View Full Version : Shooting of LEO in PG County MD (Update - Friendly fire)

03-13-16, 19:26
update: Fatal shooting of Maryland police officer was failed attempt at filming suicide by cop; 3 brothers in custody




RIP officer

2 suspects in custody following shooting of officer near Prince George's County Police HQ


Friggin society is friggin nuts. Don't know how to blow up the following sick friggin tweet, but click on it.


03-13-16, 19:40
Very sad.

03-13-16, 19:58
It doesn't say in that article that he's dead, but critically wounded.

Two in custody but probably more involved. PG is a shithole. They likely knew who they wanted to get rid of.
He was either a really solid officer or maybe really dirty.
At this point, I'll assume really solid that was cutting inti their thug shit unless something else comes out incontrovertibly proving otherwise.

These little fvcks know ambushes are risky. There's more to this.

03-13-16, 20:27
It doesn't say in that article that he's dead, but critically wounded.

Two in custody but probably more involved. PG is a shithole. They likely knew who they wanted to get rid of.
He was either a really solid officer or maybe really dirty.
At this point, I'll assume really solid that was cutting inti their thug shit unless something else comes out incontrovertibly proving otherwise.

These little fvcks know ambushes are risky. There's more to this.

It's now being reported that the officer has passed.

03-13-16, 20:31
It's now being reported that the officer has passed.

So much for optimism. That sucks.

03-13-16, 21:12
Man that sucks.
I don't know why anyone would go in to Law Enforcement anymore.

03-13-16, 21:59
Man that sucks.
I don't know why anyone would go in to Law Enforcement anymore.

For the same reason one joins the military in a time of war: To fight against people like this.

PG County is a crime ridden, dangerous place and it has been for many years. Statistics and news stories always focus on dangerous cities. But because Prince George's is a county, it never gets mentioned alongside neighboring DC, Detroit, Camden, etc, as one of the hellholes of America.

03-13-16, 22:32
The biggest threat to law enforcement are mayors, chiefs, and sheriffs.

You can kick all the ass in the world but it is still a very political job. These bottom feeding shitheels may not vote but their parents and baby mommas do.

It is VERY possible to hear "hey you're patrolling such and such area too much." or "Too many arrest reports are being made". Especially in an election year.

DA isn't on your side.

They prey upon the naivete of young people who are fresh out of college, military, or just had this real oorah dash of civic duty and don't even have a clue.

They don't want you to stop anything, just contain it.

The old joke is "quickest way to get in trouble is to do your job, kid".

Tickets bring in revenue. Arrests fill jails.
No sheriff wants a full jail. It's expensive and liability inducing.

Some old lady gets a seatbt ticket. Oh effing well. She lays the extortion or gets her license suspended incurring more extortion.

Put shitsticks in jail WITHOUT getting a worthwhile seizure of money, automobiles, guns....well you're just filling up jails and costing money. So what if he beat some woman's ass. Do it as a Disorderly, let him OR bond, do a BS cover sheet, get 10-8.
Fvck your personal ethics or conscience.

After a while, you realize that this shit is beyond not worth it and you are killing yourself more than helping anyone.

And the people you police don't want your help. They just wanna sit up at a trap house/PJ/trailer park and get high, get drunk, breed, sling dope, steal, and spread disease.

You can be the best example of a human being ever and they'll just hate you more.

A police chiefs job is to get his contract renewed, a mayor and sheriff's job is to get re-elected.

That's it.

And unless you're a special diverse class you don't get a promote. And even then....if your guts are in it you stay on the road and then you realize, "Jesus Lord....I've wasted my fvcking life. Working two jobs...being shat on...and...why?"

A decent person may give you a blessing, and God bless them, but when you've hit your limit. You've hit your limit.

Some guys can go their whole life...never fraw a weapon aside from qualifications yearly...never get in a fight, never get injured, and have it good. Other people....not so much.

And you know it's not a fear of dying.
It's a fear that you never got to really live first.

That officer he doesn't pass go today. He is 10-7. For what? A bullshit funeral where guys come from all over to network, parade in their dress unis, and look for a job at a different place thinking it'll be better?

And the officer, and we'll assume he was a solid, good egg, he won't get to shoot his guns, make love, drive his car, sit on the porch during the rain or see Star Wars 8.

For what? The MFers will get life w parole...get to hang out, get some tats, free food, free gym, and have a badass rep for killing the god damn police.

F it. All of it. I just had to get that out.
Maybe other people can handle it better.
I can't anymore. YMMV

03-13-16, 22:33
Is this the same department where the female officer was shot on her first day?

03-13-16, 22:36
Is this the same department where the female officer was shot on her first day?

That was Prince William

03-13-16, 22:55
Condolences to his family. Hopefully his murderer will face swift justice.

03-14-16, 01:09
The biggest threat to law enforcement are mayors, chiefs, and sheriffs.

You can kick all the ass in the world but it is still a very political job. These bottom feeding shitheels may not vote but their parents and baby mommas do.

It is VERY possible to hear "hey you're patrolling such and such area too much." or "Too many arrest reports are being made". Especially in an election year.

DA isn't on your side.

They prey upon the naivete of young people who are fresh out of college, military, or just had this real oorah dash of civic duty and don't even have a clue.

They don't want you to stop anything, just contain it.

The old joke is "quickest way to get in trouble is to do your job, kid".

Tickets bring in revenue. Arrests fill jails.
No sheriff wants a full jail. It's expensive and liability inducing.

Some old lady gets a seatbt ticket. Oh effing well. She lays the extortion or gets her license suspended incurring more extortion.

Put shitsticks in jail WITHOUT getting a worthwhile seizure of money, automobiles, guns....well you're just filling up jails and costing money. So what if he beat some woman's ass. Do it as a Disorderly, let him OR bond, do a BS cover sheet, get 10-8.
Fvck your personal ethics or conscience.

After a while, you realize that this shit is beyond not worth it and you are killing yourself more than helping anyone.

And the people you police don't want your help. They just wanna sit up at a trap house/PJ/trailer park and get high, get drunk, breed, sling dope, steal, and spread disease.

You can be the best example of a human being ever and they'll just hate you more.

A police chiefs job is to get his contract renewed, a mayor and sheriff's job is to get re-elected.

That's it.

And unless you're a special diverse class you don't get a promote. And even then....if your guts are in it you stay on the road and then you realize, "Jesus Lord....I've wasted my fvcking life. Working two jobs...being shat on...and...why?"

A decent person may give you a blessing, and God bless them, but when you've hit your limit. You've hit your limit.

Some guys can go their whole life...never fraw a weapon aside from qualifications yearly...never get in a fight, never get injured, and have it good. Other people....not so much.

And you know it's not a fear of dying.
It's a fear that you never got to really live first.

That officer he doesn't pass go today. He is 10-7. For what? A bullshit funeral where guys come from all over to network, parade in their dress unis, and look for a job at a different place thinking it'll be better?

And the officer, and we'll assume he was a solid, good egg, he won't get to shoot his guns, make love, drive his car, sit on the porch during the rain or see Star Wars 8.

For what? The MFers will get life w parole...get to hang out, get some tats, free food, free gym, and have a badass rep for killing the god damn police.

F it. All of it. I just had to get that out.
Maybe other people can handle it better.
I can't anymore. YMMV

WOW.....THAT was a worthy rant.

03-14-16, 03:49
Is this the same department where the female officer was shot on her first day?

That happened in Prince William County, VA...about 30 miles south of DC

This event (OP) is about an officer in Prince George County, MD...just outside of DC. PGC is full of criminals, Free Shit Army leeches, and others who wish to export their trash outside of DC.

03-14-16, 09:16
WMAL local radio station did a survey this am on what state run media if any covered the shooting, MSNBC as of 0900 didn't run one story about the shooting.

Friend emailed me the following:

Reminiscent attitude of the Black Panthers in the 60s – 70s. In 1970 they ambushed and killed Sgt. Von Collin who was at his desk in a Cobbs Creek Park Police office (they were Philly PD Officers assigned to the Park Division). During those few days we had five additional officers shot in Philly. It seemed like war. Rizzo declared a state of emergency. During most times we had four cops to a car to stem the shooting attacks on Police. I remember dozens of Police raiding the Panther offices in Philly at 6 AM one morning. They shot a couple cops during the raid at 2935 Columbia Avenue. I was not part of the raiding party but responded to the “assist.” Upon my arrival I helped an Officer who had a shotgun blast to his side into a car on the corner. They drove him to St. Joe’s Hospital. I then went to the other side of the street crawling behind the parked cars to get across from the Panthers’ house. There we were pinned down with shots chipping at the brick wall behind us. That’s where I stayed. Looking up I could not pull a target, so fired no shots. That was fortunate because there were Police on the roof that I did not know about. Once the Panthers were taken out of the tear gas filled house, they were put against the wall to be searched and cuffed. The article in the paper the next day criticized us for embarrassing them by not allowing them to get dressed before taking them out. They had been asleep in their underwear at the time of the raid.

One of the panther’s involved in Von Collin’s murder became a fugitive for over twenty years. When he was later captured and tried, he was acquitted. Then in court his lawyer raised his clenched fist in a black power salute exclaiming “all right!”


03-14-16, 16:42
News conference in progress, police chief, said officer died of friendly fire. The officer who was undercover arrived when the firefight was in progress and engaged the shooter. Since the scene was very fluid, the officer was accidentally shot.

What a shame!

Fatal shooting of Maryland police officer was failed attempt at filming suicide by cop; 3 brothers in custody

03-14-16, 18:15
Brothers filming their brother being killed, a police officer being shot by another cop, what a complete mess and shame.

03-15-16, 00:51
This is why I won't live too close to a big city anymore. I'm close enough to get to one but far enough away where there is very little crime, and it is semi rural. I don't want to deal with the Free Shit Army and their violent crime, but I am prepared to do so if I have to.

03-15-16, 09:02
I wonder if they'll name the officer who killed him?

I assumed he fell victim to sprayfire, but this is just sad and terrible to know that his fellow officer lined him up and shot him down.

Does this type of shit make anyone think twice about running to the sound of the guns?

03-15-16, 12:33
He was undercover narcotics arrived on scene in unmarked car wearing civilian clothing without a vest and engaged the shooter. While admirable thet he rode to the sound of the guns, tactically as it turns out not a good idea.

03-15-16, 13:18
For the same reason one joins the military in a time of war: To fight against people like this.

PG County is a crime ridden, dangerous place and it has been for many years. Statistics and news stories always focus on dangerous cities. But because Prince George's is a county, it never gets mentioned alongside neighboring DC, Detroit, Camden, etc, as one of the hellholes of America.

Being one of those guys, I still have to say; I would think the suck factor for Cops is much higher.
I actually ran out of money before getting the credit hours necessary or my life very likely would have went that direction rather than Military.

03-15-16, 16:14
He was undercover narcotics arrived on scene in unmarked car wearing civilian clothing without a vest and engaged the shooter. While admirable thet he rode to the sound of the guns, tactically as it turns out not a good idea.

Knowing this was a possible, if not likely outcome...and yet he rolled in anyway.

I know this is a LEO-heavy forum, so just want to say you guys DO NOT get enough credit.

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03-15-16, 17:02

UC is rough.

03-16-16, 01:46
He was undercover narcotics arrived on scene in unmarked car wearing civilian clothing without a vest and engaged the shooter. While admirable thet he rode to the sound of the guns, tactically as it turns out not a good idea.

Yet, if the ball bounced the other way, and he ended up saving a life that day he'd be a hero and example for all other officers to follow. I can't really blame him for anything in the grand scheme of things if he was thinking of saving lives more than he was thinking of himself.

We probably have one plainclothes officer get shot at by uniformed dipshits every year. A big part of the problem is too many LEOs who think "guy with a gun = bad guy." Thankfully they seem to be a small percentage of the LEO community, but it only takes a handful of retards to seriously screw up the works.

03-16-16, 09:28
Yet, if the ball bounced the other way, and he ended up saving a life that day he'd be a hero and example for all other officers to follow. I can't really blame him for anything in the grand scheme of things if he was thinking of saving lives more than he was thinking of himself.

We probably have one plainclothes officer get shot at by uniformed dipshits every year. A big part of the problem is too many LEOs who think "guy with a gun = bad guy." Thankfully they seem to be a small percentage of the LEO community, but it only takes a handful of retards to seriously screw up the works.
It's certainly a tragedy but in midst of a shitstorm it's not the easiest thing to discern who's friendly and who isn't, especially if you don't personally know whomever it is in plain clothes.

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