View Full Version : Mystery Ranch 3DAP vs ATS RAID II

03-25-16, 16:05
I am picking up a new assault pack for work, and I've narrowed down my search to these two packs: the ATS RAID II with a frame sheet, or the Mystery Ranch 3DAP. The pack will contain all of my daily gear, and have the capability to build out for 3-7 day TDY assignments. I need to be able to pack med gear. Currently, a plate carrier is not part of my daily, but will likely be in the near future (thus the 3DAP BVS system). I've a few MOLLE admin/GP pouches currently, so those will be used to provide further organization and build out.

I'm looking for informed commentary about these two packs based on experienced, preferably from someone who has both. My budget will swallow either, but the ATS is over $100 cheaper.

Full clam shell vs tri-zip. Internal frame vs frame sheet. Tons of MOLLE vs built in organization. There's a few variables at play here.

Recommendations and experience welcome.


03-25-16, 17:11
If you are planning on wearing the pack over armor you cannot beat the BVS on the Mystery Ranch. I have gotten very spoiled with mine.

03-25-16, 21:30
The RAID is a solid pack, wish I still had mine. It is very basic, but tailorable to your needs with all the Molle. Its not my pick if I were going to be living out of hotels for a week, but to the field for a week its perfect.

03-26-16, 22:06
I have used both for a very long time. I got rid of my RAID pack as soon as I tried the MR 3 day pack. I now have 2 of them. Great packs and the suspension system is far superior on the MR.

bad aim
03-27-16, 09:53
I use the MR Sweetpea, the civie version of the 3DAP, and vastly prefer it to all my other traditional 3DAP-style packs. The suspension is worth the price itself and the trizip design is awesome.

03-27-16, 14:00
I have used both for a very long time. I got rid of my RAID pack as soon as I tried the MR 3 day pack. I now have 2 of them. Great packs and the suspension system is far superior on the MR.

Doc, and/or anyone else with hands on experience with this, what are your thoughts on the BVS system? How intrusive is it with the bolsters removed and not wearing armor? I am debating between getting it slick or getting it with the BVS and generally running it without the bolsters, as my normal day-to-day is unlikely to involve a plate carrier for the time being.

03-27-16, 18:10
I usually keep them on, even when not wearing armor. They don't touch my back at all. I have used the pack with out them a few times and it is just like using a regular pack.

03-29-16, 11:10
I also leave the BVS on my 3DAP, it has never caused any discomfort for me. The BVS also works well over a PC with a wide body hydro pack on the back, very stable.

03-29-16, 14:51
Doc, and/or anyone else with hands on experience with this, what are your thoughts on the BVS system? How intrusive is it with the bolsters removed and not wearing armor? I am debating between getting it slick or getting it with the BVS and generally running it without the bolsters, as my normal day-to-day is unlikely to involve a plate carrier for the time being.

I tried the BVS system and ended up going with a pack without it. I didn't notice much of a difference with and without plates. It just added extra stuff on the pack. I do now that some people like the BVS system but it just doesn't do anything for me.

03-30-16, 16:00
I tried the BVS system and ended up going with a pack without it. I didn't notice much of a difference with and without plates. It just added extra stuff on the pack. I do now that some people like the BVS system but it just doesn't do anything for me.

Would it be fair to say, its depends on body habitus?

I have a Medium Shoulder/ Waist strap MR 3DAP and gave the BVS a short try and found off is better without PC on my smaller body habitus. I though of finding "a legitimate need" for the BVS when I do attend a carbine class, but just came to conclusion that the BVS will not be "needed" for short duration.

My limited understanding that the BVS is there to "stabilize if" pack is smaller than the body habitus, to prevent pack from rolling side to side.
Sorry OP if this is confusing.

Find someone with a SweetPea and give it a try on your PC. Worst would be to need the BVS and buy off eBay.

I found the tri-zip very useful and can see why some found this useful when pulling gear quickly. If you stage your gears base occurrence of need, then it's easy to pull that gear by staging at the top of the brim. For emergency situation, if you found the need to reach for those bottom gears, the tri-zip solved that problem: like opening a double door fridge, you can get to the bottom drawer easily.
Dr's order to drink plenty of water daily: so I can carry two 1000mL water inside, or outside. The organizers are great for carrying that 1000mL Saline bag on either side or 500mL inside a zip pocket.

I posted this on EDC forum for "a need for a range bag" (http://edcforums.com/threads/favor-mystery-ranch-3dap-or-other-mr-packs-with-crye-jpc-and-extra-gear-pictures.131841/)...which of course has fallen to the waste side for the moment.
Hope that helps.