View Full Version : New LAPD Use of Force policy: No longer "reverence for life"

03-16-16, 17:45
"De-escalation" is now a policy with consequences. Yet, it is not clearly defined for officer safety. The old policy was centered around "reverence for life", or lethal action only if there is an imminent threat to life. This new policy opens the doors for every single action that constitutes force (like starting with "presence" or "vocalization") being called into question potentially after every police encounter. Training is always a good idea, but this type of policy seems to have been written by activist groups. I was not aware that Al Sharpton sat on the LAPD police commission to draft such a bad policy. Since the city of LA is self-insured against claims, this is a boom for lawyers looking to make a buck.


The police union is the adult in the room:

“Every second counts, and hesitation will kill you,” Jamie McBride, one of the Police Union’s directors, told the board. “Your proposed revamping of the use-of-force policy will get officers killed, plain and simple.”

03-16-16, 18:02
And I foresee a lot of transfers and retirements coming.

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Big A
03-16-16, 18:29
And I foresee a lot of transfers and retirements coming.

Sent from my XT1585 using Tapatalk
I honestly want to watch on the national news the entirety of the non appointed personnel of the LAPD walk out.

Just turn in all their issued equipment and head to Vegas for the weekend.

It would truly be something to marvel at as an entire major U.S. city destroys itself.

Dist. Expert 26
03-16-16, 19:22
To quote Hank Hill, that's asinine.

I hope to see LE agencies across the country open their doors for the officers that need a job. I for one would never put myself in a position where any normal day at work could destroy my life.

26 Inf
03-16-16, 20:26
Last I looked, LAPD was in the 9th Circuit. That is very definitely the way the 9th Circuit sees things, if that is a surprise, you haven't been reading case law.

03-16-16, 20:31
I honestly want to watch on the national news the entirety of the non appointed personnel of the LAPD walk out.

Just turn in all their issued equipment and head to Vegas for the weekend.

It would truly be something to marvel at as an entire major U.S. city destroys itself.
I always thought Escape from LA should be considered future oriented non fiction.

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03-16-16, 20:33
Why quit when you can just park in an out of the way place, read the paper and slow roll every call you get? You usually don't have to de-escalate a written report. :rolleyes:

Seriously, the big city, Democrap enclaves don't deserve any more than that.

03-16-16, 20:51
Last I looked, LAPD was in the 9th Circuit. That is very definitely the way the 9th Circuit sees things, if that is a surprise, you haven't been reading case law.

People earn the government they get.

The problem is Californians spread their culture like foot fungus. The Ninth is the vanguard of progressive evolution of various new "rights".

03-16-16, 23:28
This is going to result in more people getting killed, both cops (from being made to hesitate and fear legal consequences when facing violent criminals) and people from the general population (from said violent criminals, who will thrive in the declining quality of policing that will ensue), which is exactly what the goal of this all is.
It is all about bringing about crises.

03-16-16, 23:59
This is going to result in more people getting killed, both cops (from being made to hesitate and fear legal consequences when facing violent criminals) and people from the general population (from said violent criminals, who will thrive in the declining quality of policing that will ensue), which is exactly what the goal of this all is.
It is all about bringing about crises.

Meh, I fend for myself and don't count on others to save my bacon. They rarely do in my experience. I've studied the events and choose to live in a locale where the dinndo's don't fare well in the dead hoodlum sweepstakes. Risk assessment, threat scans, avoidance, go remote early and drive them down if all else fails. Then lawyer up, keep your mouth shut and don't talk to ANYONE except your mouthpiece. Done right, your odds of going naturally to your dirt nap without distasteful complications are pretty high! :)

03-17-16, 00:12
Demolition Man and Idiocracy were like Bible scary in their prophecy.

I'd just turn my shit in and say lots of luck. It's like Dawn of the Dead (the real one) where guys are quitting in droves. Especially guys in bad areas. Literally any job would pay better and even if for some reason it didn't it's worth it not to get villainized over, and I say thise sincerely, keeping the peace.

I've seen so many people lose the fire and the drive because they are beholden to the whims of these BS little communities. Guys who would do anything to protect the weak and defenseless totally demoralized by politicians and administrators. There's only so far you can dig into your ruck to find extra until it comes up totally empty.

If people would call right, right and wrong, wrong and stop letting the news brainwash people...this wouldn't be a thing. The media only cares about shock value and the dirt.

Nothing about the real people it affects. So they can have it. Would love for the gated communities to get some "diversity".

03-17-16, 00:19
Hard to believe this is the same LAPD that was randomly lighting up pickup trucks during the whole Chris Dorner thing.

I hope all the good cops find a better gig elsewhere, shouldn't be too hard considering. I hope all the suckass cops stay on the job and enjoy the fruits of their labors.

03-17-16, 00:29
I hope all the good cops find a better gig elsewhere, shouldn't be too hard considering.

There's no place to defect to anymore.
The Beau Geste days of policework are well into their twilight.

03-17-16, 02:05
There's no place to defect to anymore.
The Beau Geste days of policework are well into their twilight.

At this point, especially for the LAPD, I'm thinking working the door at the local titty bar is now a better gig.

03-17-16, 02:49
the problem I see with this is this: LAPD has notoriously committed themselves to putting an end to gang violence and criminals who pose a serious threat. Seems like every other day in LA there is a high speed police chase, bank robber, terrorist etc. This new plan of action seems like it was written by Hillary supporters. It puts thugs, Crips and Bloods in a victim role. If implemented, maybe not in a year but down the road say 3-5 years, you will hear success stories from city councilmen and politicians because public outcry and complaints are down 10 fold. Depending on who we have in the White House, that plan could go nation wide. Perhaps an Executive order? After all, every democrat running wants to model our country after another like Australia, Denmark, Finland, Poland -you get the point.

03-17-16, 04:30

03-17-16, 04:34
And in other news, crime is on the rise in Los Angeles. Homicide, rape, robbery and aggravated assault.

Outlander Systems
03-17-16, 08:13
Is there a country, on this planet, that isn't totally batshit insane?

If the forward momentum of stupid continues on its current trajectory, I foresee my "Golden Years" being spent in a Communist Reeducation Camp somewhere in Kansas.

03-17-16, 08:21
Corporate recruiters always ask why I refuse to entertain offers from California and Illinois. This is all the reason I need, as I try to keep my distance from insanity

03-17-16, 09:07
Why quit when you can just park in an out of the way place, read the paper and slow roll every call you get? You usually don't have to de-escalate a written report. :rolleyes:

Seriously, the big city, Democrap enclaves don't deserve any more than that.

I read that the NYPD puts a lot of pressure on their cops to "de-escalate" crime reports to make it appear NYC is safer than it really is and NYPD officers are resisting the downgrading of serious felonies or straight out whistleblowing. Google Compstat scandal. Wonder why NYC would do that since the city is soooo conservative.:rolleyes:

03-17-16, 09:13
There's no place to defect to anymore.
The Beau Geste days of policework are well into their twilight.

You gotta admit Alinsky was a genius. People not listening to cops, children not listening to their parents, K-12 students not listening to their teachers, people not listening to religion. (And I'm not even religious)

03-17-16, 11:05
And in other news, crime is on the rise in Los Angeles. Homicide, rape, robbery and aggravated assault.

The rise is after cooking the books with COMPSTAT reliant management. There's no hiding from bad policing policy, sanctuary city, liberal sentencing, jail overcrowding catch-and-release, etc.

03-17-16, 16:50
I read that the NYPD puts a lot of pressure on their cops to "de-escalate" crime reports to make it appear NYC is safer than it really is and NYPD officers are resisting the downgrading of serious felonies or straight out whistleblowing. Google Compstat scandal. Wonder why NYC would do that since the city is soooo conservative.:rolleyes:

Few years back, our Sheriff Ken Jenne did exactly the same thing. There were pretty much unwritten orders to not open a case file unless absolutely necessary. Made it look like crime was going down. Whenever possible violent crimes were reported as lesser offenses often over the objection of victims.

03-17-16, 17:08
Few years back, our Sheriff Ken Jenne did exactly the same thing. There were pretty much unwritten orders to not open a case file unless absolutely necessary. Made it look like crime was going down. Whenever possible violent crimes were reported as lesser offenses often over the objection of victims.

Yup, Dallas PD got caught doing the same. I'll just assume most major LEA have done this and or are still doing this. Like everything LE has been politicized thus lies are the norm.

Reason #3,749,286 to not count on 911 and the government for one's personal safety and two be armed 24/7 . . .

03-17-16, 17:39
I've said it before and wasn't exaggerating. A LOT of reports and arrests get reclassified due to the UCR.
DAs are in on it, too. A LOT of cases get plead which, quite frankly, don't need to be.

First Offender? Okay.
Youthful Indiscretion? Okay.
But Jamal tossin Eightball tellin' the police "fvck y'all" repeatedly in and out is a total No-Go.

But a DAs job is to get elected. A Judges job is to get elected.

As long as you have 'something' you are being diligent only not really. It's pencil pushing, book juggling BS to avoid trials, avoid work, and avoid accountability.

What? You really think these people care?
About YOU?

No. Absolutely not.

If a chief or sheriff came in like Dallas Stoudemire they would be recalled or oustered most ricky tick.

So they showboat and feed greek salad.

Yeah some hick sheriff might ride a bike in a poker run and grandstand about believing in "gawdamighty" and declaring to the world that he is NOT politically correct. Yet...

What's he doing? He's either cut in on the action or sweeping it under the rug. At bare minimum he is reclassifying reports.

Because nobody wants to say "hey we gotta problem and need to bust some heads. Fvck your feelings".

Lawsuits, protests and BS up the ass that nobody wants to take to task.

And as for your self protection.
Heh...the IACP supports all UBC and AWBs.

So yeah...gee...I didn't know my Ray Bans came in this odd Jade color. Wonder how that happened....

03-17-16, 18:14
I love that line... "Fvck your feelings"...

It warms my heart.

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Big A
03-17-16, 21:18
I've said it before and wasn't exaggerating. A LOT of reports and arrests get reclassified due to the UCR.
DAs are in on it, too. A LOT of cases get plead which, quite frankly, don't need to be.

First Offender? Okay.
Youthful Indiscretion? Okay.
But Jamal tossin Eightball tellin' the police "fvck y'all" repeatedly in and out is a total No-Go.

But a DAs job is to get elected. A Judges job is to get elected.

As long as you have 'something' you are being diligent only not really. It's pencil pushing, book juggling BS to avoid trials, avoid work, and avoid accountability.

What? You really think these people care?
About YOU?

No. Absolutely not.

If a chief or sheriff came in like Dallas Stoudemire they would be recalled or oustered most ricky tick.

So they showboat and feed greek salad.

Yeah some hick sheriff might ride a bike in a poker run and grandstand about believing in "gawdamighty" and declaring to the world that he is NOT politically correct. Yet...

What's he doing? He's either cut in on the action or sweeping it under the rug. At bare minimum he is reclassifying reports.

Because nobody wants to say "hey we gotta problem and need to bust some heads. Fvck your feelings".

Lawsuits, protests and BS up the ass that nobody wants to take to task.

And as for your self protection.
Heh...the IACP supports all UBC and AWBs.

So yeah...gee...I didn't know my Ray Bans came in this odd Jade color. Wonder how that happened....

I nominate the above for the M4C Post Of The Year Award.

So many Americans have no clue as to what the court system actually does. The prosecutors don't care about seeking justice for the victims, they want to get the cases off the dockets with whatever conviction they can. They don't care if the guilty get 5 months or 5 years just so long as they get that conviction to pad the stats and make it look like they're making a difference. And the judges are the same, they just want to get the cases off their calendar. The jails always complain about being over crowded and so forth and so on. Law enforcement is becoming a pointless endeavor at best and a fool's errand at worst.

Justice has simply become a buzz word that these public servants and their sycophants merely pay lip service to and nothing more.

A lot of people will balk at ending the war on drugs but it would solve more problems than it has fixed.

03-18-16, 01:01
You gotta admit Alinsky was a genius. People not listening to cops, children not listening to their parents, K-12 students not listening to their teachers, people not listening to religion. (And I'm not even religious)

The good news, is were getting pretty close to being the "have nots" and a lot of those rules will be used by us.

The rules:

“Power is not only what you have, but what the enemy thinks you have.” Power is derived from 2 main sources – money and people. “Have-Nots” must build power from flesh and blood.
“Never go outside the expertise of your people.” It results in confusion, fear and retreat. Feeling secure adds to the backbone of anyone.
“Whenever possible, go outside the expertise of the enemy.” Look for ways to increase insecurity, anxiety and uncertainty.
“Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules.” If the rule is that every letter gets a reply, send 30,000 letters. You can kill them with this because no one can possibly obey all of their own rules.
“Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon.” There is no defense. It’s irrational. It’s infuriating. It also works as a key pressure point to force the enemy into concessions.
“A good tactic is one your people enjoy.” They’ll keep doing it without urging and come back to do more. They’re doing their thing, and will even suggest better ones.
“A tactic that drags on too long becomes a drag.” Don’t become old news.
“Keep the pressure on. Never let up.” Keep trying new things to keep the opposition off balance. As the opposition masters one approach, hit them from the flank with something new.
“The threat is usually more terrifying than the thing itself.” Imagination and ego can dream up many more consequences than any activist.
"The major premise for tactics is the development of operations that will maintain a constant pressure upon the opposition." It is this unceasing pressure that results in the reactions from the opposition that are essential for the success of the campaign.
“If you push a negative hard enough, it will push through and become a positive.” Violence from the other side can win the public to your side because the public sympathizes with the underdog.
“The price of a successful attack is a constructive alternative.” Never let the enemy score points because you’re caught without a solution to the problem.
“Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.” Cut off the support network and isolate the target from sympathy. Go after people and not institutions; people hurt faster than institutions.



In 1969, while a political science major at Wellesley College, Hillary Rodham chose to write her senior thesis on Alinsky's work, with Alinsky himself contributing his own time to help her. Although Rodham defended Alinksy's intentions in her thesis, she was critical of his methods and dogmatism. (Years later when she became First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton, based upon a White House request the thesis was not made publicly available by the school.

03-18-16, 02:14
And the judges are the same, they just want to get the cases off their calendar. The jails always complain about being over crowded and so forth and so on. Law enforcement is becoming a pointless endeavor at best and a fool's errand at worst.

Justice has simply become a buzz word that these public servants and their sycophants merely pay lip service to and nothing more.

One of the dirty little secrets is that most judges that are appointed get their job because they wrote a big check to a politician. The bigger the check, the higher the court. I many states, one does not even need to pass the bar to be a judge. Just donate and be rewarded for your contribution. What type of quality do you expect with this? You can count on the justice system to reflect the politics of the prevailing political class.