View Full Version : Former state rep. attacked with staple gun, by newley elected reps family

03-19-16, 03:25
Newly elected state representatives daughter and her boyfriend attacked former representative.


03-19-16, 04:00
" . . . when an altercation turned violent, resulting in the firing of a staple gun to the face, a broken nose, stitches and a grab of the groin, Cook County prosecutors say."

"Three days after state Rep. Cynthia Soto, D-Chicago, soundly defeated Robert Zwolinski in the primary for the state's 4th District, Soto's daughter, Jessica, and her boyfriend stood before a Cook County judge Friday to face felony charges in connection with the scuffle."

Just another day in Chiraq . . .

03-19-16, 07:12
We need to ban these assault staplers. Even if it saves just one forehead.

03-19-16, 08:30
It was probably loaded with a 200 staple per second clip. And had a shoulder thingy that goes up. And it came from a surrounding state with dangerously lacking stapler laws.

03-19-16, 08:44
I think a staple to the forehead fired from a staple gun might well get the point across.
I'm just not sure why he didn't fight harder, it would seem pretty easy to avoid that.

03-19-16, 08:57
Reason #6834 to avoid that messed up state

03-19-16, 09:03
Common-sense paper fastener laws are needed.
Europe and Australia use recyclable paper clips and avoid the hazards from staples.
We owe it to our children.

03-19-16, 09:42
"It's really sad this is going on," she said. "It's an embarrassment to our entire country."No no, it's not. Just Chicago.

At least they have a 14.7% homicide clearance rate to make them feel better this year.

03-19-16, 11:40
Man dis politician on politician violence gotta stop y'all, for real.
Increase the Peace

03-19-16, 14:48

03-19-16, 15:20
Man dis politician on politician violence gotta stop y'all, for real.
Increase the Peace

#PLM -Politician lives matter!

03-19-16, 15:39
It's Chiraq. Did anyone expect anything different?

03-19-16, 15:59
For Chicago Dems, it's not enough to simply win an election.

Ned Christiansen
03-19-16, 16:49
I have to ask myself why anyone would even want to own a stapler when an Earth-friendly glue can be made from common, bio-degradable ingredients from around the house and in the yard..... and nobody can use it against you, which everyone knows is what usually happens with staplers

03-20-16, 18:24
Ban now!!

03-20-16, 21:38
But democrats are so tolorant.

Another example why they want to ban guns, because they think everyone has the same level of hate and lack of self control they, themselves posses.