View Full Version : AG Lynch Threatening Municipalities, Give Criminals Free Rein

03-28-16, 04:25

AG Loretta Lynch wants to let nation break law without consequences

Attorney General Loretta Lynch has issued a warning to municipal and state judges across the country that their courts could lose federal funding if they don’t ease up on fines and arrest warrants for minor crimes involving poor offenders, indigent minorities in particular.

Failure to comply with these policies could trigger a Ferguson-style discrimination investigation. Already, Lynch says she’s “evaluating discrimination complaints against several court systems.”

A strongly worded “guidance” letter, written by her civil-rights team, warns that a local court policy of enforcing warrants for failure to pay court fines and fees can have an adverse “disparate impact” on African-Americans, who are fined and/or arrested for outstanding warrants at “disproportionate” rates versus whites.

Federal data also show that blacks tend to break both felony and misdemeanor laws at a disproportionate rate. Even if applied evenly across all races and in neutral, color-blind fashion, such policies could be found by Justice to be discriminatory.

Even a senior Justice Department official predicts the decriminalization-cum-deincarceration movement will backfire in higher crime nationwide. “In five years the crime rate is going to be crazy again,” he said.

The administration claims cops and courts conspire to exploit poor blacks to generate city revenue in some kind of shakedown. But data show blacks fail to pay their fines at far greater rates than whites, so why not target whites if cash extortion is the objective?

Many of the cities with the highest fines, such as Philadelphia, are run by Democrats; and the Justice Department is no piker when it comes to levying fines.

Yet now they claim the whole court fine and bail system is racist.

Former federal civil-rights attorney Hans Bader, now with the Competitive Enterprise Institute, describes the latest reforms as a “massive assault on the criminal justice system.”


03-28-16, 06:00
Maybe they can pay these fines with the $1,000/mo they get?

Dist. Expert 26
03-28-16, 07:20
This administration has successfully turned the clock back 50 years in terms of race relations. I hope that's what goes in the history books for Obama's legacy.

03-28-16, 07:27
This administration has successfully turned the clock back 50 years in terms of race relations. I hope that's what goes in the history books for Obama's legacy.

This is accurate, and it is also purposeful to keep us divided, and weak. If we can not get along with each other we can not put up a united front against this tyrannical Administration, and Fed government. People like Lynch, Holder, Obama, Michelle, Valerie Jarrett, Rahm Emanuel, etc are all on board with these actions, and divisive rhetoric.

Dist. Expert 26
03-28-16, 07:36
This is accurate, and it is also purposeful to keep us divided, and weak. If we can not get along with each other we can not put up a united front against this tyrannical Administration, and Fed government. People like Lynch, Holder, Obama, Michelle, Valerie Jarrett, Rahm Emanuel, etc are all on board with these actions, and divisive rhetoric.

That's also true. The left has created and used BLM and the FSA to do their bidding and ensure that liberal politicians remain in power. At this point I don't think there's any turning back short of a major catastrophe.

I truly feel bad for my son being born into this new version of America. Most of us here were fortunate enough to grow up in a country where there was at least some common sense and normalcy. That time has come and gone.

03-28-16, 07:47
The liberal/progressives are just pawns to these people. They've bought into a failed ideology, and are being used. It's about half the populace, which is really scary.

Big A
03-28-16, 07:49
So actual approved and sanctioned disproportionate sentencing based on race...

Good job America.

03-28-16, 08:01
Call or write your reps.....

26 Inf
03-28-16, 11:33
So actual approved and sanctioned disproportionate sentencing based on race...

Good job America.

Not sure if you were being facetious, or not.

We already handled that with the federal laws that doubled down on crack cocaine, the inner cities alternative to coke - possession of 28 grams of crack cocaine yields a five-year mandatory minimum sentence for a first offense; it takes 500 grams of powder cocaine to prompt the same sentence - the result was, and still is disparate sentencing for poor and minorities.

So Johnny, the lawyer or CPA, doing lines in the restroom, gets presumptive probation, while Snoop, the ghetto rat, smoking a bowl, goes to the big house.

03-28-16, 11:42
Aside from the DOJ investigation the loss of federal funding could become a mixed blessing. Think of how much extortion the fed exercises over the states via the federal funding threat. The more the Feds decide to take funding away the more freedom the states will have from participating in federal programs. No more local waged war on drugs cause those are federal laws. No more helping DEA with no knock raids. No more helping the ATF with gun raids/enforcement. Everything is a double edged sword.

03-28-16, 12:22
Can the AG be impeached? Given that inequal enforcement of the law is illegal.

03-28-16, 12:25
Not sure if you were being facetious, or not.

We already handled that with the federal laws that doubled down on crack cocaine, the inner cities alternative to coke - possession of 28 grams of crack cocaine yields a five-year mandatory minimum sentence for a first offense; it takes 500 grams of powder cocaine to prompt the same sentence - the result was, and still is disparate sentencing for poor and minorities.

So Johnny, the lawyer or CPA, doing lines in the restroom, gets presumptive probation, while Snoop, the ghetto rat, smoking a bowl, goes to the big house.

HA! Only rich white's do coke and poor Blacks do crack huh? That kinda sounds like racism to me brah- eh?

This argument always cracks me up (Pun intended!). First off whites and blacks do all sorts of drugs. Second, usually the CPA doing coke isn't also robbing, murdering or involved in other criminal activity, he got a job to fund his habit.

But those doing crack (White or black) are typically involved in other forms of crime- usually to fund their habit. Crack users are also much more likely to commit crime, not due to skin pigment, but due to socioeconomic issues.

Lots of poor white and black folks smoking crack and robbing to smoke more crack. Some coke heads do the same- but coke tends to be a more "classy" drug- at least by society's/users standards. What goes along with that is crack heads usually commit more crime and are a bigger probblem for society as a whole- hence the stiffer sentences. Make sense?

Should we look at people who "use" high end scotch versus those that "use" back woods moon shine to find a similar problem with "Racism"?

It has much more to do with economics than race.

Whomever started this Crack VS Coke White Vs Black nonsense in the first place- is just plain looking for racism. Don't fall for the stupidity.

Even if your assumption about sentencing for crack vs coke WAS racially motivated- how would that make the situation by AG Lynch any better?

As if one form of racism is justified due to an inverse form of it existing? That's just ridiculous...

26 Inf
03-28-16, 12:26

Can the AG be impeached?

Yes, I believe so. The House has to send Articles of Impeachment to the Senate.

03-28-16, 12:43
Can the AG be impeached? Given that inequal enforcement of the law is illegal.

So the Progressives ignore federal law with sanctuary cities and then the turn around and try to criminalize enforcing the law...

Can't wait for the first judge to put a warrant out for AG Lynch...

Hold on to your CCWs, we are going to be in for a wild ride....

26 Inf
03-28-16, 12:54
HA! Only rich white's do coke and poor Blacks do crack huh? That kinda sounds like racism to me brah- eh?

This argument always cracks me up (Pun intended!). First off whites and blacks do all sorts of drugs. Second, usually the CPA doing coke isn't also robbing, murdering or involved in other criminal activity, he got a job to fund his habit.

But those doing crack (White or black) are typically involved in other forms of crime- usually to fund their habit. Crack users are also much more likely to commit crime, not due to skin pigment, but due to socioeconomic issues.

Lots of poor white and black folks smoking crack and robbing to smoke more crack. Some coke heads do the same- but coke tends to be a more "classy" drug- at least by society's/users standards. What goes along with that is crack heads usually commit more crime and are a bigger probblem for society as a whole- hence the stiffer sentences. Make sense?

Should we look at people who "use" high end scotch versus those that "use" back woods moon shine to find a similar problem with "Racism"?

It has much more to do with economics than race.

Whomever started this Crack VS Coke White Vs Black nonsense in the first place- is just plain looking for racism. Don't fall for the stupidity.

Even if your assumption about sentencing for crack vs coke WAS racially motivated- how would that make the situation by AG Lynch any better?

As if one form of racism is justified due to an inverse form of it existing? That's just ridiculous...

Confirmation Bias much brah?

I don't think the intent of the law was racist, I agree that it has more to do with economics than race, a higher percentage of blacks happen to fit that inner city demographic.

Should we look at people who "use" high end scotch versus those that "use" back woods moon shine to find a similar problem with "Racism"?

No, there aren't enhanced penalties for drinking differing qualities of hooch - which was kind of my point, uh, exactly.

Even if your assumption about sentencing for crack vs coke WAS racially motivated- how would that make the situation by AG Lynch any better?

If you had read the post above the one you quoted, you would have seen this: frick the whole post disappeared, WTF? Anyways here is what I thought I had posted:

Please read carefully - I'd be with her if she said 'on fines and arrest warrants for minor crimes involving poor offenders in particular. (removed indigent minorities)

My reasoning for this is that holding someone for an extended period of time until they make bond on a non-violent misdemeanor crime costs the governmental entity holding them money, generally far more than the fine or court costs. In cases where the person has medical issues, the governmental entity is on the hook for that also.

I'm not saying have separate court costs and fines for those able to pay versus not able to pay - just figure a different way to handle it.

Dist. Expert 26
03-28-16, 12:58
Let's stop imprisoning people for substances. It's an absolute failure and has resulted in what's supposed to be a bastion of freedom becoming a police state. Free up the cells for people who deserve it, like every politician in Washington.

03-28-16, 13:04
But we wil have a system where the import beer drinker has to pay his fines and appear in court while the 40 drinker gets a pass... The 40 drinkers already don't have any skin in the game financially, the only thing they have is their freedom. You take that lever away and they become one level less separated from their actions- while the rest of us are subject to more and more laws designed to control the actions of people that don't follow the law and are now being told that laws aren't really applicable to them.

I think this is another issue heavily influenced by our lack of care for the mentally ill.

03-28-16, 13:18
Here's a bit of a thought...

If you can't afford the financial penalties of the action, DONT DO IT.

I'm sick and tired of coddling criminals. You know shit is against the law, DONT DO IT.

I feel like I'm taking crazy pills...

03-28-16, 13:26
'Shoplifters of the world, unite and take over' was a Smiths song.

It should not be Legal Doctrine.

If they want to turn us into South Africa....fine.

Rorschach said it best "One day the world will look up and shout save us. And I'll whisper "no""

03-28-16, 13:29
Not just the AG... Local PDs got a lecture and not so implied threat from the local US Attorney.
Long and short is there is now federal investigation for any use of LE force beyond stern language in our judicial district. Intent is to "rebuild community trust" - a no elaboration, direct quote from the US Attn. clearly the message came down from big DOJ post Ferguson that cops-are-criminals and to treat all UofF as a potential civil rights case.

03-28-16, 13:53
Now is the time to get out of LE work.

The system is not going back to unironic common sense.

This is the new normal. Crime, from the grunt level, has been going up but 'stastics' are inaccurately saying it is going down.

It's like....communist police forces. Blue Falconry, literally being politically correct to favor the pogrom of the elites, and being used as a tool.

The days of "round em up and kick some ass" are officially past gone.

And it IS tragic because violent crime will go up. People will fight back.

People will lose rights en masse. Collective punishment.

Kruschev was right. One day, America will wake up a Socialist nation.

Tell me, how many freedoms have we lost in the last 5 years alone?

No matter who we elect...they will get the power. What do you think makes them willing to use it benevolently?

03-28-16, 15:44
Unfortunately the out come will be like Firefly states. Folks will eject from the profession and we will have an army of inept political assholes like the TSA "protecting" us. That will lead to high crime rates and the idiot masses screaming for someone to please, pretty please do something. Surprisingly there will be another 60000000000 page bill ready to be voted on and nobody will read it until it's passes. It's classic political maneuvering.

Sadly there will be an interim stage where lots of sacrifices will be made and I'm not talking of the politicos variety. Innocent folks will get robbed, raped and murdered till the SSS patrols thin the herd. The SSS brigade will then be the catalyst for government intervention and help.

As for the DOJ honcho, her days are potentially numbered. If Cruz or Trump gain the WH they should execute a Stalin-esque purge of all Obama appointees and their tailcoat riders from every governmental department. If Ryan or GOP establishment types of the Hildebeast take office we are screwed to a number of years of violence and societal degeneration like never before.

03-28-16, 16:35
Not sure if you were being facetious, or not.

We already handled that with the federal laws that doubled down on crack cocaine, the inner cities alternative to coke - possession of 28 grams of crack cocaine yields a five-year mandatory minimum sentence for a first offense; it takes 500 grams of powder cocaine to prompt the same sentence - the result was, and still is disparate sentencing for poor and minorities.

So Johnny, the lawyer or CPA, doing lines in the restroom, gets presumptive probation, while Snoop, the ghetto rat, smoking a bowl, goes to the big house.

When I was living in downtown Ft. Lauderdale, black people were mostly selling crack and white people were mostly smoking it. And are you telling me that affluent black people like athletes and executives with substance abuse problems don't do coke?

Seems to me this is an economic issue rather than one of race and your views are pretty racist. There are exceptions of course like Marion Barry and Rob Ford.

03-28-16, 16:56
You know......two dipsticks getting high on rock and keeping it real an' shit never bothered me. But armed robbery, burglary, and pointless shootings most certainly did.

Frankly I wish they would legalize all the dope. All of it. If people want go drop dead from OD'ing....oh well.

This new biznitch AG can send all the strongly worded letters she wants. And she can kiss my ass.

We have the most unqualified administration possible.
1st world nation with a fricking 3rd world administration.

Yeah the jails are overcrowded but you know there are a lot of inconvenient truths on the streets.

There are a lot of projects that honestly need to be carpet bombed and have the earth salted.

I also think that in lieu of sex ed they start administering depo shots to these heifer bitches who won't stop defecating a surplus of humanity we simply don't need.

"I got six kids, I can't worry about all of um"

There it is

26 Inf
03-28-16, 16:56
Seems to me this is an economic issue rather than one of race and your views are pretty racist. There are exceptions of course like Marion Barry and Rob Ford.

Mostly crime is an economic issue rather than a racial issue.

As to the racist thing - you got me - hoisted by my own petard.

03-28-16, 20:07
Mostly crime is an economic issue rather than a racial issue.

I sometimes wonder if that's true. Seen a lot of examples of criminals who simply couldn't stop being criminals regardless of how much money they came into or how many alternatives they had.

Steady B comes to mind. A recording artist with actual talent who worked with names like BDP and could have easily gone on to huge things but instead decided to rob a bank, kill somebody and is now doing life. Guess he just didn't get big enough, fast enough.

Then you have guys like Hammer who literally worked their way out of the projects, lost it all trying to hook up all his friends and never once took anything from anyone, except for recording samples of course.

03-28-16, 20:19
Garbage is garbage. Be it black, brown or whatever.

Loretta Lynch can still kiss my ass.

To paraphrase and bastardize Goering "Whenever people start to discuss race, I reach for my Browning"

It's either "woe is me" or "evil oppressors". If Dr. Dre (who should be dead or in prison, literally) gets to be a billionaire while guys with advanced aeronautical degrees are either having to teach or work for the Russians....well...that pretty much makes racism as a whole kinda BS.

I honestly don't care what happened to any one group however many centuries ago. My ancestors were either kicking ass or getting their asses kicked.

Either way, I somehow managed to born and well....day by day, ya know

03-28-16, 20:31
If Dr. Dre (who should be dead or in prison, literally) gets to be a billionaire while guys with advanced aeronautical degrees are either having to teach or work for the Russians....well...that pretty much makes racism as a whole kinda BS.

Sure you got the right guy?

Eazy E was the drug dealer who started Ruthless Records. Andre Young isn't exactly squeaky clean, seems to get into fights and probably can't keep his hands off women, his worst convictions seem to be assault on an LEO (hope the cops got paid on that one in a civil suit) and a DUI.

Looks like you can take the guy out of the ghetto, etc. but I don't think any of those are hanging offenses.

03-28-16, 20:38
Beats may well be the best headphones in the world but I won't buy a pair on principle alone.

I'm sure there's a lot of crimes he's done as a young adult that have gone unreported. Especially given his association with Suge Knight.

Just like if you have/had a teenybopper girl and ever bought her a Justin Bieber CD...well...that's roundaboutly funding the Atlanta drug trade. LOTS of dirty money out there that put these singers and so forth where they are.

03-28-16, 20:51
Beats may well be the best headphones in the world but I won't buy a pair on principle alone.

I'm sure there's a lot of crimes he's done as a young adult that have gone unreported. Especially given his association with Suge Knight.

Just like if you have/had a teenybopper girl and ever bought her a Justin Bieber CD...well...that's roundaboutly funding the Atlanta drug trade. LOTS of dirty money out there that put these singers and so forth where they are.

Young might be the exception. He got into music early on and was recording by 1984 before he turned 20. He transferred to the safer suburban Roosevelt Junior High School due to the threat of gang violence at his previous school. Young attended Centennial High School in Compton during his freshman year in 1979, but transferred to Fremont High School in South Central Los Angeles due to poor grades. Young attempted to enroll in an apprenticeship program at Northrop Aviation Company, but poor grades at school made him ineligible. Thereafter, he focused on his social life and entertainment for the remainder of his high school years.

I wouldn't want to bet money that he never stole anything during his formative years, but it looks like he tried to get his shit together and simply didn't have the grades so he moved onto something he knew. Based upon his debut recordings, he had obviously put a lot of time and effort into it.

But compared to Eric Wright, Young was a boy scout and hardly on the level of Suge who is plain and simple a criminal who owns a record label.

03-28-16, 21:30
I had the NWA record too. Despite all the racism and bitching about the police; it was catchy.

In fact, 100 miles and running is on my million year old Creativ mp3 player.

I'm not saying he commited any crimes worthy of the death penalty per se...but I'm sure there's a nickel or dime stretch in his background that he should've served.

But he was hanging around a LOT of guys with drug money connections and am surprised he wasn't killed by some upstart.

Like Tupac or Biggie.

FWIW, while I find the man's personal life abhorrent and his demise fitting; Eazy E did have a pretty badass HK94 with an Armson OEG.

I actually wonder where it ended up.

03-28-16, 21:39
Call or write your reps.....

That's a joke, right?

No one is going to stop these people. No. One.

I'll reiterate, why would a beat cop arrest anyone in this hostile environment? The greatest risk has become doing your job. DOJ is on the take and the only back they've got is the one they're twisting a knife into. Time to turtle up and ride the storm out. :(

03-28-16, 23:00
That's a joke, right?

No one is going to stop these people. No. One.

I'll reiterate, why would a beat cop arrest anyone in this hostile environment? The greatest risk has become doing your job. DOJ is on the take and the only back they've got is the one they're twisting a knife into. Time to turtle up and ride the storm out. :(

No it is not a joke and it can be a heck of a lot more productive than bitching on the Internet.

The left certainly never shuts up, hell, they even organize protests. Which is precisely why we are losing.

Crap, half the time folks on the right are too busy arguing the perfect candidate....2A is a great example of this behavior.

Meanwhile the left is kicking our collective asses.

You're right, it is hopeless, just bend over and smile. There aren't enough team oriented, intelligent people left on the right any more. The defeatist mindset is mind boggling.

03-28-16, 23:38
No it is not a joke and it can be a heck of a lot more productive than bitching on the Internet.

The left certainly never shuts up, hell, they even organize protests. Which is precisely why we are losing.

Crap, half the time folks on the right are too busy arguing the perfect candidate....2A is a great example of this behavior.

Meanwhile the left is kicking our collective asses.

You're right, it is hopeless, just bend over and smile. There aren't enough team oriented, intelligent people left on the right any more. The defeatist mindset is mind boggling.

Stop for a minute and think about who you're going to write and call. My rep is a SOLID conservative. As such, dipshits like Boner and Ryan exclude him from any important committees. He has no power to affect anything as important a reigning in DoJ. The RINO establishment runs all the important stuff with an iron fist.

My Senators are a RINO and a relic who's forgotten what it meant to be a conservative. Even if your Senator is Mike Lee, Sad Turtle McConnell isn't going to allow any opposition to DoJ while they're focused elsewhere. It might ruin their power struggle to remain second fiddle to the Democrats.

Seriously, this and s the most feckless and impotent "majority" in modern history. Do you really think they'd do anything about this, assuming they even could? :(

03-28-16, 23:43
Last week in Waco, a local court sentenced a guy to 12 consecutive life terms plus 20 years on top of these for parole violation. The man was a pimp, human trafficker, and captor of an under aged girl that he kept on heroin so he could sell her out of his house to anyone interested.

03-29-16, 00:20
I had the NWA record too. Despite all the racism and bitching about the police; it was catchy.

In fact, 100 miles and running is on my million year old Creativ mp3 player.

I'm not saying he commited any crimes worthy of the death penalty per se...but I'm sure there's a nickel or dime stretch in his background that he should've served.

But he was hanging around a LOT of guys with drug money connections and am surprised he wasn't killed by some upstart.

Like Tupac or Biggie.

FWIW, while I find the man's personal life abhorrent and his demise fitting; Eazy E did have a pretty badass HK94 with an Armson OEG.

I actually wonder where it ended up.

I was actually talking about the Stereo Crew single he did with Ice Cube in 1986 and his earlier work with World Class Wreckin Kru starting in 1984. I go back a little further than NWA.

Additionally, unless your name was Russell Simmons or Rick Ruben, there wasn't the same amount of money at stake in 1984 like there was in 1994. You were lucky if people even heard of you and DJs played your record. In 1984 the only place LA recordings got played was in CA for the most part.

Most crossover audiences didn't listed to any rap until Run DMC dropped "Walk This Way" which was on their third album "Raising Hell" (1986). That combined with Yo! MTV Raps which debuted in August of 1988 was when mainstream listeners finally heard groups like Ice T and NWA for the first time.

I also have no illusions about Gangsta Rap, despite liking Ice T all the way back to being the rapper in the Radiotron in the film "Breakin" (1984) he is a former crip / drug dealer. Glad he found a different direction and I didn't know his background at the time, but I'm not gonna make excuses for him or any other former banger, dealer, rapist, murderer, etc.

But Andre Young does seem to have largely been an exception to the rule, especially in the early days. That said, I understand if "battery on a LEO" is sufficient reason enough to not buy his headphones for you. I didn't really know about that one until I looked into his background during this discussion.

Prior to that I only knew of his early background from articles in Source magazine from the early 90s which are obviously going to be somewhat biased with some omissions. But what I know from my days as a DJ (club, radio and studio) and as a studio engineer is that effort on the 1984 Wreckin Kru album didn't happen overnight and he put a LOT of time into his music. It wouldn't have allowed for much "chain snatching" time and selling drugs would have been far more lucrative.

Eric Wright on the other hand, drug dealing POS with minimal talent, heavy production support (ironically mostly from Andre Young) and just happened to be right place and right time to cash in.

That's all I'm trying to say.

ETA: Summer of 1988 every cop I knew was playing "F- The Police."

03-29-16, 00:59
'Shoplifters of the world, unite and take over' was a Smiths song.

It should not be Legal Doctrine.

If they want to turn us into South Africa....fine.

Rorschach said it best "One day the world will look up and shout save us. And I'll whisper "no""

Great Odin's raven . . . as an avid Smith's and Watchmen fan I doth declare there is so much win in this post!

03-29-16, 01:04
You make some good points.

Actually for a minute, if you had anything 2 Live Crew....you were like Fonzie times a million. I was a bit more of a Cypress Hill person really. And Snap.

That said "F the Police" is on my 'Ghetto Jihad' mix CD.

But we risk straying off topic too much.

Still....I really wish I knew the fate of Eazy's HK94. A morbid part of me thinks it should be in a museum.

I wasn't reeeeaally the biggest rap fan (more new wave/bubblegum pop/hair metal) but like I LOVED the gory gangster rap videos. At least until they started getting censored or not played.
A lot of the raps were like a retard trying to rhyme but it had people getting shot to hell and it was different from guys being all artistic or showing off some car.

Hell I liked Predator 2 just because of the gory urban combat. But...yeah.

03-29-16, 01:12
Last week in Waco, a local court sentenced a guy to 12 consecutive life terms plus 20 years on top of these for parole violation. The man was a pimp, human trafficker, and captor of an under aged girl that he kept on heroin so he could sell her out of his house to anyone interested.

After the jury's verdict was read he should have been walked out back of the court house, stood against the wall, and shot until dead by a detail of six rifleman.

That is how you solve the whole over crowded prisons / repeat offenders debacle. Saves the us tax payers B I L L I O N S!

People say we are a prison state and that we have more people incarcerated than red China, newsflash that is because the CHICOMs execute a lot of f'n people every year.

03-29-16, 01:18
I've re-posted a thread several times here that I created after AG Eric "Running Guns to Mexican Cartels" Holder gave a speech at the NAACP national convention right after the George Zimmerman trial concluded. In that speech he attacked self defense case law and that same week the Congressional Black Caucus called for self defense law reform.

Essentially self defense is being criminalized. Firearms and firearm ownership is being demonized. LE and now the courts and prisons are RACIST. This is straight out of the Marxist playbook.

South Africa indeed . . .

03-29-16, 02:01
You make some good points.

Actually for a minute, if you had anything 2 Live Crew....you were like Fonzie times a million. I was a bit more of a Cypress Hill person really. And Snap.

That said "F the Police" is on my 'Ghetto Jihad' mix CD.

But we risk straying off topic too much.

Still....I really wish I knew the fate of Eazy's HK94. A morbid part of me thinks it should be in a museum.

I wasn't reeeeaally the biggest rap fan (more new wave/bubblegum pop/hair metal) but like I LOVED the gory gangster rap videos. At least until they started getting censored or not played.
A lot of the raps were like a retard trying to rhyme but it had people getting shot to hell and it was different from guys being all artistic or showing off some car.

Hell I liked Predator 2 just because of the gory urban combat. But...yeah.

I actually go all the way back to when 2 Live did "The Revelation" on an independent CA label before Luther Campbell formed Luke Skyywalker records which existed for about 4 years before George Lucas found out about it and shut him down, forcing Campbell to establish Luke records, but by then it was over Campbell went from producer to recording artist with crap like "It's Your Birthday..."


Cypress had a few, but that is about the time I was moving on from rap / hip hop. I never really considered Snap to be rap, even though it obviously was, it was more pop like C&C Music Factory. And once it was used for the soundtrack to "The Perfect Weapon" starring Jeff Speakman, it usually just made me laugh when I heard it. It was right up there with "Turtle Power" by Partners in Kryme.

03-29-16, 02:07
I've re-posted a thread several times here that I created after AG Eric "Running Guns to Mexican Cartels" Holder gave a speech at the NAACP national convention right after the George Zimmerman trial concluded. In that speech he attacked self defense case law and that same week the Congressional Black Caucus called for self defense law reform.

Essentially self defense is being criminalized. Firearms and firearm ownership is being demonized. LE and now the courts and prisons are RACIST. This is straight out of the Marxist playbook.

South Africa indeed . . .

Back on track, I think nearly all of us saw this coming in 2008 when Obama was running the first time. His political career started with known leftists terrorists.


Ayers and his wife, Bernardine Dohrn, hosted a gathering at their home in 1995, where Alice Palmer introduced Obama as her chosen successor in the Illinois State Senate.

In hindsight it's almost hilarious that Trump would be criticized for not condemning David Duke quickly enough when Obama was literally brought into politics by one of the worst domestic terrorists groups this country has ever seen.

03-29-16, 02:13
Back on track, I think nearly all of us saw this coming in 2008 when Obama was running the first time. His political career started with known leftists terrorists.


Ayers and his wife, Bernardine Dohrn, hosted a gathering at their home in 1995, where Alice Palmer introduced Obama as her chosen successor in the Illinois State Senate.

In hindsight it's almost hilarious that Trump would be criticized for not condemning David Duke quickly enough when Obama was literally brought into politics by one of the worst domestic terrorists groups this country has ever seen.

Yup, Marxist subversives all.

03-29-16, 03:19
I was really pissed off when I read this article, but I noticed that the letter wasn't linked and that makes me suspicious when I'm reading a NY Post editorial. I searched around and found the actual letter from DOJ. https://www.justice.gov/crt/file/832461/download It's not quite the all about race nonsense its made out to be. It actually only mentions it once in 9 pages and isn't even close to the craziest thing I've read from DOJ this month. It really is more about not making fines for fine only offenses so high that they become de facto jail sentences for the poor, which isn't totally crazy.

Think about this, in NY if your check engine light is on you can't pass inspection and without a valid inspection you can't renew your registration. You can't afford to sink $500 into your otherwise perfectly fine car to fix the O2 sensors right now but you have to go to work so you drive with your expired inspection and expired registration. You get stopped for your inspection and your registration also comes up expired. You get two tickets but the cop cuts you some slack and doesn't impound your unregistered vehicle. You go to work. You still can't afford the repair a week later and you get stopped again. This time you get two more tickets and the car gets impounded, he gave you a break last time you know. You have to get to work tomorrow so you pay the $100 impound fee but now you still have 4 tickets and an unregistered/uninspected car that you have to drive if you want to keep your job to have any chance of paying. You plea not guilty hoping to tell your sob story and get a break but traffic court is only on Mondays at 0900 so you miss a day of work (pay) to go there. You talk to the prosecutor, she cuts you a deal but not a great deal because your registration and inspection are still expired so she drops one unregistered and you plea to two uninspected and one unregistered, $300. Not bad but between that, the impound fee and the lost day of work you're now into it for more than $500 and you didn't have that in the first place so you're late on the fine and now your license is suspended, but you still have that shitty job and that shitty car so you're still driving it to work and you still don't have that $500 to fix the O2 sensors so that shitty car is still unregistered and uninspected. The cop sees you again and now you're under arrest for aggravated unlicensed operation, a misdemeanor. Your suspension is for failing to pay a fine so you seem like the type who would fail to appear so the sergeant sets your bail at $100. You scrape that up but your no closer to getting those O2 sensors fixed and you're $100 further away from paying that fine plus you just got three more tickets and AUO is a misdemeanor so you have to be in court for that on Wednesday at 9 AM. The process from arrest to getting someone to come down with your bail took three hours so now you're three hours late for work. As far as your job is concerned last month you missed a day and today you were three hours late, if you don't show up Wednesday you're let go so **** it, you don't have the money anyway and you're not going to get it by getting fired so you miss court. Now you have a warrant, a suspended license, and an unregistered and uninspected vehicle. On Friday you're on your way to work and the cop from before saw that a warrant came down for you and knows you're still suspended so now he's looking for you, that's his job. You're stopped, you're arrested and now you have three more tickets and you have to see the judge for the warrant. You missed court and you're driving again and you still owe all those fines so your bail is $500. We already know you're not coming up with $500 today so its off to the county jail for the weekend until your next court date, oh and by the way you missed work so you're fired.

I'm not sure what the answer is, but putting people in jail for O2 sensors doesn't seem like it. Maybe more community service?

03-29-16, 03:24
I'm not sure what the answer is, but putting people in jail for O2 sensors doesn't seem like it. Maybe more community service?

How about they get rid of all the useless crap like 02 sensors, especially when it's nothing more than a greenie device. Also over regulation is another problem, my 02 sensor doesn't work by my car passed inspection just fine. I get a little less mpg but not enough to justify fixing the 02 sensor.

03-29-16, 08:18
I was really pissed off when I read this article, but I noticed that the letter wasn't linked and that makes me suspicious when I'm reading a NY Post editorial. I searched around and found the actual letter from DOJ. https://www.justice.gov/crt/file/832461/download It's not quite the all about race nonsense its made out to be. It actually only mentions it once in 9 pages and isn't even close to the craziest thing I've read from DOJ this month. It really is more about not making fines for fine only offenses so high that they become de facto jail sentences for the poor, which isn't totally crazy.

I thought the same, but couldn't find the letter. Thanks for posting!

03-31-16, 08:28
I also think that in lieu of sex ed they start administering depo shots to these heifer bitches who won't stop defecating a surplus of humanity we simply don't need.

HAHAHAHA.......toooo funny and pure poetry.