View Full Version : Hillary Clinton on Libya: "We didn't lose a single person"

03-15-16, 17:47

"Libya was a different kind of calculation. And we didn't lose a single person," Clinton said.

You can't make this up.

Dist. Expert 26
03-15-16, 17:53
Does it really even matter?

Not being a smartass here. If people were dumb enough to vote for her yesterday, this isn't going to change anything.

03-15-16, 17:54
Just like dodging Sniper Fire in Bosnia. What a POS!!! Living proof that the System is Rigged. How can a person like this, be a Presidential Candidate? Insane!

03-15-16, 18:01
She always tries to tell the truth.

03-15-16, 18:01
family of pathalogical liars...Bill just said she lost Michigan because she was busy saving Flint...

“I mean in Michigan, we always knew it was gonna be close and, we made a decision to try to make sure we did as well as we could. Hillary spent a lot of time in Michigan just trying to help Flint. She wound up spending relatively less time campaigning.”

Outlander Systems
03-15-16, 18:26
If that creature wins, we are officially a Banana Republic...

03-15-16, 18:36
this is the same woman who stood by her husbands side with a big smile on her face just hours after he got a bj from a younger and more attractive woman.

03-15-16, 19:00
this is the same woman who stood by her husbands side with a big smile on her face just hours after she got a bj from a younger and more attractive woman.

Fixed it for ya. :cool:

03-15-16, 20:22
No one cares what Hillary says.

03-15-16, 21:02
No one cares what Hillary says.

Especially not her sycophants. SHE could gun down a little brown girl in a wheelchair in the middle of Times Square and they'd still think she was the second coming. :(

03-15-16, 21:15
Somewhere Saul Alinsky (and his buddy, Lucifer--"Louie" to his friends) are grinning.

03-15-16, 21:28
Especially not her sycophants. SHE could gun down a little brown girl in a wheelchair in the middle of Times Square and they'd still think she was the second coming. :(

Exactly. She's a messiah, nothing she says actually matters or is heard.

03-15-16, 21:54
Hillary will be the first female president. In the eyes of the majority of liberals it's her turn. We have now had a black man and now they want a woman.

May God or your diety of choice have mercy on this nation.

03-15-16, 23:05

You can't make this up.

I can't stand her. I heard hear her say it while I was listening to the radio on the way home today. Absolutely Disgusting!

03-16-16, 00:42

You can't make this up.

Clinton aides argue that the former secretary of state was referring exclusively to the U.S.-backed ouster in 2011. That mission saw no U.S. lives lost.

How is that not her 'Mission Accomplished' moment?

I really wish she would attempt a carrier landing, at night- and someone kicks the plug out for the landing lights.

03-16-16, 06:31
I'm trying to understand how the press gives this a pass?
Maybe 30% of Americans can give you the rough idea of what went down in Benghazi, maybe 20% could point out Libya on a map and I'm willing to bet less than 10% could tell you who Qaddafi was, so this might well slip by unnoticed by mast all.
But what is the purpose of a free Press in this Country if this kind of crap isn't brought up to the Attention of the People? Why is it that time and time again at these important moments when a clear picture of Clinton lies and corruption are so obvious, they get another pass?
We're screwed.

03-16-16, 06:41
How is that not her 'Mission Accomplished' moment?

In a way, it is....the media spun "mission accomplished" to mean something it didn't to hurt Bush, and they will spin and/or ignore this to protect her.

03-16-16, 07:44
In a way, it is....the media spun "mission accomplished" to mean something it didn't to hurt Bush, and they will spin and/or ignore this to protect her.

Excellent and succinct point.

03-16-16, 07:46
You people give Hilary supporters to much credit. Critical thinking? Observing the facts? These are traits of intelligent level headed individuals.

Clintons supports don't know and don't care. What the know is the social narrative they are meant to repeat. They know who their enemies are meant to be. They know what team they are on. They know who their team is.

This is no different than a devoutly religious person, or a sports fan. You can tell them their team sucks, you can explain why with fact. You can tell them why their religion is loonie toons, you can explain it with fact. They don't care.

They care that they belong, they care they are part of something. They are losers, and always have been. Now is their chance to be included. They can group together with other losers and have power and meaning.

As long as the rest of their brethren don't care, they take that as their que to not care.

03-16-16, 07:48
This is the equivalent of saying "No Citizens of the United States were killed by British Soldiers in the Revolutionary War."
See how that works?
In the spirit of a conversation it is totally without merit, but when you use some Attorney speak and some biased press releases it's totally correct.

03-16-16, 08:37
Risible & idolatry.

03-16-16, 09:05
I toured the Holocaust museum earlier this week and two major points I came away with was don't give up your guns and don't let Hillary become POTUS.

Sent from my XT1585 using Tapatalk

03-16-16, 09:29
I'm trying to understand how the press gives this a pass?
Maybe 30% of Americans can give you the rough idea of what went down in Benghazi, maybe 20% could point out Libya on a map and I'm willing to bet less than 10% could tell you who Qaddafi was, so this might well slip by unnoticed by mast all.
But what is the purpose of a free Press in this Country if this kind of crap isn't brought up to the Attention of the People? Why is it that time and time again at these important moments when a clear picture of Clinton lies and corruption are so obvious, they get another pass?
We're screwed.

Maybe .0005% of Americans could tell you that had they bothered to have a picket ship on post at one of the hottest spots on the planet, on the anniversary of 9/11, they could've had rounds on target about two minutes after the call went out.

When you let them drag the discourse down to irrelevant semantics, they win. When you allow them to redirect focus to the inconsequential decisions, the critical decisions or lack thereof become lost artifacts. Simply put, the United States government has been waging psychological and disinformation warfare on the American public, and it's working beautifully. Their allies are a corrupt and incompetent media apparatus. All of it works because the electorate is stupid and ignorant.

#Obama/ClintonIncompetence :mad:

03-16-16, 14:25
When you let them drag the discourse down to irrelevant semantics, they win. When you allow them to redirect focus to the inconsequential decisions, the critical decisions or lack thereof become lost artifacts. Simply put, the United States government has been waging psychological and disinformation warfare on the American public, and it's working beautifully. Their allies are a corrupt and incompetent media apparatus. All of it works because the electorate is stupid and ignorant.

Spot on.

03-17-16, 03:55
Clinton SOP, "say a lie enough and it's accepted as the truth".

She needs to be air dropped over Libya or Syria and let nature take it's course. She made the bed, make her sleep in it.

03-18-16, 08:20
This nails it down pretty good.


November 2016 Depends on One Man. It Is Not Trump.

Gary North - March 15, 2016
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James Comey.

Ring a bell?

He is the head of the FBI. We read on the FBI's site:

On September 4, 2013, James B. Comey was sworn in as the seventh Director of the FBI.
A Yonkers, New York native, James Comey graduated from the College of William & Mary and the University of Chicago Law School. Following law school, Comey served as an assistant United States attorney for both the Southern District of New York and the Eastern District of Virginia. Comey returned to New York to become the U.S. attorney for the Southern District of New York. In 2003, he became the deputy attorney general at the Department of Justice (DOJ).

Comey left DOJ in 2005 to serve as general counsel and senior vice president at defense contractor Lockheed Martin. Five years later, he joined Bridgewater Associates, a Connecticut-based investment fund, as its general counsel.

He knows how the Department of Justice works.

If he decides that Hillary Clinton committed acts that endangered the security of the United States, he can submit this evidence to the Attorney General.

This places a very hot potato in Loretta Lynch's lap. She will drop it into President Obama's lap within 24 hours.

If Obama does nothing, Comey waits 30 days. Then he calls a press conference.

Goodbye, Hillary. Hello . . .

This depends on when he does this.

If he does it before the Democrats' convention, Sanders will win the nomination. If he does it after the convention, the Republican will win the election. That probably means Trump.

Comey knows how the political game is played. He knows that, as of today, he holds all the cards. He is not holding aces over eights. He is holding four aces.

All he needs to do is say nothing for 30 days after he hands the file to Lynch -- no threats. Just silence.

If she swears him to secrecy, he can assure her that he will stay silent. Then he breaks his word. After all, it's government.

I assume that he will play ball with Lynch. He sounds like an establishment man to me. Wikipedia reports: "Comey is a registered Republican who donated to U.S. Senator John McCain's campaign in the 2008 presidential election and to Governor Mitt Romney's campaign in 2012 presidential election." He does not sound like a Trump supporter. But what if he thinks she is guilty? What if he faces a cover-up of silence? He is a lawyer. If he thinks Obama is stiffing the FBI for political reasons, he may decide to do what bureaucrats do: defend his agency's turf.

What if he waits until December, after she is elected, but before she takes the oath of office? That would create the greatest foul-up in American political history.

She would have zero legitimacy from that time forward. She would reject all calls for her to testify. She would claim executive privilege.

Does the word "Watergate" ring a bell?

He has leverage on a scale that no bureaucrat ever has. Hoover had leverage, but not on this scale. The issue is public: the security of her emails. Comey risks nothing if he goes public after about a 30-day delay.

After the press conference, if Obama fires him, Hillary is toast. So is Obama's legacy.

If Obama tells Lynch to stall until January 20, Clinton II's presidency is toast. Obama probably escapes intact.

If Comey deep-sixes the findings, the political dance goes on.

Will he deep-six it? I don't know. It depends on his sense of justice.

03-18-16, 12:31
This nails it down pretty good.


November 2016 Depends on One Man. It Is Not Trump.

Gary North - March 15, 2016
Printer-Friendly Format
James Comey.

Ring a bell?

He is the head of the FBI. We read on the FBI's site:

On September 4, 2013, James B. Comey was sworn in as the seventh Director of the FBI.
A Yonkers, New York native, James Comey graduated from the College of William & Mary and the University of Chicago Law School. Following law school, Comey served as an assistant United States attorney for both the Southern District of New York and the Eastern District of Virginia. Comey returned to New York to become the U.S. attorney for the Southern District of New York. In 2003, he became the deputy attorney general at the Department of Justice (DOJ).

Comey left DOJ in 2005 to serve as general counsel and senior vice president at defense contractor Lockheed Martin. Five years later, he joined Bridgewater Associates, a Connecticut-based investment fund, as its general counsel.

He knows how the Department of Justice works.

If he decides that Hillary Clinton committed acts that endangered the security of the United States, he can submit this evidence to the Attorney General.

This places a very hot potato in Loretta Lynch's lap. She will drop it into President Obama's lap within 24 hours.

If Obama does nothing, Comey waits 30 days. Then he calls a press conference.

Goodbye, Hillary. Hello . . .

This depends on when he does this.

If he does it before the Democrats' convention, Sanders will win the nomination. If he does it after the convention, the Republican will win the election. That probably means Trump.

Comey knows how the political game is played. He knows that, as of today, he holds all the cards. He is not holding aces over eights. He is holding four aces.

All he needs to do is say nothing for 30 days after he hands the file to Lynch -- no threats. Just silence.

If she swears him to secrecy, he can assure her that he will stay silent. Then he breaks his word. After all, it's government.

I assume that he will play ball with Lynch. He sounds like an establishment man to me. Wikipedia reports: "Comey is a registered Republican who donated to U.S. Senator John McCain's campaign in the 2008 presidential election and to Governor Mitt Romney's campaign in 2012 presidential election." He does not sound like a Trump supporter. But what if he thinks she is guilty? What if he faces a cover-up of silence? He is a lawyer. If he thinks Obama is stiffing the FBI for political reasons, he may decide to do what bureaucrats do: defend his agency's turf.

What if he waits until December, after she is elected, but before she takes the oath of office? That would create the greatest foul-up in American political history.

She would have zero legitimacy from that time forward. She would reject all calls for her to testify. She would claim executive privilege.

Does the word "Watergate" ring a bell?

He has leverage on a scale that no bureaucrat ever has. Hoover had leverage, but not on this scale. The issue is public: the security of her emails. Comey risks nothing if he goes public after about a 30-day delay.

After the press conference, if Obama fires him, Hillary is toast. So is Obama's legacy.

If Obama tells Lynch to stall until January 20, Clinton II's presidency is toast. Obama probably escapes intact.

If Comey deep-sixes the findings, the political dance goes on.

Will he deep-six it? I don't know. It depends on his sense of justice.

Good lord, I hope that Comey stays safe and away from anyone related to the Clintons so he isn't found in a hotel room, or out in the woods, after committing suicide by shooting himself in the back of the head, twice.

03-18-16, 17:19
This nails it down pretty good.


Sounds too good to be true. I wish it were really this easy.

03-20-16, 05:31
Comey is metaphorically literally holding a Bomb.

Until or if the Hive Mind collective intelligence crystallizes an "ah hah" moment & Americans figure out the ogliarch protected justice system it looks more like Rome every day the can gets kicked down the road.

03-20-16, 10:04
Technically, she's right. We didn't "lose" a "single" person. They know where they are and we lost 4.