View Full Version : Congressman buys AR-15 online , takes to work to prove point.

03-24-16, 03:59

Liberal Congressman buys AR-15 from online seller, meets at a parking lot to make the exchange. He says we are all lucky he is not a murderer, cartel member or a felon. But points out how easy it is to purchase military weapons. The Congressman went on to say "I paid $750 to obtain two 30-round magazines and a weapon similar to the one I used while serving in the military in Korea.I’m basically as well armed as when I was a soldier in the military, he said. If he had gone to a store that sells guns, such as Walmart, he would have had to fill out Form 4473 for a background check on his criminal history and drug use."

Two questions:
1. Didn't our Commander and Chief sell military style rifles to members of the Sinaloa cartel who happen to be felons and murderers.
2. Are drug dealers and terrorist going to Wal-Mart to purchase there weapons now days?

03-24-16, 04:13
11 teens are killed every day ! texting and driving are killing kids more than drinking and driving yet nobody is going to the store saying LOOK I can buy a phone without a check !!!!
yet we have to be 21 to buy booze ? but parents give the keys to there kids and remind them to have there phone on them !!!!

but we know why those in power want us disarmed :)


Liberal Congressman buys AR-15 from online seller, meets at a parking lot to make the exchange. He says we are all lucky he is not a murderer, cartel member or a felon. But points out how easy it is to purchase military weapons. The Congressman went on to say "I paid $750 to obtain two 30-round magazines and a weapon similar to the one I used while serving in the military in Korea.I’m basically as well armed as when I was a soldier in the military, he said. If he had gone to a store that sells guns, such as Walmart, he would have had to fill out Form 4473 for a background check on his criminal history and drug use."

Two questions:
1. Didn't our Commander and Chief sell military style rifles to members of the Sinaloa cartel who happen to be felons and murderers.
2. Are drug dealers and terrorist going to Wal-Mart to purchase there weapons now days?

03-24-16, 07:01
Risible. Programmed dialogue coming from a beaming stellar paragon of virtue & impeccable unimpeachable ethos aka a "Politician".
Let me eat cake.
Panem et Circenses.

Straight Shooter
03-24-16, 07:09
Risible. Programmed dialogue coming from a beaming stellar paragon of virtue & impeccable unimpeachable ethos aka a "Politician".
Let me eat cake.
Panem et Circenses.

I have learned a new word..risible. Thanks!

03-24-16, 07:28
So what's the point?
He has a right to buy and the seller has a right to sell, would he like the .gov to get in on the action?
Of course they would, the can licence and regulate and pull in some revenue to be given to the FSA fo more votes.
The Story is getting old and for the most part it's lies.
So what's new?
Considering he very likely broke several laws already on the books, is he going to jail?

03-24-16, 07:34
Ya he probably could've bought some coke, heroine, or meth in the same parking lot. Which are illegal, go figure.

03-24-16, 07:35
Ya he probably could've bought some coke, heroine, or meth in the same parking lot. Which are illegal, go figure.


03-24-16, 07:44
I once met someone in a parking lot and bought a text book for my wife. To make it worse, the price was much less than at the bookstore, and the seller was a State Trooper!

03-24-16, 07:50
And to think, this Mope could actually read the Constitution, figure out where his job fits in to it and just do that, just that.
Instead he is grand standing? Don't we have borders that need closed and illegal immigrants that need tossed out of this Country?
He needs to be voted out of office and sent home to figure this whole Government thing out.

03-24-16, 08:14
Who cares? "Hey look at me, I did something everyone can do!"

I hope he didn't Take it to dc.

03-24-16, 08:19
Who cares? "Hey look at me, I did something everyone can do!"

I hope he didn't Take it to dc.

I hope he did, I hope he did and got pulled over for a ticket and then got body slammed and cuffed.
He can sit in a cell and figure it out.

26 Inf
03-24-16, 08:28

Two questions:
1. Didn't our Commander and Chief sell military style rifles to members of the Sinaloa cartel who happen to be felons and murderers.
2. Are drug dealers and terrorist going to Wal-Mart to purchase there weapons now days?

I'm not sure you want to really discuss question 2 with a lot of folks - because no, obviously drug dealers and terrorists normally don't buy weapons at Wal-Mart.

A number of citizens who aren't really educated on the issues will think, 'damn, if selling guns in parking lots was illegal, then folks wouldn't do it and we wouldn't have a problem.' Why would they think that? Because they would follow the law. That is their frame of reference.

I work in an area where a group (I think of them as a cult) of Amish people live. When they were rebuilding one of our state highways into a four-lane, they spent several million dollars building an overpass so that the buggies and tractors the Amish drive would not have to cross the highway. Why? Because a couple years ago two Amish folks were killed, at night, when their black buggy crossed the highway in front of a car that couldn't see them in time to stop.

My point being, if you look around us we spend millions of dollars to theoretically save lives, that is our social mindset. From the point-of-view of someone who doesn't look at it from a perspective of cost to benefit ratios, enacting gun control measures isn't unreasonable 'if it saves just one life.'

That is what we are battling. We were having a lunch room discussion about the Patriot Act one day, one of my colleagues asked me, 'You mean to tell me that if you knew letting the government have all that information would have prevented 9/11 you'd still be against the Patriot Act?' I answered, 'Well you would never know that but, yes.' 'That's stupid.'

Some people just have a hard time applying and understanding the principles our country was built on. They are well-meaning for the most part, but they just don't get it.

03-24-16, 10:20
If he were really hardcore he'd take a random piss test.

And if he'd gotten robbed by some deviant ruffian, that would be hilarious.

Meanwhile most people who buy online use gunbroker or their forum where they have some familiarity.

These pols don't brag about where they score whores and dope so why cluck about with buying a pos gun on Craigslist?

03-24-16, 14:07
If he were really hardcore he'd take a random piss test.

I think you are being too generous, I think you need to dial it back a bit, he is just a congressman.

03-24-16, 14:25

Liberal Congressman buys AR-15 from online seller, meets at a parking lot to make the exchange. He says we are all lucky he is not a murderer, cartel member or a felon. But points out how easy it is to purchase military weapons. The Congressman went on to say "I paid $750 to obtain two 30-round magazines and a weapon similar to the one I used while serving in the military in Korea.I’m basically as well armed as when I was a soldier in the military, he said. If he had gone to a store that sells guns, such as Walmart, he would have had to fill out Form 4473 for a background check on his criminal history and drug use."

Two questions:
1. Didn't our Commander and Chief sell military style rifles to members of the Sinaloa cartel who happen to be felons and murderers.
2. Are drug dealers and terrorist going to Wal-Mart to purchase there weapons now days?

Glad to know as a law abiding citizen his fundamental rights were not infringed.

And if he was a prohibited person such as a murderer or something like that, then he shouldn't be walking around free because he could buy a couple gallons of gasoline and some matches and kill entire buildings full of people.

03-24-16, 14:27
J-dub kind of hit on this but, yeah, you can buy drugs in parking lots too and those are already totally illegal. Oh and by the way, in 2014 the FBI estimates that 14,249 people were murdered total. 47,055 died of drug overdoses the same year.

03-24-16, 15:23
What was he trying to prove? That we still live in a free country where he can exercise his God given, Constitutionally protected birthright, to buy a metal and plastic tool, and keep and bear arms? Well... he proved it.

03-24-16, 15:23

I file this one in the "no shit" category. You can buy a gun from a private party without background check? Well I'll be damned.

They act as though this is something new and dangerous, due to the advent of the Internet. Never realizing (or acknowledging in the case of most politicians) that the Internet is nothing more than an electronic newspaper "want ad".

I wonder if his sorry, anti-gun ass will pay for a BC when he sells that scary looking bastard?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

03-24-16, 15:43
In many instances, it is more difficult to purchase a firearm privately, as compared with an FFL. The purchaser was a clean cut congressman. I know I wouldn't sell a firearm to anyone suspect.

03-25-16, 02:42
Ya he probably could've bought some coke, heroine, or meth in the same parking lot. Which are illegal, go figure.

And or he couldn't purchased some child porn online even though that is against the law.

03-25-16, 04:48
In many instances, it is more difficult to purchase a firearm privately, as compared with an FFL. The purchaser was a clean cut congressman. I know I wouldn't sell a firearm to anyone suspect.

I'd never sell a firearm to a congressman, private sale or commercial sale, until I checked his voting record. And even then there is no guarantee.

03-25-16, 07:22
Tell him I'll give him $500 for it.

03-25-16, 08:58
Unless the Congressman uses the AR unlawfully, this is a none issue.

The current background check system is not effective at curtailing street crime. Mandatory sentencing for persons who use a firearm unlawfully during the commission of a violent crime is very effective, but the liberals don't have the stomach for it.

03-25-16, 12:51
Everyone gets caught up in the online thing. What's the real difference fro the penny saver ads or calling someone to set up the meeting.

Like rifles make armies.

03-25-16, 14:23
Everyone gets caught up in the online thing. What's the real difference fro the penny saver ads or calling someone....

Simply, the internet is scary and the feds don't have a ton of control over it.