View Full Version : Time to start "White Lives Matter"

Singlestack Wonder
03-13-16, 17:47
Is it time to start a "White Lives Matter" organization?

Just pulled this chart from NBC News:


Unless I'm misreading the graph, more people of white descent are killed by police each year (at least in 2014 and 2015).

03-13-16, 17:53
The argument is that when a white person is killed by police, there is no coverup. Police investigate. People go to jail and are held accountable.

When black people are killed by the police, no one is arrested and no one cares.

That is why "All lives matter" pisses them off so much. Of course all lives matter. No one disputes that. But, and I must stress this is how they feel, it does not seem like black lives matter.

03-13-16, 17:56
"Those are numbers not percentages" is the first thing you will hear. But still....

03-13-16, 18:12
This sort of BS inspires decent police to quit and get a real job or just take their time and do a report.

Why risk getting killed or injured just to get fecking crucified on national television for pretty modest income anymore? All because the shitstick you had to sort out had the temerity to be black, brown, wtf ever.

Yeah...sure. Working two or three jobs, struggling with politics, always tired and reeking of cigarettes just to shoot some pos who was "gettin his life together going to church an' had five kids n shit".

F it. All of it. Jonny Wadd levels of F it.

Just my opinion.

03-13-16, 18:33
This sort of BS inspires decent police to quit and get a real job or just take their time and do a report.

Why risk getting killed or injured just to get fecking crucified on national television for pretty modest income anymore? All because the shitstick you had to sort out had the temerity to be black, brown, wtf ever.

Yeah...sure. Working two or three jobs, struggling with politics, always tired and reeking of cigarettes just to shoot some pos who was "gettin his life together going to church an' had five kids n shit".

F it. All of it. Jonny Wadd levels of F it.

Just my opinion.

I know one such officer that left a Dept. involved with policing Ferguson related protests. Worked with his wife. She said he got tired of trying to bring law and safety to a community that would just destroy itself when it so desired. It didn't help that as an officer, he was also regularly a target.

He now works Juvenile corrections. Less danger, but he still has a strong desire to help communities by working to get the youth turned around. I applaud him for still aiming to make a difference and can't blame him at all for leaving his former position.

03-13-16, 18:41
Never happen, white people have jobs and family commitments that do not allow the time to show up at protests and rallies.

03-13-16, 18:45
Just as most black people shot by police, were shot for a reason, I suspect most white people shot by police are shot for a reason.

Now if somebody wants to start a "non race based" advocacy group designed to improve the standard of law enforcement and help prevent the shooting of any and all innocent individuals regardless of race, gender, etc. then I would be willing to support that effort to the best of my ability.

Until then, I'd simply like to nominate some white people from my zip code for more focused attention from law enforcement.

26 Inf
03-13-16, 18:49
Now if somebody wants to start a "non race based" advocacy group designed to improve the standard of law enforcement and help prevent the shooting of any and all innocent individuals regardless of race, gender, etc. then I would be willing to support that effort to the best of my ability.

That is kind of what I've done with my life. Send money.

03-13-16, 19:08
People forget.....
Sometimes you're looking at the totality of Hell through a keyhole and it's only after the fact that they open the door for you.

And you're supposed to already know in an instant what people have years if not decades to review.

Some officers have crippled themselves or been exposed to diseases and shot at and get told "suck it up, buttercup" by a fatass who got in a desk by sucking everyone off and getting off the streets at first opportunity and a longtimer road dog is supposed to not be bitter?

Because aftera while it's like you're not a human. And there's nobody to talk to. And not everybody had to deal with it.
From the career dope cop on the take to the spotlight SWAT coperator to the retired on active duty to the young cherry who thinks they'll save the world.

It's like music is the only therapy I can afford and there's this song by Scarling (formerly known as Jack Off Jill) called "Manorexic".

There is this line, " An ordinary person who climbed into his void would only wake up bitter or deeply paranoid".

So ya know what...if your life matters so goddamn much quit fvcking it away and don't start shit you won't survive. Get a job. Stay at home. RAISE YOUR KIDS.

Not my fault people opt not to do that.
Your "thug life" is shit. I feel sorry for none of you. In the coldest most distant way I am humanly able.

Dist. Expert 26
03-13-16, 19:36
As per usual, what Firefly said.

I got my first taste of "black lives matter" way before they even thought about being a movement. I had a current events class senior year of high school (I was avoiding work at all costs), and one morning the topic comes up of an innocent youth being gunned down in his prime by our cruel and racist Sheriff's department. As the girl talking about the incident starts giving details, a little bell begins to ring in my head and then it clicked; this monster she was talking about was my best friends uncle, and the innocent youth was a 16 year old gang member attempting to evade arrest while carrying a loaded 12ga shotgun. I piped up, filled the class in on the details of the incident, and was promptly told to go see the principal.

Apparently suggesting that he had it coming was insensitive. Who knew.

03-13-16, 19:59
So ya know what...if your life matters so goddamn much quit fvcking it away and don't start shit you won't survive. Get a job. Stay at home. RAISE YOUR KIDS.

Firefly, very well said.

03-13-16, 22:03
The argument is that when a white person is killed by police, there is no coverup. Police investigate. People go to jail and are held accountable.

When black people are killed by the police, no one is arrested and no one cares.

That is why "All lives matter" pisses them off so much. Of course all lives matter. No one disputes that. But, and I must stress this is how they feel, it does not seem like black lives matter.

I don't know how to change a culture that isn't mine.
I can see a small amount of legitimacy there in that, but you cannot convince someone that their pain is self induced, it would require a paradigm shift in values. It's just not going to happen.
You cannot celebrate "Thug Life" on one hand count the casualties on the other and then come to an understanding that your risking your life playing that game?
Like I said, I'm not saying it is totally without a legitimate conversation, but you have to that with "Your Culture is Failing." At that point nobody of any color is going to listen.

03-14-16, 01:29
Cool breakdown of cop "kills" by race.

I wonder if the reverse is equally in proportion by race. I.e. What are the races of the perps who shoot/kill cops? Anyone got that chart?

Would be interesting to superimpose the two charts.

I'm convinced BLM is all about the $$$. No meaningful $ to the useful idiots doing the BLM grunt work,tho. If not so, where are the massive protests in any Ghettotown, USA when a black murders a black? There is an actual war going on in Chicago.

03-14-16, 02:03
Cool breakdown of cop "kills" by race.

I wonder if the reverse is equally in proportion by race. I.e. What are the races of the perps who shoot/kill cops? Anyone got that chart?

Would be interesting to superimpose the two charts.

I'm convinced BLM is all about the $$$. No meaningful $ to the useful idiots doing the BLM grunt work,tho. If not so, where are the massive protests in any Ghettotown, USA when a black murders a black? There is an actual war going on in Chicago.

Yeah but that isn't about race, that is caused by the gun show loophole or something. If the NRA didn't covertly air drop Lorcins and Ravens into Cook County like they are dropping Liberators to the French Resistance, Chicago would be the most peaceful city in the nation.

03-14-16, 05:52
I took time off from Israel and came back to the USA to become a deputy sheriff in a major west coast department. I worked the high crime area most of my career in different jobs, first patrol, then street crimes unit, finally SWAT. In that area we had a mix of races and by far the number 1 group shot by deputies was low income whites, then blacks.

When did the color of a persons skin matter as to if it was a good shooting or not, he was armed and refused to be arrested he was shot and killed by the nice deputy. The nice deputy will now have his life turned upside down and inside out.

It was PC crap, that made me resign and go back to Israel to chase terrorist for a living. Much more peace of mind. You shot a terrorist back in the day it was a few high fives and done with.

03-14-16, 07:48
After careful analysis of the data I think the most appropriate hashtag is #ShootMoreAsians. Either the cops are giving them a pass, they are using kung-fu moves to dodge the bullets or they are too skinny to hit- we seriously need to shoot more Asians in the name of equality.

Seriously though- suicides and gang violence ultimately linked to drugs are the drivers of gun deaths in the US- and those are the things least affected my modern Progressive 'gun control'. That and I'd love to see a chart that shows the number of blacks shot in the US broken down by the race of the shooter. I'm sure that they won't be crying out for that based on percentages of the population.

We have serious cultural problems in our society and all anyone wants to seem to do is govern and agitate on the margins with out solving the problems while spending govt money and ginning up campaign donations.

03-14-16, 08:46
Yeah but that isn't about race, that is caused by the gun show loophole or something. If the NRA didn't covertly air drop Lorcins and Ravens into Cook County like they are dropping Liberators to the French Resistance, Chicago would be the most peaceful city in the nation.

Lorcins and Ravens! Too funny!

03-14-16, 10:51
The argument is that when a white person is killed by police, there is no coverup. Police investigate. People go to jail and are held accountable.

When black people are killed by the police, no one is arrested and no one cares.

That is why "All lives matter" pisses them off so much. Of course all lives matter. No one disputes that. But, and I must stress this is how they feel, it does not seem like black lives matter.

Most if the comments I've heard are in regards to mass shooters that are captured without being shot.

03-14-16, 11:02
Facts don't matter in today's XXX Lives Matter movements.

It is purely emotion driven.

Honestly, I don' know how white cops do it these days. How DO they carry on?

One thing is for sure, when all the white cops are gone....THEN they will miss them. Too bad .....that will be too late.

03-14-16, 11:38
Those numbers are off. I've looked into the stats of their "killed by police" numbers and they use any incident where a person dies while in police custody or during police contact no matter the situation.

In fact, they had a local incident cited where a guy was overdosing on some drug (meth or cocain I believe) and was running around his neighborhood naked. As soon as the cops showed up he died from the OD. Yet they still label this as "killed by police".

Ive even seen them include car accidents.

26 Inf
03-14-16, 13:45
Cool breakdown of cop "kills" by race.

I wonder if the reverse is equally in proportion by race. I.e. What are the races of the perps who shoot/kill cops? Anyone got that chart?



03-14-16, 15:08


That's pretty telling especially when "White" covers Hispanic's also. I would say when you're 14 to 17% of the population and your numbers are about half, well perhaps that says something about what is happening.

03-14-16, 15:56
White people are being out-bred in America...no doubt.

03-14-16, 18:58
That's pretty telling especially when "White" covers Hispanic's also. I would say when you're 14 to 17% of the population and your numbers are about half, well perhaps that says something about what is happening.

AND the OP's chart separated whites from Latins, while the FBI chart combined whites and hispanics. So unless my math is off, cops killing blacks is a lower proportion compared to the ratio of blacks killing cops. I would of thought the ratios of cops killing whatever race/whatever race killing cops would be close.

Call me racist, but I live in a large metro area where around 25% of the population is black, and EVERY day on the local news, the perps are 96% black. My local media won't even say "black", they just give height and weight, sometimes clothing description, all the while showing the video of an obvious black dude(s). My local media is sooo liberal that IF there was a crime committed by another race, they would love to harp on it. Conversely, if they could NOT report the black perpetrators, I'm convinced they would.

What really disturbs me is the petty nonsense the black crimes are over. Assaulting people for no reason, robbing people for $7, crap like that. When is this going to stop??

03-14-16, 19:16
It isn't. For the last 8yrs, you've had a president who did nothing but fan the flames, This is how we got BLM, (basically the klan,with a tan) Obumbo has done nothing for race relations in this country but drive wedges...But then again, what does one expect from Alinsky trained community organizer?

03-14-16, 19:57
No its not. Its time to act like adults, unlike the heathens of Black Lives Matters.

03-15-16, 00:48
After careful analysis of the data I think the most appropriate hashtag is #ShootMoreAsians. Either the cops are giving them a pass, they are using kung-fu moves to dodge the bullets or they are too skinny to hit- we seriously need to shoot more Asians in the name of equality.

Seriously though- suicides and gang violence ultimately linked to drugs are the drivers of gun deaths in the US- and those are the things least affected my modern Progressive 'gun control'. That and I'd love to see a chart that shows the number of blacks shot in the US broken down by the race of the shooter. I'm sure that they won't be crying out for that based on percentages of the population.

We have serious cultural problems in our society and all anyone wants to seem to do is govern and agitate on the margins with out solving the problems while spending govt money and ginning up campaign donations.

Here are some numbers from the 2011 Chicago Murder Analysis. I haven't been able to find a more recent version of this same report which is lot surprising, it is Chicago.

So in 2011 there were 433 homicides in Chicago per this report.

90.1% of victims were male
9.9% female

75.3% of victims were black
18.9% Hispanic
4.5% white

76.9% of victims had a prior arrest history

88.4% of murder offenders were male
70.5% of murder offenders were black
24.3% Hispanic
3.5% white.

87.3% of offenders had prior arrest history.

Subsequent years are probably similar.

So where's BLM during all this? Strangely silent.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

03-15-16, 01:00
BLM is not a grass roots movement. It is a creation of the left, and the media, to continue dividing us along racial lines. It is also based on LIES.

03-15-16, 01:28
This thread is so far off course and so full of people who have no idea what the hell is going on it is ridiculous.

Again, the issue is not that black men shoot other black men. When a black man shoots a black man he is arrested and tried and convicted and sent to prison.

The misconception is that when whites do the same, they are treated differently.

No one has posted statistics refuting that.

03-15-16, 01:37
This thread is so far off course and so full of people who have no idea what the hell is going on it is ridiculous.

Again, the issue is not that black men shoot other black men. When a black man shoots a black man he is arrested and tried and convicted and sent to prison.

The misconception is that when whites do the same, they are treated differently.

No one has posted statistics refuting that.

Respectfully disagree. When a black person assaults or kills another black person the black community ignores it. It's just 'hood shit or a black thing. There's no protest or black community "leader" condemning the act. It's just the way shit is.

Now, if a white person kills a black person, particularly if that white person was a cop? Now you have the hate crime of the century and we gonna riot.

I can't imagine a police officer goes to work and as he walks out of the house he thinks to himself "I'm going to shoot a black guy today." The only person who got himself shot is the bad guy. His choices let to him getting shot. Officer involved or otherwise. The same way your behavior determines if you get that speeding ticket. If you're respectful and polite, maybe you get a warning. If you're a dick, you're for real sure getting that ticket.

It's a lack of personal accountability. The only people holding back the black community, is the black community.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

03-15-16, 02:44
BLM is not a grass roots movement. It is a creation of the left, and the media, to continue dividing us along racial lines. It is also based on LIES.

Absolutely incorrect. BLM is a quickly growing phenomenoen populated by radical elements of numerous black organizations. There is a strong likelhood of growing into a violent movement, which well may place our ilk on high alert.

03-15-16, 06:49
This thread is so far off course and so full of people who have no idea what the hell is going on it is ridiculous.

Again, the issue is not that black men shoot other black men. When a black man shoots a black man he is arrested and tried and convicted and sent to prison.

The misconception is that when whites do the same, they are treated differently.

No one has posted statistics refuting that.

I think you have it wrong. Its when "white police" kill a black person BLM believes nothing is done, and in fact nothing could justify that shooting. Even if the black suspect is armed, it is still unlawful in their eyes. Because they are racial extremists. In their opinion they can do whatever they please, and there shouldn't be an repercussions.

03-15-16, 09:00
This thread is so far off course and so full of people who have no idea what the hell is going on it is ridiculous.

Again, the issue is not that black men shoot other black men. When a black man shoots a black man he is arrested and tried and convicted and sent to prison.

The misconception is that when whites do the same, they are treated differently.

No one has posted statistics refuting that.

Dead's dead. Any black kids who dies at the hands of LEOs is a martyr, no matter how justified the shooting, and you expect to have a rational conversation with those people?

It's not whites shooting blacks, it is LEOs killing blacks. Look at Gray's death in Baltimore.

Their fundamental misunderstanding of the facts is my problem? They are out hunting unicorns and get upset when we point out they are bat crap crazy.

Look for the unicorns, but ignore all the other issues. I refuse to participate in their group delusion, not because I'm racist, but because I'd actually like to solve problems.

A movement with a name designed to alienate people. BLM was never about helping minorities, it's about the continued fracturing of US society.

The drivers of gun violence are suicides and gang violence.

BLM is like the NFL trying to address concusion injuries by going after the referees. It's the players hitting each other causing the damage.

Progressives are bat-crap crazy and participating in their group delusion for the sake of being PC will only punt the problem and create new ones.

03-15-16, 09:09
I think you have it wrong. Its when "white police" kill a black person BLM believes nothing is done, and in fact nothing could justify that shooting. Even if the black suspect is armed, it is still unlawful in their eyes. Because they are racial extremists. In their opinion they can do whatever they please, and there shouldn't be an repercussions.

I'm sure there are fringe radicals, just like there are Christian white guys who take over government buildings out west. Does that mean all Christian white guys are like that?

I don't see any serious protests going on when a guy with a gun who poses a threat is shot by the police. A few crazy aunties screaming "He was just tryin ta rob ya!", maybe. But no mass organized demonstrations.

I do, however, see police rushing to explain why they kill black men walking down the street with a knife though...and they're alone in thinking that the only reasonable way to subdue someone with a knife is 17 bullets...

But I digress. The point of my post was to point out that there is nothing in this thread that addresses the actual problem the black community feels they face - that they are more likely to be forgotten and ignored when the thin blue line blows them away with no recourse whatsoever.

03-15-16, 09:10
Absolutely incorrect. BLM is a quickly growing phenomenoen populated by radical elements of numerous black organizations. There is a strong likelhood of growing into a violent movement, which well may place our ilk on high alert.

Growing violent?

Little bit pregnant on that one.

03-15-16, 10:28
The truth is that black lives really don't matter to other black people, unless they can use their loss of life as a sort of racial crow bar.

If black lives really mattered to other blacks, they'd be protesting about the conditions in inner city Chicago, Detroit and Baltimore....wouldn't they?

03-15-16, 14:22
The truth is that black lives really don't matter to other black people, unless they can use their loss of life as a sort of racial crow bar.

If black lives really mattered to other blacks, they'd be protesting about the conditions in inner city Chicago, Detroit and Baltimore....wouldn't they?

More to the point, if it really mattered, if the "black community" truly functioned as a community, they wouldn't tolerate their gangs running their community, nor would they permit their children to associate with gang members. They wouldn't tolerate drug sales in the community nor would they tolerate drug use. They would value education over street cred or skill in sports. But the "black community" isn't doing that because it doesn't actually function as a community but more as a group of people who try and define the world by race, with amazing similarities to the Klan.

Now there are black people and black families who do all those things, but they tend to function as people and families rather than as part of a race based community.

03-15-16, 15:33
Absolutely incorrect. BLM is a quickly growing phenomenoen populated by radical elements of numerous black organizations. There is a strong likelhood of growing into a violent movement, which well may place our ilk on high alert.

You don't think BLM has Soros, Media Matters, Moveon, etc money behind it? Everything on the left at this point has a likelihood of becoming violent.

03-15-16, 16:23
Guess what BLM movement.

Society actually does not really give all that much of a crap when an armed drug dealer with a rap sheet takes a dirt nap.

Whether they are black, white, hispanic, Asian, etc.

Work on why those guys are disproportionately black and we will get somewhere.

Raise hell only when a true wrong is done or actual bad shoot has occurred and you will have more credibility.

Productive America is pretty much tapped out on willingness to tolerate riots, increased benefit demands, crying woe is me over bullshit, etc.

And a lot of those productive Americans are also minorities.

03-15-16, 17:48
I do, however, see police rushing to explain why they kill black men walking down the street with a knife though...and they're alone in thinking that the only reasonable way to subdue someone with a knife is 17 bullets...

My question would be, how often does this happen to white folks and we never see it on the news? Poor whites are shot all the time by police, and they have no more means to prevent it or do anything about it than poor blacks. The common denominator is usually the poor dumb-ass was acting like a thug and it didn't work out for him. Are there bad shoots, racist cops, accidents, etc, etc, etc? Sure, but there is no culture across all police forces in the US of killing innocent black guys just because they think they can get away with it.

BLM jumped the shark as soon as they took on the name black lives matter. The majority of the BLM supporters are more than likely at least border line racist and are doing more harm to race relations than anything in a very long time.

03-19-16, 08:50
Now the Army is getting on board with "white privilege", friggin obama

Soldiers in the U.S. Army were subjected to a presentation on “white privilege” last April, during which they were told that American society “attaches privilege to being white and male and heterosexual” and were told it was their job to do something about it.


03-19-16, 09:33
Do something about it, eh

I propose they, like, kill more jihadis and screw more women.

03-19-16, 09:38
Now the Army is getting on board with "white privilege", friggin obama

Soldiers in the U.S. Army were subjected to a presentation on “white privilege” last April, during which they were told that American society “attaches privilege to being white and male and heterosexual” and were told it was their job to do something about it.


So do the right thing, call BS and excuse yourself and march your guys on out of that shi+.
I honestly think good order and discipline is worth telling the BLM proxy's to eat a basket full of dic+'s.

Do something about it, eh

I propose they, like, kill more jihadis and screw more women.

The things I gotta do to save the world....