View Full Version : OHIO: Do NOT vote Kasich! Emergency 2A alert!

Doc Safari
03-15-16, 13:12
I just got an email from Bravo Company. In it they reproduced a letter from Bill Clinton to John Kasich, dated 1994, praising him for his support of the Assault Weapons ban.



03-15-16, 13:14
Yeah, I got that as well. We must be shopping at the same places.
I hope Trump trumps him today and this is the last we hear from the slack jawed sissy.

03-15-16, 13:16
Win or loose, he's staying in the race. Someone is funding the crap out of him. You can see in his face that he knows he's loosing his a$$ in this race but his contributors are throwing money at him. Mitt Romney all over again...

03-15-16, 13:17
He did vote for the AWB, and apparently doesn't regret it

Q: Let me pick up on another issue that some conservatives have with you. Back in 1994, you voted for the assault weapons ban that Bill Clinton was proposing, which earned you an "F" from NRA. Now, your NRA rating is a straight "A". What would you say to a gun rights advocate who is going to say I'm not sure I like the guy who at one time had an "F" from the NRA?
KASICH: That was an assault weapon ban. I'm a Second Amendment advocate. I don't believe the government should be taking guns from people. I think people have a right to be armed. It's about keeping the Second Amendment and it's allowing legitimate gun owners to be able to do what they want, which is exercise their constitutional right. So people don't need to worry about that.
Q: Do you regret your vote for the assault weapons ban in '94?
KASICH: No, when I look at it now, it was superfluous. We were adding a law that had no impact. And I don't think that's ever smart to do.

But it does appear he has moved to more pro-2A


03-15-16, 13:19
If you're not going to vote for people who have supported an AWB in the past, your only option is basically Cruz.

03-15-16, 13:22
If you're not going to vote for people who have supported an AWB in the past, your only option is basically Cruz.

It's a sad day in America when the two major guys on the ballot are Barack Obama and a guy who has actually signed an AWB into law.

Yet, for some reason, people kept exclaiming the need to remove Obama at all costs. Before Newtown, I think Obama was one of the most pro-2A Presidents I've had in my life.

03-15-16, 13:23
If you're not going to vote for people who have supported an AWB in the past, your only option is basically Cruz.

I doubt any of the (R) candidates will support a new AWB. More important is will they nominate justices who will support 2A, and will they stand up to a (D) Congress following another Sandy Hook if/when that happens.

Doc Safari
03-15-16, 13:24
Before Newtown, I think Obama was one of the most pro-2A Presidents I've had in my life.

Really? I find that hard to believe.

03-15-16, 13:25
It's a sad day in America when the two major guys on the ballot are Barack Obama and a guy who has actually signed an AWB into law.

Yet, for some reason, people kept exclaiming the need to remove Obama at all costs. Before Newtown, I think Obama was one of the most pro-2A Presidents I've had in my life.

Yeah, weird right? Obama, a guy who is a democrat, from Hawaii and Chicago, and thus is likely to be extremely anti-2A... but hadn't proved it. Romney, who actually signed an AWB and a universal health care law into effect.

Doc Safari
03-15-16, 13:26
If you're not going to vote for people who have supported an AWB in the past, your only option is basically Cruz.

Then according to Rush Limbaugh: the only way he has a chance is for Kasich and Rubio to drop out IMMEDIATELY.

03-15-16, 13:28
Then according to Rush Limbaugh: the only way he has a chance is for Kasich and Rubio to drop out IMMEDIATELY.

Or a brokered convention.

But I take Rush Limbaugh's words/opinions with the biggest grain of salt known to man.

03-15-16, 13:32
I doubt any of the (R) candidates will support a new AWB. More important is will they nominate justices who will support 2A, and will they stand up to a (D) Congress following another Sandy Hook if/when that happens.

Because that worked so well with George W. Bush. Chief Justice Roberts was his nominee - and the guy who essentially ratified Obamacare and magically turned a clearly defective "this is absolutely not a tax, we swear!" into "oh, it's just a tax, it's OK."

I'm not sure if any of the candidates would nominate pro-RKBA justices to the Supreme Court, and I would not simply assume that "R" means "RKBA."

03-15-16, 13:33
Or a brokered convention.

But I take Rush Limbaugh's words/opinions with the biggest grain of salt known to man.

Rush is right about one thing, these establishment guys keep seeing this election the way they want it to be, they wish they wish it was, rather than how it really is.

03-15-16, 13:40
Because that worked so well with George W. Bush. Chief Justice Roberts was his nominee - and the guy who essentially ratified Obamacare and magically turned a clearly defective "this is absolutely not a tax, we swear!" into "oh, it's just a tax, it's OK."

I'm not sure if any of the candidates would nominate pro-RKBA justices to the Supreme Court, and I would not simply assume that "R" means "RKBA."

Very true! Funny how it never works the other around....Maybe Sotomayor will turn out to be a little r republican and strict constitutionalist...

03-15-16, 13:42
I got that e-mail too.

Not to worry...Kasich is not going anywhere.

Doc Safari
03-15-16, 13:45
I got that e-mail too.

Not to worry...Kasich is not going anywhere.

Well, maybe.

If he wins enough delegates to deprive Trump or whomever of enough delegates to be the nominee on the first ballot of the convention, then he might have a chance on the second ballot, etc.

It's not about stopping him so HE doesn't win. It's about stopping him so that he doesn't have a chance to resurrect himself at the convention. Somebody is funding this guy to keep him in the race big time. If we can stop him at this juncture the establishment crowd will be stuck with the two non-establishment candidates (Trump and Cruz).

03-15-16, 13:47
Well, maybe.

If he wins enough delegates to deprive Trump or whomever of enough delegates to be the nominee on the first ballot of the convention, then he might have a chance on the second ballot, etc.

It's not about stopping him so HE doesn't win. It's about stopping him so that he doesn't have a chance to resurrect himself at the convention. Somebody is funding this guy to keep him in the race big time. If we can stop him at this juncture the establishment crowd will be stuck with the two non-establishment candidates (Trump and Cruz).

Yup....he is the last hope of the establishment....they really don't want Cruz much more than they do Trump....Rubio will likely trying to send his supporters to Kasich by the end of the day.

03-15-16, 13:58
This is the problem with the right: No forgiveness and nobody is allowed to change their minds. The Democrats will eagerly accept former pro-gun people into their anti-gun ranks. They will happily take former pro-lifers, anti-gay marriage advocates, and former Republicans. And you know what? Those people are usually good to their word and they vote the party line. Examples Arlen Specter, Ariana Huffington, Al Gore, Harry Reid, even Obama (formerly against gay marriage). With conservatives, you are either a conservative cradle to the grave or you can go **** yourself. Even if a guy switches his stance and has the record to prove it, he will never be trusted for as long as he lives.

I don't think any of the GOP candidates will nominate anti-gun judges. Even Bush's two nominees ruled correctly for Heller and McDonald. I'm not too worried about Kasich over something that did 22 years ago if he's changed his position. Given that he's got a pretty pro-gun record as governor, I think he's okay.

03-15-16, 14:09
Really? I find that hard to believe.

Do you know how old I am?

03-15-16, 14:09
I thought this was all common knowledge?

Sent from my XT1585 using Tapatalk

03-15-16, 14:11
Do you know how old I am?

I do, just a young pup!

03-15-16, 14:23
I thought this was all common knowledge?

Sent from my XT1585 using Tapatalk

It is.

I'll go on to say that people who are just learning today that Kasich supported the AWB need to do a better job of understanding the issues in this race.

03-15-16, 15:11
This is the problem with the right: No forgiveness and nobody is allowed to change their minds. The Democrats will eagerly accept former pro-gun people into their anti-gun ranks. They will happily take former pro-lifers, anti-gay marriage advocates, and former Republicans. And you know what? Those people are usually good to their word and they vote the party line. Examples Arlen Specter, Ariana Huffington, Al Gore, Harry Reid, even Obama (formerly against gay marriage). With conservatives, you are either a conservative cradle to the grave or you can go **** yourself. Even if a guy switches his stance and has the record to prove it, he will never be trusted for as long as he lives.

I don't think any of the GOP candidates will nominate anti-gun judges. Even Bush's two nominees ruled correctly for Heller and McDonald. I'm not too worried about Kasich over something that did 22 years ago if he's changed his position. Given that he's got a pretty pro-gun record as governor, I think he's okay.

You nailed it..as a Ohio resident, Kasich has signed some very pro-gun bills.. Got rid of the mag ban, before you were limited to 30rnd mags due to the way the law was worded, that was changed, and now 30,40,60 or more rnd mags for your AR are just fine, signed into law suppressor hunting, signed into law rifle hunting (straight wall cartridges only) making the 45-70 the new defacto deer rifle here in OH, and last I heard there is a bill going around the statehouse to make OH a constitutional carry state.. OH is full auto friendly. One can check over at Buckeye firearms assoc. site and read up. It just amazes me how people from out of state can bash him on something he did 22yrs ago, I mean Jesus Christ, give it a rest..

03-15-16, 15:25
You nailed it..as a Ohio resident, Kasich has signed some very pro-gun bills.. Got rid of the mag ban, before you were limited to 30rnd mags due to the way the law was worded, that was changed, and now 30,40,60 or more rnd mags for your AR are just fine, signed into law suppressor hunting, signed into law rifle hunting (straight wall cartridges only) making the 45-70 the new defacto deer rifle here in OH, and last I heard there is a bill going around the statehouse to make OH a constitutional carry state.. OH is full auto friendly. One can check over at Buckeye firearms assoc. site and read up. It just amazes me how people from out of state can bash him on something he did 22yrs ago, I mean Jesus Christ, give it a rest..

You couldn't hunt with rifles in Ohio? :confused:

lethal dose
03-15-16, 15:35
You couldn't hunt with rifles in Ohio? :confused:

Not deer. But aside, Ohio is far more gun friendly than SC.

03-15-16, 15:41
Win or loose, he's staying in the race. Someone is funding the crap out of him. You can see in his face that he knows he's loosing his a$$ in this race but his contributors are throwing money at him. Mitt Romney all over again...

The George Soros machine allegedly just gave a Kasich PAC $200K. :(


Big A
03-15-16, 15:41
You couldn't hunt with rifles in Ohio? :confused:

Not deer. But aside, Ohio is far more gun friendly than SC.
I'm still confused, so up until recently you couldn't bag whitetail with a .308Win?

03-15-16, 15:47
No, not on deer,shotgun, pistol, (.357,44mag, 41mag, etc) and muzzeloader, were what until recently what was allowed,However, groundhogs, coyote hunting, sure, rifle is fine. AR's are very popular here,for coyote hunting. You could probably use a .500jefferys on groundhogs, coyotes, I don't think anybody would care.

03-15-16, 16:06

It's a sad day in America when the two major guys on the ballot are Barack Obama and a guy who has actually signed an AWB into law.

Yet, for some reason, people kept exclaiming the need to remove Obama at all costs. Before Newtown, I think Obama was one of the most pro-2A Presidents I've had in my life.

Actually Obama in the only Pro 2A President since Our Founding Fathers.

Whether or not the basement dwellers realize it, Obama is the only President since Carter that has NOT signed into Law or passed an Anti-2A regulation.

In fact Obama is the first President in the history of the USA to sign into Law a Pro 2A law. It s the law that gives US Citizens the Right to carry a concealed handgun inside a National Park.

Before any of the basement dwellers start whine about "We should have been allowed to carry anyway...." that's the lamest limpdick excuse I've ever heard.

It doesn't matter if We should have been allowed to because it has been against the Law until Obama made it legal to do so.

The All Mighty Reagan did NOT do any thing Pro 2A and was the first POTUS to sign into Law a Anti-2A Law. That law made it illegal do manufacture a machinegun for the public.

Heck, before this law, which went into effect May 19, 1986, you could build your own machinegun via a Form 1 in your kitchen.

Big George Bush signed into Law the original AWB of 1989. Unlike Clinton's Accessory & Mag ban of 1994, this was a permanent ban that could only be overturned by a 2/3 vote of Congress.

Clinton...... Brady

Lil' George banned the importation of firearm parts kits with barrels.

Obama........ Nothing, zero, nada. Actually signed into Law the only Pro 2A Law on a Federal level since 1776.

I hate to bring facts into these threads but such is life.


03-15-16, 16:12
I just got an email from Bravo Company. In it they reproduced a letter from Bill Clinton to John Kasich, dated 1994, praising him for his support of the Assault Weapons ban.

"I generally oppose gun control, but I support the ban on assault weapons and I support a slightly longer waiting period to purchase a gun."

Says Trump, which suggests strongly he'd have voted for it too.



Trump was even more anti gun before he did his 180 as a pretend conservative.

03-15-16, 16:18
It is.

I'll go on to say that people who are just learning today that Kasich supported the AWB need to do a better job of understanding the issues in this race.

But they didn't support Rand Paul as they could have/should have....

Big A
03-15-16, 16:35

Actually Obama in the only Pro 2A President since Our Founding Fathers.

Whether or not the basement dwellers realize it, Obama is the only President since Carter that has NOT signed into Law or passed an Anti-2A regulation.

In fact Obama is the first President in the history of the USA to sign into Law a Pro 2A law. It s the law that gives US Citizens the Right to carry a concealed handgun inside a National Park.

Before any of the basement dwellers start whine about "We should have been allowed to carry anyway...." that's the lamest limpdick excuse I've ever heard.

It doesn't matter if We should have been allowed to because it has been against the Law until Obama made it legal to do so.

The All Mighty Reagan did NOT do any thing Pro 2A and was the first POTUS to sign into Law a Anti-2A Law. That law made it illegal do manufacture a machinegun for the public.

Heck, before this law, which went into effect May 19, 1986, you could build your own machinegun via a Form 1 in your kitchen.

Big George Bush signed into Law the original AWB of 1989. Unlike Clinton's Accessory & Mag ban of 1994, this was a permanent ban that could only be overturned by a 2/3 vote of Congress.

Clinton...... Brady

Lil' George banned the importation of firearm parts kits with barrels.

Obama........ Nothing, zero, nada. Actually signed into Law the only Pro 2A Law on a Federal level since 1776.

I hate to bring facts into these threads but such is life.

So much wrong with this post...

There is a vast difference between being pro 2A and not having an anti 2A gun control bill land on your desk to receive your signature.

And let's not forget his EOs, one of which bans 5.45x39 7N6 ammo.

And FDR signed the Gun Control Act of 1934 and then LBJ signed the GCA of 1968 so Ronald Reagan wasn't the first president to sign anti gun legislation.

But to be honest, I don't trust any person seeking political office to be pro 2A regardless of what they say or what their voting record is.

Big A
03-15-16, 16:36
No, not on deer,shotgun, pistol, (.357,44mag, 41mag, etc) and muzzeloader, were what until recently what was allowed,However, groundhogs, coyote hunting, sure, rifle is fine. AR's are very popular here,for coyote hunting. You could probably use a .500jefferys on groundhogs, coyotes, I don't think anybody would care.
Well that's just...dumb...

03-15-16, 16:56
But they didn't support Rand Paul as they could have/should have....

Paul didn't stand a chance - America is just not ready for a white President with a Jheri Curl.

03-15-16, 16:57
I thought this was all common knowledge?

Sent from my XT1585 using Tapatalk

It is.

I'll go on to say that people who are just learning today that Kasich supported the AWB need to do a better job of understanding the issues in this race.

Fukin' A right

03-15-16, 16:59

Actually Obama in the only Pro 2A President since Our Founding Fathers.

Whether or not the basement dwellers realize it, Obama is the only President since Carter that has NOT signed into Law or passed an Anti-2A regulation.

In fact Obama is the first President in the history of the USA to sign into Law a Pro 2A law. It s the law that gives US Citizens the Right to carry a concealed handgun inside a National Park.

Before any of the basement dwellers start whine about "We should have been allowed to carry anyway...." that's the lamest limpdick excuse I've ever heard.

It doesn't matter if We should have been allowed to because it has been against the Law until Obama made it legal to do so.

The All Mighty Reagan did NOT do any thing Pro 2A and was the first POTUS to sign into Law a Anti-2A Law. That law made it illegal do manufacture a machinegun for the public.

Heck, before this law, which went into effect May 19, 1986, you could build your own machinegun via a Form 1 in your kitchen.

Big George Bush signed into Law the original AWB of 1989. Unlike Clinton's Accessory & Mag ban of 1994, this was a permanent ban that could only be overturned by a 2/3 vote of Congress.

Clinton...... Brady

Lil' George banned the importation of firearm parts kits with barrels.

Obama........ Nothing, zero, nada. Actually signed into Law the only Pro 2A Law on a Federal level since 1776.

I hate to bring facts into these threads but such is life.

No way... the world is so much simpler when I look at it through absolutist lenses. Stop confusing me with data.... You are confusing me...:D

03-15-16, 17:00
Paul didn't stand - America is just not ready for a white President with a Jheri Curl.

great, now I have this stuck in my head...


03-15-16, 17:04
The George Soros machine allegedly just gave a Kasich PAC $200K. :(


This alone should be reason enough not to vote for him.

03-15-16, 19:03
Well that's just...dumb...

You'll get no argument from me.. But you also have to understand that Ohio has alot of urban area's not too far from the woods,Combine that with some trigger happy shitheads from say,Cleveland and it starts to make sense, rifle bullets like a .308 can go a long way..A couple years ago, some dope decided to unload his muzzeloader (.50cal) by shooting it into the air,the bullet came down about a mile away killing
a Amish girl in a buggy... Every year some of these dopes from large city's go deer hunting and will shoot anything that moves. This is one reason why we had those laws. It's also why I pretty much quit deer hunting, after almost getting shot a few years ago,I decided the risk wasn't worth it..

03-15-16, 19:31
Kasich is a left wing progressive, he is in it to the end. We voted Cruz today, too bad the majority in this country is so easily deceived. Soros giving Kasich 200k? Doesn't surprise me a bit. The MSM is complicit in wrecking this republic. I'm betting Hillary will be in the big chair after the general. Rubio is out now, a good man. Maybe he will endorse Cruz but it's a little too late. Kasich is there to wreck the process. Pi$$ed here.

03-15-16, 19:32
You'll get no argument from me.. But you also have to understand that Ohio has alot of urban area's not too far from the woods,Combine that with some trigger happy shitheads from say,Cleveland and it starts to make sense, rifle bullets like a .308 can go a long way..A couple years ago, some dope decided to unload his muzzeloader (.50cal) by shooting it into the air,the bullet came down about a mile away killing
a Amish girl in a buggy... Every year some of these dopes from large city's go deer hunting and will shoot anything that moves. This is one reason why we had those laws. It's also why I pretty much quit deer hunting, after almost getting shot a few years ago,I decided the risk wasn't worth it..

Are you justifying this?

03-15-16, 19:42
Kasich is a left wing progressive, he is in it to the end. We voted Cruz today, too bad the majority in this country is so easily deceived. Soros giving Kasich 200k? Doesn't surprise me a bit. The MSM is complicit in wrecking this republic. I'm betting Hillary will be in the big chair after the general. Rubio is out now, a good man. Maybe he will endorse Cruz but it's a little too late. Kasich is there to wreck the process. Pi$$ed here.

Rubio quit?

03-15-16, 19:43
Rubio quit?

Yes, just now.

03-15-16, 19:47
Rubio quit?

Yes and one of the best speeches I've heard from Mario.

03-15-16, 19:58
MSM reporting/projecting that Kasich takes Ohio.

03-15-16, 20:00
This is the problem with the right: No forgiveness and nobody is allowed to change their minds. The Democrats will eagerly accept former pro-gun people into their anti-gun ranks. They will happily take former pro-lifers, anti-gay marriage advocates, and former Republicans. And you know what? Those people are usually good to their word and they vote the party line. Examples Arlen Specter, Ariana Huffington, Al Gore, Harry Reid, even Obama (formerly against gay marriage). With conservatives, you are either a conservative cradle to the grave or you can go **** yourself. Even if a guy switches his stance and has the record to prove it, he will never be trusted for as long as he lives.

I don't think any of the GOP candidates will nominate anti-gun judges. Even Bush's two nominees ruled correctly for Heller and McDonald. I'm not too worried about Kasich over something that did 22 years ago if he's changed his position. Given that he's got a pretty pro-gun record as governor, I think he's okay.

I expect when someone says that they're now conservative... or liberal... that they not only say it, but they act on it.

I think that's what most folks expect. And if you say you're conservative (or liberal) and don't act like it... folk are going to be cynical and eat you alive.

03-15-16, 20:06
I'm still confused, so up until recently you couldn't bag whitetail with a .308Win?
Still can't.

Only straight walled cartridge rifles.

03-15-16, 20:21
Are you justifying this?

Yes and no, I understand why the laws were written the way they were, and the fact is, I've personally seen too many drunk,stupid mother****ers out in the woods with loaded guns. You don't live here, so, I suppose it's easy to criticize...

03-15-16, 20:33
I just got an email from Bravo Company. In it they reproduced a letter from Bill Clinton to John Kasich, dated 1994, praising him for his support of the Assault Weapons ban.



His recent record has been phenominal.

I didn't vote for him due to other reasons, but he is solid on 2a.

Eliminated mag limit
Allowed silencers for hunting
Redefined loaded gun to mean a loaded gun
Shortened required hours for ccw

I may have missed some. A lot of people have "seen the light" since 22 years ago. It's been 22 years. Do you still have the exact same thoughts on every issue as 22 years ago?

03-15-16, 20:34
I've personally seen too many drunk,stupid mother****ers out in the woods with loaded guns.
Actually it's pretty easy to see how these people would be a danger to themselves and others with any firearm. How does the firearm being a straight-walled cartridge make them somehow safer?

03-15-16, 20:35
Could someone please tell Kasich to stop smoking pot right before he goes on stage. That was one of the most bizarre victory speeches that I've ever seen. He even seemed to be stealing a line from Saving Private Ryan when he told a girl in the crowd that her job was to become something bigger than herself; I was waiting for him to tell her to "earn this."

03-15-16, 20:44
Jeeze.... I don't think pot can make you sound that stupid.... if he's said more stupid than this.....


03-15-16, 20:57
Actually it's pretty easy to see how these people would be a danger to themselves and others with any firearm. How does the firearm being a straight-walled cartridge make them somehow safer?

I never said it did, the idea was, as I understand it, is that the straight wall calibers would have roughly the same range as a shotgun shooting slugs. I think the state was more worried about random bullets coming out of the woods, and hitting people's houses, cars, livestock, etc, The drunks will take themselves, and sometimes unfortunately, innocent people out. They always do.

26 Inf
03-15-16, 21:24
Are you justifying this?

Ohio isn't the only state:

"The National Rifle Association reports some states enforce restrictions on firearm hunters pursuing whitetails. Ten states mandate "shotgun only" during the firearm season. These states are inclusive of Illinois, Iowa, Ohio, Indiana, Maryland, New Jersey, Massachuetts, Delaware, Maine, and Rhode Island. Three states impose "shotgun only" restrictions on firearm hunters in designated areas. These include Minnesota, Michigan, and Virginia. Roughly, 25% of all states impose "shotgun only" restrictions."

In Ohio the shotgun and straight-wall cartridges are for safety - from 2010 - straight-wall rifle hadn't passed yet: "Certainly in some parts of Ohio the topography plays a role, but it's also a safety issue because of the urbanization we have,'' says Jim Hill, the Ohio Division of Wildlife District 4 wildlife management supervisor said. ``By and large, it comes back to safety.''

Don't know why but there is this:

"During my experience as an Illinois archer, I have investigated the underlying factors which have determined the state's success as a consistent producer of world class whitetail bucks. I believe Illinois and several other states have consistently produced large numbers of world class whitetails as a direct result of weapon restrictions enforced upon firearm hunters."

03-15-16, 22:58
Kasich also voted for NAFTA and supports TPP. One would only hope that he totally drops out before the end leaving it up for battle between Cruz and Trump. I like both for different reasons.

03-16-16, 08:53
Still can't.

Only straight walled cartridge rifles.

Can't in MA either. Shotgun, black powder, and bow only.

Singlestack Wonder
03-16-16, 11:49
kaisch only won Ohio because democrats declared themselves as republicans at the polling places and tried to de-rail Trump. Of course the 66 delegate kasich won in Ohio are Trumped by delegates Trump won in the other 4 states.

03-16-16, 12:50
Ohio isn't the only state:

"The National Rifle Association reports some states enforce restrictions on firearm hunters pursuing whitetails. Ten states mandate "shotgun only" during the firearm season. These states are inclusive of Illinois, Iowa, Ohio, Indiana, Maryland, New Jersey, Massachuetts, Delaware, Maine, and Rhode Island. Three states impose "shotgun only" restrictions on firearm hunters in designated areas. These include Minnesota, Michigan, and Virginia. Roughly, 25% of all states impose "shotgun only" restrictions."

In Ohio the shotgun and straight-wall cartridges are for safety - from 2010 - straight-wall rifle hadn't passed yet: "Certainly in some parts of Ohio the topography plays a role, but it's also a safety issue because of the urbanization we have,'' says Jim Hill, the Ohio Division of Wildlife District 4 wildlife management supervisor said. ``By and large, it comes back to safety.''

Don't know why but there is this:

"During my experience as an Illinois archer, I have investigated the underlying factors which have determined the state's success as a consistent producer of world class whitetail bucks. I believe Illinois and several other states have consistently produced large numbers of world class whitetails as a direct result of weapon restrictions enforced upon firearm hunters."

Yes and no, I understand why the laws were written the way they were, and the fact is, I've personally seen too many drunk,stupid mother****ers out in the woods with loaded guns. You don't live here, so, I suppose it's easy to criticize...

Florida has 6,000,000+ more people than Ohio, it's got a higher population density (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_U.S._states_by_population_density), and is the flattest state in the country - by far. (Ohio doesn't even make the top 5) (https://news.ku.edu/2014/02/06/research-if-you-think-kansas-flattest-us-state-youre-plain-wrong)

Additionally, if you think Florida isn't like...nationally known for having crazies and weirdos or anything, then you probably belong here.

Yet I can go hunt on public land with a .50 BMG.

So tell me again, what is Ohio's reasoning for restricting 2A rights?

03-16-16, 12:51
kaisch only won Ohio because democrats declared themselves as republicans at the polling places and tried to de-rail Trump. Of course the 66 delegate kasich won in Ohio are Trumped by delegates Trump won in the other 4 states.

The significance of OH is that it made a brokered convention reasonably possible. Had Trump swept all the states, it would have been almost impossible to outright beat him, and very difficult to force a convention fight. As it stands now, there is a very good chance that Trump will come to within 100 delegates of 1237 but fall just a bit short.

IMHO, it all depends now on if the non-Trump vote coalesces around Cruz. I'm not talking about establishment players like McConnell or Ryan making a public endorsement which may actually undermine his efforts. Instead, I am talking about people like Walker, Jim Jordan, Sasse, Paul, etc. Personally, I do not think this will happen. I suspect that the establishment would prefer Trump to Cruz. That is because Cruz has poked the eye of too many people in the Senate.

03-16-16, 12:52
kaisch only won Ohio because democrats declared themselves as republicans at the polling places and tried to de-rail Trump. Of course the 66 delegate kasich won in Ohio are Trumped by delegates Trump won in the other 4 states.

That's simply not true. The anti-trumps on M4C tell me that Democrats vote for Trump to make them more successful in the primary.

03-16-16, 12:53
IMHO, it all depends now on if the non-Trump vote coalesces around Cruz. I'm not talking about establishment players like McConnell or Ryan making a public endorsement. Instead, I am talking about people like Walker, Jim Jordan, etc. Personally, I do not think this will happen. I suspect that the establishment would prefer Trump to Cruz.

Florida's governor has come out in support of the Donald.

03-16-16, 13:05
Florida has 6,000,000+ more people than Ohio, it's got a higher population density (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_U.S._states_by_population_density), and is the flattest state in the country - by far. (Ohio doesn't even make the top 5) (https://news.ku.edu/2014/02/06/research-if-you-think-kansas-flattest-us-state-youre-plain-wrong)

Additionally, if you think Florida isn't like...nationally known for having crazies and weirdos or anything, then you probably belong here.

Yet I can go hunt on public land with a .50 BMG.

So tell me again, what is Ohio's reasoning for restricting 2A rights?

OH was much closer to states like MA and CT in terms of gun laws (which is to say fu$%#d) for a long time and only recently improved, but is no VT, NH, FL and an oddly anti gun state for the region. Someone from OH telling someone from FL about drunk idiots, nuts, and weirdos as some how justification for un constitutional gun laws is LOL worthy.

03-16-16, 13:51
That's simply not true. The anti-trumps on M4C tell me that Democrats vote for Trump to make them more successful in the primary.

I think that it is pretty clear that Trump draws some support form the Democrat Party; Trump himself touts this. To what extent registered Dems are voting in the open primaries to throw the election to a candidate favorable to Hillary remains a mystery. I can now point to data that supports and refutes that theory. There is simply no way to know if this is happening or any effect it might have.

I personally believe that whatever Dems he steals in this primary will be overwhelmingly offset by Republicans who sit at home (or write in a candidate) as well as the independents that break for whoever is the Democrat nominee. I base this on polling data that I've posted in various threads that show Trump having the highest unfavorable rating of any candidate for POTUS in the modern era. That disapproval spans Republicans, Democrats, and Independents. I do not see it changing since he has one of the highest name recognitions of any candidate running for office (people with low name recognition are more able to affect a negative approval rating as they introduce themselves).

03-16-16, 13:53
The significance of OH is that it made a brokered convention reasonably possible. Had Trump swept all the states, it would have been almost impossible to outright beat him, and very difficult to force a convention fight. As it stands now, there is a very good chance that Trump will come to within 100 delegates of 1237 but fall just a bit short.

IMHO, it all depends now on if the non-Trump vote coalesces around Cruz. I'm not talking about establishment players like McConnell or Ryan making a public endorsement which may actually undermine his efforts. Instead, I am talking about people like Walker, Jim Jordan, Sasse, Paul, etc. Personally, I do not think this will happen. I suspect that the establishment would prefer Trump to Cruz. That is because Cruz has poked the eye of too many people in the Senate.

And for the conservatives, who are concerned about Trump not being conservative (rightfully so), joining with him is the best way to influence him and the election. If the party embraces him, then he will be much more open to smart, experienced conservatives advising him.

03-16-16, 14:26
And for the conservatives, who are concerned about Trump not being conservative (rightfully so), joining with him is the best way to influence him and the election. If the party embraces him, then he will be much more open to smart, experienced conservatives advising him.

And I see no evidence to support your opinion. If anything, the evidence points to the opposite. His top campaign adviser is one of the biggest dickheads in Washington

03-16-16, 14:30
And I see no evidence to support your opinion. If anything, the evidence points to the opposite. His top campaign adviser is one of the biggest dickheads in Washington

The only chance for the GOP is to rally around the front runner...and they certainly won't influence him by attacking him.

03-16-16, 14:34
The only chance for the GOP is to rally around the front runner...and they certainly won't influence him by attacking him.

The RINO establishment isn't going to "rally" around anyone but Kasich. They'd rather lose than win with someone they don't have control over. :(

03-16-16, 14:43
The RINO establishment isn't going to "rally" around anyone but Kasich. They'd rather lose than win with someone they don't have control over. :(

True dat...

03-16-16, 14:49
The RINO establishment isn't going to "rally" around anyone but Kasich. They'd rather lose than win with someone they don't have control over. :(

They don't want to win anyways...they are happier where they are.

03-16-16, 14:55
The only chance for the GOP is to rally around the front runner...and they certainly won't influence him by attacking him.

I seriously doubt anyone has any influence over Trump, nor will they ever.

03-16-16, 15:03
True dat...

And just as the GOP had one to blame but themselves for a second Obama election, will be they have no one to blame for HC as POTUS.

03-16-16, 15:10
OH was much closer to states like MA and CT in terms of gun laws (which is to say fu$%#d) for a long time and only recently improved, but is no VT, NH, FL and an oddly anti gun state for the region. Someone from OH telling someone from FL about drunk idiots, nuts, and weirdos as some how justification for un constitutional gun laws is LOL worthy.

I understand the sentiments, but are we not talking about hunting regs and not gun laws? You can't use a rifle during archery season either...which has zero to do with 2A rights.

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03-16-16, 15:18
Kasich Doesn’t Regret Voting for Assault Weapons Ban, Regrets Law Didn’t Have Desired Impact


03-16-16, 15:25
I understand the sentiments, but are we not talking about hunting regs and not gun laws? You can't use a rifle during archery season either...which has zero to do with 2A rights.

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It was a general statement on their generally poor 2A laws and positions and not hunting related per se.

03-16-16, 16:53
It was a general statement on their generally poor 2A laws and positions and not hunting related per se.

Fair enough...

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26 Inf
03-16-16, 17:42
So tell me again, what is Ohio's reasoning for restricting 2A rights?

Well, if you want to get technical, they aren't, you just can't shoot a deer with a .50BMG, not saying you can't own it or bear it.

There is a lot more to get indignant about then what you are allowed to hunt with.

BTW, with the exception of you, there is no credible evidence that Florida is exactly the home of too many bright folks. That was a compliment, BTW.

ETA: hadn't read posts above.

03-16-16, 19:57
BTW, with the exception of you, there is no credible evidence that Florida is exactly the home of too many bright folks. That was a compliment, BTW.

I don't understand this sentence. Honestly.

26 Inf
03-16-16, 20:06
I don't understand this sentence. Honestly.

Essentially, I was saying you are the only bright guy in Florida.

03-16-16, 20:15
You really mean that? :dance3:

26 Inf
03-16-16, 20:29
Sure, I have seen no evidence of mom's basement dwelling air softer in any of your posts. And I'm willing to give you a pass on some apparently questionable choices for companionship - just going by what I read,,,,

Big A
03-16-16, 20:36
Sure, I have seen no evidence of mom's basement dwelling air softer in any of your posts. And I'm willing to give you a pass on some apparently questionable choices for companionship - just going by what I read,,,,
Man, I wish my mom had a basement I could live in. Unfortunately the water table is too high in Florida...

And that she didn't forget the pizza rolls when she went to the store today...

03-16-16, 20:36
I understand the sentiments, but are we not talking about hunting regs and not gun laws? You can't use a rifle during archery season either...which has zero to do with 2A rights.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I'm glad that at least someone understands the difference., Last time I looked Ohio has decent gun laws.Waiting periods like in Florida? Nope, you fill out the forms the ffl makes the call, you pay, and out the door you go.....On THE SAME DAY! Fullauto? No problem, suppressors? Again, no problem, no mag limits. CHL widely,and easily available, training widely available. What do you want? So you cant go deer hunting with a. 50bmg..Really that's your beef? And that makes Ohio somehow anti 2a? Really?

And Will,Eurodriver, I used to live in Florida (Ft Myers) so don't waste you breath telling me about the weirdos etc,etc, After 8 yrs I had enough, and hit the road,and have never been back.

Big A
03-16-16, 20:46
I'm glad that at least someone understands the difference., Last time I looked Ohio has decent gun laws.Waiting periods like in Florida? Nope, you fill out the forms the ffl makes the call, you pay, and out the door you go.....On THE SAME DAY! Fullauto? No problem, suppressors? Again, no problem, no mag limits. CHL widely,and easily available, training widely available. What do you want? So you cant go deer hunting with a. 50bmg..Really that's your beef? And that makes Ohio somehow anti 2a? Really?

And Will,Eurodriver, I used to live in Florida (Ft Myers) so don't waste you breath telling me about the weirdos etc,etc, After 8 yrs I had enough, and hit the road,and have never been back.
I got the difference, I just think it's a silly law not to be able to use common bolt gun calibers like .270 & .308 on deer but it is ok to use them on coyotes and other varmints.

03-16-16, 21:04
I got the difference, I just think it's a silly law not to be able to use common bolt gun calibers like .270 & .308 on deer but it is ok to use them on coyotes and other varmints.

I've never heard of shooting another hunter while going after coyotes...

I'd gladly give up rifles for hunting here in CO for no UBCs or mag limits ;)

Big A
03-16-16, 21:08
I've never heard of shooting another hunter while going after coyotes...

I'd gladly give up rifles for hunting here in CO for no UBCs or mag limits ;)
That's cuz we do it different down here ;)

26 Inf
03-16-16, 21:11
Man, I wish my mom had a basement I could live in. Unfortunately the water table is too high in Florida...

And that she didn't forget the pizza rolls when she went to the store today...

You have pizza rolls?

Big A
03-16-16, 21:16
You have pizza rolls?
No mom forgot em :(

I got Mountain Dew and Doritos though :)

03-19-16, 07:48
This thread is great.

Big A's mom called my mom and said I have been misbehaving on M4C though

03-19-16, 09:52
Kasich comes off like some sort of Low T cuckold on TV. I'm sure somewhere he has some interesting video of his wife with "friends".
I'm guessing Hillary would have a lot of fun gutting him in a debate.

03-19-16, 12:34
And Will,Eurodriver, I used to live in Florida (Ft Myers) so don't waste you breath telling me about the weirdos etc,etc, After 8 yrs I had enough, and hit the road,and have never been back.

Then by that statement alone, you know FL probably tops the list on weirdos, etc and your statement moot to the issue at hand.

03-19-16, 15:02
This thread is great.

Big A's mom called my mom and said I have been misbehaving on M4C though

Tell her to use the Report Post button like everyone else.

I keed! I keed!

Now make with the pizza rolls, please.

Big A
03-19-16, 18:16
This thread is great.

Big A's mom called my mom and said I have been misbehaving on M4C though
Damn it, I told her to stop doing that shit. She's always embarrassing me in front of my friends. Gah!

And where is she with that damn meatloaf?


03-19-16, 19:12
This thread is great.

Big A's mom called my mom and said I have been misbehaving on M4C though

True story, a black friend of mine had someone that knows his family call his Dad out of extreme concern over his support of Trump, and accused him of targeting blacks...