump - lots of free media, don't have to talk about the issues. It's a campaign built around smoke and mirrors and people are mesmerized by the spectacle. Just like NASCAR and Hockey, people tune in to see a crash or a fight.

03-13-16, 11:36
Rubio was just on CNN asking them to ignore Trump.
Oh and your remarks about the size of his D**K? Ummmmm Marco, it's a little late for that isn't it?

03-13-16, 11:54
Rubio was just on CNN asking them to ignore Trump.
Oh and your remarks about the size of his D**K? Ummmmm Marco, it's a little late for that isn't it?

Fixed it for you

Ummmmm little Marco, it's too late for that isn't it?

03-13-16, 12:21
Doesn't Marco only like dicks and no pussy.

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03-13-16, 12:53
Cruz coming out blaming Donald helped flip my father's vote, he'll now be voting for Trump in FL. IMO that was a big mistake by Cruz.

I was on the fence too but since he doesn't have the spine to stand up to the regressive Communist movement, he lost my vote.

03-13-16, 14:53

03-13-16, 20:12
The problem is they are all now against Trump and believe it or not promoting this kind of action.
When have you seen Bernie call out Hillary, I mean really call her out on any of her crap? You really haven't because the Dem's aren't smart about much, but they are too damn smart to do that.

03-14-16, 02:14
(Geogre Soros) Moveon.Org raising funds from Trump protests, warns more disruptions to come

The progressive group is funded by billionaire George Soros, and has endorsed Democratic candidate Vermont Sen. Bernard Sanders for president.



03-14-16, 13:26
Who here is surprised? They have gone and done this on college campuses and it is a winner for them. They have learned that when anyone right of center comes to talk, they can raise a ruckus and get the event cancelled- with absolutely no repercussions. Don't blame them for doing what has worked for them.

What has Trump said that is anti-black? I can understand why illegals don't like him, but I don't pay enough attention to Trump to know what his classic racist stuff is supposed to be.

03-14-16, 16:35
(Geogre Soros) Moveon.Org raising funds from Trump protests, warns more disruptions to come

Russia has a warrant for his arrest out, we should arrest him and send him to Russia or Malaysia to send trial for economical terrorism.

03-14-16, 16:48
Who here is surprised? They have gone and done this on college campuses and it is a winner for them. They have learned that when anyone right of center comes to talk, they can raise a ruckus and get the event cancelled- with absolutely no repercussions. Don't blame them for doing what has worked for them.

What has Trump said that is anti-black? I can understand why illegals don't like him, but I don't pay enough attention to Trump to know what his classic racist stuff is supposed to be.

Bringing jobs back.

03-14-16, 19:55
Congratulations on jumping the shark. :rolleyes:


There are two issues at play:
1) First and foremost is Trump's right to assemble and speak as part of his campaign. As you and others have rightly pointed out, that right must be respected and it is 100% the fault of protestors who would attempt to disrupt his rallies. Nobody including myself, Cruz, or Rubio has or would deny that fundamental fact.

2) The second issue at play, and the one that I am speaking to is this bullshit where Trump tells his supporters to "I' like to punch that guy" or offers to pay their legal fees if they decide to commit a crime (a crime itself in NC some might argue). This is exemplified when one of his supporters punches a protestor whose hands were by his side as he left the venue and posed no threat. That supporter is then filmed stating that he may have to kill the guy next time. Now, Trump is not responsible for his support's actions, but he is responsible for condemning that bullshit when it's done in his name on national TV. Does he condemn it? No, his response is to see if he can pay the guys legal fees. That is WWE bullshit right there. And the fact that Obama and Holder have encouraged similar (although I don't recall Obama telling people to punch anyone) antics does not mean that Trump can raise the ante.

I'm with you on point one. You lose me on point 2.

03-14-16, 20:37
Russia has a warrant for his arrest out, we should arrest him and send him to Russia or Malaysia to send trial for economical terrorism.

Tit for tat.

You know who we get in exchange for handing over Soros? I'd bet his name starts with Snow and ends in Den.

I, for one, would rather leave him - safe - in Russia. Better would be to bring him back to the US and let him stand trial - although TPTB might prefer to have him suffer an unfortunate and very lethal accident before the trial can start or disappear him to a CIA black site (or Gitmo).

Dist. Expert 26
03-14-16, 22:01
Tit for tat.

You know who we get in exchange for handing over Soros? I'd bet his name starts with Snow and ends in Den.

I, for one, would rather leave him - safe - in Russia. Better would be to bring him back to the US and let him stand trial - although TPTB might prefer to have him suffer an unfortunate and very lethal accident before the trial can start or disappear him to a CIA black site (or Gitmo).

As much as I appreciate what Snowden did, I would still be all for trading him for Soros.

Snowden can no longer contribute or help in any meaningful way, but Soros can and will continue to fund the downfall of this country and western civilization as a whole. Watching him get thrown into a Russian prison would be extraordinarily satisfying.

And at the end of the day, Snowden knew full well what he was getting himself into. Classified information is classified information, and exposing it as he did is a crime for good reason. While the information he made public may not have put lives at risk, what happens when some underling at the CIA decides its unethical to spy on Iran and releases the names of our agents? Or the location of SOF teams operating in Syria? I'm the furthest thing from a statist, but some laws exist because they are truly necessary.

03-14-16, 22:48
As much as I appreciate what Snowden did, I would still be all for trading him for Soros.

Snowden can no longer contribute or help in any meaningful way, but Soros can and will continue to fund the downfall of this country and western civilization as a whole. Watching him get thrown into a Russian prison would be extraordinarily satisfying.

And at the end of the day, Snowden knew full well what he was getting himself into. Classified information is classified information, and exposing it as he did is a crime for good reason. While the information he made public may not have put lives at risk, what happens when some underling at the CIA decides its unethical to spy on Iran and releases the names of our agents? Or the location of SOF teams operating in Syria? I'm the furthest thing from a statist, but some laws exist because they are truly necessary.

I'm all for Snowden getting a fair trial.

I'm just not sure that they'd let him live long enough to see it. Or that the trial would be fair.

(And I wouldn't be too sure the Russians wouldn't let Soros back out of prison in a hurry, if they believe that he's working for the downfall of the West.)

03-14-16, 23:27
Tit for tat.

You know who we get in exchange for handing over Soros? I'd bet his name starts with Snow and ends in Den.

I, for one, would rather leave him - safe - in Russia. Better would be to bring him back to the US and let him stand trial - although TPTB might prefer to have him suffer an unfortunate and very lethal accident before the trial can start or disappear him to a CIA black site (or Gitmo).

Nothing, just make sure that hang that Nazi Collaborating, Freedom Destroying degenerate.

He did nothing wrong, He saw something, he said something.

03-14-16, 23:28
I'm all for Snowden getting a fair trial.

I'm just not sure that they'd let him live long enough to see it. Or that the trial would be fair.

(And I wouldn't be too sure the Russians wouldn't let Soros back out of prison in a hurry, if they believe that he's working for the downfall of the West.)

He is, how can you justify funding millions of Arabs/Muslims into Europe/Hispanics in America as not working to destroy said nations?

03-15-16, 02:51
Russia has a warrant for his arrest out, we should arrest him and send him to Russia or Malaysia to send trial for economical terrorism.

The Mossad Nazi hunters should whisk him off to Israel for his betrayal of his fellow Jews to the Nazi's during WWII.

03-15-16, 17:46

03-15-16, 17:46

Outlander Systems
03-15-16, 18:24
Shit-for-brains that rushed the stage is the same one who was wiping his feet on Old Glory a while back.


03-15-16, 20:55
I wonder if the Cheshire Cat at this table had anything to do with any of this? He sure seems like he wants to take credit for something.


03-16-16, 01:54
I wonder if the Cheshire Cat at this table had anything to do with any of this? He sure seems like he wants to take credit for something.


I think we know what should happen to these traitors

03-16-16, 02:01
Shit-for-brains that rushed the stage is the same one who was wiping his feet on Old Glory a while back.

The dick juggler should be air dropped over N Korea.

03-16-16, 06:19
Ed Goeas needs a punch in his snot box.

03-16-16, 21:51
I wonder if the Cheshire Cat at this table had anything to do with any of this? He sure seems like he wants to take credit for something.


That Ron Kaufman guy is the only one at that table who isn't an outright Democrat infiltrator and traitor to the USA.

03-16-16, 22:46
That Ron Kaufman guy is the only one at that table who isn't an outright Democrat infiltrator and traitor to the USA.

Ed Rogers seems like a real piece of work too. I agree that Ed Goeas could use a swift kick in the nuts.

Watching those guys makes you wonder if SEAL Team 6 hasn't been hunting the wrong guys... those guys are seriously screwed up.

I agree Kaufman seems like the only honest one at the table. That to me looks like a table full of guys that would each sell their Mother down the river and bitch about getting short changed on the deal.