View Full Version : Paid $1000 per month not to commit a gun crime

03-27-16, 08:26
dang the progressives are friggin NUTS

But when Holmes was released from prison last year, officials in this city offered something unusual to try to keep him alive: money. They began paying Holmes as much as $1,000 a month not to commit another gun crime.


03-27-16, 08:44
Where are they getting this money?
Has the government through the threat of force taken money from "A" to give it to "B" to insure that "B" doesn't commit a crime against "A"?
And if so, how is that not a crime as being a part of a criminal conspiracy?

03-27-16, 08:59
If he use a knife, he still get his money?

03-27-16, 09:49
Back in the day, this was called "protection money", and people were put in jail for such behavior. I cannot explain how much this angers me.

You feel me?

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03-27-16, 09:53
A) I want my 1000$ a month for not shooting any one.

B) What again is the upside to keeping these people alive?

C) Reason 7,987,342 I am happy I don't live in Kalifornia.

03-27-16, 10:21
We aren't doing anything about it. Why worry?

ETA: Love this gem

So far, the attention — and money — seems to be working for Holmes. Although the $1,500 he has received since getting out of prison last fall has not led to a miraculous transformation, it enabled him to make a down payment on his black 2015 Nissan Versa — something meaningful for a young man who for many years was homeless.

ETA #2: Richmond, CA. Interesting city. I had a buddy of mine who was from there. He was a big ass Samoan dude who saw where he lived, said "Uhh, **** this" and signed up. He's a really good dude and we went back to visit his family as we were both in 29 stumps for a few weeks.

After giving his mom some money that his brother had stolen to buy drugs with, we drove back to the desert and he said, "Those people will never change"... he hasn't been back since and that was six years ago.

There are ways out of places like Richmond, but not many want to leave...

03-27-16, 10:27
He now spends hours each day in the car, driving around with friends, often smoking pot but not “hunting” — Vaughn’s term for seeking conflict with rivals.

Holmes is worried about how he’ll afford the $500 monthly car payments and insurance once the program ends. He has applied to get a job as an Uber driver.

Oh that's just great...

Seriously, this INSANITY is their solution to crime?

03-27-16, 10:39
Where are they getting this money?
Has the government through the threat of force taken money from "A" to give it to "B" to insure that "B" doesn't commit a crime against "A"?
And if so, how is that not a crime as being a part of a criminal conspiracy?

The Govt takes money from honest hard working taxpayers to pay for this and many other types of nonsense. It's insanity. Every time you see the difference between your gross pay and net income widen, it's so frustrating.

03-27-16, 10:43
Another recent favorite use of my tax money:

Exploring the Wonders of a Koozie -- Two students from the University of Washington were given a $1.3 million grant from the National Science Foundation to investigate how a foam koozie keeps a can of cold beer cool on a hot day – findings that were published in Physics Today. University of Washington professor Dale Durran was quoted as saying, “Probably the most important thing a beer koozie does is not simply insulate the can but keep condensation from forming on the outside of it.” Hmm. That scientific insight cost taxpayers more than $1 million.

Or this one:

World’s Most Expensive Training Program – President Obama’s plan to arm and train thousands of “moderate” Syrian rebels to help in an allied campaign to crush ISIS turned out to be an embarrassing failure and had to be disbanded. The original proposal was to supplement U.S. air strikes with roughly 3,000 opposition fighters on the ground who could help the allied forces defeat ISIS. But by the time the Pentagon decided to abandon the program in October, the government had vetted, trained and equipped only 145 fighters, including just 95 who had returned to Syria to fight. That worked out to cost of roughly $2 million per trainee. The Pentagon insists the cost per trainee was much lower when you discount the cost of weapons and ammunition still in storage.

Source: http://www.thefiscaltimes.com/2015/12/22/7-Unbelievable-Ways-Government-Wasted-Your-Money-2015

03-27-16, 10:49
I prefer not to know where my tax $$$ goes.:(

03-27-16, 11:15
World’s Most Expensive Training Program – President Obama’s plan to arm and train thousands of “moderate” Syrian rebels to help in an allied campaign to crush ISIS turned out to be an embarrassing failure and had to be disbanded. The original proposal was to supplement U.S. air strikes with roughly 3,000 opposition fighters on the ground who could help the allied forces defeat ISIS. But by the time the Pentagon decided to abandon the program in October, the government had vetted, trained and equipped only 145 fighters, including just 95 who had returned to Syria to fight. That worked out to cost of roughly $2 million per trainee. The Pentagon insists the cost per trainee was much lower when you discount the cost of weapons and ammunition still in storage.

Saw this one today:

In Syria, militias armed by the Pentagon fight those armed by the CIA:

03-27-16, 12:16
This has been going on in California for quite a while, in-fvcking-sane.

Ned Christiansen
03-27-16, 13:00
I just found the online application and have filed for my back pay ($1000 per month of not having ever committed a gun crime). It's gonna be over half a million, so-- Ferrari or Lamborghini, what's the conscensus here?

Big A
03-27-16, 13:04
I just found the online application and have filed for my back pay ($1000 per month of not having ever committed a gun crime). It's gonna be over half a million, so-- Ferrari or Lamborghini, what's the conscensus here?
I personally would choose the Lamborghini Aventador.

03-27-16, 13:43
I personally would choose the Lamborghini Aventador.

I concur with Big A.

03-27-16, 20:04
.....where's my gibs for not teetotally beating the shit out of every piece of trash in the ghetto?

This is bullshit.

Let Dumbass commit crime. Eventually he'll meet his proper fate on the by and by.

They should worry more about people with actual shit to lose who are actually losing their shit.

03-27-16, 21:06
Let's get more facts in thread:
"he had to raise the money because he couldn’t persuade officials to give tax dollars directly to violent firearms offenders"
"The maximum amount paid is $9,000 over the 18-month fellowship"

I think he is trying to get them to live a different lifestyle for a bit to see if they can get out of the cycle. I don't agree with the approach but anyone trying to make a less shitty world is a good thing

03-27-16, 21:20
You know if we went all Saudi Arabia on these violent offenders and cut off their hands, they wouldn't be violent no more.

If I gotta pay extortion taxes, these bastards should earn it

03-27-16, 22:08
My first thought was the guns I could buy with an extra $1000, or really, the ammo...

3 AE
03-28-16, 00:04
I just found the online application and have filed for my back pay ($1000 per month of not having ever committed a gun crime). It's gonna be over half a million, so-- Ferrari or Lamborghini, what's the conscensus here?

Neither, because you won't be getting any of the payola. You have to commit gun crimes first, then promise not to do it again. Then you get to wait in a very long line of gun crime committing criminals to plead your case. By then the money pool will have dried up and they'll be issuing Starbucks gift cards in lieu of!

Oh,by the way. If you happen to be Caucasian, they'll just laugh at you and give you an autographed picture of Holmes with a Postit attached saying "You don't fit the profile." Life's just not fair, dammit! :D

03-28-16, 01:19