View Full Version : Obama visits Cuba . . .

03-21-16, 16:43

First sitting US President to visit the tropical North Korea since Calvin Coolidge in January of 1928.

Barry and Michelle took their daughters to Havana for spring break, I wonder what Michelle had to say about Cuba's war on women . . .

Women dragged kicking and screaming from democracy protest in Cuba as 50 anti-Castro demonstrators are arrested just hours before Obama's arrival in Havana

More than 50 anti-government protesters were arrested at the Damas de Blanco (Ladies in White) demonstration as the Castro regime cracked down on dissidents ahead of the president's visit.

The protest group holds a weekly rally outside a cathedral in an upmarket neighborhood of the Cuban capital, with hundreds of women and their male supporters calling for an end to political imprisonment in the communist state.


03-21-16, 16:46
I'm surprised he didn't take Bernie along. Barry tweeted when they landed "Hey Cuba, what's going on?" Yep, sounds about right.. :rolleyes:

VIP3R 237
03-21-16, 16:56
https://farm2.staticflickr.com/1709/25875369691_4e0b5be974_z.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/Fqw2VD)

I don't know if many of you listen to ESPN sports radio or not, but on the Dan Le Batard show this morning he discussed the pain.


03-21-16, 17:19
as they say not knowing only 5% of cuba has Internet !!!

I'm surprised he didn't take Bernie along. Barry tweeted when they landed "Hey Cuba, what's going on?" Yep, sounds about right.. :rolleyes:

03-21-16, 17:31
This is one of the very few things he has done that I actually don't mind. I always thought it rather odd that we work with China and Russia but not Cuba.

We should have established relations with them in the 90's. It was long past time for this to happen.

03-21-16, 17:42
It's just more all expenses paid vacation. Don't let it upset you. This will be the defining image of the man in the history books:

03-21-16, 17:51
It's just more all expenses paid vacation. Don't let it upset you. This will be the defining image of the man in the history books:

Nice, I still prefer his limp wrist with Raul Castro.

03-21-16, 17:54
It's just more all expenses paid vacation. Don't let it upset you. This will be the defining image of the man in the history books:

It is funny how all these important trips to exotic locations just happen to occur during the girls spring break.

03-21-16, 18:05
Cuba is not a democracy nor is China, neither of which are capitalist but right now there is a deal being finalized which congress is allowing US Owned Starwood Properties to build 5 hotels in Havana, Starwood owns Marriot, St. Regis, Four Seasons and a few others. Its a multi billion dollar development. The flip side of the coin is that the Us government is allowing China to buy majority stock into that hotel chain through a Chinese insurance company which also owns a controlling in 30% of Americas insurance industry, AIG, Trans Pacific, Nationwide etc.. Which means China will most likely own 3/4 or Americas Hotel chains. The problem with that is that these Hotel chains are backed by large hedge funds and private equity firms that leverage those holdings to hedge mortgage backed securities and real estate. Why Cuba? A new strengthening relationship with Cuba might be big potential to American investors, those investors will borrow hundreds of millions if not billions from large pool of money by China controlled hedge funds that back a large portion of Americas housing/ insurance industry.

03-21-16, 18:27
I always thought it rather odd that we work with China and Russia but not Cuba.

-screaming voters in Hialeah with an entitlement complex who think wet-foot/dry-foot make them more equal than others.

03-21-16, 18:43
wonder what excuses the lib will have ?


03-21-16, 19:01
I don't mind a free Cuba but Obongo is just so incompetent.

I can't wait for the day Cuba finally has its Berlin Wall moment where they realize that the Cold War is (or at lesst was) over and that they can have a higher quality of life and commerce with US tourism.

03-21-16, 19:06
I can't stand the President, but OUR anthem was playing when that photo was taken. I have zero doubt that Cuba carefully selected the location for the graphic, but the man did what any civilian should when The Star-Spangled Banner is playing.

And Elephant, Marriott is "merging" with Starwood in an attempt to stave off a takeover by Anbang.

03-21-16, 19:14
In the 20th Century, two of our greatest exports were weapons, and our culture. American Culture is found in almost every corner of the world. If we're going to normalize relations with Curba, let's flood the place with everything American. Cars, Phones, Computers, Movies, TV Programming, Clothing, Medical Equipment, Tools, etc. etc. Once these people get a real taste of what we take for granted, they'll never want to turn back. You taste the good life just once, and you know you're missing out if you've lived under Communism your entire life. Over a generation we can turn Curbans into off-shore lovers of everything American. They already love America's game of Baseball. This is a way to push Communism aside into the gutter and turn the place into a free market loving society.

03-21-16, 19:15
When do the pictures of him bowing to Castro come out?

They keep should him, their due for some hope and change.

03-21-16, 19:17
In the 20th Century, two of our greatest exports were weapons, and our culture. American Culture is found in almost every corner of the world. If we're going to normalize relations with Curba, let's flood the place with everything American. Cars, Phones, Computers, Movies, TV Programming, Clothing, Medical Equipment, Tools, etc. etc. Once these people get a real taste of what we take for granted, they'll never want to turn back. You taste the good life just once, and you know you're missing out if you've lived under Communism your entire life. Over a generation we can turn Curbans into off-shore lovers of everything American. They already love America's game of Baseball.

Please excuse my nearly complete ineptitude in this matter, but your post makes me think of Puerto Rico, and all it's problems.

03-21-16, 19:21
The movie Borat made me laugh knowing some colleagues who grew up under socialist rule... One upmanship exists, even in a third world country.

I get window from a glass, he must get window from a glass.

I get a step, he must get a step.

I get a clock radio... He cannot afford... Great success!

03-21-16, 19:22
Please excuse my nearly complete ineptitude in this matter, but your post makes me think of Puerto Rico, and all it's problems.

At risk of being argumentative, I felt better off in PR than DC. My only deal with PR is that it should be Anglophonic, but otherwise meh. Could be better, could be a lot worse.

03-21-16, 19:29
Please excuse my nearly complete ineptitude in this matter, but your post makes me think of Puerto Rico, and all it's problems.
I'm not advocating making Cuba a Territory leading to Statehood. The Genie is now out of the bottle. We're not going to do any nation building there, but we can hopefully put some Americans to work by selling our stuff there, and in turn give the people there a glimpse into American society and the perks it offers.

03-21-16, 19:38
In the 20th Century, two of our greatest exports were weapons, and our culture. American Culture is found in almost every corner of the world. If we're going to normalize relations with Curba, let's flood the place with everything American. Cars, Phones, Computers, Movies, TV Programming, Clothing, Medical Equipment, Tools, etc. etc. Once these people get a real taste of what we take for granted, they'll never want to turn back. You taste the good life just once, and you know you're missing out if you've lived under Communism your entire life. Over a generation we can turn Curbans into off-shore lovers of everything American. They already love America's game of Baseball. This is a way to push Communism aside into the gutter and turn the place into a free market loving society.
I agree but where will the money come from? Other countries can travel there.

03-21-16, 19:40
Money's already in Cuba. It's the government that keeps it all.

03-21-16, 19:45
I agree but where will the money come from? Other countries can travel there.
Bingo!!! Private Industry, of course. The question will be if any agreements for building hotels, import agreements can be made with a Cuban Government that won't take over after we've spent a lot of money there. Confiscation of private property was big during the Marxist Revolution. I would like to see Free Enterprise zones set up that allow the Cuban people to buy our products, and areas were American television programming and movies are allowed.

When I was in the Army, I spent some time in Germany. I remember the people there grabbing up Levis and paying over $100 for a pair that we'd pay $25 here in the States. American goods do have an appeal all over the World.

By the way, I would not advocate giving up an inch of Guantanamo Bay. That's a non starter.

03-21-16, 19:51
My lawyers wife is also a big time lawyer and she is working like crazy on getting big name companies into cuba, hotels, pharmaceuticals, food.

I happen to think open the place up to American business and tourism and see how fast the commies turn capitalist.

03-21-16, 19:55
I hope Obama AND Michelle stay there. Seriously. Turn AF1 into a casino and be done with it.

03-21-16, 20:00
In the myriad of Marxist Hellholes around the world, Cuba is a different animal. They have a history of American influence. Many of the people there have relatives or know people who are in the US. A large segment of the population there have a positive opinion of Americans. Despite the crackdowns on the opposition there, Cuba is a more open society compared to some of the other totalitarian locales. In the geopolitical realm, we could do well by being the big influence there and pushing out Russian and Chinese influence.

03-21-16, 21:04
The problem has already been stated. The government keeps all of the money...

Honestly, I'd almost like to see Castro pull a "fooled you" on Obama and the rest of the normalization crowd, and seize the American hotels the day they're completed. It would serve as a fitting slap in the face. A lesson as to why you don't cross the river with a scorpion on your back...

03-21-16, 21:11
The problem has already been stated. The government keeps all of the money...

Honestly, I'd almost like to see Castro pull a "fooled you" on Obama and the rest of the normalization crowd, and seize the American hotels the day they're completed. It would serve as a fitting slap in the face. A lesson as to why you don't cross the river with a scorpion on your back...
That's the risk you run playing economic games with these Marxist Dictators. We have been getting screwed for years playing with the Peoples Republic of China. The difference here is to create an environment where the Cuban people get a taste of nice things, and when their masters try to take them away, you have a tantrum by a large number of 11 million people, and this tantrum leads to the removal of their masters.

03-21-16, 21:14
Every country but ours has had trade and tourism for years. What has it gotten them? Honestly? The government keeps the money and dishes it out to the peasants. Everyone in Cuba has been #feelintheBern for decades.

Adding America is not going to make one shred of difference.

03-21-16, 21:26
The way i look at it, is that Cuba is socialist, China is socialist and 50% of our liberal government embraces socialism including our President and a man running for president and probably Hillary. China already owns huge controling stakes in American companies including a huge solar farm in arizona, copper mines in arizona, utah and nevada. As our oil and gas industry is down, China is buying out smaller companies and merging together to form larger companies. Last year the Chinese Dept of Agriculture tried to buy Freightliner and Peterbuilt. Pretty soon, China will own a huge interest in US Hotels and housing through various holdings and hedge funds. This cuba trade deal brings socialism to America in a big way. I think Obama is setting up a cuba/china deal that will executed perfectly and become successful in hopes to persuade a lot of people in America to take another look at socialism and think that it has economic benefits. This would be perfect for hillary to encourage millions of young americans to embrace the socialist ideology.

03-22-16, 00:24
I'm not advocating making Cuba a Territory leading to Statehood. The Genie is now out of the bottle. We're not going to do any nation building there, but we can hopefully put some Americans to work by selling our stuff there, and in turn give the people there a glimpse into American society and the perks it offers.

Selling our stuff there, possibly. To me it seems to be yet another nation full of cheap labor that will cost more jobs than it will create. Won't be long until you start seeing "made in Cuba" on your tags.

03-22-16, 07:17
While Obama is doing photo ops in front of Che mural, and he is praising Castro for human rights, and the Obama girls enjoy the beach on spring break, this is what really happens in Cuba:

"Saddened by this news. The picture on the top is Pastor Felix Barrosso (on the left) and I after we both spoke at a Human Rights Conference last year. The pictures below are of him being arrested after his Sunday service for "public corruption." He is one of those political prisoners Raul Castro lied to you about yesterday. The Pastor apparently doesn't exist. I am saddened by this and you should be also. I hope the President and the @raysbaseball enjoy their game in front of Cuba's communist elite. I'll be praying for Felix. Join me. (Thank you Tily Campuzano Noya for getting this news.)"


03-22-16, 11:53
Mario Felix Lleonart, arrested two days ago along with other political dissidents. It sounds like they gave him a virus a month ago. Was poked on a crowded bus symptoms were yellowing of skin and eyes and distended stomach.

03-22-16, 13:13

The way i look at it, is that Cuba is socialist, China is socialist and 50% of our liberal government embraces socialism including our President and a man running for president and probably Hillary. China already owns huge controling stakes in American companies including a huge solar farm in arizona, copper mines in arizona, utah and nevada. As our oil and gas industry is down, China is buying out smaller companies and merging together to form larger companies. Last year the Chinese Dept of Agriculture tried to buy Freightliner and Peterbuilt. Pretty soon, China will own a huge interest in US Hotels and housing through various holdings and hedge funds. This cuba trade deal brings socialism to America in a big way. I think Obama is setting up a cuba/china deal that will executed perfectly and become successful in hopes to persuade a lot of people in America to take another look at socialism and think that it has economic benefits. This would be perfect for hillary to encourage millions of young americans to embrace the socialist ideology.

Holy Batcrap!!!!

Do you not know the difference between socialism and communism?

There is a HUGE difference.


03-22-16, 15:11
China is Communist
Sweden is Socialist
some places are a mix IMHO but Cuba and China are COMMUNIST !!!!!!!!!
but if that is kinda what you meant ? yes I agree with ya just instead its communist taking over using socialism as the beginning which is how it happens :)

sadly socialism and some communist ideas are already in the USA !!!
socialism things like obama care being a huge one and many other stupid programs that should not exist IMHO anyways :)
communism side why obama has put so many journalists in jail vs other presidents why targeting of conservatives and religion is happening etc..

basically socialism is a step to communism !!

The way i look at it, is that Cuba is socialist, China is socialist and 50% of our liberal government embraces socialism including our President and a man running for president and probably Hillary. China already owns huge controling stakes in American companies including a huge solar farm in arizona, copper mines in arizona, utah and nevada. As our oil and gas industry is down, China is buying out smaller companies and merging together to form larger companies. Last year the Chinese Dept of Agriculture tried to buy Freightliner and Peterbuilt. Pretty soon, China will own a huge interest in US Hotels and housing through various holdings and hedge funds. This cuba trade deal brings socialism to America in a big way. I think Obama is setting up a cuba/china deal that will executed perfectly and become successful in hopes to persuade a lot of people in America to take another look at socialism and think that it has economic benefits. This would be perfect for hillary to encourage millions of young americans to embrace the socialist ideology.

03-22-16, 15:46
Sweden is not entirely textbook socialist.

There are many privately held corporations in Sweden. Several people there also own their own small businesses.

Their healthcare system is another story but that too is coming apart.

Most American's view of the Swedish healthcare system and Swedish society is circa 1982...not circa 2016. LOL

03-22-16, 16:14
true to the part of what people want to call modern socialism maybe would be a better term :)
so should have said what people want to be modern socialism :)

Sweden is not entirely textbook socialist.

There are many privately held corporations in Sweden. Several people there also own their own small businesses.

Their healthcare system is another story but that too is coming apart.

Most American's view of the Swedish healthcare system and Swedish society is circa 1982...not circa 2016. LOL

03-22-16, 16:54
Do you not know the difference between socialism and communism?

There is a HUGE difference.


There is, but a country that produces more billionaires than the US in not communist. China is more democratic socialism in terms of economy, that's what Bernie Sanders was talking about. Your free to own a business as long as you can prove its profitable and pay your people enough to eat. The government doesn't allow certain business models to make profit, like banks, hospital, insurance, schools. But you can make some profit from agriculture, manufacturing, textiles (sweat shops). Ive been to China as well as Singapore and Vietnam multiple times looking at setting up an operation there so I know how it works, btw I eventually set up a location in Singapore. The liberals in the US like the business model that China has. Allow certain businesses to make profit and all the others be ran by the government like healthcare, school, banks, insurance etc. Cuba is not so different, Cuba is just a third world country like Mexico but worse. They are communist but really they are democratic socialism because of they do have many businesses that trade with Mexico and Latin America. The US trade embargo fvcked cuba. Obama wants to bring them out of the dark ages though and shed light on government ran social programs.

03-23-16, 00:53

So much for Brussels, let's play ball! Smiling Obama ignores calls to cut short Cuba trip and even does The Wave at baseball game

President Obama was all smiles this afternoon as he watched an exhibition baseball game between the Tampa Bay Rays and the Cuban national baseball team - just hours after ISIS terrorists killed at least 34 people in Brussels.

Settling down with wife Michelle, daughters Sasha and Malia and Cuban dictator Raul Castro, Obama appeared carefree as he enjoyed the game - ignoring calls to cut short his historic trip to return to Washington and lead the response.

Indeed, despite criticism that he only devoted one minute of his speech earlier in the day to the Belgian atrocities, Obama took the time to give a somewhat surreal 15-minute interview to ESPN about the threat posed by ISIS - keeping his $500 shades on throughout the spot.


03-23-16, 06:42
It is like he never felt more at home than he was in this totally scripted leftist propaganda stunt playing footsie with a communist dictator.