View Full Version : Guy down range on hot range

03-25-16, 12:17
Lot of luck thar no one got hurt here, some people need their head stomped for this


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03-25-16, 12:31
I remember that video.

I think they should have shouted cease fire instead of hey whoa.

03-25-16, 12:54
I wouldn't begin to try an count how many times I saw that on a Live Fire Tank Range.
There used to be some serious range rats out of Gatesville Texas who made quiet an income ripping off stuff from the ranges. Sabot Petals, Generators, Copper wire,pretty much anything the could get there hands on.
Just because there were 120mm training rounds flying overhead didn't mean they were going to slow down or stop.

03-25-16, 13:35
Worst I ever saw was at an IPSC match in Florida years ago.. Half way through a stage a 4-5 year old kid climbed up the back of the berm and popped up on top.

03-25-16, 14:00
100% of shootings are avoidable.

I won't say "accidents" because anybody could get a squib or bad ammo. That's life.

But shootings? All preventable.

IPSC matches are NOT the place for junior to cut lose and explore. Either wait until he's old enough or get a babysitter. If yer old lady doesn't care about guns, don't drag her along.

If your target falls off call for a cold range. This is also why I never shoot alone.

Copying some dumb shit you saw from some other dumbshit on YouTube is also avoidable. They have reputable, vetted, and competent instructors out there who will give you context as to why professional people do what they do.

Srlf defense is one thing. Preparedness is another. But unless it is your actual job to kick doors, fight wars, and screw whores....then you probably don't need to be playing ninja turtles with supersonic projos.

Just say'n

03-25-16, 22:11
Iirc guy down range was deaf and RO failed to ensure range was clear.

03-25-16, 22:47